SEO - copywriting. Is there such a thing?

What is SEO copywriting

SEO copywriting is the process of creating texts optimized for the requirements of search engines.

And the requirements of these carts and a small cart. Not all of them are related to text; for example, search engines take into account at a minimum: the age of the domain, the number of incoming links, user behavior on the site and a lot of other factors. However, for the purposes of this article we will only talk about texts.

What does it look like

Example of regular and SEO text
Italics in the picture above highlight regular text. In the red frame is the SEO text. In it, I highlighted in bold (don’t do this) the keywords found in Yandex. Wordstat (I'll talk about this below).

The meaning of the text has not changed much, but now the search engine will see the keywords in it, which means there is a chance to get into the TOP.

How it works

To understand how SEO texts work and why search engines respond to them, you need to have at least a general idea of ​​how search engines work.

On topic: SEO marketing: what is it + examples

The problem is that the algorithms of Yandex and Google (and other search engines) are a trade secret, so all publicly available information about the process of ranking (that is, sorting in a search engine) of sites was obtained empirically.

The task of SEO text is to convey to the search engine the “thought” that the page answers the user’s request and will be useful to him.

It is clear that search engines scan website pages, and it is clear that they read the words that are there.

It looks like this:

  1. Search robot go to the site page;
  2. Determines the topic based on its content;
  3. Places the page in the index - the search engine database;
  4. When a user makes a request, the pages in the index are ranked;
  5. A search result is generated, which you and I see upon request.

That is, at the moment when you enter a query into the search bar, Yandex or Google do not scan the entire Internet, they show you those pages that are recorded in their database.

Example of search results for the request “Marketing consulting”

Although 15% of queries entered into search engines are unique, the remaining 85% are already familiar to the system, and statistics on them are recorded in keyword selection services.

John Mueller - Lead Google Analyst

For example, for Yandex it is Yandex.Wordstat, and for Google it is Keyword Planner. Based on this data, SEO optimizers prepare technical specifications (technical specifications) for the copywriter - the author of the text.

What is important in SEO copywriting?

The most important thing in SEO copywriting is to find keywords (keys). As a rule, these are phrases consisting of a couple of words that people often type into a search engine. Picking up the keys is an important step. To understand the importance of this step, let's take, for example, that you have a personal website and you want to write an article on it.

For example, you love to play sports and have recently pumped up your abs well, so that the so-called “cubes” are visible. And you had a desire to write an article about how you did it so that other people would know about it. If you don't pay attention to search engine optimization, then there is very little chance that anyone will read your article.

There are millions of sites on the Internet, of course, if you have your regular readers and subscribers, they will definitely read your text. And after that no one will read it. I think you would not be happy with this situation.

Therefore, SEO copywriting is very important. After all, when an article is written not just to be published, but also so that over the next years after its writing, people come from search engines and regularly read this article.

How to properly optimize an article? You need to select queries that people often enter into a search engine. Where can you find such requests? There are several options:

• Your own head;

• Yandex Wordstat;

• Keyword databases, such as Bukvarix or CeyCollector (paid professional program).

Some queries can be taken from your head, but you don’t know how often people enter them. Therefore, you need to at least use Yandex Wordstat. For example, you decided to title your article: “How to quickly pump up your abs?” Enter this phrase into Wordstat and it will show additional keys to this phrase.

It is important to check the competitiveness of the given request. To do this, in Wordstat, enter the phrase in quotation marks and put an exclamation point before each word: “!How!to !pump up !abs quickly.” If this query is searched no more than 1,000 times, then it is a low-frequency query and you can take it.

With requests of 1,000 searches or more per month, it will be more difficult for your article to get into the TOP 10 (the first 10 articles in Google or Yandex search engines).

Getting into the TOP 10 is not easy, but thanks to competent optimization of the article, it will be easier.

