Information letter about change of manager sample

The letter regarding the change of general director is for informational purposes only. This document confronts the organization's counterparties with a fait accompli.

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When the head of an institution changes, this must be recorded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. No later than three days from the date of appointment of a new person, the organization is obliged to submit the appropriate paper to the tax office at the place of registration of the company. And then you can send letters of relevant content to other organizations. The same should be done if the general director’s last name simply changed for some reason.

Important: notification of a change of general director has a unified form, but an information message in the form of a letter does not. The one who draws up the paper has the right to add data and give comments (naturally, observing the norms of business correspondence).

Components of a letter

The document has a free form. However, it is built according to a generally accepted algorithm. So, at the very top of the sheet are usually located:

  • Company details. There is simply some free space left on the form for them. Ideally, all documents of this scale and focus are printed on the letterhead of a specific organization, which initially contains its name, address, telephone number and other contact information.
  • Letter number. It is necessary for correct registration of outgoing correspondence.
  • Date the document was signed. Without a signature, it has no legal force.
  • Destination. If this is a legal entity, then the organization is indicated first, then the position and name of the specific employee of this organization to whom the message is intended.

In addition to the introductory part, which is the same for a large number of documents, the letter about the change of director has a main part. It may begin with the phrases: “By this letter we notify you...” or “By this letter we inform you...”, or simply “We inform you that from today Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov has been appointed general director.”

There is no standardized form for a sample letter. However, you should concisely and reasonably inform the addressee of the essence of the paper - information about the change of director. In this case, it is necessary to indicate as an attachment the paper that was the basis for such a change.

So, the mandatory points for the main part are:

  • Full name of the new general director.
  • The date on which he began to perform his duties.
  • What document is the basis for this? It may be the minutes of the general meeting of shareholders (owners) of the company or the decision of the sole founder.

Types of newsletters: 5 ready-made samples

There are quite a few types of newsletters. Their main purpose is to inform the interlocutor, which may involve performing a variety of tasks - notification, statement, confirmation of intentions, advertising message (commercial offer) and much more.

Notice (notice)

The main task is to notify the client, partner, colleagues, employees of branches, and other departments about the most important company events expected in the near future:

  • change of director, chief accountant and other employees;
  • change of details;
  • change of legal or actual address;
  • preparation for inventory;
  • changing the work week, reducing hours, etc.

The sender can also report on any informal events - preparation for a corporate party, celebration of the company’s anniversary, exhibition, etc.

Confirmation of intent

This letter can serve as an informational occasion to “remind” yourself or simply confirm intentions in response to a request. For example, a company is negotiating a deal, but at various times for some reason it periodically interrupts them. Subsequently, management came to the conclusion that the deal would indeed be profitable, so a letter of confirmation of intentions could be sent to the partner.

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Such a letter usually comes from government bodies and departments - the Federal Tax Service, the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Rostrud and many others. A company can also draw up its own letter based on these documents. The main purpose of the text is to explain in detail your position when disagreements arise (or to prevent them).


In such a letter, the partner seeks to warn the other partner about the end of the deadline for transferring the advance or final payment under the supply agreement, provision of services, etc. Often, the preparation of this document becomes the last resort, after which the company is forced to go to court - a corresponding warning can also be included in the text.

Advertising letter (commercial offer)

When drawing up commercial proposals, a more informal style of text and message design is allowed and even encouraged. The main task of the document is to attract the attention of the interlocutor and make him want to learn more about the product or service, i.e. interest and encourage contact. It is a mistake to think that a commercial offer can immediately “sell” a product. In fact, his main task is to “sell” the meeting or phone call.

Articles on the topic

When the founders of a company decide to fire a general director and hire a new one, they will inform regulatory authorities and contractors about this. How to do this correctly, read our article.

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Who signs?

