How a pregnant wife inspired the launch of a successful business or 5,000,000 in pillows

Unfortunately, once on maternity leave, few women manage to focus exclusively on themselves and their baby. After all, you must admit, when you receive a tiny child care allowance and are completely dependent on your husband’s earnings, you somehow have no time for yourself. It is not surprising that in such a situation, the expectant mother has to think - how to earn money during maternity leave at home, so that it is enough not only for the essentials, but also for some feminine joys? To help find the answer to this question, next we will look at business ideas for mothers on maternity leave in 2020, which may not only bring a small income to the young mother, but will also become a serious business in the future.

What is the point of working on maternity leave?

Before we voice the most interesting business ideas of 2020 for mothers on maternity leave, we will first try to name a few more reasons (except, of course, financial independence, because we voiced this reason in the first place) why it is so important that, once on maternity leave, the woman is not fixated only on motherhood:

  1. By doing something interesting for herself, the new mother will not feel cut off from society. After all, while working, she will, in any case, have to communicate with people and this will help her somehow dilute the seemingly vicious circle of the daily life scenario like - feeding - diaper - walk - bathing - sleep, etc.;
  2. A business for a mother on maternity leave will keep her in “shape”, allowing her not to lose her professional skills (if she decides to earn extra money as a professional in some specific business). Well, even if the business is not related to professional activity, then any opportunity for self-development will keep the brain in good shape, which in the future (after maternity leave) will help to quickly integrate into the work process;
  3. Feeling in demand, any woman will be happy, and her baby will be happy along with her. If a woman feels driven into a framework, and a long stay within four walls begins to irritate her, then nothing good will come of it. Because as a result, this depression will be passed on to the baby, who will become restless, nervous, and start crying for no reason. And the rest of the family will have to endure all this, listen and slowly go crazy.

A successful mother is a good role model for a little person. Moreover, scientists have proven that children raised by successful parents are able to achieve much greater success in life than those raised by mothers and fathers with a limited range of interests. They often become famous, get high positions, and open their own business. And this is not surprising. After all, the model of relationships in the family, the behavior of the parents, were laid down in the child’s mind in very early childhood. And as an adult, he will subconsciously adhere to it. In general, an interesting home business for women saturates life with bright, unforgettable events; this is a necessity that not only a young mother needs, but also her child.

Working on maternity leave: is it right?

Many mothers on maternity leave experience a lack of money. Therefore, they begin to think about part-time work. Of course, someone thinks this is wrong and will say that while on maternity leave a woman should take care of the child exclusively.

But what if the mother has free time and wants to realize herself as an individual, improve the financial situation of the family, while the child and father do not lack attention? There is only one way out - to open your own business.

Maternity leave is an amazing time when you can master or try yourself in different professions. Of course, it will be difficult to open any business with an infant. But when the child turns 1.5-2 years old, you can safely start looking for ideas.

But now we’ll tell you how to decide on the direction of your business.

Pros and cons of maternity business

In addition to the impact on the emotional state of a young woman who, due to an “interesting” situation, is forced to change her usual lifestyle for some time, a home business for mothers has quite a few advantages. In particular, working from home, she can afford:

  • Decide independently how to work (no one stands behind her and demands that she do “everything now”;
  • You don’t need to adapt to anyone, you don’t have to report to anyone;
  • There is no need to rush anywhere, spend money on travel or lunch, but only get what you earn;
  • Manage your own finances;
  • Study, self-development, self-improvement, etc.

Of course, like any business, a business for mothers on maternity leave at home is not without some disadvantages. And this also needs to be remembered. For example, while caring for a baby and at the same time working, a woman:

  • Subject to increased stress, which can lead to a constant feeling of fatigue and a desire to give up everything to rest;
  • May not cope with proper planning of the work schedule and, as a result, turn his life into complete chaos;
  • Start to gain weight due to a sedentary lifestyle (if you have to work while sitting at the computer) and the ability to constantly snack on something (after all, the refrigerator is nearby!);
  • Become a victim of unscrupulous clients or scammers.

This list could be continued, but I think pessimism is of no use to us. Moreover, the long-known proverb says that he who does not take risks, does not drink champagne. And we are preparing for a successful future. So let's move on!

From business woman to business mother: how to organize additional income while on maternity leave with a baby?

A little terrorist, constantly demanding attention, will make adjustments to the daily routine. But mothers’ stories about the impossibility of finding a few hours for self-employment and feasible work are disingenuous. The main thing is to choose a way to earn money for a young mother that takes into account both the interests of the child and the capabilities of the household. The need or ardent desire to provide yourself with additional income can even be used for educational purposes: a dad who devotes little time to the baby or is frankly afraid to be left alone with him will be forced to do this if the mother has a serious argument in the form of work. The presence of grandmothers who dream of babysitting opens up even wider opportunities and expands the list of suitable options for how to make money while on maternity leave significantly.

