Sample employment contract with a driver or forwarder

Last modified: June 2020

The specifics of using the labor of transport employees are established by Chapter 51 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. A citizen must undergo professional selection and specialized training. Hiring is carried out after passing a medical examination. The employment contract with the driver contains special conditions regarding wages, working hours, and financial liability. It is advisable to select a candidate with an accident-free driving record, no bad habits, and extensive work experience.

Features of applying for a driver's job

When hiring a citizen, in addition to the standard package of papers, additional documents are required.

The documentation package includes:

  • passport;
  • employment history;
  • SNILS;
  • educational documents;
  • military ID;
  • driver's license;
  • health certificate from a medical institution.

Important! The type of transport the employee will travel on is taken into account. To drive a truck or bus, you must have category D and C licenses. Otherwise, he will not be able to drive the vehicle.

Recommended driving positions

When drawing up an agreement between a trucker and an employer, it is important for the driver to consider the following points:

  1. Nature of the work. In most cases he is traveling. The address of the carrier organization must also be indicated here.
  2. Duration of the employment contract. It may be indefinite.
  3. It is advisable to conduct an internship during the probationary period.
  4. Since the work of a truck driver has an irregular schedule, you need to pay attention to the clause on payment terms.
  5. The work schedule should include:
      loading and unloading operations;
  6. Troubleshooting along the way;
  7. presence of an accompanying person;
  8. cargo security;
  9. conducting a medical examination before and after the flight.
  10. Safety. This includes regular maintenance.
  11. The ability to carry out urgent repairs on the road and the availability of the necessary tools.
  12. Financial responsibility for the transportation of particularly valuable cargo.

For the forwarder

The employment contract between the employer and the delivery driver must contain the following clauses:

  1. It is forbidden to leave a car unattended.
  2. Parking is permitted only in guarded parking lots or within direct sight.
  3. When leaving the salon, turn on the alarm.
  4. When driving or parking, place the doors on the block.
  5. It is forbidden to bring unauthorized persons.
  6. If a cargo shortage or damage is detected, draw up reports.

For international

Truckers traveling to another country need to know the following rights and responsibilities:

1. Have documents:

  • international certificate;
  • international passport;
  • document on the professional suitability of an international specialist;
  • weekly registration sheets;
  • in the absence of a tachograph - a personal control book;
  • international standard waybill;
  • health book with an AIDS check mark;
  • document for customs clearance of personal luggage.

2. A truck driver must know:

  • basic rules for transporting goods between countries;
  • licensing stages;
  • regulations on technical and environmental requirements for the machine, work and rest regime;
  • features of ensuring safety when transporting special cargo;
  • procedure for completing documentation at customs;
  • cargo classification;
  • types of vehicles for transporting certain products;
  • basics of safe cargo securing;
  • methods of loading onto a specific type of trailer;
  • one foreign language at a conversational level.

By freight transport

In addition to the general requirements, a truck driver must know the structure of the vehicle, the operating principles of its mechanisms, and the trailer. A truck driver must be familiar with labor safety instructions, carry out regular vehicle inspections, be able to safely place cargo, unload it, and use a tachograph.

By personal car

The driver of a personal car must insure the vehicle, be able to predict and prevent dangerous situations, know the impact of weather conditions on road safety, and the basics of stowing luggage.

It is important, as for any driver, to be able to diagnose problems, correct them, and call a transport service if necessary. The car must have a first aid kit and fire-fighting equipment.

How to conclude an employment contract with a driver

In general, the employment agreement with the driver contains standard conditions with the exception of some features. It can be subscribed for a specific period or be indefinite. Let's take a closer look at what points you should pay attention to.

Why it is not advisable to indicate your place of work

The place of work is one of the essential terms of the employment contract. When drawing up an agreement with the driver, you need to remember that he is constantly on the road. The route may constantly change, so it is impossible to indicate a specific place of work.

It is not advisable to include this parameter in the contract. Otherwise, you will have to make changes to it regularly. It is recommended to write that the work is of a traveling nature and indicate the employer’s address.

Qualification requirements

The labor function of a driver is related to driving a vehicle. Therefore, there are qualification requirements. A citizen must have a license of a certain category depending on the type of car. To obtain admission you must undergo a medical examination.

Features of wage conditions

The driver’s work may be irregular, so the contract should specify the terms of payment on weekends, nights, holidays, and for overtime work.

You should also choose one of the types of remuneration system: time-based, piece-rate, non-tariff, with allowances, and other parameters.

Special work schedule requirements

Working hours are determined based on the rules contained in Order No. 15 of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated August 20, 2004. A special regime is established for drivers. It depends on the transport schedule. The maximum working time cannot be more than 40 hours a week, 8 hours a day. It is allowed to use summarized accounting, in which a shift should last no more than 10 hours (in special cases - no more than 12).

Working conditions

Working conditions must provide for safety. The driver undergoes pre-trip and post-trip vehicle inspection by a mechanic. You cannot use transport for personal purposes outside of working hours without a waybill. A rest regime must be observed.