When drawing up a document, many people wonder who should certify the letter: the old or new general director of the organization. The answer here is clear: new. After all, the document on his appointment has already entered into force. And even if the tax authorities are still in the dark about the change of director, only the new boss now has the right to sign and certify the documentation with his visa.

In practice, a situation often occurs when two people are in power in a company at once.

In order to avoid such moments and possible related troubles, it is necessary to immediately indicate in the minutes of the meeting of owners on this issue specific dates for the dismissal of the previous employee and the appointment of a new one.

What documents to send to the tax office when changing the director of an LLC

Mandatory notification to the Federal Tax Service when changing the head of the company is drawn up in form P14001.

EXPLANATIONS from ConsultantPlus experts: In the event of a change of director (in addition to the title page and sheet P), you must fill out a sheet relating to the sole executive body (SEO). The latter is filled out both for the previous director and for the new one. Which specific sheet needs to be filled out as a sole executive officer depends on who performed and who will perform the functions of director. Read the procedure for filling out form P14001 in K+.

Document P14001 must be submitted to the Federal Tax Service within 3 days after:

  • signing by the founder (meeting of owners) of a decision or protocol on the appointment of a new director;
  • the beginning of the powers of the new director in accordance with the decision or protocol.

The new manager, who is approved by the founders or the meeting of owners, fills out and submits form P14001. This form must be notarized.


Since the new boss is signing, the letter needs evidence of the information provided, otherwise it would open up wide opportunities for scammers. Proxies could take advantage of the resulting confusion when reporting this type of information. Therefore, the following must be attached to each letter about a change of general director:

  • A copy of the minutes of the general meeting at which the decision on his appointment was made. In practice, for convenience, it also prescribes the dismissal of the old one.
  • A copy of the power of attorney for signing the documentation.
  • A copy of the order on the appointment of the general director. The meaning of the power of attorney may be included in it.

Only the first paper will be required, but by attaching copies of the others, you can make your appeal more reasoned. Each organization in this case acts in accordance with its Charter.

The final part of the letter is the signature of the new general director and, if possible, the seal of the organization. In this way, counterparties and other persons to whom the letter will be addressed will learn how the new manager signs.

If the CEO changes at the same time as the founder

In this case, the process follows the general rules. The only small change is that the new founder himself writes a statement on his own behalf . And then he is accepted into the leadership of the enterprise.

In this case, a general meeting is held at which certain decisions are made.

  • Approval of a new format of constituent and other documents.
  • Making changes to the composition of the founders.

How is the registration of an individual entrepreneur with the Pension Fund of Russia carried out? What is needed for this? Full information on these issues is available at the link.

Is it necessary to notify partners?

By law, the company is obliged to notify only the tax service and the bank about the change of director. However, according to the rules of business communication, counterparties must also be aware of the current state of affairs. This is especially true in cases in which the previous CEO was fired from the organization due to loss of trust. His actions could also be related to business partners.

In addition, there is one more reason to notify business partners: additional agreements should be concluded with them to all contracts in which the full name of the old specialist appears (in order for them to have legal force).

Thus, mass mailing of letters about a change of general director is a mandatory item in the algorithm of any self-respecting company. If you don’t want to waste precious time signing multiple copies, you can use a facsimile of the new boss’s signature.

Purpose of notification

In addition to purely managerial functions, the CEO has the so-called “signing right”. By virtue of this “right,” documents signed by the general director acquire legal force.

The “right to sign” is fixed in the constituent documents. This means that the full name and other data of the general director are included in the Charter of the legal entity. In addition, a sample signature of the general director is provided to various government bodies, as well as to the bank servicing the current account of the legal entity.

Accordingly, a change of director entails a change in the signature on the documents.

In order for the documents signed by the new director to have authority, changes must be made to the constituent documents, and counterparties and the bank must be notified of the personnel changes that have occurred.

Until 2013, the tax authorities were also required to be notified of a change of director. Currently, this provision is not in effect, since the bank notifies the tax authorities of any changes to the Charter of a legal entity.

