How to open an air conditioning installation business? Business idea

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How to open an air conditioning installation business? Business idea

How to open an air conditioning installation business? Business idea

In the modern world, air conditioners are widely used in offices, institutions, apartments and private households. Considering the huge amount of climate control equipment, someone has to install and repair it. Especially, the demand for services for installation of air conditioners and their maintenance increases significantly during the hot season. By opening a company that installs and maintains air conditioners, you can earn good money. The profitability of this business, especially during the period of rush demand - in the summer, will be significant and quite high. So, how to open your own business installing and servicing air conditioners? More on this later in this article.

Why do you need a ventilation system?

Ventilation is the exchange of air in rooms where people live or work; with its help, a favorable microclimate is created by controlling the air composition, temperature and humidity inside the room. We will consider a set of technical solutions that provide these processes.

Business in the sale and installation of air conditioners and split systems (2020)

The main task of the ventilation system is to control the air composition. Thus, the air inside a living or working space must contain at least 21% oxygen. There are often sources of harmful substances indoors: chipboard furniture, household chemicals, gas stoves, industrial waste and much more; it is their concentration that needs to be reduced in order to ensure a high standard of living or work process.

Another option for making money is opening a car dismantling shop. Tools, car search, sales channels and earnings level.

Modern ventilation systems not only purify the air mass inside the room, but can also filter the flow that enters the room, heat or cool it, or humidify it to the values ​​​​set on the controller.

Classification of ventilation systems

All ventilation systems can be divided into several categories.

  • according to the method of air exchange - natural or forced (mechanical).
  • by purpose - supply or exhaust.
  • by service area - local or general exchange.
  • by design - stacked or monoblock.

Let's take a quick look at each option.

Natural ventilation. It does not include electrical equipment in its structure, but consists of channels, the movement of air in which is ensured by the difference in temperature and pressure of air masses outside and indoors, as well as wind pressure. Such systems are most often installed in residential buildings, in bathrooms and kitchens, and the channels are connected to a common system with an outlet on the roof of the building. In this case, the air flow is ensured by open windows or vents.

Forced. This option uses electrical appliances, in particular fans, or air heating coils that force air into or out of the room. Most often, both systems are combined to ensure maximum comfort of living or working.

Supply system - provides fresh air to the room. It can be equipped with heating, humidification or cleaning systems.

The exhaust system takes air inside and exhausts it outside. Usually these two systems are combined and the correct exchange of air masses is adjusted.

Stacked ventilation systems. They are assembled in the form of a construction kit, the components of which are: fans, filters, air ducts and others. The calculation of each system is carried out only by a specialist, and from these components it is possible to assemble ventilation options for both a small apartment and a large enterprise.

Monoblock installation. It most often includes a recuperator, in which heat exchanges cold supply air with warm air removed from the room, which allows saving from 30 to 90% of electricity.

There are also a large number of varieties of air ducts on the market, which are divided according to several parameters:

  • according to the cross-sectional shape of the pipes used (round and square);
  • according to the material from which the air ducts are made (steel, rubber, plastic, polyester, aluminum);
  • by properties (fireproof and flexible);
  • by type of fastening of elements (nipples and bolts);
  • by rigidity (flexible and rigid).

All these types of channels are used during design and installation.

Why is this beneficial?

The last decade will be remembered by the inhabitants of the Earth for its abnormal temperatures, going far beyond 30-degree heat in the summer and 20-degree frost in the cold season. All this, of course, scares the average person, but an enterprising person will always find an opportunity to make money using all factors, even such disappointing ones as global warming.

After all, judge for yourself, at any time of the year a person wants to feel comfortable: not to freeze in winter, and not to “perish” from the sultry heat in summer. That is why climate control equipment is always in demand. Moreover, it is installed not only in offices and industrial premises, but also in ordinary residential buildings and apartments.

