Simplifying life: how to automate personnel records, avoid mistakes and fines

Conducting personnel records
The main value of any enterprise is its personnel. No matter how the owner himself thinks through the ways of developing his business, no matter how profitable and successful it may seem to him, without a team of experienced professionals who will be able to bring all the boss’s plans to life, nothing will work out.

Often, a manager who decides to take on the responsibilities of recruiting personnel, and at the same time, postponing until later the maintenance of all necessary personnel documentation, leads to serious neglect in personnel records. And this, naturally, leads to serious penalties from regulatory authorities.

Therefore, competent organization of personnel records management is a very important component of the work of any company. This process is quite labor-intensive and requires certain experience and knowledge of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

What is personnel records management

competently conduct personnel records management
Personnel records management is a personnel management system that ensures uninterrupted work with the document flow of an enterprise related to personnel, their movement within the company, recording working hours and settlements with employees.

Ten years ago, each organization had its own personnel department and the office work process was fairly standardized, which did not require a creative approach from the employees of this department.

Today it has changed; for an HR employee, only an analytical mind will no longer be enough. A personnel officer must have a creative and imaginative approach when recruiting personnel, like an HR manager, literacy and legal knowledge of a lawyer, pedantry and scrupulousness in managing the affairs of an accountant, and knowledge of special programs.

Often, accountant-lawyer-HR manager, these three professions are intertwined into one - HR clerk.

How to organize office work from scratch

It will also be useful if your organization has been operating for some time, but you began to wonder how correctly and rationally the work with documents is structured.

We bring to your attention an approximate step-by-step guide to creating an optimal office management system in a single organization, presented in an accessible form, so that even a person without special education can get the job done.


The main stages of creating office work from scratch are:

  • organization of document flow (optimal movement of finished documents within the organization);
  • creation of documents (documenting activities);
  • ensuring the storage of documents and their use.

As a rule, many employees of the organization are involved in the preparation and execution of documents.

The organization of document flow falls entirely within the area of ​​responsibility of the office management service, and it can have different names depending on the assigned functions, the size of the organization and the subjective preferences of management - general department, office, business management, etc.; in a small company, most often, all work is delegated to the secretary .

First of all, you need to decide on uniform rules for working with documents. It is best to consolidate them in the office work instructions. It is necessary to take into account that in modern office work a lot is determined directly by the organization itself, since often regulations provide only recommendations.

To accomplish this, the office management service will need to develop two main documents:

  • instructions for office work, which establishes the rules adopted within the organization for working with documents at all stages of working with them;
  • nomenclature of files, which is a system for grouping documents into files, and is also used to record documents with temporary storage periods, their selection for transfer to the archive or for destruction.

If an organization is just starting its activities (i.e., certain rules have not yet been established) or the development of instructions for office work at this stage seems like an overwhelming task, then temporarily you can limit yourself to provisions (regulations, etc.) in certain areas approved by orders of the manager.

Our advice. Any work should begin by studying the required minimum of regulatory and methodological documents. In office work, such documents are:

  • GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation";


Responsibilities of a HR document manager

Responsibilities of a HR document manager
HR documents, the maintenance of which is the responsibility of the clerk:

Maintaining document flow dictated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • formation of personal files of enterprise employees;
  • preparation of certificates, sick leave certificates and applications;
  • preparation of personnel orders;
  • development of time sheets and recording of working hours;
  • submission of periodic reports on the unified social tax;
  • accrual and calculation of wages and more.

Automation of personnel records

The use of various computer programs for accounting greatly simplifies the process; at the moment there are quite a lot of them.

Of course, the current one is “1C: Enterprise,” which allows you to automatically print documents and automate the entire process, but there are a number of other programs that are much younger and more progressive.

Personnel administration and personnel records.

Nuances for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs

When hiring an employee to an enterprise and entering personnel records, each form of business has its own characteristics, for example, when hiring an employee for the first time, individual entrepreneurs must be registered as an employer:

  • In the Social Insurance Fund – 10 days from the date of hiring the first employee;
  • In the Pension Fund of Russia - within a month from the date of hiring the employee.

If you exceed this number of days for registration, the company will face penalties.

