Sample order for transfer to another job T-5 in 2020

The transfer of an employee to another position is usually made due to production needs or personnel changes. Despite the fact that this phenomenon occurs quite often in the enterprise, some specialists have difficulties with its correct registration. Let's take a closer look at the reasons and types of transfers, as well as how to correctly issue the appropriate order.

According to Article 72.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, transfer to another job is a permanent or temporary change in the employee’s labor function while continuing to work for the same employer. It can only be done by agreement of the parties, with the exception of certain cases, which we will consider below.

Types and reasons for transfer

The Labor Code provides for temporary and permanent transfers. Temporary work is done for another job, but with the same employer. Such an appointment may be for a period of no more than 1 year. If an employee holds a temporary position for more than this time, the shift becomes permanent. A temporary appointment must be agreed upon with the employee, unless it is due to the following factors:

  • a natural or man-made disaster that threatens the life of the entire population or part of it;
  • industrial accident;
  • industrial accident;
  • downtime of equipment or property that may deteriorate due to the absence of an employee;
  • downtime of equipment or property that may deteriorate due to man-made or natural reasons.

In such cases, personnel reshuffle can be carried out for a period of no more than one month. However, assignment to work requiring lower qualifications can only be made with the written consent of the employee. As for remuneration, it cannot be lower than the average salary for the previous job.

A permanent transfer can only be made with the consent of the employee. But even in this case, the legislation provides for mechanisms for forced change of position. For example, when an employee can no longer carry out his work activities due to health reasons and this is confirmed by a medical certificate. Another case is when a company is downsizing, resulting in personnel changes.

Please note that the employee’s consent is not required when moving from the same employer to another workplace or structural unit located in the same area. And also when entrusting work with other devices and mechanisms, if this does not contradict the terms of the employment contract.

Types of transfer depending on the reason for transfer to another position

So, depending on the reason for the transfer, an employee can change one position to another (Article 72.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • temporarily;
  • on an ongoing basis.

A temporary transfer implies a change in an employee’s position for a predetermined period (for example, during the absence of a full-time specialist).

Note! Temporary transfer is possible within 1 year or until the replaced specialist returns to work. If, after this period, the employee continues to work in a temporary position and the employer does not require him to return to his previous job, the transfer is considered permanent (Article 72.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

As noted above, a change in an employee's position usually requires his or her written consent. However, this is not always the case with temporary transfers. For example, you can forcibly change the position of a specialist if some kind of natural disaster or emergency situation occurs, and also if:

  • such a disaster caused production downtime;
  • because of it, it was necessary to urgently prevent damage to the company’s property or replace a temporarily absent specialist with another full-time employee (Article 72.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

However, without the consent of a specialist, it can be transferred for a period of no longer than 1 month.

Important! Even in this case, only with the consent of the specialist can he be transferred to a position that, in terms of the level of required qualifications, is lower than his current one.

If we are talking about a transfer on a permanent basis, it is possible only with the consent of the employee (Article 72.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The above is also true in the case when the company changes its location, i.e. moves.

However, there are cases when a transfer to a permanent new position can be carried out forcibly:

  • When expressly required by law. For example, if a specialist cannot continue to work in his previous position due to health conditions, there is medical information about this. conclusion (Article 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
  • If the company intends to reduce staff. It must first offer employees options for transitioning within the company.

For information on how a company should document a staff reduction, see the article “Order on dismissal due to staff reduction - sample.”

Procedure for registering a transfer to another position

The translation processing algorithm depends on its type. To assign a person to perform another job on a permanent basis, the employer must follow the following procedure:

  1. Conclude an additional agreement.
  2. Issue an order for transfer to another position.
  3. Make an appropriate entry in your work book.
  4. Enter information about the appointment in the employee’s personal card.

The additional agreement specifies all new conditions offered to the employee. In particular, the title of the position, salary, work schedule, and so on. This document is drawn up in two copies, which are certified by both parties. Each party to the agreement retains one copy. Then an order is drawn up, the rules for its execution will be discussed below.

Drawing up an order in free form

  • The full name of the legal entity is indicated in the header of the document.
  • Next, write down the name of the document, the date of preparation and the assigned number.

Now we need to describe in detail the essence of the order. To do this, provide the following information:

  • FULL NAME. and the position of the employee who will be transferred;
  • name of the new position;
  • the date from which the transfer will be made;
  • salary for the new position;
  • basis for transfer.

At the bottom of the order to transfer the employee to another job, his full name is indicated. and the signature of the general director. After this there should be the phrase “I have read the order,” the employee’s signature and the date of his familiarization with the order.