If your topic has more than 1000 searches per month, then simply change your main query. For example, instead of “How to quickly pump up your abs?”, enter “How to pump up your abs in 2 weeks?”. That is, play around with the title of the article. And choose the option that will have a lower frequency.

After this, it remains to find 3-10 keys that will complement the main query and will be placed in the text. Now let's move on to writing the article.


I have prepared for you the basic concepts in the world of SEO. This is necessary to draw up technical specifications for the copywriter and to check the text (otherwise an unscrupulous contractor might get caught). We will move on to the very principle of their use later.


These are phrases that search engines will focus on when determining the topic of a website page.

They are also key queries, keys, promoted queries, anchors, and so on. This is for the future, so you know.

Example Keywords

In the text, the keywords for which this page is promoted are highlighted in bold.

This is the main thing, I would even say “key” concept that needs to be learned at the stage of initial acquaintance with SEO copywriting.

By the way, you no longer need to highlight keywords in bold. Previously, everyone did this, but now you can get caught under a filter for such tricks. Therefore, use as intended.

Semantic analysis

Analysis, which is carried out using special algorithms to determine the parameters of the text.

By the way, these very “important parameters” of the text will be taken into account by search engines. These include:

  1. Nausea;
  2. Water content;
  3. Spaminess;
  4. Safe words.

To be more precise, search engines do not take into account stop words (otherwise known as “noise words”), and more on that below.

Safe words

Words that do not carry meaning.

So, as I already said, search engines do not take into account stop words, this is done in order to reduce the load on the server and reduce the size of the index. Stop words include:

  1. Particles;
  2. Prepositions;
  3. Pronouns;
  4. Conjunctive words.

It is believed that they are not needed at all in strong text, since they increase wateriness and nausea (I’ll tell you what this means below), that is, they make the text worse from the point of view of search engines and users.

However, you won’t be able to do without stop words entirely. It is important not to abuse them.


In-scale / marketing

Nausea text

In simple words – repetition of words. And although this is a rather simplified approach, it can be used for a general understanding. Moreover, nausea is usually divided into “classical” and “academic”.

This indicator is usually expressed as a percentage and calculated using special formulas:

  • Classic nausea = square root of the number of occurrences of a word in a text;
  • Academic = the ratio of key phrases relative to all other words in the text.

By the way, this is the very case when the word is used very precisely. If the nausea parameter in the text is exceeded, the reader may actually feel nauseous.

Also, a large number of stop words affects the nausea parameter, so it is not recommended to get carried away with them - no more than 30% of stop words from the total volume of the text.

Wateriness of the text

That is, the percentage of words that do not carry information. The water content limit of the text is 60%. But this will not be the best text, believe me. At the same time, it is impossible to do without water words entirely; here, as always in life, balance is needed. Water content is increased:

  1. Pronouns: I, you, we, they, etc.;
  2. Conjunctions: and, a, or, etc.;
  3. Prepositions;
  4. Interjections;
  5. Etc.

In addition, the percentage of water content is increased by such expressions - clericals: “today”, “in fact”, “it’s no secret”, etc.

In an ordinary readable text that has not been specially modified, the water content is usually kept at 30%.

By the way. With the service you can easily influence all ranking factors. Therefore, you are guaranteed the first position in Yandex and Google.


A term you are familiar with, meaning an overabundance of keywords in the text. This parameter is considered one of the most significant text ranking factors. Or rather, not so: it is precisely for exceeding it that a site can fall under a filter from a search engine.

For example, the text about diesel fuel, which we looked at above, is an example of spammy text.


Even if such a page appears in the search results, then there is no question of any quality of text and user orientation (and we primarily write for him).

All these and some other text parameters are checked using a number of special services, which I will talk about later.


The main title of the text and its parts in SEO headings are usually divided into H1-H6.

The principle is the same as in the thesis. Chapter 2, paragraph 3, paragraph 4, subparagraph 8. In practice, rarely does anyone use headings below H3; basically everyone is limited to H2. Usually this is more than enough.