Ventilation systems

Installation of ventilation systems is carried out in large places where dust, precipitation, unpleasant odors, smoke in the premises accumulate... Where people may be. This could be the installation of ventilation in a private house, apartments, it could also be offices, swimming pools, restaurants, various premises such as a garage. Today on the market there is simply a huge selection of ventilation from various manufacturers; ventilation equipment is used with a bang almost everywhere. It is worth immediately noting that not all ventilation during installation is purchased. Sometimes during installation, various companies that install it use air ducts and other components of their own making.

Business in the sale and installation of air conditioners and split systems (2020)

Supply and exhaust ventilation systems

In addition to conventional air ventilation methods, there is also the installation of fresh air ventilation. This type of ventilation is more interesting, but a little more expensive than its standard counterparts. This is a very compact ventilation system in which all components are assembled in a single sound-insulated housing (or monoblock). With the help of such a simple design, monoblock air handling units have lost many of the disadvantages that were very common in similar ventilation systems. Their medium size and low noise level made it possible to place them on balconies, and even in residential premises, and the exclusive selection and further configuration of absolutely all components at an early stage of production eliminated completely unnecessary and complex design and adjustment.

Speaking about another interesting ventilation method, we note exhaust ventilation. It is less effective than a supply or combined one, but it copes with the tasks assigned to it one hundred percent. A good example would be exhaust ventilation located in workshops where hazardous production takes place, when highly toxic substances are released into the air that harm people. Exhaust ventilation is indispensable in rooms where the air is exposed to very unfavorable factors. It is in such rooms that a whole system is installed, which consists of several different exhaust fans. In addition, during this installation we must not forget about safety, which is achieved by installing ventilation grilles that protect against direct entry of various foreign objects into the ventilation shaft.

If we consider that air pollution in our time is practically the norm of life, then air purification is simply necessary for each of us for quality life. There are many companies that install ventilation. It is difficult to wage a war with competing companies, but with good promotion, this area of ​​activity will help you earn very good money, given the constant flow of clients who want to breathe only cleanliness and freshness. All ventilation systems are divided by price and quality, so you can offer a ventilation system to suit every taste and budget. By providing customers with high-quality air purification, you not only make a good profit, but also make people's lives better.

How to start an air conditioning installation business

How to start an air conditioning installation business

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Today, many entrepreneurs offer the public all kinds of services to perform certain types of work. One such business area is the installation of air conditioners. This type of business is quite promising for a beginner because it does not require too much financial investment, however, it is worth noting that it is not advisable to only install air conditioners quite often. In this article, however, just such a business will be considered, indicating possible options for the development and expansion of its activities, but only the work on directly installing air conditioners (as well as split systems and similar devices) will be covered in detail.

To start working, you must register as a business entity. The easiest way is to register as an individual entrepreneur, because this will require a small investment of money and will also take relatively little time and effort. However, if there is a need to register a legal entity, then the preferred form is a limited liability company, because in this case, as in the case of individual entrepreneurship, a simplified taxation system will be available, which involves transferring no more than 6 percent of income to the state or 15 percent of operating profit as taxes. The activity itself falls under the definition (OKPD 2) 43.22 Work on the installation of water supply, sewerage, heating and air conditioning systems. And here’s what’s interesting, despite the fact that the installation of air conditioners is a relatively simple operation, it can be put on a par with such services as installation of household appliances or repair work in the house, this activity is regulated by the Federal Law of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2007 No. 315-F3 “On self-regulatory organizations”. That is, in its essence it is equated to construction and engineering work.

It should be noted that previously such activities were generally subject to licensing, but since 2010 the license has been abolished (this applies to all construction work in general), and now, in order to obtain permission to work, it is necessary to become a member of a self-regulatory organization that works in the field of construction or engineering surveys. This adds a considerable amount of difficulties, because in order to join a self-regulatory organization, it is necessary to provide evidence that the entrepreneur is able to efficiently carry out the task assigned to him, while each SRO sets its own conditions, and it must be said that in fact it is always necessary to pay an entrance fee, which sometimes amounts to a considerable amount, which is critical primarily for small businesses and individual entrepreneurs. There are also advantages to joining a self-regulatory organization, but in this line of business such obligations become rather an unnecessary problem and take up extra time on bureaucratic red tape.