Based on the approved order, the HR department employee makes entries in the personal card and work book, and an additional agreement to the employment contract is concluded. If the transfer to another position is temporary, no entries need to be made in the work book.

Sample order in free form

Order to transfer an employee to another job

The order is issued on the basis of the unified form T-5, which was approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. It is a form in which all the necessary information about the employee, his previous and new place of work and the basis for the change of position are entered. At the end, the document is certified by the signatures of the manager and employee. It is worth remembering that in the Order you need to indicate the type of transfer in the appropriate line. When applying for a temporary one, you must also indicate the start and end date of work in the new position. If the end date is not known, then a condition is entered under which the employee will return to his job. For example, until your colleague returns. A sample order for transfer to another position is presented below.

Transfer order in form T-5: sample 2019

The following features of drawing up an order can be highlighted:

  • If the initiator of the transfer is the employee himself, then in the “Reason for transfer” column of the form you need to indicate this (by writing “at the initiative of the employee”); in the “Bases” column - provide the details of the employee’s application for transfer, as well as additional agreements to the employment contract.
  • If the initiator of the transfer is the employer, then in the “Reason for transfer” column, give, if possible, a specific reason (for example, a promotion or the opening of a new department); in the “Bases” column - reflect the details of the additional agreement and all other official documents (representations, memos, etc.) that were drawn up as part of the translation process.
  • The columns “Type of transfer” and the column indicating the period of a person’s performance of new work should not contradict each other in essence. The most obvious thing is when, during a permanent translation, the end date of the new work is not entered in the corresponding column. Or it is placed - but the form indicates that the transfer is temporary. Non-obvious options are also possible - for example, if a person is transferred until the end of a project. In this case, in the “Type of translation” column it is written that the translation was carried out for the period of implementation of such and such a project. The date is set if known exactly.

The order signed by the head of the enterprise is handed over to the employee for review - which he certifies in writing by putting his signature and indicating the date of review in the relevant columns of the document.


(order) to transfer an employee to another job

Transfer to another job With
Personnel Number

(Full Name)

(type of transfer (permanent, temporary))

Previous place of work
(structural subdivision)
(position (specialty, profession), rank, class (category) of qualifications)

(reason for transfer)

New place


(structural subdivision)
(position (specialty, profession), rank, class (category) of qualifications)
tariff rate (salary) rub. cop.
(in numbers)
allowance rub. cop.
(in numbers)


amendment to the employment contract from “ 20 city ​​no. ; or

another document

(document (application, medical report, etc.))

Head of the organization
(job title) (personal signature) (full name)
The employee is familiar with the order (instruction) 20 G.
(personal signature)

Download the document “Order (instruction) on the transfer of an employee to another job. Form N T-5"

Order to transfer an employee to another position: how to fill out the form correctly

When filling out the significant details of orders of this type, you should be guided by the following explanations:

  • When filling out the column “Structural unit,” the name of a separate unit, as well as a department, workshop, site, etc. can be entered (see paragraph 16 of the resolution of the plenum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2004 No. 2).
  • When filling out the field with the expiration date of the transfer, a dash is placed in it if the employee is transferred to a permanent job. If the employee will work in a new position only until a certain event occurs (for example, until the main employee returns from maternity leave), this event must be indicated in this column. There is another option: register the event in the “Type of transfer” field, and enter the end date after it occurs.
  • When filling out the “Tariff Rate” field, you must indicate the amount. In some cases (for example, when transferring to a lower-paid job), it is permissible to add lines and make the necessary comment (for example, about maintaining the employee’s average earnings in the previous position for a set time, etc.).
  • When filling out the “Bases” line, you should indicate the details not of the employment contract, but of the document that served as the basis for changing its terms (additional agreement, medical report on the inability to work in the previous position, statement of the employee himself, etc.). If an employee was hired without concluding an employment contract before 10/06/1992, the “Bases” line is filled in according to the above rules, and the “Change to the employment contract” field remains empty (see Instructions for the use and completion of primary accounting documentation forms, approved by the resolution No. 1).

Thus, an order for transfer to another job can be drawn up either in a unified form or in a free form, indicating all significant details.

Such a document is drawn up in a single copy. It must contain the signatures of the head of the organization and the transferred employee.

Structure of a transfer order

Regardless of the form according to which the transfer order is drawn up, the following points are indicated in the document :

  • Name;
  • Serial number of the act;
  • Name of the organization and OKPO;
  • Full name of the employee/employees;
  • The name of the previous place (department) of work indicating the position;
  • Date of preparation;
  • The basis on which the transfer occurs;
  • The salary increase for the new position and the amount of the previous salary.

You can find out how to draw up an order for hiring an employee and download a sample of it in this article.

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