Your own business: how to open a roadside fast food cafe
How to quickly promote a roadside cafe. Experience of Japanese restaurateurs
* The calculations use average data for Russia Starting investments: from 2,000,000
Automotive sector
The employer, instead of signing an employment contract, asks to open an individual entrepreneur: should I agree or not?
Features of obtaining individual entrepreneur status in 2019 An individual entrepreneur is usually understood as an individual
Plastic bag production line
Do you want to buy equipment for the production of plastic bags in Moscow?
Every modern person will agree that life is now simply unthinkable without plastic bags.
Rules and legislative procedure for compensation of material damage by an employee to an employer
Collecting damages from an employee is an unpleasant process. But what to do if, after quitting, the employee left behind
Own business: production of artesian water. How much does it cost to build a water well?
The owner (production of bottled water "Slavnaya") Alexander Usenok told how much it costs to start a water business in
Why is it profitable to open a business in Dubai in 2020?
Which country should I choose? If you are the owner of a technology company, it makes sense to enter the market in
agriculture okved
Agriculture: OKVED. Animal husbandry. Vegetable growing. Growing mushrooms
OKVED codes for peasant farms (peasant farms) OKVED codes (All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities) –
Review of equipment for the production of laminated veneer lumber
Glued laminated timber is one of the modern types of lumber. When building wooden houses, it acts as an alternative
Welding business in a garage
How to start a profitable welding business in your city - recommendations
I am glad to welcome you again, dear colleagues. Today, I want to discuss with you the topic of welding
buy an inflatable water park
Business plan for the Dolphin Water Park project Founders: Kvint Yu. Yu. Tkachev I. Yu. Lukonina A.N. Dementiev A. A. - presentation
Experienced entrepreneurs may be interested in the question of how much it costs to open a water park and how to do it. After all
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