Business idea: how to open a private music school

Relevance of the business idea

Increasingly, parents who have the appropriate financial capabilities are choosing commercial educational institutions for their children.
This is due to the higher quality of the child’s education, the lack of water and the minimum of unnecessary information that is present in public schools. This is especially true for narrow-profile educational institutions: foreign languages, programming. Music education has also always been considered the prerogative of government agencies or, in extreme cases, tutors, but not of private commercial schools. However, today this business idea is gaining momentum, and the demand for private music schools is growing. This is due to a lack of funding for government agencies, old tools, and a low level of interest among teachers. Highly qualified teachers take up private tutoring and leave low-paying school jobs.

Best business ideas

Let's talk today about how to open a music school in your region. Today everyone is used to it, they are not surprised and do not see anything innovative in the fact that all educational services are paid. Kindergartens, schools, universities - money is needed everywhere, and a lot of it. Private similar establishments are constantly opening on equal terms with state-owned ones. This article will tell you how to open your own private music school, in particular what you need to consider and what to pay attention to.

So, what needs to be done to open a music school at the very beginning? The first thing you should focus your efforts on is finding a suitable premises where your school will be located. Suitable in every sense of the word - both in terms of location and functionality of the premises, as well as the cost of renting it. What comes into play here is the fact that since the institution being opened will be a general education institution, it will be possible to rent premises on acceptable preferential terms. For example, the cost of a room with an area of ​​about 130-140 m2 will cost approximately one thousand USD. per month.

You also need to know that the state practices issuing cash subsidies and can also provide preferential tax conditions. This will make it possible to offset about 20 percent of all your expenses. That is, in this regard, and taking into account such advantages, a private music school can be considered a very profitable business.

However, as in any other business, you should not forget about the initial investments that need to be made. This may include the same rental of premises, and the purchase of various musical instruments and furniture (tables, chairs, cabinets). To all this, add the payment of salaries to administrators, as well as all teachers of your school.

As for personnel, raising this issue also needs to be approached extremely competently and seriously. It is necessary to select a team that is not only qualified, but also, naturally, patient, since teaching music to children is a diligent and painstaking process that takes a lot of strength, energy and, of course, nerves. You must remember that the reputation of your school will depend on the teaching staff as a whole and each teacher individually!

Another important point that you should pay attention to when opening such a business is the location of the music school. Make every effort to ensure that it is located, firstly, if not in a prestigious, then at least in a decent and quiet area of ​​the city, and secondly, far from similar public or private music schools. It is clear that you will absolutely not need excessive and unnecessary competition. The ideal option is to locate your school near a secondary school or kindergarten, which will help you quickly attract your first clients.

If we talk about income from such a business, then know that the amount of profit received will be directly proportional to the number of students in the school. Of course, this indicator will also be influenced by its prestige and reputation.

Plus, by starting this business, you can combine the development and prosperity of creativity with receiving a solid profit and recognition from the satisfied parents of your students.

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Category: Entertainment, Services

Advantages and disadvantages of a business idea

There are pros and cons in every business; it is important to take them into account when developing a business project.

Advantages of a business idea for opening a music school:

  • Assistance from the state (standards for financing non-state schools apply, for example, in Moscow).
  • Exempt from paying VAT to the state.
  • Growing demand for private music lessons.
  • Obtaining a license according to the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Motivated teacher employees have a good impact on the school’s image and help the owner make money.
  • The return on investment is quite high with a competent marketing approach.
  • Availability of free space in the market, minimum competition, opportunity to create your own strong brand.


  • There are no ready-made schemes for working in this area; you need to create your own structure for work and carefully work it out in practice.
  • The relevance of music schools is higher in cities with a population of over a million than in the provinces.
  • High cost of musical instruments for initial purchase.

How to open a private school

Any activity that generates profit requires careful thought and adherence to a plan. Although the vocal school-studio differs little from other non-state educational institutions, it has features that it is advisable to take into account. Thus, step-by-step instructions for creating a business in this area include:

  1. Registration with the tax authorities for the purpose of subsequent payment of taxes. A novice entrepreneur is not well versed in reporting forms, so it is better to consult a lawyer. When setting up a vocal studio, it will be possible to issue students with certificates of completion of the course.
  2. Choosing a room. A small room with sources of natural light and access to fresh air is enough. If the heads of a vocal studio plan to record songs, they will have to take care of good sound insulation. This is necessary when the organization is located near residential buildings.

If a vocal theater studio opens in a big city like Moscow, where rent is expensive, you should look for basement floors for a music class.

  1. Purchasing equipment for a vocal studio. For vocal practice, a microphone, speakers, a music center, a synthesizer, several tables, chairs, and benches are enough. To make arrangements and record songs, you will have to invest capital by purchasing a mixing console and a computer. The average cost of equipment for a studio will be about 100 thousand rubles.
  2. Obtaining a license. To provide educational services to children or advertise a vocal school, you will need official permission. It is issued by local administration authorities. You will have to pay a fee. When submitting an application, they provide information about the methodological manuals on which the vocal studio program is based, a teacher’s diploma of graduation from a college or university in their specialty.
  3. Promotion of a private school. You should invest money and order a high-quality sign with a catchy, memorable name, signs if the studio is difficult to find in an office building. Local newspapers, radio stations, and television will help people from other parts of the city learn about the studio.
  4. Recruitment of groups by age or students for individual lessons is carried out by the method of preliminary listening, viewing creative performances, carried out before the start of the school year.