Some points still need to be noted:

  1. The maternity maid's workplace should be arranged so that the child cannot reach and ruin anything or injure himself. A separate room is an ideal option, but you can get by with a quickly but tightly closing chest of drawers, where knitting needles, drawings and a laptop are immediately put away at the baby’s first squeak.
  2. It’s not worth taking on work that needs to be completed within tight deadlines. The child's behavior is unpredictable. He may refuse to go to bed, and a hot order for audio transcription may be overdue. Teething can deprive you of sleep, and your morning batch of translations or unfinished coursework will remain untouched. The quality of intellectual work can suffer greatly from a disrupted schedule and lack of sleep.
  3. When organizing a salon or atelier at home, you should think about limiting the contact of strangers with the baby. During epidemics, the flow of visitors is dangerous for a child.
  4. Work related to chemicals while on maternity leave at home is strictly unacceptable. A hairdresser will have to give up perms, a manicurist will have to give up acrylic nail extensions, a designer will have to give up working with paint coatings, etc. All these volatile substances are harmful to the baby, and they penetrate even through closed interior doors.

When choosing how to make money while on maternity leave, all these subtleties must be taken into account: no money is worth the health and safety of a child.

12 affordable crafts: a sure way to make money while on maternity leave

Knitting, embroidery, macrame and lace weaving can be a good income. In addition to direct orders for handmade products, you can take advantage of the opportunity to hand over your creations for sale: in many cities there are shops of handmade products. Many things are in demand, but the specifics of consumer psychology must be taken into account. Inexpensive accessories, such as children's hats, mittens or booties, are purchased immediately, but sweaters or blouses for adults require custom-made sizes. For sale you can do:

  1. Children's clothes.
  2. Items of constant demand, such as socks, mittens, potholders.
  3. New clothes and accessories for pets.
  4. Hairpins, brooches and other jewelry.
  5. Soft toys, including tactile ones for newborns.
  6. Developmental aids for kids.
  7. Covers for documents and holiday photo albums using scrapbooking techniques.
  8. Bed linen, small textiles and interior accessories.
  9. Handmade soaps and bath bombs.
  10. Magnetic souvenirs with city or national symbols.
  11. Hand decorated phone cases and replacement panels.
  12. Wedding paraphernalia, such as locks, glasses, money chests.

A good camera will help you sell finished products and collect orders. This in itself can become a means of earning money for a young mother: high-quality artistic photography and creating collages are another opportunity to earn money while on maternity leave. But with the help of a camera, you can perfectly present your creations on message boards and in thematic groups: this makes it much easier to find clients.

Idea No. 21. Kindergarten at the home of a young mother: where there is one, there are two

Let me say right away that creating a full-fledged kindergarten or even a group for children is not an easy task. It is necessary to select a premises, obtain permission to operate within its walls, decide on food and rest for children, think about additional staff, purchase furniture and equipment and think through walking routes. You can start presenting your enterprise only after complete readiness, both material and moral. Having become the leader of such a team, you can forget about sick leave with your own baby: obligations to parents will make you forget about your own motherhood.

However, nothing prevents you from taking in 1-2 kids by agreement with your neighbors. Managing such a small group is not much more difficult than managing one of your own, and sometimes even easier: toddlers busy fussing with each other require less attention than one restless child. Even the temporary stay of the second child will bring good profit for the first child.

Idea No. 22. MLM as a part-time job while on maternity leave: is good old network marketing still alive?

Many people have gone through the structures of network marketing companies. Hundreds of “distributors” literally comb through the lists of relatives, acquaintances and colleagues. It is useless to dissuade those who engage in such activities: money is used to maintain the morale of senior levels, and aggressive motivation and constant “trainings” are used to maintain the morale of senior levels. But for those who are just trying on the role of a “representative” of another cosmetic or bio-additive company (namely, this is the profile that is usually offered to young women) it is worth understanding:

  • there will be no passive income; you will have to sell or “sign” to earn money;
  • you will have to organize the delivery of products, purchase and prepayment yourself and at your own expense;
  • the contracts of “networkers” provide for obligations of personal regular purchases, without which the right to remuneration from the structure is lost;
  • network marketing involves working either with your own structure or with a client, that is, attending educational seminars, master classes and trainings (not always free) for active work is necessary.

Yes, many network companies, like all businesses, have begun to move to virtual reality: structures are built through websites, orders are collected remotely, seminars are being replaced by webinars. But the main essence of MLM work remains the same: profit comes from sales, so you need to either sell or look for people who sell. As an option, they sell to themselves, that is, they actively use these particular products, which is problematic in the age of full shelves.

How to start earning money while on maternity leave?

When a young mother gets used to the fact that she does not belong to herself, that the life and health of a little creature depends on her care and attention, and begins to plan her life, taking these points into account, she can start looking for a suitable idea for earning money for mothers on maternity leave. But for the search to be successful, the future “businesswoman” should decide in which area she would like to work. And answers to two simple questions can help her with this:

  1. What can she do (could it be some kind of hobby, professional activity)?
  2. How much free time can she devote to business?

In addition, she must understand how much she would like to earn and whether she is ready to learn something completely new, but interesting for herself. Perhaps some knowledge from school will help in the process of determining the scope of activity. The main thing is that the future business:

  • It was interesting;
  • Brings satisfaction (in all aspects - financial, moral, physical);
  • Did not interfere with the process of caring for the child;
  • It did not require large material costs.

Thus, all options for ideas for earning money for mothers can be divided into three groups:

  1. Work related to the main professional activity (a teacher can do tutoring, a lawyer can do online consultations on legal issues, a journalist can do copywriting, etc.);
  2. Skills, hobbies (the business will be especially successful if these skills and the things produced are in wide demand. For example, knitted items have always been in price, and almost all women do manicures);
  3. Activities on the Internet (a good opportunity to improve computer skills for those women who do not know what to do on maternity leave before giving birth. After the baby is born, they will be able to freely use these skills at work).