At the same time, the manager is obliged to obtain a signature from employees for familiarization with regulatory documents; for this it is advisable to keep a journal.

How to conduct personnel records in order to protect the company from problems and fines

How to conduct personnel records
There are several ways to conduct HR activities:

  • The first, on your own, by hiring an employee specifically for this purpose.
  • The second, resorting to the help of organizations specializing in outsourcing of personnel records management.

Both of these options are acceptable and have their advantages.

Regarding the first method, by establishing a personnel department in an organization, its personnel will be able to combine accounting, jurisprudence and the responsibilities of an HR manager, as well as have a good grasp of all the necessary information from within the company.

Also, if the staff is not too large, the manager can take on these responsibilities, saving on wages for employees specialized in this area, but he will have to pay for this with his own nerves and time.

The second option is now gaining more and more popularity and is optimal, and such a service will cost the company much less than hiring an employee on a permanent basis.

The essence of the method is that experienced specialists come to the organization with temporary outsourcing. Their main task is to put all existing HR documents in order.

"ATP waybills"
For large motor transport enterprises, we can recommend the AutoPark software product for accounting for fuels and lubricants. This is a unified system dedicated to the management of a motor transport enterprise.

The waybill is the main document for accounting that certifies the legality of the driver’s expenses. Read about how waybills are kept track of here.

As a result, the company puts in order piles of specific labor documentation, such as:

  • Orders on the hiring, relocation and dismissal of employees.
  • Various acts, time sheets, vacation schedules.
  • Order logs, documentation for familiarizing employees with orders.
  • Regulations on training and certification of employees, their personal cards, labor cards, and so on.

Organization of personnel records: how to keep it, where to start?

Having settled in a new position as a personnel officer, you first need to conduct an audit of the mandatory documentation. If it turns out (and this happens) that some important papers from the list are missing, then they need to be restored. Of course, it will not be possible to carry out such work in one day.

Therefore, you should highlight the most important positions and start with them. Check for the presence and correctness of the design (and if you need to correct or draw up a new document): staffing schedule, vacation schedule, employment contracts, orders, records in labor records.

Keep logs of employment contracts and personnel orders. Create a work record book. Understand personal cards (T-2). Work with local regulations. The main thing is to complete all current documents on time. Work based on the Labor Code and office work rules. And do not destroy personnel records. Their storage time is approved by the Federal Archive (“List…” dated 10/06/2000).

All accounting documents are needed for transparency of labor relations. The personnel system establishes norms and principles that provide stability to the organization’s employees, and administrations create convenient conditions for personnel management.

Mistakes in personnel records management

Typical mistakes when maintaining documentation
Personnel records management is the most important component of an organization; entrusting this work to an inexperienced person can be fraught with a number of mistakes, which, in turn, can lead to administrative and financial liability of the enterprise to the inspection authorities.

More information about possible mistakes

1. Errors when issuing orders. The requirements for the content of the order are not met. This especially applies to orders for the hiring, relocation or dismissal of an employee. The conditions of employment, the nature of the work are incorrectly indicated, and they forget to indicate information about the probationary period under which the candidate is accepted.

Errors in information are allowed when drawing up an order. For example, errors in the employee’s full name, in the name of the structural unit, in the name of the position for which the employee is hired or dismissed.

Failure to comply with the requirements, according to the law, in the form of an order. This type of error is associated with violations in the design of standard forms. Admission of violations in the design and composition of details.

"Important! An order issued by an unauthorized person, executed in non-compliance with the requirements of the law, or drawn up on the basis of documents in violation of regulatory legal acts, has no legal force and is invalid.”

2. Errors when concluding employment agreements. The main typical mistake in this case is concluding an agreement on the basis of improperly executed documents or the absence of one of them, which is included in the list of mandatory documents.

Another mistake is concluding an employment contract with a citizen who has not reached or exceeded a certain age. Common mistakes include registering a citizen entering a job without properly taking into account his or her health status.

3. Errors in maintaining work records. When receiving a work record from a future employee, its series and number must be entered in the work book, but not all enterprises follow this rule.

Cross-throughs and incorrectly entered data in the work insert are not allowed. It is unacceptable to make a record of work in the “information about awards” section, to format the insert improperly, and so on.