These clear, simple instructions are important for starting a successful business. They are the basis. Experience in running a school, teaching vocals, dancing or acting will give positive results and a stable income.

Documentation and registration

To open a music school on your own, you must undergo legal registration as an entrepreneur. It is worth registering as an LLC and preparing all the necessary licenses, permits and fire safety inspections. The opening of a private music school, like any other commercial educational institution, can be carried out subject to the requirements of local authorities and the Ministry of Education. Permits and documents are required to start a business.

Mandatory requirements for private schools:

  • Obtaining a license from the Ministry of Education.
  • Permission to open a school from Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Fire safety inspection and issued permission to put the premises into operation.
  • Certificates of appropriate qualifications for teachers.

Before you start collecting documents, you need to go through some steps to be confident in your future activities. Step-by-step instructions on priority points will help you navigate the initial stage of a startup.

What equipment to choose for a music school

The list of equipment for a private music school, despite the substantial amount required to purchase it, includes several items:

  • musical instruments (their number and list is determined individually);
  • tables and chairs for students;
  • sofas, armchairs and coffee tables for the “waiting area”;
  • computer, printer, telephones and furniture for accounting.

Also, for the normal operation of a music school, it is necessary to buy headphones, speakers, software, etc., which will greatly facilitate the work of teachers and help students quickly master new information.

Niche analysis

If you want to create your own private music school, the first thing you need to do is understand where to start. Starting a business, of course, includes analyzing the audience, assessing the level of demand for the service in the city, the size of the target audience, assessing competition and identifying opportunities and threats to the business.

The target audience of 90% is parents of children aged 7 to 15 years. The remaining 10% are adults who decide to fulfill a childhood dream or make up for skills lost over time. According to practice, most often these are women 28-35 years old. Depending on the target audience, you should look for the best location for a new music school, so that as many students as possible can appear in it and small businesses can flourish. A well-drafted individual business plan for a private music school can guide you and answer questions about whether it is profitable to start this business or whether it is not worth spending time and money on it.

What documents are needed to open a music school?

For a business providing services to a private music school, you must prepare:

  • standard constituent documents and certificates confirming the fact of registration with government agencies (Federal Tax Service, Rosstat, extra-budgetary funds);
  • rental agreement for school premises;
  • permission from SES and fire services;
  • a certificate from the bank about opening a current account with the seal of the Federal Tax Service;
  • agreements with service organizations.

It is imperative to sign employment contracts with music school employees, and they are required to provide originals and copies of documents that confirm their level of qualifications.

School selection criteria

Even at the stage of developing a business idea, the criteria for choosing a school should be taken into account. According to the survey, the following factors are important to parents:

  • What is the reputation and reviews of the music school (57%).
  • The level of qualifications of teachers, their best achievements are successful musicians (45%).
  • Convenience of visiting, accommodation near a secondary school or home (43%).
  • Reviews from friends (35%).
  • Price (10%).

Based on this, an institution with qualified teachers and high-quality instruments has much greater prospects, even if you have to pay more for lessons here.

gold fish

Before opening a private music school , an entrepreneur must decide who exactly will be the target audience of his institution and what subjects will be taught. It is necessary to take into account the demand, subjects, prices of state music schools that operate in a given city or region. An entrepreneur will need good premises for a music school, and since we are talking about opening a general education institution, there is a chance to rent municipal premises at a purely symbolic price.

The room should have a large area and a good location (preferably the central part of the city). Most of the building will be used for classrooms and some for office space. It will be necessary to allocate and equip rooms for rest, eating, and equip a bathroom. You can equip a kitchenette; you also need an office for the administrator. You will have to spend a lot of money on renovations and design of premises, but the main thing in this matter is to select personnel, this is an important and probably the most difficult task. We need people who know and love what they do.

How to open a private music school

A private music school is a business that not every entrepreneur can handle. The project requires considerable capital investment, it is difficult to compete with government agencies, although on the other hand the state actively supports such undertakings, provides tax incentives and subsidies, which significantly increases the profitability of this business.

It is necessary to ensure that as many people as possible learn the music school Particularly interesting are children (or their parents), that is, the main target audience of a music school. You can use advertisements that can be hung near educational institutions, entertainment centers, shopping centers, and in crowded places. For advertising purposes, an entrepreneur can use any media, be it a newspaper or a local radio station.

How to open a private music school

You can attract customers with benefits, discounts, and so on. It is advisable to involve local school directors and teachers in the advertising campaign. You can organize a series of live performances at parent meetings in front of potential clients. You will have to incur certain costs for advertising, rent, and renovation of premises, as well as for the purchase of musical instruments, wages for teaching staff and administrators. We are talking about several thousand dollars monthly. You will have to spend another $2,000 on the purchase of other equipment, furniture, chairs, and so on. As a result, the initial investment in this business is $15,000, plus the same monthly (operating expenses).

A private music school can bring its owner a good profit.
Typically, training in such institutions takes place in two shifts, that is, at least ten hours of lessons per day. If six classes work, then almost 2000 hours are accumulated per month. The cost of training is 100-200 dollars per month, that is, the revenue of the music school is at least 18,000 dollars per month. Taking into account government subsidies, the entrepreneur will receive at least $5,000 in net profit per month, that is, the project can pay for itself within 5-6 months. An entrepreneur can earn good money even without government subsidies, if the cost of training is at least $200, he competently organizes an advertising campaign. Good luck! In contact with

Musical instruments

When creating a marketing plan and a spreadsheet with cost estimates, the first thing to do is to include the costs of equipment, because it is impossible to make money at school without books and desks. Also, a music school with a meager selection of musical instruments will have no chance of success. When opening a private music school, you should worry and purchase at least 3-4 copies of the following instruments:

  • Piano.
  • Guitar.
  • Violin.
  • Accordion and button accordion.