By the way, lately, finding income for a mother on maternity leave without investment is not at all difficult. And further, we will provide examples of businesses for mothers on maternity leave that have not lost their relevance for a long time and will be of interest to women with different interests, skills and abilities.

What business ideas are related to professional activities? This group, as already noted, includes all types of activities that can generate income for mothers on maternity leave who have a certain profession.

Why should women on maternity leave start their own business?

The reasons why a young mother may want to start her own business vary. The most common:

  • Lack of funds. During maternity leave, a woman does not visit her main employer, and therefore does not receive wages. The husband may not earn enough, while the baby grows along with the increase in spending on him. The lack of stable income forces mothers to look for any opportunity to earn extra money, so it is not surprising that it is during this period that interesting business ideas arise, the implementation of which generates income.
  • Reluctance to focus only on children. Not all families experience financial difficulties, but some women constantly need self-development, want to constantly learn something new, and want to communicate with interesting people. Business allows you not only to discover your talents, but also to earn good money.
  • Dissatisfaction with the main job. There are often cases when young mothers, being at home within four walls, opened their own business and subsequently terminated their employment relationship with their previous employer.


The most suitable business for a mother on maternity leave without investment, especially if before maternity leave she was a teacher or lecturer at some educational institution (then she can simply continue working, hosting pupils or students).
This job is also suitable for those women who are fluent in foreign languages ​​or play musical instruments and know how to teach this to others. Classes can be conducted both at home and at clients’ homes (as long as grandma or dad agrees to be with the child at this time). Lessons can also be organized online. But for this you will need a computer with a webcam.

You can search for clients using ads on social networks, on thematic forums, through acquaintances and friends. By the way, this business idea is always relevant. After all, every year children go to school, graduate from it, enter higher education institutions, and many need the help of a specialist to prepare for these stages of study.


Another idea on how to earn money for your mother at home if she has, for example, a medical education. After all, future doctors are taught the basics of massage.

You can open a massage room right at home (for this you only need massage oil and talc), but the possibility of serving clients on the road is not excluded (provided that there is someone to look after the child). The income from such a business will be good. Especially when you consider that the minimum course of massage treatments is usually considered 10 massages. Moreover, there is always a demand for good specialists. And, by the way, if a young mother does not even have a special education, she has the opportunity to master the skill by enrolling in express courses. Such knowledge will be very useful in caring for a child. And the first clients can be relatives, friends and relatives. Later, when you already have practice, you can advertise via the Internet, on bulletin boards in the nearest clinic. When you have regular customers and a stable income, in order to avoid problems with regulatory services, you need to think about registering a business by registering as an individual entrepreneur.


An almost new business idea that can generate income for mothers on maternity leave at home if they have previously done accounting.
To understand the essence of the idea, we first explain what outsourcing is. The fact is that no legally operating business can do without accounting. But it happens that for various reasons a businessman either cannot afford a good full-time accountant, or does not have such an accountant. Therefore, in order to resolve the issue with accounting (reports and other documents), they shift part of their responsibilities on this issue to specialists who will do everything efficiently.

So, if a young mother coped well with this before maternity leave, then why not try to make money by doing bookkeeping during maternity leave? After all, in her circle there will always be familiar entrepreneurs who will need a good specialist.

Own travel agency

If before maternity leave a woman had to travel a lot around her native area due to her duty and, in general, she loves to travel, then it will not be difficult for her to organize such an opportunity for other people. And it will be very good if these surroundings are rich in interesting objects, which, as a rule, large travel agencies do not pay attention to at all. Such a business for a mother from scratch needs to be started by creating:

  • Databases of guides providing private services;
  • Owners of hostels or entrepreneurs engaged in renting out daily housing;
  • Local attractions, museums, places where prominent personalities have been (if there are no such places, perhaps there is an industrial enterprise in the vicinity where they will be willing to talk about their products);
  • Public catering points (preferably they should be of different price categories).

Creating a base and launching a project can be done even in the prenatal period, so that when the baby arrives and there is much less time for work, you can only control the process by giving instructions over the phone. By the way, if we talk about new ideas and tips for home business for women, then the same principle can be used to organize, for example, an employment agency, a dating service or a hotel for animals. Here you will only need to work on your client base, and then only help clients get the services they need, receiving interest on transactions for this.

What kind of skill or hobby business can you start? In this group, as the title suggests, we will talk about business ideas for those who are interested in what kind of business to open for a mother on maternity leave, if she, to put it mildly, is unlucky with her profession, but she has a good hobby or knows how to do something, something other people don't handle so well.

