Opening a shooting range - how to open a business?

Step-by-step plan for starting a business

Step 1 - Preparatory work

The first thing you need to do is decide what type of shooting range you will have and what type of weapon you will use. This determines not only the size of the initial investment, but also the popularity of the service as a whole. Currently, the following types of shooting ranges can be distinguished:

  1. Pneumatic shooting range. Shooting here is carried out from an air rifle at metal targets. This is one of the most popular, classic types. Pneumatics are equally popular with both adults and children. To organize such a shooting range, large start-up costs are not required, and the equipment is extremely simple.
  2. Laser or interactive shooting range. Shooting is carried out from laser prototypes of modern weapons at targets moving on a plasma screen. More suitable for placement in shopping and entertainment centers;
  3. Archery and crossbow shooting range. The main weapons are a bow and a crossbow, shooting is carried out at a round target.

In addition, the shooting range can be organized both in a tent version, that is, stationary, and in a mobile version, when equipment and targets are mounted in a car. The mobile version will cost a little more than the stationary one, but due to its mobility it has more opportunities for earning money.

Of course, a lot will depend on where your shooting range will be located and who the main visitors will be. It’s one thing to place a tent in a residential area of ​​the city, which in principle is not recommended. It’s another thing to stand on a pedestrian zone in a resort town, where many vacationers walk in the evening, ready to spend a lot of money on entertainment.

Step 2 - Finding a location for the shooting range

The next step is to search for a plot of land or premises to place a “firing point”. To set up a tent you will need an area of ​​about 20m2. Priority places include:

  • Parks and squares;
  • Embankments;
  • Entertainment centers;
  • Resort areas with high traffic of vacationers (record holders in terms of revenue);
  • Festive events (for a mobile shooting range).

We should also talk about the lease agreement. Installing a shooting range on private land will not cause any special problems. It is enough just to discuss all the issues with the management of the land plot or building.

If you plan to install a shooting range on municipal (state) land, then you must contact the local administration in the property management department to obtain a temporary permit to place a non-stationary object.

They will require a statement from you, attaching an approximate diagram of the location of the point in a specific territory. The registration procedure in this case, based on all the intricacies of the regulations, can take from several weeks to several months. Therefore, this issue should be resolved in advance of the opening of the summer season.

Supply and Demand Analysis

The shooting range is a consistently popular entertainment option. There are small shooting ranges in shopping centers and amusement parks. Visitors generally like the opportunity to feel like a shooter. But to open a shooting range with air guns, you need to study the demand more carefully and choose one of two formats:

  1. Entertaining. The clients' goal is to relax, shoot for fun, and win a prize. Most of them do not set out to learn anything. Visits are limited to 5-20 minutes. Shooting is an attraction for such visitors. No serious equipment or professional instructor is required.
  2. Professional. Clients will be people planning to learn how to shoot well from one or more types of weapons. They come to the shooting range for 45-60 minutes and are interested in learning. The advantage is the stability of visitors, and the disadvantage is more impressive investments.

It is necessary to understand which shooting range will be in demand in a particular city or area. You need to study the market. If among your competitors there are already professional shooting schools, it is, of course, more logical to develop in the entertainment sector. Conversely, when there are shopping centers with small shooting ranges nearby, it is more promising to invest in a professional sniper school.

Pneumatic shooting range
Shooting range is a popular entertainment among children and adults; many people like to feel like a shooter or sniper

Which tax system to choose for business

Upon completion of the location search, you must register your activity with the Federal Tax Service (Tax Inspectorate). As an organizational and legal form, it is most profitable to register an individual entrepreneurship (IP). This OPF does not require large expenses and time for registration. The entire procedure for collecting documents and registering with the Federal Tax Service will take a maximum of 7 days.

After registering an individual business, you need to choose a special taxation system. regime. You can choose between the simplified system (STS), unified tax on imputed income (UTII) and patent. WITH

The most common tax regime for shooting ranges is UTII, although for some regions it may be more profitable to use a patent. In any case, before you write an application for special. regime, it is necessary to calculate all possible benefits from using all of the above tax regimes.

A license is not required to organize this business.

Safety at the shooting range

  • Be sure to have a large sign stating that people who are drunk or under the influence of drugs . Prohibition on entry with alcohol.
  • Enter into an agreement with a security company in case inappropriate people come to the shooting range. The cost is usually $10-20 per month.
  • Limit visitor access to the firing line as much as possible .
  • Throughout the day, it is periodically necessary to check the weapon for serviceability .
  • Choose the optimal period for cleaning your weapon . It is recommended once every 2-3 days, but of course you can do it less often or more often.
  • Shooters must be provided with safety glasses .

If you have any other information about the features of this business, write in the comments and share your thoughts

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