The most important heading is H1 - the general title of the entire text. It is usually located at the very top of the page. And yes, the key query must also be present in it.

Interesting. The H1 heading is used only once in the text, and the total number of headings is not limited.

Headings help to better perceive the text not only for users, but also for search engines.

Meta tags

Elements of hypertext markup, part of the program code that is not visible to the user. They are used to transmit signals to the search engine, they say, here, we have relevant content.

Now meta tags are no longer as important for ranking as in the old SEO days, but all other things being equal, the search engine will give preference to a resource where meta tags are formed correctly.

The following types of meta tags are important to us:

  • Title – page title. In the search engine results there is a large blue inscription or the title of the window in your browser. Search engines have a limit on title length. Yandex - no more than 80 characters, Google - maximum 70;
  • Description – brief description of the page. A search engine can use description to generate a snippet - a description of the page in the search results. Limit – approximately 200 characters;
  • Keywords – important keywords. Now researchers write that it is better not to fill in keywords at all. I am of the opinion that it is possible, but no more than 3-5 phrases.

In addition to these meta tags, there are others, but they are more about internal resource optimization. Therefore, we will not dwell on them, but move on.

What is SEO copywriting? What is an SEO copywriter?

SEO (from the English Search Engine Optimization) is search engine optimization, which implies a set of measures aimed at increasing website traffic due to its popularity and visibility in the first positions in search engines for certain words and phrases.

SEO copywriting is text that is created with the aim of increasing the site’s position in the search results for a specific user request. The search results list refers to the search engines Google, Yandex, Rambler,, Yahoo and others. In our country, the main search engines are Yandex and Google, so further discussion will only be about them.

A query is any word or phrase that a user enters into a search engine in order to find additional information.

Let's try to enter the following query into the Yandex search bar: “How to make money on games”:

How to make money on games

In first place is our article 15 ways to make money on games. Any website owner (hereinafter referred to as webmaster) dreams of his website being in the first positions in search engines. This will give him a ton of visitors, popularity and money.

Search engines are programs that work according to certain algorithms. Naturally, these algorithms are secret and no one knows exactly by what criteria the search engine ranks sites in its results, putting someone in first place, someone in fifth, etc.

Some parameters have been identified experimentally. One of these parameters is text optimized for a specific request. If we return to the screenshot above, we tried to write an article that would answer the query “how to make money on games” or “making money on games.” And, apparently, we succeeded, since Yandex put our site in first place. Yandex considered that our article answers this request better than others.

SEO copywriting is similar to regular copywriting. The only difference is that the author needs to enter into the text the keywords and phrases specified by the customer, by which he wants to promote his site in search results.

Below we will take a closer look at what is meant by optimized text, but for now we will introduce one more concept:

An SEO copywriter is a text writer who is familiar with the basics of search engine optimization and can competently and concisely enter the keywords and phrases required by the customer. He is not much different from an ordinary copywriter. You also write the text, but with some strict requirements. Don’t be alarmed – I will discuss them all in paragraph 3 of this article.

What is SERP and why is it so important?

In simple terms, search results are the list of results that you see on your computer screen when you type a phrase or word into the search bar.

Articles appear in the search results list for a reason - each of them is carefully checked by a search robot (software algorithm), determining uniqueness, structure and usefulness for a potential reader.

The tasks of SEO copywriting are as follows:

  • ensure that the article reaches the top positions of search results;
  • increase traffic (resource traffic) and ensure stable growth in website conversion (product orders, file downloads, creation of call back requests, and so on);
  • attract the target audience;
  • make the site user-friendly, useful and popular.

If after SEO promotion the site’s conversion rate increases and its owner’s income increases, then the work has been done correctly and you should continue to move in the same direction.

The abbreviation SEO comes from the English phrase “search engine optimization” , which is translated as search engine optimization.