Working on the Internet: a collection of options for how to make money while a young mother is on maternity leave

What doesn’t exist on the Internet doesn’t exist in nature: that’s what confident users joke about. Perhaps, at present, this saying has ceased to be a joke. Business, trade, education and communication have moved online. And it’s worth looking for an option on how to make money while on maternity leave here. Naturally, all the advice about precautions when looking for additional income during maternity leave is also relevant in this case: scammers have moved to the network along with cash flows. What you need to remember when looking for online earnings while on maternity leave:

  • Employers do not ask for advance payments or deposits ; they give money for work performed, and do not take it away.
  • To transfer any amounts to a card (for example, a promised salary), it is enough to know its number (16 or 18 digits). Only an attacker can ask for a scanned copy, photo or full card data. The same can be said about the request to dictate any incoming passwords from your own cell phone: authorization via SMS is practiced by online banks. By sending the numbers, you will give the scammer the keys to the safe.
  • There are many resources on the network that, free of charge and instantly, will provide the user with the information of interest to the user about the legal address and profile of the company, its management, and even show reviews. Citizens often share blacklists, and even with full confidence in the integrity of the business, it is worth checking the information provided with a trivial search. Having received a tempting offer from an unknown subscriber who introduced himself as a HR manager at Sberbank or Apple, you just need to check the information on the official resource.
  • In all doubtful cases, the rule will help out: “money in the morning, chairs in the evening.” If the employer is really interested in the employee, the issue of a small advance will not be a problem.

Idea No. 23. Own online store: during maternity leave, we transfer the business online

Creating an online store from scratch is quite problematic. With all the advantages of online trading, there is only one serious “but” that cannot be removed: non-virtual goods will still have to be purchased, that is, start-up capital is required to start the activity. It is much easier to transfer an existing business online: working through a monitor will allow the mother to take care of the child, rather than spend hours standing behind the counter. It will be enough to hire another employee to deliver or forward goods, and the store can begin to actively advertise.

Idea No. 24. Selling car insurance and travel vouchers: the advantages of working on maternity leave under the wing of a major partner

Many large companies are actually ready to hire freelancers working for a percentage to draw up contracts. This system is common in insurance companies, large tour operators and retail chains. All work is carried out via the Internet, and in successful cases, if the applicant proves his competence and literacy, a database of potential clients may even be provided. Having convinced the interlocutor to purchase a lot, the consultant receives a percentage or a specific check for the transaction. In this case, the obligations are minimal: the mother can devote her free time to activities without leaving the baby in the wrong hands.

Idea No. 25. Freelance exchanges and free bread: how realistic is it to combine writing and motherhood?

The essence of work for these types of activities, which many mothers consider when searching for how to make money while on maternity leave, is the same:

  • uniqueization of texts for search engines or rewriting;
  • writing articles, news, product cards for online stores;
  • filling websites and online business cards of enterprises with content;
  • checking and editing existing pages;
  • transcribing audio recordings and translating scanned copies into text.

The only difference is in the organization of activities: even a beginner has the opportunity to break into the exchanges, and in controversial situations the administration will protect the rights of its user. On the exchange, you can try to sell existing works: articles, master classes, descriptions, recipes and photos for them. It is indeed possible to make money by writing articles, but treating this type of activity as a hobby or fun will not work. Exchanges are cleaning up their ranks and quickly getting rid of illiterate and unscrupulous authors, and for an employer waiting for an order, the presence of a child is not an excuse either for missing deadlines or for poor quality of work.


In the modern world, it is becoming very popular to organize holidays for various occasions.
And naturally, an obligatory attribute of such fun are treats, in particular, exclusive sweets, pastries or desserts. Therefore, if a young woman likes to create such goodies, then the question is: how can a mother make money at home while on maternity leave? – she shouldn’t care at all. After all, if you organize everything correctly (make a portfolio of finished works, place advertisements on the Internet, on bulletin boards in crowded places, near children's institutions), then you can make good money by making culinary masterpieces. By the way, if you need a business idea for a mother with many children, then you can also take a closer look. After all, older children can become good helpers in this matter. For example, they can be entrusted with creating packaging for baked goods, or some decoration elements. We are sure that the children will be very interested in participating in the process, and the mother will get help. But where to start? Since you have work experience (if not, during the prenatal period you can take culinary courses, well, or attend master classes from specialists), first you need:

  • Work on increasing your customer base (offer good products at prices lower than competitors, organize a presentation with tasting, etc.);
  • Purchase special inventory (without it, large orders will be difficult to complete quickly);
  • Decide on the type of baking (if large cakes are not your thing, try making cupcakes, pastries, colorful gingerbread cookies, lollipops);
  • Constantly advertise yourself (on social networks, on various forums, you can think about creating your own website).

In general, as already mentioned, this is an ideal business for a mother with many children (all the children will find a job, even if there is a computer scientist among them - he can start promoting his mother’s business) and an excellent opportunity to develop their culinary skills for young mothers who have just learned the joy of motherhood.

Business ideas in cooking

Cooking food at home, especially with delivery to the office, is becoming popular. It is expensive to maintain your own canteen, and it won’t be possible if the company rents premises in a business center. But this gives you an idea on how to make money at home while on maternity leave. Indeed, in addition to pizza and sushi, customers will be quite interested in soups, main courses, and desserts.

Baking Gingerbread

Gingerbread cookies with painting are suitable for birthdays and corporate events. It’s easy to combine such a business with raising a child, because orders are usually taken in advance. In addition, such products are not picky in storage.

Gingerbread cookies prepared from high-quality raw materials and in compliance with technology can be easily stored for up to 3 months. Of course, they require investment in raw materials, but they allow you to quickly solve the problem of what to do on maternity leave to earn money.

Baking cakes to order

The second option, which is often introduced along with gingerbread, is accepting orders for cakes. They are also in demand at festive events, including weddings and anniversaries. Here you will also have to first purchase ingredients and gradually recoup the costs.

