The most popular online professions for freelancing

The most in-demand freelance professions

To begin with, I will list the most popular and in-demand specialties, vacancies for which can be found almost everywhere and in huge quantities.

  • Copywriter;
  • Website layout designer – ideally, you should combine both front-end and back-end development;
  • Web Designer;
  • Contextual advertising specialist;
  • Social group administrator networks;
  • Programmer;
  • Translator;
  • Remote Assistance;

Copywriters, programmers and people involved in the creation and promotion of websites have the most work. Vacancies can be found on any freelance exchange or on special sites/publics on social networks. Moreover, these same vacancies are just a sea of ​​\u200b\u200band each has different requirements for the performer.

This list is gradually increasing, as more and more people prefer to work from home or any other place rather than in a stuffy office. But employers do not want to pay a lot of money to rent these very offices and buy the necessary equipment and consumables. In the end, everyone is happy.

Well, now let me describe all the available Internet professions for remote work, so that you have a larger list before your eyes from which you can choose the most suitable occupation. It was compiled after studying several freelance exchanges, popular blogs on the topic of making money on the Internet and, in fact, communities of freelancers and remote workers, where employers often post vacancies.

Rule 1: Call by name

It would seem that only those who flew from the Moon yesterday do not know that they need to address their counterparts by name. But, according to my observations, only 2 out of 10 messages begin with a name mention. So, recently I needed an assistant copywriter for a large project. Which could complete the task by at least 50%. So that all I have to do is bring the text up to standard, but not write from scratch.

None of the five candidates addressed me by name. Of course, I answered: “Hello, Svetlana (Irina, Frosya, etc.).” After 5-6 messages I couldn’t stand it and wrote one in plain text: “By the way, my name is Tatyana.” The sweet child responded like this: “Nice to meet you, Lena” (!). And this after I had already mentioned her name three times in response.

Yes, you can miss this moment out of habit. Therefore, re-read your short message and add the person’s name if you forgot to do so. In personal correspondence, such problems are not critical, but in work correspondence they immediately reduce the chances of client loyalty.

Work with text

  • Copywriter;
  • Rewriter;
  • SEO copywriter;
  • Technical Writer;
  • PR specialist;
  • Content manager;
  • Screenwriter;
  • Forum moderator;
  • Website moderator;
  • Transcription of audio into text;


Also very much in demand. Many Russian companies dream of entering the world market, and foreign companies publish a huge amount of excellent materials, which in turn our sites need. Thus, good translators always have many clients.

The main thing is to understand that being able to copy text into Google Translate and then simply bring it into the proper form does not mean being a professional translator.

Average salary per month of work: from 40 thousand rubles. If you have a good portfolio and a large number of orders, you can achieve an income of 80-100 thousand rubles, collaborating both with various translation agencies and with direct customers.

Duration of training: You can learn a language in about 3-4 years, and after a year of practice you can bring your knowledge and skills to perfection. But if you have an aptitude for languages, then the training period is reduced.

Prospects: in the field of translations there is a so-called ceiling. On average, you can earn up to 100-110 thousand rubles per month. Further, it can be difficult to break through; you will have to prove that your work is worth more than that of your competitive colleagues.

Unskilled labor

There is a vast area here that does not require any special skills. The Internet is full of services offering payment for clicks on ads, likes on social networks, and posting on forums. There is also a higher level - online assistants and performers of various tasks, for example, searching for information or sending mail. To enter the niche you don’t need practically anything other than a computer. But it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to actually make money – the pay is so low. Offline, a similar profession can be called a handyman or a cleaner.

Video editor

This is the name of a video editing specialist who edits video, removes unnecessary noise or frames, does voiceover, adds captions and special effects.

For such work, you need a fairly powerful computer with a good video card, and you also need to be proficient in editing programs (SonyVegas, Adobe Premiere, Corel Video Studio, 3D MAX). You can learn basic editing skills within a few weeks, and the payment for a small video ranges from 500 rubles to several thousand.

You may be interested in: Opening an online store in VK

Web design and programming

The web space confidently holds the lead in the list: both in terms of demand and supply. True masters in their field feel best here. A competent web programmer will never be left without orders; another question is that you still need to become one. The market is filled with a huge number of freelancers of various levels: on the exchanges you can see schoolchildren, housewives who have completed free website building courses, self-taught retirees, and numerous graduates of retraining courses at universities. Each of them is able to find his own client if he is ready to agree to his conditions (there are the same mass of clients with minimal budgets who are looking for cheap performers). Basically, the level of income of a specialist fully corresponds to his professionalism and, despite the colossal dumping in this area, real knowledge and skills will be paid according to their merit. Therefore, the conclusion is: if you like it, then you can and should do it in any case. But if you are not a high-class master, then be prepared for cheap orders and a fight for each client. Another way out is to invest heavily in your education and reach a fundamentally different level of income and position in the market.


There are also several popular destinations here.

A web designer deals with web graphics and website design. He must be able to work in graphic editors (Adobe Illustrator, etc.).

An interface designer is a specialized specialist who makes website navigation convenient for users. His customers are usually design studios and web studios. An interface designer must be fluent in HTML, be able to work in graphic editors, and understand the principles of usability.

for an illustrator to have artistic skills and his own style. Such a specialist is in demand in the development of computer games, advertising, animation, and publishing houses.

