Basics of Internet marketing, Internet marketing.
What is Internet marketing Internet marketing is a set of actions aimed at promoting goods and services in
When to submit a balance sheet if the reporting period is shortened or extended
Accounting statements: how to submit them in 2020
Composition of annual financial statements 2020 Annual financial statements of commercial companies must include: Balance sheet;
car leasing for individuals
How can an individual lease a car?
At this stage, car leasing for individuals is not widespread in Russia.
Instructions for filling out the work permit (hereinafter referred to as the work order) for high-risk work (2018)
Why do you need a work permit? To carry out such processes, you need a special document - a work permit. He
marshmallow production
What is marshmallow made from at the factory, how to make it at home
Classification Making marshmallows involves including a small amount of ingredients into its composition. The list of such
What kind of financial statements do newly created organizations submit?
Those who are required to maintain accounting must prepare and submit financial statements. And that's all
Cow breeding
Business plan for a Lely dairy farm for 1200 heads of cattle (with financial calculations)
In this material: Description of the cattle breeding business Relevance Products Meat and dairy breeds
sheep at sunset
Breeding sheep at home for beginners
Sheep farming is popular among farmers and commercial farms. Beginning farmers often start their business
RF Armed Forces: supplementary SZV-M with “forgotten” workers should not be fined
Instruction 1: they forgot to include the employee in SZV-M If you forgot to include a person in SZV-M,
Report on the average number of employees for August 2020
From this article you will learn: who in 2020 must submit information about the average salary
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