In order not to repeat cake ideas, it will be useful to regularly watch video tutorials filmed by the same mothers. When there is a lot of information about creative designs with cake designs, it’s easy to decide what to do during maternity leave to earn money.

Breeding and selling indoor plants

Many people are interested in this hobby today.
But not everyone has time to bother with growing new plants. Therefore, if the question of how to earn money for a mother on maternity leave is very pressing in the family, a woman who is passionate about growing indoor flowers can start breeding and selling them. It is best to grow what is in great demand. For example, indoor violets. Yes, they are quite capricious and require attention and proper care. But by purchasing just a few copies of this flower (preferably rare varieties, then it will be easier to find buyers for your own plants) you can get a huge number of new plants. And here everything is very simple: you tear off a few leaves from the bush, put them in water for rooting, then plant them, and in a couple of months you have a whole windowsill of violets, ready for very beautiful flowering. (Detailed technology for growing these plants can be found on the Internet).

Where and to whom to sell is also not a question. Violet collectors are constantly looking for new species (that’s why you need to buy unusual specimens for propagation), so finding buyers in general will not be difficult and, by the way, good varieties are highly valued.

You can grow other plants with the same success. The main thing is that before starting a business, you need to find out what plants are in demand in your area and learn everything about the plant chosen for the business. After all, some of them can be harmful to the baby’s health.


Another very interesting business idea for a mother on maternity leave from scratch, especially if she cannot live without creativity for an hour. We will not specify what can be produced for sale, because handmade work of any kind (sewing, knitting, embroidery, making exclusive jewelry, toys, items for interior decoration, etc.) is highly valued and there are even people who are willing to pay for such things are very serious amounts. The most interesting thing in this matter is that the woman enjoys such work and at the same time everyone is happy, because the mother is always at home, the baby is calm (the mother’s positive emotions are like a sedative for him) and there is always money in the wallet.

To start a business you need:

  • Study the demand by offering several of your own products for sale (this way you can find regular customers);
  • Prepare the necessary materials;
  • Before the baby is born, attend several master classes (perhaps your work is missing something and at such events you will improve your skills):
  • Think over an advertising campaign.

When things get better, it may make sense to create an online store where the work will be exhibited. And then, very likely, such a business can become the main one.

Sale and rental of goods

There are a lot of options for organizing sales. In the absence of start-up capital, they create websites that sell goods directly from the supplier’s warehouse. There is even such a direction - dropshipping. But it is not suitable for everyone; they often require large-scale businesses. Otherwise you will have to pay for access to the directories. If everything is organized correctly, you won’t have to worry about what to do during maternity leave.

Popular niches:

  • baby clothes;
  • toys, accessories;
  • carnival costumes;
  • clothes for pregnant women.

This choice is made for obvious reasons. Mommy has access to wholesale prices for goods she needs. It turns out that she not only solves the problem of what to do while on maternity leave to earn money, but also saves on every purchase. Subsequently, the online store will remain as the main or additional source of income. It all depends on how hard the site was promoted.

Earning money on the Internet for women

Unlike the previous block of business ideas, today the most common type is working on the Internet. The fact is that for mothers, making money on the Internet provides very great opportunities and has many advantages, the main one of which is that you can work at any time (day, night, when the baby is sleeping or someone is walking with him), and the money earned You can withdraw directly to your bank card. In addition, if you ever have to register any other business, then working on the Internet, you don’t have to worry about it. The only thing is that if, in searching for a business idea, a young mother focuses on the question of how to find a job without fraud, then you need to be careful with Internet ideas. Because, unfortunately, scammers hang out on the Internet much more often than in real life. And newcomers very often become their victims. Therefore, in order not to get hooked by scammers, before considering options for business ideas, we advise you to remember a few rules:

  1. Never be fooled by offers to earn money, where the employer or customer offers to contribute money to receive a task. This is pure scam! After depositing money, either the task will not be sent to you, or you will receive the task, but you will not receive payment for its completion;
  2. Under no circumstances send copies or scans of your documents to anyone;
  3. Do not agree to offers that directly talk about the need to provide your bank accounts, bank card numbers (very often, after providing such information, SMS messages are sent to the phone of the bank account owner with information like “your card is blocked, call back (or send an SMS) to this number - then the number" We warn you! Do not call anywhere. These are scammers);
  4. Do not believe generous promises of huge returns after even small investments. If this were a reality, today we would have only millionaires walking the streets;
  5. Be extremely critical of every way to make easy money, especially if this proposal does not fit with common sense. An excellent example of such fraud could be an advertisement for growing plants that “yield tens of kilograms of yield, growing right on the windowsill,” which is actively distributed on the Internet). And now about business ideas.

Copywriting and rewriting

This is the easiest and fastest way to earn your first money on the Internet for those who know how to write articles, like to communicate on various forums, thematic groups, and write comments on various topics in which the young mother is well versed.
To do this work, you only need to register on a platform that offers similar types of earnings and by completing tasks, receive your honestly earned money. Video on the topic

There are many advantages to this type of earnings:

  • Independent choice of task;
  • Opportunity to earn money through affiliate programs;
  • Withdrawal of funds can be carried out starting from small amounts, etc.;
  • When working on such platforms, the risk of becoming a victim of scammers is reduced to almost zero.