There may also be some demand for saxophone and drums.

You shouldn’t skimp on high-quality musical instruments, as the owners of such establishments recommend. The level of education and the image of the school will depend on them. After all, parents take their children to private music schools so that they are taught by qualified teachers and play good musical instruments.

Financial side of business

The financial component of the business will be influenced by the training program at your music school. We are talking about an indicative list and number of classes. The size of the room, the list of necessary musical instruments, furniture and personnel will depend on this. When planning business activities, it is necessary to provide not only for registration and organizational issues, but also to calculate the possibility of obtaining maximum benefit from available resources.

Cost of opening and maintaining a music school

To open a private music school in a regional region of the country, where it is planned to teach about 60-80 students, you will have to spend money on purchasing:

  • musical instruments;
  • educational material;
  • furniture and office equipment.

It is also necessary to take into account the costs of registration and licensing and advertising. The total amount of required initial capital will be about 615 thousand rubles. As for the current costs of running a music school, these include:

  • rental of premises;
  • communal payments;
  • payment for advertising services;
  • salary.

Income amount

When calculating the size of the future income of a music school, you should take into account that during the first 2-3 years your educational institution will be no more than 70% full. The annual sales volume of services from such institutions can reach 10 thousand lessons, but this is provided that the music school is located in one of the largest cities in the country. Most music schools operate on a 2-shift teaching system. About 10 lessons are taught per day in 6 classes, that is, 1800 hours per month. Training is conducted 3 times a week and lasts 1.5 hours. Taking into account the average salary of 5 thousand rubles, monthly revenue will be 450 thousand rubles, while the net profit will be equal to 130 thousand rubles.

Business payback period

In this situation, the business will pay for itself in 3-5 months, and the amount of profit that the organization will receive will be 600 thousand rubles. Using this indicator, it is possible to determine that investments in opening a private music school can pay off in 1-1.5 years of work. As you can see, by opening such a creative educational institution, you will become the owner of a highly promising business that will bring a decent profit.

To achieve success in such a difficult task, it is important to develop a competent training program that will include unique teaching methods and an individual approach to each student.

Building premises

To open a music school, you should choose more than just a 2-room apartment on the ground floor of a house. This issue should be approached carefully. You need to look at an area of ​​at least 200 square meters. m, which will accommodate at least 5-6 classes, a teacher’s room and an office for the head. In addition, a room for a bathroom and a storage room for household needs are needed.

Renting such a space can be problematic, since mostly small spaces are rented out. You can look at the option of a former large store on the second floor in the central area of ​​the city, or rent free space in a government office, if it is for rent.

Financial part of the project

The creation of a private music school indicates certain expectations of profit for its owner. Therefore, it is important to draw up a business plan that takes into account all the expected costs of organizing the educational process and the expected income from classes.

Capital InvestmentAmount, in rubles
1Registration of a company and obtaining a license15 000
2Purchasing tools and training material350 000
3Furniture and office equipment200 000
4Advertising campaign50 000
Total:615 000

It is also advisable to have some funds in reserve to ensure the operation of the school in the first months. After all, regardless of the appearance of clients and financing, you need to pay staff salaries, utilities, taxes, social contributions, rent, and, possibly, interest on the loan. On average, monthly expenses will be about 200 thousand rubles.

For example, if you conduct about 10,000 classes per year at an average cost of 300 rubles, you can make a profit of 3 million, which will cover all monthly expenses and help return almost the entire initial investment. It is important to approach the issue of pricing wisely. So, in the first years it is better to set low or average tuition rates. And only as the institution’s reputation grows, increase the cost of education.


To launch the music school, the following employees are needed:

  • Instrument teacher (how many directions, so many teachers).
  • Solfeggio teacher.
  • Head of school (administrator).
  • Room cleaner.

Employees work according to the lesson schedule from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 18:00, since the students of the music school are mainly schoolchildren who are in classes at school until 11-12 o’clock, and preschoolers and It is more convenient for high school students to attend music lessons in the first half of the day.

Business - like clockwork: how to make money at a music school for adults and children

At the age of 12, Alexander Kazakov learned his first chords on the guitar to play the songs “Kino” and “Nautilus”. had told him then that this was how he took the first step towards his own business, which now brings not only pleasure, but also good income, he would not have believed it.
But today this is reality: hundreds of people study at Alexander Kazakov’s Guitardo , and he recently launched a franchise. In general, business is going according to plan. Guitardo Alexander told Biz portal about how to make money from people’s desire to sing and play musical instruments .

Alexander Kazakov

, 29 years old, founder of the music school. Born in Samara, where he graduated from music school and the Samara Music College named after Shatalov. Then he went to Moscow and graduated from the Gnessin Academy. He created his own method of learning to play the guitar. Guitardo Music School opened in 2014. Average turnover per month is 5.5-6 million rubles.

"Money is good"

I've been playing guitar since I was 12 years old. Friends played the guitar in the yard, I liked it, I wanted to learn how to perform my favorite songs. The first songs I learned were from a songbook from the early nineties - “A Star Called the Sun”, “Blood Type”, etc. And also - “The bend of the yellow guitar”, “Wait, locomotive, don’t knock the wheels.”