The next stage in organizing your business can be called finding premises to locate your office. It will simply become a representative office where negotiations with clients take place. Theoretically, it is possible to work without renting premises, negotiating with clients either by telephone or on their territory or on neutral territory. This is especially convenient for small organizations that are looking to save money at first. When selecting premises, you need to decide on the area of ​​your work, because in large cities it is impractical to try to capture the market of the entire city; in this case, you will have to compete with a very large number of organizations. In this regard, it is much easier to cover only a few blocks in order to offer your services only to residents of nearby buildings. Of course, you shouldn’t refuse a consumer even from the other end of the city if he himself contacted the company and became interested in its services, but it’s better to conduct an advertising campaign and look for consumers in a limited area. It is most advisable to consider residential areas first, especially if new residential areas are being built in the city, because then it will be possible, having located on the territory of new buildings, to receive a very large number of orders from new residents. The office space itself should not be large, because few people will work in it, and the equipment necessary for work cannot be called large and takes up a lot of space. The cost of renting an office depends on many factors, which include the location in the first place, because in the central areas it will be an order of magnitude higher than in the outskirts; We must not forget that in large cities, real estate rent is an order of magnitude higher than in the provinces.

A few words should also be said about the level of competition in this business. Air conditioners and split systems have long ceased to be a luxury item, and today a relatively large number of people buy them, so there have long been a huge number of companies on the market that offer their consumers not only the installation of air conditioners, but also many other types of services. It is best to try to find areas of the city where no organization is already operating, otherwise you will have to directly compete with an already operating enterprise, which can be very difficult. As noted above, today it is a rare company that deals exclusively with the installation of air conditioners; much more often it is a repair organization that offers the client the assistance of craftsmen of all types. This can be the repair of any household appliances, moving services, electrical and plumbing work, cleaning, maintenance and similar work. This is not to say that it is not possible to build your business solely on the installation of air conditioners, but you need to take into account the work of not only direct competitors, who also only install air conditioning systems, but also larger organizations that almost certainly have an established client base through working with various consumers on various issues.

In general, it is worth considering the option of opening your own organization of this kind, which offers its clients a wide range of different services. The advantages of a multidisciplinary organization are obvious: working with a large number of consumers, which means faster dissemination of information about yourself (word of mouth has not been canceled); the formation of several sources of income, taking into account the fact that the starting investments do not increase much; There is an opportunity to offer your clients a more expanded service. Another important feature is that the air conditioning installation business is largely seasonal, and therefore you will have to count on the fact that in certain months the number of orders will be minimal or non-existent, which can certainly have a detrimental effect on your business. Working in several profiles allows the entrepreneur to have a stable and constant income throughout the year, while his employees, who are specialists in the installation of air conditioners, can be trained to perform other types of work and therefore can always be busy at work.

As for specialists, this issue must be approached very seriously, because if you hire people who do not perform their duties well, you can get not only consumer dissatisfaction with subsequent loss of reputation, but also even legal proceedings because the system is not installed correctly air conditioning may damage the devices. At the same time, the self-regulatory organization also imposes requirements on employees of companies that have membership in it. However, it should be noted that some particularly progressive self-regulatory organizations offer their members services for staff training and advanced training. However, it is best to initially look for qualified specialists who have considerable experience in this field and can guarantee that the work will be done efficiently and that no problems will arise later. Specialists must have the skills to install and maintain air conditioners and split systems, and be able to work not only with common models, but also with rather outdated units and, on the contrary, the most modern machines. It should be taken into account that the company will work not only with individuals, but also with organizations that will need the installation of more complex air conditioning systems.

But even when working with individuals, some difficulties may arise for an unprepared person, because in addition to the common types, there are monoblock air conditioners, multi-split systems and systems with variable refrigerant flow, and each of these types of devices has its own installation features. Installation specialists must also have practical skills in industrial mountaineering and, to some extent, in repair and construction work, because sometimes installation can be fraught with some difficulties. Next, you will need to find people who will deal with organizational and administrative issues, while the entrepreneur himself can take a leadership position if he himself does not have sufficient skills and knowledge or simply does not have the desire to install air conditioners on his own.