Earn money on your own website or blog

This is also not a bad idea, but we warn you right away that you can’t count on big profits here right away. In addition, income will depend on:

  • The chosen topic (what the woman will write about should be of interest to as many readers as possible);
  • Activities on the site (new useful articles should appear regularly so that readers can discuss them, suggest something, debate, share a link with friends);
  • The quality of website or blog promotion (the more subscribers you can attract, the more money will be added to your account).

Thus, after just a few months of work, by connecting one of the project monetization options, you can earn good money using:

  • Contextual advertising service;
  • Sales of space for advertising banners;
  • Publication of advertising texts;
  • Placement of affiliate links and other opportunities.

The main thing is not to be lazy and do everything to make the site (blog) popular, because profit will depend on this.

Organization of a children's channel on Youtube

All kids enthusiastically watch films about the lives and various adventures of other children. If you take this business idea into development, it can turn out to be a very interesting and profitable business. To run your own channel on Youtube, a young mother only needs:

  • Register, and to monetize views, connect an affiliate program to the channel;
  • Film the most interesting moments of your baby’s life every day (in order for the videos to be of high quality, you will have to master the ability to edit and process the footage);
  • Publish new videos regularly.

Earnings consist of fees charged for viewing the advertising that the viewer sees, including the video. Accordingly, the more views, the higher the earnings.

Business selling photographs

To earn money in this way, a girl must first of all:

  1. Know how to use a camera;
  2. Have artistic taste;
  3. Have skills in working with a graphics editor.

Once you take good pictures, you can sell them through photo banks. To do this, you need to register, upload a photo and receive a reward for each sale to your account. It’s interesting that the same photograph can be sold indefinitely.

Therefore, in the same principle, you can make a business selling paintings, illustrations, and logos. In general, as noted above, the Internet provides very great opportunities. The main thing is not to get hung up on one thing and then your “own” idea will definitely appear.

19 ideas of what to do to make money while on maternity leave

Women are amazing in that they can do almost any job. But, despite such opportunities, we would advise building a business on what you know well or doing something that you really love.

Think about what you do best and what kind of work brings you the most satisfaction. Now move on to looking for business ideas for yourself.

Yoga classes for pregnant women

The essence of the idea: you, having a sports education and knowing everything about yoga, rent a room for classes, purchase the necessary equipment, advertise your business and conduct classes. You can conduct training either independently or invite specialists.

Relevance: modern women take care of their health and even during pregnancy do not refuse to play sports. But due to the fact that energetic movements are contraindicated in an interesting position, many ladies begin to practice yoga. Such activities only benefit the expectant mother’s body and prepare the body for the upcoming birth.

Costs: the amount of costs depends on the cost of renting the premises. If you live in Moscow, then the amount of starting capital can reach 500 thousand rubles. In small cities this amount is much less.

Conducting preparatory courses for childbirth

The essence of the idea: you recruit a group of pregnant women and conduct preparatory classes for childbirth in a rented office or on your own square meters. You, as a woman who has given birth, or a person with a medical education, will share valuable knowledge and give practical advice.

Relevance of the idea: women of the current generation prepare very carefully for childbirth. For this purpose, every expectant mother enrolls in courses where she is told about all stages of the upcoming birth. Thanks to such activities, a woman is not afraid of the unknown and knows how to act in various situations.

Costs: There is no need for large investments to implement this idea. Classes can be held at home or in a rented room. Estimated investment is about 200 thousand rubles, depending on the city where you live.

Lactation consultant

The essence of the idea: you organize courses where you teach expectant mothers the basics of breastfeeding. In addition, you offer clients to accompany them during the entire lactation period. For a fee, you can help get rid of milk stagnation in the mammary glands by pumping.

Relevance: Most mothers understand the importance of breastfeeding. But lactation does not always improve quickly and easily. Many women, due to simple mistakes, are forced to transfer their child to artificial formula. To prevent this from happening, expectant mothers try to learn as much information as possible about breastfeeding even before the baby arrives. That is why there is always a demand for such courses.

Costs: such a business involves minimal costs if you own the premises where you will conduct classes. Otherwise, you will have to spend money on renting a room, purchasing chairs, tables and other furniture. The required capital investment is at least 100 thousand rubles.


The essence of the idea: you, having certain knowledge that is in demand, offer your services as a teacher. For example, if you know English thoroughly, you will give private lessons to everyone. Classes can be conducted either at home or on clients’ premises. In addition, you can communicate with students via Skype.

Relevance: sometimes the knowledge offered at school and other educational institutions is not enough. Students either do not learn the material or want to study a particular subject in more depth. In this case, caring parents hire tutors for their children who can:

  • Prepare students for upcoming entry into educational institutions;
  • “Pull up” a child in a certain subject;
  • Study the subject in more detail, etc.

Costs: Tutoring does not require a large investment. You will have to purchase the necessary textbooks and manuals. Skype training requires virtually no capital investment. Students will independently purchase the necessary literature for their studies.


The essence of the idea: if you can cope with your own child and don’t mind looking after someone else’s, then you can provide nanny services. Invite parents who have nowhere to take their child to bring him to you. You will walk, develop, feed and look after your own and someone else’s baby. For this, his parents will pay you an agreed amount.