My mother is a professional musician - domra, balalaika. She still teaches. My dad is a software engineer by training, but he also played the guitar. So that had an impact too.

Then, at the age of 12, I started teaching. He took money for this - 50 rubles per lesson. I did a lot of things for free. But if a person says: “I want to master this and that,” and I understand that this will take at least a month... Learning is an energy exchange, and money is part of this energy exchange. Of course, at the age of 12 I didn’t think about energy exchange, I didn’t think about commerce, but, naturally, I understood that money is good. So payment for work - for me it was absolutely natural then.

Alexander Kazakov

I only had four students, they came to me for a year and a half. They all play now. They're not professionals, but they read music and not only play songs by chords. If we meet, they say warm words. Since I was 12 years old, I have been teaching and studying at the same time.

Learning to play is an endless process.

“I played guitar 14 hours a day”

The music got addictive very quickly. After about a month, I realized that songs are not everything, there is also classical music. Entered a music school. I went into classical music, and for the next 14 years I did only that.

I studied at the music school for four years and was given a diploma stating that I had completed the entire seven-year course. I entered the school. He developed very quickly musically. I played the guitar every day, prepared for competitions, and studied for 6-14 hours every day. Not because someone forced me, but because it was a pure thrill for me, I expressed myself like that. Concerts, performances, I traveled a lot.

At the age of 20 I graduated from college. And with this diploma I decided to enter the Gnessin Academy - the best place in Russia where they can teach me how to play the guitar further. I got in easily, despite the big competition. But the next five years were a little like this... I stopped seeing energy for myself in creativity.

Alexander Kazakov

When I entered Gnesinka, I wanted to study serious classical music. I saw my future like this: a concert guitarist, one of those whose names the general public do not know, whose concerts 20-30 people come to and listen to very serious classical music for guitar. These are very professional things. And very unpopular. I understood that it was difficult to earn serious money with classical music.

Although in general you can make money with music. Having moved to Moscow, the first thing I did was immediately get a job at a music school. After a few months, I began to have private students. Having lived in Moscow for three years, I had ten students at school and twenty private ones, to whom I went from house to house. I could feed myself and even went traveling.

First business experiences

In 2013, when my fifth year began, it dawned on me: I realized that I would soon not have such a bonus as a hostel in my life. You need to somehow earn money for a rented apartment.

The thought of music didn't even cross my mind. I didn’t think it was possible to earn more money from this than tutoring gave me. It was so outside my picture of the world...

I tried to sell Rubik's cubes that I brought from China. I was involved in organizing concerts - we played in cafes and restaurants. I sewed shoulder straps for guitars and cases: I saw a prototype from a Canadian company, did the math, and realized that I could make it a third cheaper. I rented a car. Of course, I didn’t know how to sew, I learned as I went. I sewed the first belt myself and sold it, and then the people I asked sewed it according to my pattern. There was a whole production facility in the hostel. One day the director discovered our “workshop”, took away all the equipment, and I had to go to him to explain, and then we urgently, in one night, finished all the material in my room, and that’s where this story ended.

Often, if we want to do something, including earn money, especially for the first time, we begin to take inappropriate actions: we look for difficult ways. Even when I tried to sell Rubik's cubes and sewed straps for trunks, I still made 80 percent of my living from teaching. We had to immediately think about how to optimize it, how to do it better. In the end, that's what happened.

While teaching, I wrote my own methodology. I saw that although I was taught classical guitar and all schools teach classical music, people actually want something completely different. People want to play famous songs to please themselves, surprise their loved ones and generally have a great time. By the fourth or fifth year, I structured my methodology and taught only according to it.

In a nutshell, it consists of learning not notes, but songs. To make a person interested. Otherwise, a person will quickly be disappointed and a stupid thought will arise: “Music is not my thing.” But in fact, the teacher was not the same, or the method was not the same, but music is for everyone. This is the main idea. And then, in the process, you need to structure the material in such a way that people would be interested in going through it.

I made the methodology for myself to make it more convenient to teach. There was no commercial idea. But when all other commercial ideas failed, I thought - why not?

“Where is school?!”

I decided to position myself as a music school. I came up with a name - Guitardo. Guitar is understandable, but do is “do” in English, in Japanese it is “path”, and it is also the note “do”, in general, there are a lot of meanings here. And the word Guitardo itself sounds very cool, musical.

Through VKontakte and by phone, I invited people to classes at the Guitardo music school. I was in the role of an administrator: “Come to our school, there will be a teacher there,” but I did not say that I was the teacher. Started working on March 5, 2014. There was no room. People went to music school and ended up in a dorm. I met them on the first floor. Of course, when a person came to the dormitory, some cognitive dissonance arose - where was the school?! But here I turned on the skill of communication, a smile...

At first the classes were individual. But more people came, problems arose in the hostel.

At the end of March, my friend Katya (my future wife) said that her neighbor had moved out, and her room had been paid for for another month. Katya said that I could live in this room - live and teach. I have already organized group classes there. As before, he worked alone: ​​he called until two, invited me to classes, and taught from two to eleven.

I made a website for promotion. Since I didn’t understand this, I first found free construction kits on the Internet and made something. Then I found one-pagers. And I’ve already gone down this path.

The neighbors endured it for three months, and then began to complain. We moved out of the apartment. I found a room - 100 square meters, four offices (then they made a fifth one). It was a big risk. I invested everything I earned.