It should be noted that all business processes that are not related to the organization’s profit making are best outsourced, because this will allow significant savings due to the absence of the need to employ additional employees. In general, we can say that such a business rarely requires a staff of more than 10 people, but if you have to work with a large number of consumers and there are a considerable number of orders, then it may be necessary to form several teams that simultaneously fulfill orders according to requests from different consumers. Therefore, in large companies the staff usually consists of a fairly large number of people.

The next step in organizing your business will be the purchase of equipment that will allow you to complete your tasks as efficiently and quickly as possible. To install simple air conditioners and split systems, you will need to buy tools and equipment such as a wall chaser with a set of diamond discs, a special industrial vacuum cleaner, a professional hammer drill, a pipe cutter, a lever and crossbow type pipe bender, a propane-oxygen torch, as well as rolling and scraping. The cost of each tool lies in a fairly wide price range, but the average price of such a set is rarely less than 100 thousand rubles.

Some entrepreneurs try to save money by buying used equipment, but in this case there is a residual risk that it will be too worn out and will soon fail. An example is the operation of a wall chaser. If you use cheap diamond blades for this tool, it will break very quickly. In this regard, a person who bought low-quality diamond blades after a certain period of operation will try to get rid of the old wall chaser, trying to pass it off as a new device. It should also be noted that for the installation of air conditioners you can use cheaper equipment, that is, purchase technical outdated analogues of the above tools. Here, each entrepreneur decides for himself what level of quality services he wants to offer his client. We must not forget that to install air conditioning systems, you will have to purchase a considerable amount of consumables, the cost of which can be up to a third of the price of the work paid by the customer. If there is a need to form several teams, then each of them needs to purchase its own set of equipment.

Finally, it is worth resolving the issue related to the transportation of people and equipment to the place of execution of the order. To do this, you can purchase an inexpensive minivan or even a simple car, although some entrepreneurs agree with their employees that they travel to the place of work and at the same time transport the equipment in their own vehicles. If a businessman has decided to buy a car for the purposes of the organization, then he should count on an amount of at least 200 thousand rubles, and for this money you can only buy a used car of domestic production, which is distinguished by appropriate quality and reliability.

In your work you will also have to carry out, to one degree or another, a large-scale advertising campaign. Word of mouth is still the most effective, but at first you still won’t be able to count on it, so you should take care to place information about yourself in the local media, which include radio, television, the press, as well as thematic portals in Internet. With a sufficient budget, you can create your own website where potential clients can get answers to their questions. However, you also need to look for your clients yourself, for which some companies even hire sales specialists and sales representatives. These people specialize mainly in finding corporate clients, that is, they contact companies and organizations with proposals for the installation of complex air conditioning systems.

The cost of a company's services for installing air conditioners is determined based on several factors. For example, the power of the device plays an important role, because a powerful engine requires an increase in the size of the air conditioner itself. The minimum cost for installing one air conditioner starts from about three thousand rubles, although on the market you can find offers from companies that promise to do this work for a slightly smaller amount, but in most cases this is a company that cannot guarantee the quality of its work. In addition to the installation itself, it is worth engaging in subsequent maintenance of air conditioning systems, diagnostics and repairs if necessary. You can also try to conclude an agreement with any store selling household appliances and air conditioners in particular. Large hardware hypermarkets, of course, have their own staff of specialists and offer installation services for equipment purchased from them, but small stores almost always do not have the ability to provide this kind of service. Therefore, having established cooperation with the store, you can count on receiving a relatively large number of orders, because many buyers of split systems and air conditioners need their subsequent installation. By working with a store, you can also offer potential consumers the same services for repair and maintenance of air conditioning systems.

To summarize, we can say that this is a fairly profitable and to some extent simple undertaking, but it is best to combine it with running other types of business that are close to each other. Then it will be possible to earn a good income from installing air conditioners in the warm season, that is, during the season, and in other months by engaging primarily in other types of business.