What problems does an information letter solve?

The main purpose of a newsletter is to tell the recipient that something has happened. For example:

  • notify partners about changes within the company;
  • remind counterparties about the fulfillment of obligations under the contract;
  • tell the client about the introduction of new services or expansion of the range.

An informational letter simply states a fact and does not imply motivation for action.

The length of an information letter varies from one sentence to several pages. As a rule, the information letter is signed by the head of the organization or the responsible person. In case of mass mailing, a manual signature is not required.

Often, information letters are standard in nature - they are drawn up according to an approved template. The content may contain recommendations or quotes from official documentation. Information letters can also contain various attachments - photographs, documents, tables, pdf files.

Type of letter

In modern business correspondence, certain traditions have developed regarding the type of letters. Before you start creating your own letter, you need to decide on its type. The set of acceptable clichéd phrases and phrases for maximum information content will depend on it.

Letters are:

  • In the form of reminders.
  • Accompanying.
  • Letter - order.
  • Designed as a presentation.
  • Warranty, etc.

The document described refers to information letters. They perform only the function of conveying to the partner the information he needs.

Guide to Completing a CEO Change Letter: 3 Key Principles

We can list various circumstances under which the general director is changed in an LLC. Information about an employee in this position is not displayed in the constituent documents. But they are contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Therefore, any relevant changes require state registration. The registration itself must take place no less than three days after the relevant decision was made at the general meeting.

On the main features of the procedure for replacing the CEO

When working with official documents, the broadest range of powers is vested in general directors. Therefore, the issue of replacing a person in this position must be approached with the utmost seriousness. And rely only on current legislation.

To avoid possible problems in the future, you need to take care of the following:

  1. Constituent papers.
  2. Print transfer process. Material personal assets are transferred separately.

The most common reasons for people changing positions are either the desires of other members of the community, or the personal desire of the specialist himself.

In any case, the candidate must be notified in writing of the replacement no later than 30 days before the actual dismissal takes place. The employee himself informs about leaving if this decision is made of his own free will.

Separately, decisions are made to change the management team. After this, the manager himself must submit documents to the tax authorities within a maximum of 3 days so that the necessary changes can be made.

How is an information letter written?

Information letter about the change of general director: sample and details

“Notification of a change of general director” is a mandatory document required by law. First, such letters are sent to banks involved in servicing the accounts of a legal entity. And only then - to counterparties.

We contact representatives of tax authorities

The documents are sent to the addressee after the appropriate changes have been made. And after the contents of Rosreestr have already confirmed that the general director has changed. Until this moment, the decision has no force, and there is no point in drawing up the paper itself.

An official letter is sent to the tax service immediately after the relevant occasion arises.

This is a mandatory requirement by law. To do this, use form No. P14001 . No other documents are needed, just the application itself.

To register an individual entrepreneur, you need to collect certain documents. Detailed information and a list of papers are available at the link.

The document is filled out in the following order:

  1. Title page. In this place write the full name of the organization, INN and OGRN .
  2. There is a first page on the sheet, designated as K. There should be two copies of it. In one of them, only sections numbered 1 and 2 are filled out. Information regarding the old director is given here. Another copy is given to the person who came to the position of manager. On this sheet, proceed to filling out the third section.
  3. Sheet P is needed for information that is provided to the tax authorities. Either the new manager himself or his representatives are responsible for this. In the second case, a mandatory requirement is the presence of a power of attorney certified by a notary.

You can download a sample information letter about the change of general director from this link.

Sample information letter about the change of general director.

We communicate with banks and counterparties

In this case, the form of writing a letter is free. Banks must provide new information a maximum of three working days in advance. Otherwise, a fine will be imposed on the company.

What is the procedure for concluding an agreement between an individual entrepreneur and an LLC? An article on this topic is here.