Thus, the literal translation of the concept of SEO copywriting will sound like “writing texts for the purpose of search engine optimization.”

An SEO copywriter is a specialist in creating SEO texts; this is what distinguishes such a specialist from an ordinary copywriter.

A professional SEO specialist must understand the specifics of creating texts for the Internet, understand search engine algorithms, and at the same time write competently and interestingly. His long-term goal is to turn the site into a source of constant profit for himself or the client who ordered these texts.

Who writes SEO texts

The process of writing a text is not as simple as it seems. After all, the user needs to be provided not only useful, but also unique content, taking into account all the requirements of search engines.

On topic: Books on copywriting: TOP-8 for Russia.

Who writes

In theory, the creation of SEO text should be carried out by a specially trained person - a professional SEO copywriter.

However, in reality, most of the texts in RuNet were written by amateurs, since the threshold for entry into this field is very low.

Do you have a computer with internet? So you are a copywriter! As a result, the output is anything but SEO text. Therefore, I advise you not to skimp and take the choice of a specialist seriously.

Where to order

Professionals involved in website promotion usually already have their own pool of authors with whom they work on an ongoing basis. However, in most cases, customers and copywriters look for each other on exchanges.

One of the oldest and most popular copywriting exchanges in RuNet. Here you can find authors on any topic and any level of skill: from beginners to Gurus who undergo regular certification.

In addition to placing an order on advego, you can buy a ready-made text in the article store, order a translation, buy reviews, reposts on social networks and much more, even a poem on a given topic.

Price: from $0.2 per thousand characters

This service differs from other similar resources by a fixed minimum amount per order.

In addition to texts, also buys other services that can be ordered remotely: design, web development, ]SEO optimization[/anchor], audio and video recording, legal advice and much more.

Price: from 500 rub. for the task

Here, as well as on advego, you can find specialists in copywriting, rewriting, proofreading, translation, or buy a ready-made article on a given topic.

There are a huge number of copywriters on the exchange, since is considered one of the best exchanges for beginners. Accordingly, the competition between authors here is great.

Price: tend to zero (per thousand characters) due to high competition

Known for its free text analysis services without registration or SMS. On you can check the uniqueness, conduct SEO analysis of the text, and find errors.

Copywriters at work only with specific orders. Here, just like on advego, you have the opportunity to create a tender for your order and collect responses from performers.

Price: from 25 rub. for a thousand characters

On this resource, on the contrary, the main emphasis is on selling ready-made articles, although it is possible to order an article with the necessary parameters by creating a tender.

There are also quite a lot of copywriters here, the competition between them is great, so prices are kept at an average level.

Price: from 20 rub. per article

Unlike advego and, this is a closed exchange. That is, you can become an author here only after passing the entrance test, which, in theory, should guarantee higher quality content.

You can also buy a ready-made article in the store on copylancer, but this functionality is not in great demand, so there are not many articles here.

Price: 100-120 rub. for a thousand characters

A closed exchange that is positioned as a “Copywriters Bureau”. To get here, the author needs to try hard and demonstrate his achievements on some other exchange.

Accordingly, the quality of the texts in general is higher, although “talents” manage to sneak in here too, I’ve encountered this myself. In case of controversial issues, the administration is almost always on the customer’s side.

Price: up to 1000 rub. for a thousand characters

On topic: Copywriting exchanges: TOP-40 by category

Golden rules

In most cases, each SEO optimizer or copywriter comes up with his own rules. But I still highlighted some of the most common ones. And it remains to be seen whether they work.

Keys in exact occurrence

Still the sacred cow of many old-school SEOs. In many ways it’s really relevant, especially if you plan to get your text into the TOP 10.

Although, according to observations, this relates more to information requests than to the commercial segment. Compare the results for the queries “infobusiness what is this” and “buy plastic windows”.