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Choose the right strategy

Each type of service requires a separate advertising strategy. In addition to advertising on the Internet, which is universal and suitable for any type of activity, a business plan for installing air conditioners involves:

  • Placing a sign near the office (from 2-3 thousand rubles for a small zinc sign at the entrance to a neon light box for 100 thousand rubles).
  • Advertising on a car (about 10 thousand rubles).
  • Organizing a campaign to distribute business cards and post flyers offering services at the entrances of houses. This method may seem outdated, but it works (1000 rubles for printing, 2-3 thousand to pay the posters).

Business in the sale and installation of air conditioners and split systems (2020)

Advertising on local radio works well - provided that it is short, memorable and regularly repeated (5-6 thousand rubles per month).

Technology of installation and service of climate control equipment, installation equipment

The air conditioner maintenance service consists of: cleaning the filters in the indoor unit and in the drainage system, monitoring the temperature difference and cleaning the heat exchanger of the unit inside, checking the operating pressure in the system, charging with freon, as well as diagnosing various malfunctions. It is possible to dismantle equipment in order to detect malfunctions, repairs, and more.

The installation process of air conditioning equipment consists of: installing outdoor and indoor units, laying inter-unit communications. A fairly simple technology requires a certain professionalism from installers. Since dirt and dust getting into the refrigeration circuit will damage the unit. The aesthetic appearance of the entire system and its connecting elements is also important. Therefore, it is better to have your own trained staff rather than hire third-party workers who can create an unattractive image for your company.

Business on installation and maintenance of air conditioners

To perform work on installing air conditioners, you will need the following list of tools:

  • hammer drills (at least 2 pcs.);
  • wall chaser, or, in extreme cases, an angle grinder;
  • vacuum pump - removes moisture/air from the cooling circuit;
  • industrial concrete pump;
  • charging cylinder and pressure manifold;
  • apparatus for testing the cooling circuit for leaks;
  • tools for cutting, bending, scraping and rolling pipes;
  • equipment for soldering pipes.
  • kits for working with freon.

The cost of a set of tools (installation, repair, diagnostic) can range from five hundred to five thousand in dollar equivalent.

We take into account the seasonality of business

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the business of selling and installing air conditioners is seasonal. After all, most people prefer to purchase air conditioners during hot periods or in advance, that is, in spring or summer. To prevent your business from being idle during the rest of the year, you can create a list of additional services that your company will provide in the fall and winter. An example would be servicing air conditioners, drawing up installation projects for offices in new buildings, developing an air conditioning system for a large office or retail space. Thus, in the autumn-winter period, the work of your company will specialize in providing services to legal entities. This is also beneficial because, unlike individuals who begin to think about installing an air conditioner as the hot season approaches, legal entities begin to develop plans for air conditioning premises for the next period in the fall and winter.

Business rates

It is imperative to analyze the price market for air conditioning installation services in order to clearly understand what price can be charged to the customer. Too inflated the cost of services will scare off potential customers, too low a cost will reduce profitability, and under unfavorable conditions can lead to bankruptcy.

For understanding, let's give an example of the simplest option. Thus, installing an air conditioner (along with fastening the units outside and inside the house, with laying the electrical cable and pipe) costs approximately 6 to 8 thousand rubles. Moreover, it will take about 2 thousand rubles to pay workers. A team of 2 people can complete a maximum of 4 installations per day. You can earn approximately +(-) 10 thousand rubles per day (gross income without paying taxes and other things).


Drawing up a financial plan for a project allows you not only to calculate the income and expense parts of the project, but also to correctly distribute future costs.

In total, the starting capital for launching a new enterprise for the production of ventilation systems and air ducts will be about 3,000,000 rubles.

Initial costs include :

  • Rent of production premises, finishing work and documentation – 100,000 – 150,000 rubles.
  • Purchase and installation of production equipment.
  • Remuneration of employees.
  • Supply of consumables.
  • Other expenses.

The profitability of this type of business is assessed by experts quite high - at the level of 60-70%.

The level of net profit is planned in the amount of 200,000 - 400,000 rubles.

With such indicators, production can pay for itself within 9 months after the opening of the project.