I understood that I needed to work more on sales, on attracting clients. But all my time was already busy - I was my only teacher. And I couldn’t be in all four offices at the same time. I called my neighbors in the dorm and said: “I rented a room, I’m building a school, come, I have students, let’s try.” They all worked in music schools, but it was just summer, and at that time they came to me. And then, in the end, everyone quit their schools and only stayed to work at Guitardo.

You can't miss a client

We have been working for four years, and for four years we have been growing in every sense. At first we only taught how to play the guitar. Now we have added vocal lessons, playing the ukulele, drums, and other instruments. People asked: have you completed your guitar training, but still have a desire to study. We ask: “What is interesting?” “Here, the vocals.” We say: “Wait a couple of days”, after a couple of days we call back - here is the teacher, the course starts in a week. During this time, we wrote the methodology and launched the course.

Demand must receive supply. You can’t miss a client, especially if he’s already working with you - you need to offer him something new.

People sing - that means we have created a production studio, Guitardo Records, a label on which we record songs of our students, make audio and video clips. Now we are looking at the fashion side, we are interested in young unknown rap artists of different ages. Our video EXPERT ft. SWAGGHA – “Diss on Nikolai Sobolev” now has more than six million views on YouTube. And a girl of eight years old raps.

People need tools - we opened a store that sells good brands of tools.

Two and a half years ago, we registered Guitardo LLC and a trademark, and received an educational license. That was not easy. We could have stayed at the level we were at, it was comfortable and cool. But the main pleasure you get from an activity is when you strive for something.

My house

For three and a half years we wandered around Moscow. In 2020, the school occupied three different premises. And I had an image in my head - a musical mansion! And this year we implemented it.

We found a large room on the Chistye Prudy metro station and did some renovations. We have a store there, a concert hall of 80 square meters, a rehearsal facility, a recording studio and more than 20 offices. Just an amazing place, and this is the goal we were going towards.

Our methodology is based on group classes. If people are beginners, there is little point in repeating the same thing with each individual. Beginners all have the same problems. For us, as teachers, the solution to the problem was to put several people in one class. But it turned out to be interesting for people too. Classes provide emotional uplift and energy. And in the group there is much more energy.

Our students are people of different ages. We are located in the center, our audience is managers, middle-aged working people. There are students, but not many. Basically they learn from scratch. For others, it’s to try something new. What songs do they start with? In our teaching aids, which are formed based on demand, “Spleen” is most often found - “There is no way out.”

For many, our school is the fulfillment of a long-time dream. For example, Anna Semyonovna studied with us; she was 84 years old. She wanted to sing. She said that she had dreamed of learning to sing for seventy years. Although she went to a group with young people, this did not bother her. She worked at her own pace and was very happy that her dream had come true.

People are generally different. For example, a man came to a trial lesson and said that his astrologer told him to come to this particular teacher on that very day!

People with disabilities also study with us. One day a girl came to play guitar and didn’t have an arm up to her elbow! It turned out that she herself figured out how to play without a hand: she took a rubber band, tied a pick to her elbow and played along with everyone.

A guy plays the piano and drums - after an accident in which he injured his spine, which is why he has problems with the musculoskeletal system. But he works hard, pulls himself out of a difficult situation.

Competition, optimization and automation

If we talk about competition, then when we started, there were four schools in Moscow. Now there are more than twenty of them. They are of different sizes, there are some where there is one office or one teacher. But there are also big ones. But we were actively gaining momentum, and this stimulated the entire market: looking at us, people began to copy the site, our offers, so the market is growing, we are attracting it.

Sometimes they ask if I’m afraid that our technique will be stolen. But we don’t hide it, it’s in the open. There is a methodology, and there is training in the methodology for teachers. This is more important. Any program can be copied, but that's not all. Because in an object such as a school, it is not only what is taught that works, but also how to teach. And vice versa. Everything must be coordinated - from marketing to methodology. And only then does it work as it should. A separate part can be copied, but it is impossible to copy the whole thing.

Now we have more than 20 teachers at our school. There were 400 active students in the summer, and at peak times there were 600-700 people who attend constantly. Classes are offered in several areas - guitar, ukulele, drums, piano, vocals.

A month of classes twice a week for an hour and a half costs an average of 9 thousand rubles. It may be a little higher than elsewhere, but the service people get at Guitardo is better. The first trial lesson is free. In addition to just lessons, our students get a concert hall, a store, apartment buildings, a studio - everything is nearby, the most creative atmosphere, people like it, that’s why they choose us. There are subscriptions - for three, six, twelve months, there are also for two years - for 200 thousand rubles. There are installment plans.

We are currently renting our new building. This eats up a lot of money. I don’t want to say a specific figure, but I’ll say this: more than 500 thousand, but less than a million. A quarter of the school's turnover is consumed by the wage fund. Turnover is on average 5.5-6 million rubles per month for the year, but reached 8.6 million rubles. In 2020, profits reached 8 million per year.

We optimize what we can. For example, the larger the school became, the greater the volume of identical actions that needed to be performed. The organizational side - clients, calls, applications, control over payments, who attended how many classes, notifying clients about schedule changes, and a huge bunch of other things - 2.5 years ago I realized that these processes need to be automated, otherwise I will have to keep a regiment of administrators. We didn't find anything suitable on the market. And we decided to write our own ERP system. This is our know-how. We now have two administrators who work in shifts, but without the program there would be at least eight of them.

This program formed the basis of our franchise, which we now sell. The program allows you to see and manage all our schools from one place.

New goal

As soon as we achieved our goal and moved into the “musical mansion,” we immediately turned on a new goal, which is called a “large network” - we launched the sale of franchises. Literally in three weeks. We started in August. To sell franchises, we created a new legal entity - Academy Do LLC, where I have a partner.