Example of keys in headers

In the case of information business, the first 4 positions are occupied by resources where the query is present in the title in a pure occurrence. But in the case of windows, everything is not so clear.

Important. If the key can be entered in a pure entry, then this should be done.

Keys in headings and meta tags

As can be seen from the previous example, it is advisable to enter the main key in the Title and Description in a form that is as close as possible to the request.

I have seen how some authors come up with really good, catchy and bright titles for their articles and write them in the title, but without taking into account the inclusion of the main key. Alas, these articles will most likely be far from the TOP.

Keys in headers

By the way, the same applies to the keys in the url - the page address. It won't be redundant.

Suffice it to recall a relatively recent glitch in the Yandex algorithm, when the request for “coap of the Russian Federation” (this is about the Code of Administrative Offenses) on the first page of the search results there was an empty site without a description with the url of the same name - koap.rf.

Nausea, uniqueness, wateriness

Here, too, not everything is clear. Especially if we talk about uniqueness, which is difficult to achieve in some topics where a lot of quoting is required, for example, in texts on a legal topic: exact excerpts from the law must be cited.

Modern SEO - the text should be focused primarily on people, and only then on robots, so readability and simplicity of presentation of information are a priority.

My advice: check SEO texts only for obvious plagiarism, such as where entire paragraphs are stolen.

More attention should now be paid to other factors. In my opinion, the free service is well suited for this, which checks the text comprehensively: style, readability and technical requirements.


First paragraph

It is understood that the first paragraph should give the reader a good kick so that he “flies” through the entire text.

I know from experience that starting a new text can be difficult, so most authors “sign off” in the first paragraph, squeezing out something like “it’s no secret that renovating a bathroom takes a lot of effort.”

Do not do it this way

There is a well-known trick to make the first paragraph better. To do this, start writing the text without really thinking about the introduction. And when the work is finished, go back and rewrite the first paragraph.

It may still not turn out to be a masterpiece, this also happens, but it will definitely get better. I guarantee it.

Text design

Yes, yes, the text should look good. Everyone knows that an article should be structured and divided into blocks using subheadings. The same goes for bulleted lists that:

  1. Must occur at least once;
  2. Be of moderate duration;
  3. Approximately one line long.

However, there is another important point that many copywriters miss - paragraph sizes.

Example paragraphs

The text looks very bad when there is a paragraph of two lines and a paragraph of eight lines next to each other. Exceptions are possible, but it is better to stick to the standard length of 2-6 lines (some specify 3-5 lines).

SEO copywriting news

Many readers of this series of articles are familiar with my friend, a good specialist in the field of search engine promotion, Maxim Dovzhenko. When the question of writing an article about SEO texts arose, I didn’t doubt for a minute who I would ask to professionally tell my readers about it.

I myself took these lessons from Maxim when I participated in his practical case. During my studies, I grew as a specialist, even the style of writing articles changed. In order not to reinvent the wheels and not retell the material from Maxim’s lesson, I suggested that he write a guest manual.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

At Alena’s request, I will tell you about modern rules for writing professional SEO text. I will try to give the basic principles, and for those readers who want to study the topic in detail, I suggest you visit my blog and read the detailed guide “How to learn to write articles for a blog.”


Let's start the conversation by defining the concept of SEO text, which is written in SEO copywriting.

SEO text differs from regular text in that it is written for a specific request. There can be one or several key queries. Usually the customer provides them in the terms of reference; in rare cases, the SEO copywriter selects the keys for a given topic himself (this is the work that every SEO specialist usually does). The more thematic keywords are selected, the easier it is to write the text, the better the topic is revealed, and the easier it is for the reader to understand its structure.

SEO text, like regular copywriting text, must have a plan:

  1. Start
  2. Body
  3. The end (conclusion)

The body of the article should be expanded using many additional queries. That is, in accordance with the selected small keys, the text is divided into sections.