On video: Ventilation systems

Starting investments (in rubles)

Renting premises30 000
Repair of office50 000
Arrangement100 000
Purchasing tools for work100 000
20 000
Purchase of air conditioners300 000
Documentation15 000
Total:615 000

Monthly expenses (in rubles)

Office rental30 000
Taxes10 000
Staff salaries60 000
Additional expenses15 000
Total:120 000

How much can you earn?

In 1 month you can sell about 10 air conditioners. You can earn 250,000 rubles from this. Maintenance of 1 air conditioner for a month – 400 rubles. Installation of one device costs 6,000 rubles, for a month it turns out to be 60,000 rubles. On average, the monthly income is approximately 310,000 rubles, the net profit is 190,000 rubles.


During the warm season you can make a good profit. This will allow you to recoup your investment in 5 months. To achieve such high results, you need to put in a lot of effort.


Since large-sized equipment is used in the production of ventilation systems and air ducts, the selection of the appropriate premises for locating such production should be approached with all responsibility. This choice should be guided not only by the large area of ​​the entire building, but also by the presence in it, in addition to the main premises of the production workshop, of separate areas for warehouses of finished products and raw materials, as well as a utility room for personnel.

Finding a suitable premises, repairing and finishing internal surfaces, as well as resolving organizational and legal issues will require financial costs of at least 100,000 - 150,000 rubles.

How to choose equipment

The list of equipment for this area of ​​activity is not very extensive. Required:

  • perforator;
  • fence cutter;
  • vacuum pump and charging cylinder;
  • leak detector and pipe tool.


The bulk of the cost of starting a new commercial HVAC and ductwork project is the purchase and installation of production equipment. In this matter, it should be noted that elements of ventilation systems are divided into several types, which requires the use of the appropriate type of equipment for their production. For this reason, even at the stage of drawing up a business plan, it must be decided what type of ventilation is planned for production.

If the size of the start-up capital allows, then it is possible to equip several workshops with different types of installations for the purpose of manufacturing the corresponding types of ventilation elements. This will not only expand the range of new production, but will also speed up the payback of the entire project.

Sales markets and supply of raw materials

Regardless of what type of ventilation is planned to be produced, sales markets must be planned in advance to avoid stagnation of unsold finished products and incurring losses. First of all, this concerns the production of flexible ventilation, since the demand for it is much lower than for rigid ventilation, the cost of production and the market price of which are significantly lower. To organize wholesale supplies, it is better to focus on concluding contracts with large construction organizations, which will give a good impetus for business development.

It is recommended to choose domestic companies as equipment manufacturers, since only in this case can you be sure that the ventilation systems manufactured using such equipment will meet all standards in force in our country.

In total, the purchase and installation of equipment will cost about 1,300,000 – 3,200,000 rubles.

Sales markets must be planned in advance to avoid stagnation of finished products

Sales markets must be planned in advance to avoid stagnation of finished products

Whatever type of ventilation is chosen, the standard production line includes the following equipment:

  1. installation of consumable material unwinding sheets;
  2. sheet feeder;
  3. installation that monitors the smooth surface of the sheet and smoothes it if necessary;
  4. knife for cutting a finished ventilation pipe (guillotine principle).

To ensure continuous production, it is recommended to conclude contracts for the supply of raw materials and consumables.


In the ventilation installation business, it is important to find responsible workers who will install and design these systems.

The best solution would be if you master the design of ventilation and air conditioning yourself, in which case you will perform the most important work yourself, hiring only assistants for installation, which reduces the risks of the stable operation of your business in the event of the designer leaving. Secondly, this approach will increase profitability, since the engineer will need to pay a high salary, and this is a significant expense item at the start of a business.

It is also better to look for installers with experience in this market segment, but you can hire them without experience by teaching them all the basics of installation.

Business in the sale and installation of air conditioners and split systems (2020)

You can also take charge of accounting and communication with clients, controlling all financial issues in your company, and you will know for sure that no one is stealing your clients.