From a legal point of view, counterparties are not required to send such a letter. But it’s better to inform your partners about the changes in order to insure yourself for the future. Especially if the director’s dismissal is due to a loss of trust. In the business world, this is considered good manners.

The letter is free-form, but it is recommended to adhere to a general business style.

There is information that is required:

  1. The document is written on behalf of only the new manager. At the end there is his signature, which must be certified by a notary.
  2. There is no need to clarify why exactly the previous director was fired. Especially if you don’t want to spread unnecessary rumors. It is enough to use one short phrase. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to specify a reason at all . According to general requirements, nothing can be indicated at all except the very fact of removing the old manager from his position and appointing a new one in his place. For other information, see the appendices.

One of the required attachments will be a copy of the minutes of the general meeting, at which the decision was made to remove the new director and appoint a new one.

If the CEO changes at the same time as the founder

In this case, the process follows the general rules. The only small change is that the new founder himself writes a statement on his own behalf . And then he is accepted into the leadership of the enterprise.

In this case, a general meeting is held at which certain decisions are made.

  • Approval of a new format of constituent and other documents.
  • Making changes to the composition of the founders.

Newsletters in email marketing

There is no clear definition of a newsletter in email marketing. Some people call this exclusively transactional messages - notifications about payment or order status, registration confirmation. But in most cases, newsletters are considered to be content mailings that contain useful information for the user.

Content emails in email marketing help:

  • keep the attention of subscribers;
  • maintain regular contact;
  • confirm expert status;
  • periodically remind you about the product or company;
  • attract traffic to the site.

Some companies base their entire email marketing strategy on info emails. But more often, information letters are used in combination with promotional mailings. This allows you to sell less aggressively - subscribers do not get tired of an overabundance of commercial offers and at the same time do not forget about the company.

Although newsletters may not contain a call to action aimed at attracting sales, they also attract traffic. Subscribers follow links to interesting site materials and over time can become real customers.

An example of an email marketing newsletter. Digest of interesting articles for the week from Elle

What to write about in information letters

Information letters in email newsletters are used to inform the audience and attract potential customers.

Info letters may contain:

  • stories about your business;
  • customer stories and reviews;
  • “behind the scenes” activities;
  • articles useful for clients;
  • links to interesting materials;
  • news about your business;
  • announcements of new products and services;
  • reminders about promotions.

How to quickly create newsletters for email marketing

Let's say you have already decided what kind of information content you want to present to your subscribers. All you need to do is “pack” the materials. For this purpose, you can use ready-made letter templates.

The UniSender service provides templates for a variety of types of letters - for e-commerce, by industry, and universal. To create info letters, you can select templates from the “Blogs and News” or “Universal” categories.

UniSender Templates

Page for selecting ready-made templates in UniSender

To create a newsletter, you just need to replace the template text with your own. If necessary, you can modify the template - add or remove individual blocks, insert a video or image, etc.

UniSender template

Editing a newsletter in UniSender

How to create a letter in UniSender

Regularly sending out useful and interesting newsletters will strengthen relationships with subscribers, retain potential clients and increase loyalty from the reading audience.

Sample information letter about the exhibition

Dear participants!

We ask you to familiarize yourself with the terms of participation in the exhibition “The City Through My Eyes” and confirm your consent to participate within 5 days .

  1. The exhibition will take place on February 9, 2012 from 9.00 to 19.00 on Gogolevsky Boulevard in the building of the “Photo Center” of the Union of Journalists of Russia.
  2. The minimum image size on the short side is 20cm (for example, a print is 20x30), the maximum on the long side is 45cm (for example, a print is 30x45).
  3. Photos will be posted on stands, on whatman paper.
  4. Each exhibitor can post up to 10 works. Please inform us about the number of photos in advance.
  5. and surname of the author by e-mail for preliminary review .
  6. Finished and approved works can be brought in on February 07 .

Best regards, organizing committee

Application. Information about the photo exhibition (jury, partners).

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