Employee's financial liability

The condition of full financial responsibility is included in the contract with the forwarding driver, the collection driver, the driver whose responsibilities include the receipt, procurement, storage, accounting, issuance, and transportation of material assets. In other situations, the driver bears limited liability.

Additional terms

Additional conditions may be included in the agreement depending on the nature of the work performed.

A sample list includes:

  • compliance with traffic rules when driving a car;
  • acceptance of cargo from the warehouse;
  • monitoring the integrity of cargo packaging;
  • checking the correctness of loading and unloading operations;
  • ensuring delivery of cargo to its destination;
  • timely refueling of vehicles, replacement of lubricants, etc.;
  • placing transport in a designated place at the end of the work shift.

Recommendation! If the car does not require disassembly, it can be envisaged that the driver corrects minor faults independently.

Sample employment contract with driver

Sample employment contract with a driver

Additional terms of agreement

It is important for any employer to understand that the presented sample employment contract with a truck driver (RB) is only the basis on which the agreement should be built. The advantage of this example is that its form and content are fully adapted to modern Russian legislation in the field of labor protection. It is important to note that, taking into account the traveling nature of the work, the sample employment contract with a truck driver can be supplemented with other conditions that fully ensure the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

What may be included in the additional conditions? Depending on the specifics of the work, these may include requirements for:

  • acceptance of goods from designated warehouses;
  • checking the correctness of loading and unloading of goods;
  • ensuring proper delivery of cargo to a specific destination;
  • timely refueling of vehicles;
  • ensuring proper conditions for parking the vehicle at the end of the work shift;
  • control over maintaining the integrity of the container.

It is important to understand that an additional condition specified in the contract must be compliance with traffic rules during the entire period of performance of work duties.

Sample employment contract with a truck driver

Features of an employment contract with a driver depending on the type of transport

When filling out the contract, you need to take into account the specifics of the activity and the type of transport.

Taxi driver

The taxi driver works in irregular hours. A special work schedule is established, which includes night shifts. These points must be reflected in the contract concluded with the taxi driver.

Bus driver

When signing an employment agreement with a bus driver, the specifics of driving a vehicle are prescribed. The qualification requirements include a mandatory condition on the presence of categories D, DE, D1, D1E.

Truck driver

When transporting goods over long distances, it is impossible to establish a specific route. The citizen works in irregular working conditions. Therefore, guarantees and compensation in case of overtime and rest conditions are included in the contract with the truck driver. The obligation to have an open category of rights C, CE, C1, C1E must also be indicated.

If the driver operates a personal vehicle

When concluding an agreement with a driver who drives a personal car, you can additionally sign a contract for renting a vehicle. This is necessary to share responsibility and reimburse the citizen for the use of his vehicle.

Related documents

  • Employment contract with the chef
  • Employment contract with the seller
  • Civil contract with a consultant
  • Employment contract with a watchman
  • Employment contract with the driver (irregular working hours)
  • Sample application for a pregnant woman to transfer to another job
  • Sample application from an employee for transfer to another job in accordance with a medical report
  • Notifying the employee about the start of vacation
  • Fixed-term employment contract with a foreign worker
  • Act on being late for work
  • Acceptance certificate (for an employment agreement for one-time work)
  • Act of special investigation of the accident (order of the State Education of the USSR dated 01.10.90 No. 639)
  • Application form for employment
  • Certificate of acceptance of works (services, products)
  • Business trip order form (sample)
  • Business trip order form (letter from the Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated 06/09/95 No. 2117-1-34)
  • Contract (employment agreement) - option
  • Agreement between VTC members (employment agreement - option)
  • Qualification characteristics of an accountant used in drawing up a contract for employment and remuneration
  • Qualification characteristics of an accountant-auditor used when drawing up a contract for hiring and remuneration
  • Qualification characteristics of a warehouse manager used when drawing up a contract for hiring and remuneration
  • Qualification characteristics of the manager of the central warehouse used when drawing up a contract for hiring and remuneration
  • Qualification characteristics of the collector used when drawing up a contract for hiring and remuneration
  • Qualification characteristics of a cashier used in drawing up a contract for hiring and remuneration
  • Qualification characteristics of an economist in accounting and analysis of economic activities, used in drawing up a contract for hiring and remuneration
  • Qualification characteristics of a financial economist used in drawing up a contract for hiring and remuneration
  • Qualification characteristics of a legal consultant used in drawing up a contract for hiring and remuneration
  • Contract (employment agreement with special conditions)
  • Contract with the chief accountant (option

How to format correctly

The future employee must provide an identity card and work book, as well as other documents provided for in the contract. Registration takes place in accordance with the employer’s Order. Typically, an order is drawn up based on the applicant’s application for employment.

An employment contract with a truck driver-forwarder and its sample is concluded in writing in two copies. Upon request, a sample or example of an employment contract with a truck driver can be downloaded on the Internet for free.

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