A graphic designer creates a unified style for the company - brand book, logo, font and color schemes. He develops advertising brochures and other corporate materials.

Profitable areas and directions for freelancing and remote work in 2020

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There are more profitable and less profitable directions in freelancing. As a rule, a balance is maintained in one area: some areas bring in little income, while others bring in income above the market average. How to choose a sphere?

Basic Rules

1) The Pareto principle works. 20% - money projects, 80% - for the soul and what you do best.

2) It’s quite easy to track the profitable and unprofitable ones: budgets differ on stock exchanges and job sites. Go to hh, which I relied on when writing the article, and you will see the difference.

3) There are areas with large budgets, you can build on them and only then choose a direction.

Areas for high remote earnings

So, the best pay in freelancing and remote work is now:

  • Gamedev – games for mobile and browsers: this includes actual development, art rendering, and analytics. There is a lot of money in game development, salaries start from 70,000 rubles;
  • E-sports – have you heard about let’s plays, broadcasts of computer games? This is it. Players and everyone around them will find themselves here: there are educational projects for e-sportsmen, and they also need their own designers, marketers, and copywriters;
  • E-learning – all online education, salaries start from 45,000 rubles (for example, Vikium, Puzzle English, Skyeng, Englishdom, 4Brain, Netology, SimpliLearn), you can search here;
  • Fintech – various technologies for financial management, including applications, salary from 50,000.

Almost anyone can go into these areas, they will still pay well.

Profitable areas of freelancing

Now - in areas that pay decently regardless of the field:

UX/UI design – development of interfaces: convenient, beautiful and generating more sales, salary 55-275 thousand rubles;

Motion design/video design : actually animated design, used both in interfaces and in videos, especially in advertising, salary 50-150 thousand rubles;

Marketing , especially e-mail newsletters and targeted advertising, work with Youtube, competent work with Instagram: 40-175 thousand rubles;

Layout - knowledge of HTML/CSS/Javascript required, 45-80 thousand rubles;

Programming, development and testing are traditionally the highest paid professions in IT; remotely you can earn up to 400 thousand rubles;

Recruiting in IT – recently, many remote and freelance recruiters have appeared, and they receive 40-80 thousand per month (you need to understand finding job seekers and employers on LinkedIn and Facebook).

Naturally, you won’t be paid hundreds of thousands right out of the gate. These are just the areas that are worth paying attention to if you are looking for profitable options . After choosing, you need to upgrade in them, gain experience and the necessary skills, after which you can get the desired earnings.


Your field is design and illustration. She has many directions, all with different average incomes.

Average income is printing, banners, logos. There are also images for social networks, infographics, presentations. There are quite a lot of such projects and vacancies, and they are easy to get. Earnings are about 40 thousand per month.

High income - art for 2D/3D games, character illustrations, interface design (that same UI/UX), interior design. They need good experience and a strong portfolio.

You can draw characters for games and combine this with illustrations for websites and packaging, or, for example, do printing and interface design.

Another option is to combine two different areas, for example, design and layout. If you can not only draw a design, but also layout a website with it, you will receive payment for two and will have twice as many orders, and both areas are on the high-budget list.

Don't know where to start? Start with the mini-course “Start Freelancing” for only 590 rubles: you will choose your direction in freelancing, create your first portfolio and draw up an action plan for the next 3 months. Buy the course here!


Don’t think that to make money from photography you don’t need anything other than a camera. To work, you will need not only a good camera, but also appropriate skills. Usually photographers have their own specialization: it can be wedding, advertising, family, reportage, or model photography.

Thanks to the Internet, a photographer from the Russian outback will be able to sell his creations to a buyer from Europe or the USA. Typically, photographers make money either by selling their services to private or corporate clients (for example, maintaining an account on Instagram and attracting clients through it), or by selling photos through photo stocks. In the latter case, the photographer just needs to register on such a resource, pass verification and start posting photos.


Specialists in the field of arbitrage are engaged in the resale of traffic. The profession has many prospects, but is also very difficult. The bottom line is that advertising materials are purchased, an advertising campaign is set up, and profit is made from the difference between income and expenses.

Arbitration specialists are valued everywhere. People who know how to bring clients from the Internet and at the lowest price are worth their weight in gold.

Average salary per month of work: there is no specific data, since usually arbitrage traders do not like to say how much they actually earn, but large companies involved in arbitration conclude multi-million dollar deals.

Duration of training: Arbitration training can be compared to Forex training. You won’t understand your mistakes until you blow your budget and make some big mistakes yourself. The entire work process is a constant gain of experience and training. You must always be aware of events, learn and apply new tricks and knowledge; if you stop, you will immediately lose income.

Prospects: no restrictions. It all depends on your desire to work and earn money and your talent.

All freelance exchanges in one place - exchange aggregators

  • - the site contains more than 50 exchanges, as well as foreign ones. There is a personal account to track your order.
  • is a simple, excellent aggregator with the most popular exchanges among freelancers.

On this note, I will end my description of the most in-demand remote professions. I hope the article was useful in broadening your horizons and helping you learn more about these professions.

For choosing and learning a remote profession, I recommend taking courses from Natalia Odegova in the 1day1step project. You can “try on” many different remote professions on her website and take the “Which profession is right for you” test for free.

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