Personal income tax reporting: adjusting according to new rules
Certificate 2-NDFL, what is it Every year, all employers must submit information to the Federal Tax Service
Idea No. 316: features of opening a hotel for keeping animals
What services are provided at the pet hotel? The standard package of services is presented in the table. Table No. 1. Popular
Excise-free cigarettes and the amount of excise tax on tobacco products in 2020
Legislative framework and latest news for 2019 Excise taxes are components of the cost of goods,
Correspondence with foreign partners on organizing meetings and negotiations
Letter setting up a meeting with the manager for negotiations
It is difficult to imagine what role contacts play in running a business. An intermediary between counterparties can be
demonstration stand for aviation instruments, flight simulator
PMK Group franchise - design and survey, cadastral and geodetic works
Business specifics Basically, the architectural bureau offers its clients the following services: • design project with
We are opening a business - a mini-workshop for the production of stewed meat
What stores does a person visit every day? Of course grocery! Among the abundance of different products these days,
Cost management optimization
Ways to reduce costs - advice from professionals
In modern economic conditions, characterized by crisis phenomena in various industries, sanctions restrictions and exchange rates
how to calculate the insurance period for sick leave
What is included in the length of service when calculating a pension: changes in the law.
Legal advice > Labor law > How to calculate the insurance period using effective formulas All
Sales income
How to open a custom embroidery business on textiles and clothing from scratch
General features of a home business Home business is an option for those who want to earn and
where are the cash receipts?
How to correct cash receipts in an online cash register without fines
The reform of the gradual transfer of business to online cash registers was not initially accepted by all entrepreneurs; many
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