What is office work? Record keeping and document management

Basics of office management and document management for beginners


Typically, enterprises have special employees working in this area for this purpose. In small organizations, any employee can have secretary duties. If you decipher the essence of the concept (what office work is), then the origin of the term will be clear. This is the preservation of official information on a tangible medium.

In this process, an organizational and administrative document is created, thanks to which further actions are clear. The word “office work” itself arose a long time ago, but only from the middle of the 20th century it became official.


Basics of office management and document management for beginners

There are the basics of office work and document management for beginners. Thanks to them, you will be able to learn how to organize a legal entity of all types. This is a complex process in which all management employees participate. In one department they fill out and draw up papers, and in another they monitor their movement.

Now there is a unified state system of office work, which specifies all the norms for conducting this area. It is important to control all the stages through which documents need to go. A state standard is also used, which outlines the rules for conducting such work.

The basics of office work and document management for beginners are needed to unify the filling out of papers. This is required in order to ensure comparability of information in one country and in the international sphere.

Thanks to standardization and unification, you will not have to spend a lot of time on reports, since the procedure for getting acquainted with the papers will be simplified. An example is a form with details. They are developed for a single institution, country or for several states.

The forms indicate the responsibility of the company. Before mass printing, you need to check the correctness of the data.

Document flow involves the mandatory registration of papers that are needed in production activities. Employee literacy is associated with the correct distribution of documents, their registration and grouping.

Various seminars are now being held where they talk about the techniques and secrets of this profession. A popular area is personnel records management, since this area involves working with a lot of documents.

This area requires competent specialists. In addition to basic education, they must regularly improve their skills and undergo certification. Employees also need to work with the analytical sphere. Employees create personal personnel files, supplement and clarify information.

Their important function is to monitor the compliance of documents with legal norms. Specialists must promptly send outdated documents to the archive, where they are stored for the required period, usually at least 5 years. Responsibilities include filling out questionnaires used for employment, preparing questions necessary to organize an interview.

Office work and document flow

Basics of office management and document management for beginners

At any enterprise you can hear words such as “paperwork” and “document flow”. What it is? This work is performed by secretaries, archivists, and personnel department employees. Record keeping is the recording of information and the production of paper and electronic documents.

Document flow develops on it. This concept refers to the movement of an order, a letter from its creation to execution. Papers may be archived or destroyed. Depending on the place of their creation, document flow can be external and internal. The source determines the path of the order, instruction, letter.


Conducting office work and document flow is based on its own rules. They must be complied with in order for the company’s activities to be legal. Internal document flow is carried out based on the following stages:

  • Execution of the draft document.
  • Coordination.
  • Signing the project.
  • Assigning a date and number.
  • Registration and execution.
  • Providing information to performers and control.
  • Compliance with instructions.
  • Registration and storage.
  • Destruction or transfer to archive.

The stages of external document flow are almost the same, but slightly different. Papers are transferred to the organization from outside.

They are issued by upstream and downstream companies, branches, authorities, courts and citizens. They must be registered, which confirms their control. Then follows familiarization with them and execution. If required, a response is generated. At the end, the paper is sent to the archives or destroyed.


There are other types of document flow:

  • Ascending – from workers to management.
  • Descending - from managers to staff.
  • Horizontal – with equal positions.

Basics of office management and document management for beginners

The movement of papers is recorded in special journals. They can be issued in different forms, but now the most popular is electronic document management.

Judicial proceedings

What is court proceedings? The court case presents a different list of documents and material evidence. Its proper storage and movement ensures that the law enforcement system operates in accordance with the law.

Electronic personnel document flow in the organization

Electronic personnel document management
To simplify the organization of personnel records, many enterprises are moving away from paperwork and giving preference to an electronic document management system. The operational advantages of such a system are undeniable.

Sanctions for lack of personnel records

Important: an entrepreneur who works for himself has the right not to keep personnel records.

If there is no personnel records at an enterprise or organization, a fine is provided:

  • For an official from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles;
  • For a legal entity from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.

In addition, enterprises may be suspended for 90 days. If verification is envisaged, then:

  • It cannot be unexpected; they warn about it 3 days in advance;
  • It is also carried out for a limited time - 20 days;
  • The visiting commission should be carried out only with the participation of the manager.
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