As an example, here's my latest article about balsamic vinegar. It was created taking into account new trends in SEO promotion, which I learned about from Maxim’s articles. To write this post, the keys were selected, a plan was created, and the topic was fully revealed.

SEO copywriting

Keyword Implementation

Previously, 2-3 years ago, the location of search queries in future SEO text was very important. Parameters such as nausea, the number of queries in the first and last paragraph and the mandatory inclusion of them in subheadings were the main elements of a successful article.

As a rule, due to compliance with these conditions, the texts turned out to be unreadable (overspammed with keywords, devoid of meaning, incorrectly formulated morphologically).

SEO copywriting

Today the rules have changed radically. First of all, the usefulness of the text, its readability and its selling value became important.

Therefore, modern SEO text looks the same as an ordinary magazine article for ordinary people, and only a specialist can notice the presence of key queries in such text. Now it is simply their presence and full disclosure of the topic that is important.

From the above, let's summarize: modern SEO text contains many synonyms, similar words to search engines, which expand and enrich the vocabulary of the article. This means that it will become simpler and easier to read than previous SEO texts.


Any competent SEO text today is formatted. Thanks to a number of rules, it must give the search visitor an answer to his question within 10 seconds. These are those seconds during which a Yandex or Google user simply evaluates the text, viewing its entire structure with the mouse.

And it is in this short time that a modern SEO text should provide clues on a given question that give a message for further reading.

If we monitor reader behavior on the site, we will see that the beginning of articles is read by a small number of people. The majority of visitors immediately skim through the entire text.


LSI copywriting

LSI (latent semantic indexing) - hidden semantic indexing.

In short, this is a way of writing text that should convince search engines that a particular page is not just filled with key queries, but contains truly useful information.

The main concept of LSI copywriting is synonymous queries related to the topic of the article and close to it in meaning.

Example: The main key is “rest on Lake Baikal”. Synonymous keys: “vacation on the lake”, “vacation on Baikal”, “vacation on Baikal”.

The second group of trailing queries that must be present in the LSI text are relevant key queries that expand on the selected topic.

Example: “Where is the best place to relax on Lake Baikal”, “best places to relax on Lake Baikal”, “holiday options on Lake Baikal”, etc.

Each specific case needs to be looked at separately, but the general principle is this.

Important. Using synonymous queries does not mean “lumping everything into one pile.”

No one has canceled keyword competition. For example, if the text often contains keys from another group, although similar in meaning, for example: “books about Baikal”, “films about Baikal”, as a result the page will not appear in the search results for any group of queries.

However, LSI copywriting is a fairly voluminous topic in itself, so let’s move on and talk about it next time.

SEO text creation process

I think that the purpose of writing SEO text is already clear to you - to make the site “like” the search engine, and it will show it in the first positions in the search results.

In principle, it all worked like this before: we order SEO text, write the correct meta tags (we’ll talk about this later), buy links (we’ll talk about that another time) and voila: the site is in the TOP, traffic flows to it, everyone is happy .

Now things are not so rosy. Search engines are developing, competitors are also not standing still, and getting into the TOP 10 with only SEO texts and purchased links for competitive queries is almost impossible.

However, it cannot be said that the use of SEO texts no longer gives any effect. All other things being equal, and in some low-competitive topics, it still works.

Therefore, let’s look at how the standard process of creating SEO text proceeds (or proceeded).

Selection of keywords

  1. Someone (the webmaster) determines which queries to promote the site page for. For example, you sell interior doors. Yandex. Wordstat suggests that 581 people were interested in this topic in Irkutsk. Order the text;
  2. Someone draws up a technical specification for a copywriter in the format: “We need a text on the topic “Interior doors.” Keys: “buy interior doors”, “buy interior doors in Irkutsk”. Enter 3 times. Volume: 2000 characters. Price: 25 rubles per 1000 characters;
  3. The copywriter writes the text using approximately the following phrases: “If you want to buy interior doors in Irkutsk, then you are on the right track.” It would be funny if it weren't so sad;
  4. Someone places text on the site, promising the customer that the site will fly into the TOP, like the Angara launch vehicle into the dense layers of the atmosphere;
  5. Surprise! On the page that is in first place in Yandex for the request “buy an interior door” there is no SEO text at all.