Relevance: many mothers who are forced to leave maternity leave ahead of time are faced with the problem of lack of free places in kindergarten. Some parents are against preschools because of the large number of children in groups. That is why they happily agree to offers from other mothers to look after their child.

Costs: this business does not involve any capital investment. The child you will be supervising may play with your child's toys. Parents must pay for the baby's meals separately. Don't forget to think about a sleeping place for your pupil.

Opening of a development room for children

The essence of the idea: you find information on the Internet about the development of children of different ages, study it, select interesting games, buy or make your own equipment for classes. After that, find 3-5 mothers who will use your services. It’s great if you have a pedagogical education. It will be quite easy for you, as a mother, to implement such an idea because you will simultaneously devote time to your child and the children of your clients.

Relevance: Modern children are developing very quickly. Caring parents want their child to be the smartest and most developed. Therefore, they begin to take babies who are barely one year old to educational activities. The demand for such lessons is quite high, provided that experienced teachers teach children.

Costs: the approximate costs of opening such a business are 300-400 thousand rubles. You will have to pay rent for the premises, make repairs there, purchase the necessary literature, equipment for classes and conduct an advertising campaign.

Consultant or online coaching

The essence of the idea: having useful knowledge, offer paid consultations to other people. For example, you are an excellent lawyer and before maternity leave you worked in one of the law firms. You don't have time to go to work right now, but you can consult with clients over the phone, online, or in person.

Relevance: any knowledge is always in demand. If you are a good accountant, lawyer, doctor, etc., then it’s time to make money from your consultations. Your services will be in demand if you show your best side, and people will not regret the money spent.

Costs: such a business involves virtually no costs. You have already invested everything you need into your knowledge. The only cost item may be an advertising campaign.


The essence of the idea: you decide what type of freelancing you want to do, register on one of the exchanges, take an order and complete it. We suggest paying attention to copywriting, rewriting, program writing and web design. Anyone can master the profession of a copywriter, and programming and web design require certain knowledge.

Relevance: millions of people work without leaving home. Their work is related to employment on the Internet. Many people write articles, fill websites with content, create online resources, etc. There are more and more freelancers every day. This profession is so in demand due to the fact that the number of new sites is growing every day, and it is freelancers who fill it, design it and promote it.

Costs: Freelancing business does not involve large expenses. The only thing you need is a computer and internet access. Therefore, most likely, you will only pay for the provision of Internet services by your provider.

Read: How to make money on the Internet - proven and current methods

How to make money freelancing without experience in a certain profession

Creator of video courses

The essence of the idea: you come up with a topic for a video course, develop a lecture plan, shoot a video, and then sell your creation online. It is very important to choose the right course topic. Only in this case will people buy it.

Relevance: more and more people are choosing online courses due to their convenience. Personal meetings are also popular, but due to busy schedules people are not always able to attend them. Finding themselves in such a situation, those who want to learn something are ready to pay for video courses.

Costs: to start such a business you will have to spend a little on a video camera and an advertising campaign. Approximate capital investments are 200-300 thousand rubles.

Blogger creating your own website

The essence of the idea: you create your own Internet resource and fill it with useful and interesting content. After that, you promote your website and optimize it for SEO. After your creation becomes popular, tempting offers from advertisers will begin to arrive.

Relevance: despite the existence of a large number of different sites, new resources are created every day. This is due to the fact that user interest is growing daily. Even if the topic of your website or blog is banal, with the right approach to business, it can bring considerable income.

Costs: creating your own website on your own is quite difficult; it can take months to understand programming. If you don’t want to wait, you will have to pay for the work of a programmer who will do everything for you. If you don’t want to design and fill your resource yourself, then you’ll have to hire a web designer and copywriter. If you do everything personally, then costs can be reduced to zero. If you resort to the help of professionals, you will have to spend about 100 thousand rubles.

Read more: How to become a blogger and make money from it

Organizer of joint purchases

The essence of the idea: you find a wholesale site and invite everyone to cooperate and place a wholesale order, purchasing products at a reduced price. After people agree, each of them transfers the fee for their order + 10-20% organization fee (this is your salary). After that, you place an order on the wholesale website, pay, receive it by mail and send it to customers.

Relevance: due to the rapid rise in prices, every housewife is trying to save money. And purchases on wholesale sites can save up to 50% of the purchase price. Thanks to this, joint purchases are so loved by millions of women.

Costs: such a business does not involve costs. You can create a group on a social network with which you will search for clients. If you decide to create an independent resource, you will have to spend money on creating it and filling it with information.

Read: How to make money on the social network Odnoklassniki

Handmade master or making money on homemade creativity

The essence of the idea: you do what you love, produce souvenirs, jewelry, sew soft toys, make soap, make candles, etc., sell your creations and make a profit from it.

Relevance: handmade goods are eagerly purchased by people of different incomes and social status. All thanks to the uniqueness of the manufactured products. Such gifts are never forgotten and have a stunning effect. Even if you sew soft toys, of which there are a lot in any store, your creations will be exclusive and unique, and this is very much appreciated by customers.

Costs: The amount of costs depends on what exactly you will produce. The more expensive the materials, tools and equipment, the greater the investment they will require. In addition, think about how you will advertise and sell your products. It is advisable that you have about 10-50 thousand rubles to purchase everything you need.