A franchise costs 1 million rubles, and another million must be invested in the launch. Royalty – 5% of turnover. The payback period is seven to eight months. It is specified what the room should be like - the recommended format is 80-100 square meters, three or four offices. The staff of teachers is being formed gradually. Main directions: guitar, vocals, piano. This is what we launch first. Perhaps, then the drums - it depends on the ambitions of the franchisee. The foundation of a franchise is our management program. We also give our methodology and a number of other developments.

The fastest partners in Kursk - they already opened on September 7. In September we will launch seven more franchises: one each in Chelyabinsk, Izhevsk, St. Petersburg, and three in Moscow. There will be five Guitardo schools in Moscow.

It's never too late to learn

I haven’t taught for three years now, now I’m more of a leader and an entrepreneur. I am constantly learning, this is my favorite activity.

In 2014, when I first thought that I needed to create a business, I started watching various business content on the Internet - I delved into marketing, sales, management, promotion, learned what targeted advertising is and how to work with it. A question arises - you can watch an online video, take a consultation, take a course, or come to another school to watch. It was necessary to resolve an accounting issue - you learn something yourself, take consultations, and look for an accountant for some issues. When I needed to organize a sales department, I found a course on the Internet, read it, went to study, and implemented it.

I need movement. As soon as I stop, I start to feel sad. I'm used to loading at 14 hours a day, and when it's loading at 10 hours, I'm not at ease. The ideal moments that I enjoyed the most were when I worked 20 hours a day. Yes, you get tired, and a person cannot exist in this state for long. But you are so charged by the activity that you like... There is a feeling of flow, and you don’t perceive it as work, you just live, it’s your life, that’s the thrill.

Naturally, I did not expect that everything would go in this direction and reach such a scale. If four years ago they told me: “You will have a school with a turnover of six million a month and you will sell franchises for a million,” I would have answered that this is unrealistic. But now I have changed as a person, and now this is absolutely normal for me. I realize: I did it, I am capable - and I set the following goals. They are still outside my reality. But I think I will change myself to get this new reality.

I constantly make my dreams come true. One of the first is to go to Sicily and climb Mount Etna. In the first three months of launching the school, I did this. In general, there are many dreams and goals, they are constantly being fulfilled. Our dream and goal is to open 70 schools before the new year. This is what lights me up and makes me work 20 hours a day.

But in general, it is important for me to travel, to be free, to open schools. To be useful to humanity...

Alexander Kazakov

Marketing and promotion

To develop a private music school, an advertising strategy is needed even before its opening. Required:

  1. Distribute flyers on the streets with an invitation to an “open day”, where a presentation of the school itself will be held, telling about its advantages. There may be presentations by teachers who will tell what their achievements are and what they can teach children.
  2. Create pages on social networks. VK, Facebook, Instagram are suitable, where the school’s PR will take place with photo reports of events, photographs of talented children and teachers.
  3. Next, you should distribute flyers to secondary schools in the area (with address, phone number and website or group on social networks).
  4. Install a beautiful sign at the entrance and decorate the entrance with balloons to attract attention.

You will have to spend money every month on actively maintaining social networks and maintaining activity on the site to maintain positions in search engines. Here you can also post photo and video reports, as well as information about teachers and their contacts to provide an opportunity to quickly contact your child’s teacher or principal.

In addition, the educational institution should be included in the city directory and advertised in the city’s educational magazines or women’s publications. There are also potential clients there – women.

The classic, if somewhat forgotten, mailing to addresses in the area where the school is located will also help attract students.

Useful tips

There are a number of patterns according to which a private company develops, making a profit from working with people. This also applies to the vocal studio. It is required to constantly monitor the work of the school, make reasonable changes and monitor the activities of competitors. Helpful opening tips:

  • groups of students are unstable in composition. It is recommended to recruit more students at the beginning of the course. Half will stop attending school for various reasons. Often screening occurs after the New Year holidays;
  • Regular clients of the studio need to be constantly interested by organizing various events to show the growth of students in solo and group vocal performances;
  • The best advertisement for a private school is regular visitors. Campaigns to attract students are carried out with the help of existing students. For example, they give out discount coupons for friends, or offer to bring your friends to a trial lesson for free.
  • Thanks to the active development of Internet technologies, vocal studio websites are of great importance for business promotion. There they place information about the organizer, teachers, if any, photographs of the office, equipment, photographs, videos taken during performances, if the children’s parents gave permission for publication.

Visitors to the resource will get a complete picture of who will develop their child. They will form an unbiased opinion. Positive guest book reviews will give potential clients confidence.

A private vocal studio's social media group will help quickly spread information about its work and send urgent messages to clients.

Opening a business related to teaching children musical literacy is always a profitable activity, since parents dream of seeing their child successful and talented. Many creative competitions, for which it is important to prepare with a qualified teacher, will provide the studio with a continuous flow of clients.

Payback and profitability

It takes a long time for a music school to pay for itself, since it will require large investments to purchase musical instruments, money to rent a large space, and teachers’ salaries that are far from low. It is no longer possible to attract highly qualified teachers inexpensively: many already have their own profitable private practices. On average, a private school pays for itself in 8-10 months, not earlier. As soon as the flow of students is established and all the teachers’ hours are occupied, the income from net profit can exceed 200-250 thousand rubles.

It is quite difficult to speed up the process of payback for this type of business, since without compelling reasons it is impossible to unexpectedly increase the cost of classes; the result will be low attendance at the institution.