Assembly and installation

Absolutely the entire assembly, as well as the installation of your ventilation system, will have to be made in accordance with all standards, be it a compact ventilation installation in an apartment, in various office premises, or large-sized industrial ones - which consists of a heater, many filters, the fan itself and other important elements. It’s worth noting right away that in terms of costs, from the point of view of the accuracy of all calculations, the process of designing your ventilation system and its subsequent installation will be highly expensive. The efficiency and excellent quality of its uninterrupted operation for many years depends entirely on the high accuracy of these calculations and the installation of this ventilation system.

Installation of ventilation systems occurs in several steps. From the very beginning, for the location of all flow-through and exhaust elements of the air conditioner (provided that full air conditioning of the room is planned), various permissible zones for their installation are immediately determined. And for laying air ducts (slopes and recesses are created in the walls), the necessary conditions for these works are created. Then their further installation and then wiring begins immediately. At the end of this installation, the connection of the automatic system for control is installed.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the air duct assembly itself, as well as the automation panel itself. The durability and serviceability of an excellent ventilation system depends on their maintenance. When building a house, the location of future ventilation equipment is taken into account at the project development stage. For ventilation, either a separate room or a special room can be allocated. In your project, it is very important to note the locations for future air ducts.

In addition to ventilation, it is necessary to air condition exactly those rooms and premises where people are, this is necessary to ensure their excellent well-being, which in the future will increase their ability to work several times, and this is an important factor.

Business in the sale and installation of air conditioners and split systems (2020)

Repair and installation of air conditioners business plan

Business planning allows you to set budget spending limits, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, calculate the profitability of the business and predict income for the first few months or even years of operation.

The business plan should include the following points:

  • marketing research;
  • competitor analysis;
  • business description;
  • organizational aspects (choice of premises, selection of personnel, etc.);
  • expenses;
  • profitability and profitability.

These are the main positions that should be followed when drawing up this document. In no case should you neglect marketing - market analysis will allow you to find a niche in which the business will develop, draw up a portrait of a potential consumer, choose the optimal pricing policy and draw up a general promotion strategy.

Selection of premises

To organize the work of a company that will offer customers air conditioners with installation, the use of expensive premises is not required.

For such a business there is no need to equip a spectacular showroom. Communication with the customer, as a rule, takes place directly at the site where the air conditioner is planned to be installed; in the office, a contract can only be concluded and the final nuances discussed. The goal of a businessman is to force clients to call his specialists, and, therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to lure a buyer with a beautiful office.

Most often, the offices of companies involved in the installation of air conditioners are located in industrial zones, in areas of construction markets, etc.

The office can be located anywhere: with a competent marketing policy, customers can easily find their way and place an order.

Range of services

There are three areas of services offered by such companies:

  1. Equipment installation.
  2. Escort.
  3. Dismantling.

Services such as installation and installation of household air conditioners are the most popular. At the installation stage, a specialist needs to go to the site even before he starts work: he must take the necessary measurements and calculate the preliminary cost.

Depending on the size of the room and the choice of temperature conditions, different equipment should be selected - this is also the responsibility of the specialist at the first stage of work.

During prolonged heat, equipment is used to the limit of its capabilities, and therefore failures in its operation are inevitable. Support is an equally profitable aspect of the work of such companies.

Prompt response to customer calls and high-quality repairs in a short time are the main keys to success and high profitability of the business.


The optimal staff for a start-up organization is 3-4 specialists:

  • supervisor;
  • account Manager;
  • 2 specialists for installation and dismantling of equipment.

As the company grows, the staff will increase: the number of customer service managers will increase, a marketing service will be created, and new specialists will be attracted.

It is not recommended to hire novice specialists; you can save on wages, but the work performed will most likely be of poor quality. Other requirements include the ability, if necessary, to work with climbing equipment in the case of installing air conditioners at heights.

The main requirements for installers are professionalism and knowledge of this industry.

Air conditioner classes

The entire range of air conditioners on the Russian market can be divided into three classes. The first, elite, includes high-tech Japanese corporations offering climate control equipment. Such split systems independently build the climate in the microenvironment, are protected from breakdowns, operate silently and can cope with almost any task. The cost of one air conditioner varies on average from 60 to 150 thousand rubles.