What to do to make money from handicrafts

Pet breeding

The essence of the idea: you decide which animals you will breed, purchase at least 2 animals (male and female), create comfortable living conditions for them, and after the offspring appear, sell them. You can breed cats, dogs, fish, parrots or other animals. The main thing is that you love them, and caring for them is not a burden to you.

Relevance: There are many more people who love pets than those who don’t like them. Children have a special love for our smaller friends, which is why parents fulfill all the whims of their children and buy hamsters, canaries or turtles. You can find clients for animals yourself, or you can take them to pet stores.

Costs: when organizing such a business, you need to have a capital of 100 thousand rubles. With this money you will purchase animals, food, and all the necessary equipment for their maintenance.

Cooking business

The essence of the idea: you decide on the direction of the business, purchase products and tools, prepare food, and then sell it. You can cook to order. The culinary business involves many directions, for example, you can bake cakes, pastries or prepare set meals. Confectioners most often work to order, and women who sell set meals look at the number of clients.

Relevance: a food business has a great chance of survival thanks to the simple physiological needs of a person for food. Talented confectioners who make delicacies not only tasty, but also beautiful, always have a lot of orders.

Many office workers are not satisfied with fast food, so they are more willing to buy lunches brought to them. Remember, the tastier the food is, the more customers you will have.

Costs: The cost will depend on what kitchen equipment you have. For example, if you decide to bake cakes, but you don’t have the tools to implement the idea, then you’ll have to buy everything. We recommend purchasing products after customers place an order. In business, at lunches, purchase food based on the number of servings prepared.


The essence of the idea: you find a vacancy as an interviewer, go through an interview and get a job. In the course of your work, you should be interested in the opinions of people who bought a certain product or used some services. Having a large number of acquaintances, you don’t even have to leave home and leave your child. You just need to call your friends and ask them.

Relevance: in any newspaper or website where employers are looking for employees, you can find an advertisement for an interviewer vacancy. This is because the management of large companies cares about the opinion of ordinary consumers about the products or services. Due to the large number of companies and brands, there are quite a lot of interviewer vacancies.

Costs: such a business does not involve any capital investments. The only thing you will encounter is the need to go somewhere for the child's day if you decide to conduct surveys on the street, although such work can be done while walking with a stroller or interviewing mothers on the playground.

Chairman of THA (standard residential section)

The essence of the idea: you gather a meeting of the residents of your building and offer yourself as the chairman of the THA. If those present are not against your candidacy and vote for the appointment, then from the next day you will assume your position. This idea is interesting because your workplace can be located directly in your apartment. All organizational issues can be resolved without leaving home and maximum time can be devoted to the baby.

Relevance: more and more often you can find a situation where residents of multi-storey buildings refuse the services of housing offices and create a housing cooperative. This form of management has many advantages. If your house is not a typical residential section, then it’s time to tell its residents about this form of management and have time to take the place of the chairman.

Expenses: No expenses will be required from you personally. All services that residents will use will be paid for by them. You will be paid a salary for solving organizational issues.

Growing and selling flowers

The essence of the idea: you breed rare, exotic plants and flowers, and then sell them yourself or with the help of flower shops. The larger the tree, the more expensive it can be sold. If you grow it from a seed or a small plant, the profitability level will be quite high.

Relevance: in almost every room there are several pots with indoor plants. Due to the fact that plants help create coziness in a room and also purify the air, saturating it with oxygen, flowers in pots are eagerly purchased by both women and men (often just as a gift).

Costs: this idea of ​​making money while on maternity leave will not require large investments if you approach its organization wisely. We suggest, for example, growing bananas or kiwis from seeds. In this case, the costs will be minimal. But keep in mind that you will have to wait for profit for more than one month, and sometimes even a year.

Sewing carnival costumes

The essence of the idea: you, having knowledge in the field of tailoring, accept orders for the manufacture of an individual suit, or sew it for subsequent sale. This business is seasonal, and such services are in demand during the holidays.

Relevance: during the New Year holidays, some people begin to look for ready-made carnival costumes, while others, looking at the poor quality of the products, order such an outfit to be sewn. The quality problem is especially acute when it comes to a costume for a child. Synthetic fabrics sometimes cause an allergic reaction. That is why specialists in this profession are in great demand.

Costs: when starting a clothing tailoring business, you need to have a capital of about 10 thousand rubles. This money will be used to purchase materials, fittings and tools. The place of work will be your apartment or house. In this case, you will not have to hire a nanny for your child and pay rent for the premises where you will work.

The idea of ​​making money on art, photography

The essence of the idea: if you have artistic talent and see beauty in small things, then we suggest building a business on this skill. Women who take good photographs and know how to edit photos can take a photo session of their baby and post pictures on social networks, thereby advertising their services. Artists and animators can create without leaving home. The main thing is to carefully think through all the nuances of the business and act.

Relevance: only a few people use the services of a photo studio, but professional photography is ordered for any celebration. Customers want to capture the brightest moments of their lives in photographs. Therefore, photographers have more and more clients every day.

Artists can paint paintings to order. It is very popular. If you are confident in your abilities, then accept orders and create, especially since such activities can easily be combined with the work of a mother.

Costs: The amount of costs depends on what exactly you will be doing. If you are going to paint pictures, you will need to purchase material and tools. Mom photographers must have a professional camera. Focus on the amount of 10-100 thousand rubles.

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