Music school private form

About the educational license

Are you going to engage in educational activities? Do not forget that according to Russian legislation, this type of activity is subject to mandatory licensing!

Who needs a license for educational activities (educational license)?

The law establishes that a license for educational activities is required for that educational organization that teaches programs of preschool, general (primary, basic, secondary (complete)) education and additional education for children, or if it provides vocational training, conducts vocational primary, secondary, higher , postgraduate, additional education, including military, as well as scientific organizations engaged in professional training, educational divisions of organizations.

Branches of educational institutions undergo licensing in the general manner, receiving a separate license.

Types of economic activities

Non-profit organizations that are not educational institutions and provide classes for adults or children, as a rule, state that they implement additional educational programs. In the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities, “Educational activity” has a code of 80, and NPOs usually choose for themselves the type of activity code - 80.42 “Education for adults and other types of education not included in other groups.”

I believe that for an organization that does not have a license and does not plan to obtain one, it is wiser not to declare at all that it is engaged in educational activities. For events carried out by NPOs, in OKVED, in addition to the traditional code 91 “Activities of public associations”, there are other suitable types of activities.

For example, for organizations that carry out extracurricular work with children, group 92 “Activities for organizing recreation and entertainment, culture and sports” may be suitable: code 92.51 “Activities of libraries, archives, club-type institutions” or 92.72 “Other activities for organizing recreation and entertainment , not included in other groups."

The resource center may select an activity from Section K, Real Estate Transactions, Rentals and Services, for example code 74.14 Business and Management Consulting. This group includes, in particular, consulting on financial management of an enterprise, consulting on human resource management, providing public relations services, and providing other services related to enterprise management. Or code 74.84 “Provision of other services”.

Formal signs of educational activity

In 2007, the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation considered the case of liquidation of a religious organization in connection with its implementation of educational activities without a license (see ruling dated October 16, 2007 No. 31-G 078). The ruling of the Judicial Board lists in detail the evidence of the fact that educational activities took place.

The court included, in particular, the following documents as evidence of the organization’s actual implementation of educational activities: staffing tables indicating the position “teacher”; applications for employment as teachers; reviews and characteristics from the places where students came from; schedule; seminar schedules; work schedules; report cards; diplomas with grades issued to students.

The following are not subject to licensing:

1. one-time lectures, internships, seminars and other types of training, after which final certification is not expected, and documents on education and (or) qualifications are not issued;

2. individual labor activity, including vocational training. However, this activity is subject to registration, since it is accompanied by the receipt of income and is considered as entrepreneurial. If a person carries out such activities without registering in the manner prescribed by law, and the income received exceeds 250 thousand rubles, there are grounds for bringing him to criminal liability under Art. 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Initially, an educational license is issued for a period of up to 3 years, but not longer than the term of the registered lease agreement. At the request of the applicant, an educational license may be issued for a shorter period.

Important! Within no more than 20 days from the date of registration of the application with all the necessary documents, the SSLiA creates an expert commission that examines the licensing conditions at the location of the educational institution (organization). The examination is carried out within no more than 30 days from the date of creation of the expert commission. Based on the results of the examination, a conclusion is prepared, which is signed by the chairman and members of the expert commission. The conclusion of the expert commission is considered at a meeting of the licensing commissions of educational institutions, which make a decision on issuing or refusing to issue a license.

You will find a list of required documents to obtain an educational license here!

Licensing of educational activities is currently regulated by the following legal acts:

Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 “On Education” (as amended)


Regulations on licensing of educational activities, which was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 18, 2000 No. 796.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ “On Non-Profit Organizations”.

Educational activities in the Russian Federation are primarily regulated by the Law “On Education”. In addition to state and municipal ones, non-state educational organizations also have the right to work in this area, which can be created in the organizational and legal forms provided for by civil legislation and are classified as non-profit organizations.

These are:

— Autonomous non-profit organization;

- Private institution.

Civil legislation determines that a non-profit organization does not pursue as its main goal the receipt of profit and its distribution among participants; the proceeds are used only to achieve its statutory goals. Non-profit organizations are created to achieve social, cultural, educational and other goals.

If you are interested in more complete information on obtaining an educational license, please contact us.


According to experienced entrepreneurs who work in the field of private education, high profitability in this area is difficult to achieve; it ranges from 20 to 30%. To stand out and become the best institution of its kind, you need to bring something unique to your institution: for example, a special way of teaching or motivating students, the corporate spirit of the school and frequent public appearances, participation in international competitions. All this will have a positive impact on the image of a private music school.

“Silver strings”: how to turn private lessons into a successful business?

Today, more than two hundred students study in two branches of Silver Strings. The main success factor is special pedagogical approaches and the absence of the formalities of a regular “musical school”. Morozova teaches everyone to play the guitar, even those who have neither an ear for music nor a sense of rhythm.

Alexandra Morozova told the portal about how she opened her business and what difficulties she encountered.

Lessons, sales, maternity leave

I've been into music since childhood. At first I studied at a music school, where I felt all the delights of this educational institution, both in a positive and negative sense. It seems that music lessons inspire you, but it always seems that the teachers are doing something wrong. Like most children, I did not like music school.

In the eighth grade, my friends and I actively became involved in creativity and dreamed of a great future. Even then, the idea arose about how good it would be to open a place where everyone could study music, but not like in a music school, but informally, for their own pleasure.

