5 reasons to think very carefully before opening a coffee shop

May 10, 2020 Coffee business

The modern world dictates its fast-paced principles of life, and not only an iPhone in one hand, but also a glass of coffee in the other has become an important part of the image of a developing and active person. Coffee has always been part of the culture characteristic of a certain time and region, and today many simply cannot imagine a day without it. This certainly growing demand for coffee to go is a tempting factor for many, both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs, to find their place in this business.

The advantages include:

  • high demand for this drink. Every second potential client of yours drinks coffee once, twice, or even three times a day.
  • Quite a small initial investment. Opening the simplest coffee to-go outlet will require minimal investment. The biggest costs are rent and equipment; by the way, some franchises rent it out free of charge.
  • mobility. You can open a mobile coffee shop. In case of a change of location, you can also quickly transport it to a new place, unless of course it is a full-fledged coffee shop.

The disadvantages include:

  • high competition. The high popularity of coffee sets a trend and points are opened every month at every step. Therefore, you should take the choice of an effective location very seriously.

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  • Part of the comparative table of the TOP 10 “Coffee to Go” franchises

Business plan for opening takeaway coffee

When you decide to start your own business, draw up a business plan for takeaway coffee. After completing the document, calculate the possible income and determine the expenses that you will spend on the launch. Detailed calculations are necessary for proper planning. Additionally, determine business prospects depending on market realities.

You can take a ready-made sample as a basis. However, you do not need to be completely guided by such a business plan. The average document does not reflect the market realities.

Fill out a project summary, define initial goals and objectives. By identifying them, you will achieve results faster.

The main goal is to organize mini-coffee shops. Customers will be people passing by and wanting to have a hot drink on the way. The company is run by the entrepreneur himself. He will also become the main employee. Additional staff can be hired in the future.

Choose a business format. Popular in 2020:

  1. Coffee stalls. Companies are located near universities or metro stations. Points located near bus stops pay off well.
  2. Selling coffee from machines. Mobile points are placed in parks, on public streets, in event areas, and in crowded places.
  3. Counters in business centers or shopping centers. The places are highly trafficked. Similar companies comfortably coexist in the zone. There is no confrontation.

The mini-coffee shop is open from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm. Early opening is encouraged. Let the institution work when students go to study and adults go to work. Think about decorating a mini coffee shop. We need an original design. A large room is not required. There should be enough space for a coffee machine and for storing ingredients, a refrigerator, and placement of a seller. Sell ​​coffee in paper cups of different sizes. Apply a design to them that reflects the concept of a mini coffee shop.

Develop an assortment. Include seasonal and classic drinks, original cocktails, and coffee with additives. Add snacks to your menu. People are willing to buy:

  • snacks;
  • cookie;
  • donuts;
  • sandwiches;
  • cupcakes.

Please order prepared products separately. You will have to obtain permission to prepare food.

Decide on how to start a business. It is acceptable to buy a franchise or start your own business from scratch. The first option will save on startup costs. Working under a well-known brand, you will receive a ready-made action plan for starting your business from scratch. You will be provided with contacts of trusted suppliers. The franchisee will receive a business development strategy. However, for services, the franchisor requires a percentage of income and a number of additional deductions.

Market and competitor analysis

Considering a business plan for coffee to go requires studying the market and competitive factors in the chosen area.

The audience of takeaway coffee service clients consists of students and workers. In general, the age of clients ranges from 16 to 35 years. At the same time, the main income comes from students aged 17 to 25 years. You need to understand that in most cases a client’s visit depends on an impulsive fleeting desire, i.e. the audience is not drawn to the same point all the time. Much depends on the location and conditions.

Competing coffee shops compete on the following parameters:

⚖️ Value for money

A successful outlet will be one that can optimize and regulate all processes so that the coffee is tasty and inexpensive . A price tag that will be “lower” even by a small amount will be able to attract students seeking constant savings

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