The second class is reliable equipment from European and Japanese manufacturers. They also ensure uninterrupted operation, cool the air well and have an optimal price-quality ratio. Unlike elite ones, they do not have complete sound insulation, and the warranty period is shorter . The first two groups include products from Panaconic, Sharp, Toshiba, Daikin, etc.

The third class of air conditioners are the familiar brands LG, Samsung, Rolsen and other non-core companies. They are used for household needs and are most popular due to their relatively low cost.

Equipment and materials

In order for the equipment to work smoothly, it is necessary to use high-quality equipment. Split systems are ordered individually for each client, but the following equipment should always be on hand:

  • hammer drills with accessories;
  • Vacuum pump;
  • wall chaser with diamond discs;
  • leak detector;
  • pipe tools;
  • burner, solder and others.

Urgent installation of air conditioners will require that all these devices be freely available to the specialist, and, therefore, it is wiser to purchase a complete set for each employee.

Advertising campaign

An advertising campaign is necessary to ensure that as many potential buyers as possible learn about the start-up company.

The name of the company that installs air conditioners should be bright and memorable and evoke appropriate associations.

Advertising should be placed where there are the largest number of potential customers - in apartment buildings, shopping and business centers. Decisions about choosing a company that installs air conditioners are made by the company's management, so the most reasonable thing to do is to draw up a commercial proposal and start distributing it to organizations. The use of leaflets can spur interest and provoke contact with the right organization.

Where to look for orders?

Finding clients due to high competition can be difficult, but there are still several basic approaches from which you can get an order.

  1. Cooperation with construction teams, with the payment of a percentage for attracting each client.
  2. Your own website + contextual advertising. In addition, you can engage in search engine promotion and receive part of the orders from Google or Yandex.
  3. Advertising on online bulletin boards with a full list of services.
  4. Promotion of pages on social networks.
  5. Profile forums and groups. Consult people and at the same time advertise your business installing ventilation and air conditioning systems.
  6. Participation in government tenders.

In the future, you will be able to receive orders through personal recommendations from satisfied customers.

Working with customers

It is better to hire construction specialists

It is better to hire construction specialists

You should also consider the choice of customers with whom you will work. These are private and corporate customers. Naturally, the business will be more profitable if you fulfill orders from corporate companies and enterprises: shops, offices, factories, etc. But this market is tougher in terms of competition for a simple reason - the market is already occupied. In addition, corporate clients are more demanding, so you need to start with private customers, and then, when you reach the appropriate level of development, you can move on to corporate clients.

Business profitability

On average, a large company installs 3-4 split systems every day. A start-up company cannot boast of such results - in the first stages of work, this figure varies between 20-25 systems per month . The profit from one air conditioner will average about 15-20 thousand rubles.

Thus, the profit per month will be about 460 thousand rubles. Of these, 80 thousand will have to be paid for staff salaries, another 20 - rent of premises, 10 - advertising. The owner's profit can amount to 300-350 thousand rubles per month.

Air conditioning and ventilation installation company personnel

Finding qualified personnel is an important stage in creating a company specializing in the installation of household air conditioners and ventilation systems .

At the initial stage, a businessman can hire only one assistant, taking part in the execution of orders (subject to having experience in installing such equipment).

Business idea for installing air conditioning and ventilation

This will guarantee that the installation work will be completed flawlessly. When the profit from the business becomes high, it will be possible to hire several more employees.

The cost of installing one household air conditioner varies from 4 to 8 thousand rubles (depending on the complexity of the order). Installation of ventilation systems is much more expensive.

By installing at least 100 air conditioners per month, an entrepreneur can expect to receive a profit of 300 thousand rubles. No less income can be obtained from the installation of ventilation systems.

An additional source of profit is the provision of maintenance services for installed equipment.


The production of ventilation systems is a fairly promising area of ​​business development, since this field of activity is characterized by a low level of competition, high profitability rates with a relatively small start-up capital.

To help interested entrepreneurs, an example of a business plan for opening the production of ventilation systems is presented, which can be used when drawing up your own project.




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