In 2000, I entered the Nizhny Tagil State Social and Pedagogical Academy. While still a student, she began giving private guitar lessons. Many guys approached me without an ear for music, without a sense of rhythm, but with a great desire to learn how to play. I developed special methods for such children and realized that music can be taught to anyone, even those who do not have any skills for this. In parallel with private lessons, I taught a circle.

In 2003, I started working in advertising and sales. She worked her way up from a promoter to the head of the sales department, and worked for the largest wholesale company in the Sverdlovsk region, Uniland. During my time in sales, I had to develop and conduct marketing campaigns myself, hire and train staff, draw up documents, conduct sales training, all this gave me a wealth of experience that I transferred to my own business.

I left Uniland in 2009 on maternity leave and never returned to paid work. Six months later, I realized that I could no longer sit at home. I decided to return to private guitar lessons. I rented a small room in a children’s center and called my mini-studio “Silver Strings.” Then I didn’t even think that the project would develop into something more. At first, I taught myself, bringing 2-3 guitars from home each time.

Signal from the universe

In January-February 2010, I completed an educational program, and in March I received a subsidy to start a business from the Nizhny Tagil Entrepreneurship Support Fund. Already in April I hired my first teacher.

True, it was an anecdotal situation. When I started looking for teachers, I told all my friends that I was looking for a person like myself. At that time, I clearly understood the competitive advantages of “Silver Strings” - my personal approach to teaching and pedagogical achievements.

It seems to me that music for children is an opportunity not only to become happier, but also to strengthen their position in society and find friends.

Apparently, the universe heard my request, and Alexander became the first teacher in the studio. And to this day, of the 11 full-time teachers, most of my team are Alexandra. And my deputy is also Alexandra Mikhailovna, like me, and even in appearance we are very similar.

As soon as the studio began to grow, we realized that it was no longer possible to remain in the children's center. Therefore, in the summer of 2010, we began searching for new premises. We wanted to rent something inexpensive in a non-residential building so that we could make some noise. Another key requirement is walking distance from schools, since 70% of our clients are middle and high school students. The ground floor in the business center turned out to be a suitable option. We moved there in the fall of 2011. First we rented a room there of 30 square meters. m and over the course of a year they gradually conquered more and more space until they “absorbed” the entire 150-meter basement floor.

It took me a total of 1.5 million rubles to repair and purchase equipment. This is not only a regional grant, but also credit and working capital.

I started with three of my own guitars, now there are more than 30 of them. I also needed drum sets, pianos, synthesizers and electric guitars.

Children and money

Difficulties with finding clients were avoided thanks to my enormous experience in sales. The most effective way to find new clients then and now remains to work with schools. Now we organize full-fledged master classes and other marketing events in city schools, but at first, even to tell a little about our studio, we had to literally break through a blank wall.

For the first two years I lived with the strong feeling that I was selling sausage. When I came to the school administration and told about myself, they looked at me with surprise: “Paid services? Children? In Russia?"

So when a line of children and parents suddenly formed in our not very presentable basement, we were surprised. But gradually our reputation took its toll. The children were happy with the lessons and talked about us in schools. Schools have begun to accept us more willingly, but still some of the new partners still treat us with distrust.

We created a VKontakte group and a website, although it is not yet fully operational. We advertised on the radio, filmed master classes for television, published in newspapers and magazines, but all these expensive channels brought practically no results.

“Silver Strings” began as a studio for teaching acoustic guitar, but when new teachers came to the project, they offered to expand the “range” of services provided. This is how we got drums, a synthesizer, vocals, and an ensemble. I myself am an amateur musician, but the studio is mostly taught by professionals with specialized education. I am looking for active, responsible young people, musically educated, capable of infecting children with music. In the matter of personnel, I actively cooperate with the local college of arts and the Nizhny Tagil Social and Pedagogical Academy.

Nice and useful

Over time, we decided to open a branch of the studio in the Dzerzhinsky district (locals call it “Vagonka”), where approximately half of the city’s total population lives. There was a demand for our services in the area, and we already had experience creating a studio from scratch. We rented a room of 130 sq. m on the first floor of a non-residential cottage. They did the renovations there themselves. The total investment in the second office was also 1.5 million rubles. (working and credit funds).

Now we have 220 students studying in two branches. Classes are mostly group - 3-5 people. The cost of a monthly subscription for 8-9 classes is 1,980 rubles. A very important job is to form students into groups. Our administrators do this. They collect questionnaires, analyze the students’ characters, their age, and level of training.

We are constantly recruiting new groups, the largest flow, naturally, in September. But now we are putting all our energy into summer recruitment. Parents take a responsible approach to organizing their children’s summer holidays, so many students either go to the village or to a camp. But there are still a lot of children in the city, it’s only important for us to find them and interest them in our studio.

After 2-3 months the children begin to show their first successes; after 6-12 they are already playing well and joining ensembles. We regularly hold rock festivals for them, where everyone can demonstrate what they have learned over the year. Recently, at the “Bard-Rock” music competition in Yekaterinburg, our students won the Grand Prix in the “Rock” category. On average, guys study in our studio for two years. There are also those who come to us from the very beginning.

We plan to open two more establishments in Nizhny Tagil, and then expand the geography. True, for this we still need to hone business processes. We reinvent the wheel too often. So for me the main task now is to grow as a leader, learn to work competently with the client base, and develop the business. It's very important to me to see the beneficial changes that my studio has on children. “Computer” boys and girls with communication problems come to me and, with the help of music, learn to communicate and find friends. Although it’s nice that we are still raising some good musicians.

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