Text on the website
Does this mean that SEO texts are no longer needed? Not at all. There are a lot of topics where you simply cannot do without SEO text optimization.

Important. You need to do this correctly, maintaining a balance between the requirements of search engines and the interests of the user.

To do this, you need to look for a good specialist who can not only enter keys in the required quantity, but also does not forget about the quality of the text itself.

Increasing the effectiveness of SEO text

Before posting the work of an SEO copywriter on a website, you need to conduct an SEO analysis of the site in order to understand how the content will look on the page . Here are a number of basic recommendations for designing text content on a page:

The closer to the beginning of the document (page) the text is, the better. — The closer to the beginning of the text the main key queries are, the better. — The beginning of the text must be within the visibility range of the first browser screen (without scrolling). — The text on the page should not be hidden by scrolling windows, drop-down blocks, etc. — Check SEO texts for literacy . Erroneous spelling of certain queries can be used if there are statistics of requests to queries with errors. Otherwise, write correctly. — Use illustrations . SEO text without pictures is like... not so attractive. Text with an image better describes the essence of the document and is rated higher. The bonus is getting into all sorts of Google and Yandex “Pictures” upon request. — Do not post text of the same color as the background . This is a diagnosis.

Now nothing interferes with the perception of SEO text and indexing. Let’s move on directly to the work of an SEO copywriter.

Step-by-step instruction

And this topic also deserves a separate article. If only because such instructions are needed by both customers and copywriters. But I tried to highlight the most important points. So, let's go.

Step 1. Collecting key queries

This process is best left to professionals. Especially when it comes to preparing the semantic core for a large commercial website.

To do this, open Yandex.Wordstat and enter the intended query there. Let's see how many people per month were interested in this topic.

There should be some real numbers here, depending on your topic. It makes no sense to optimize an article for a query that is entered by 3-4 people per month.

Important. There is a concept of keyword competitiveness. You should not use too general queries; hundreds of articles have already been written for them. Narrow your topic.

Step 2. Create technical specifications

So, the requests have been collected, it’s time to write the SEO text. First, we formulate the technical specifications for the copywriter. Well, or for yourself, if you plan to write SEO text yourself.

This is where services for automatic generation of technical specifications come to the rescue. For example:


In fact, they will do everything for you, but they won’t charge a lot of money for it. For example, the Technical Designer charges 4 rubles for one technical specification. In my opinion, the amount is quite reasonable.

Step 3. Write (or wait)

We find a performer (the list of copywriter exchanges was already in the text) or write it ourselves.

You need an expert text that fully covers the topic without any fluff, taking into account the technical requirements and the required number of keys.

We use trailing queries, stay within the scope, and don’t forget about the usefulness of the article for the user.

Nothing complicated :)

Step 4. Check

After checking, adjustments may be required, so be prepared for this. Among the services I recommend:

  1. Uniqueness from 90% (100% good, but not in all topics);
  2. Advego/seo. Academic nausea up to 9%, word density up to 5%;
  3. For fans of infostyle. 8 points is enough;
  4. For those who are afraid of Baden-Baden, no higher than 4 points.

Step 5. Read and reread

Preferably out loud and after a while. It’s better to repeat the procedure several times. Then some objectivity is achieved, it becomes possible to look at the text with “fresh eyes,” find errors, and identify various absurdities and stupidities.

You need to read the text in any case, whether you write it yourself or order it from a copywriter.

Step 6. Formalize

Some authors do this simultaneously with writing the text. For example me. Subheadings, lists, paragraph formatting and that's it.

However, if there was a burst of inspiration (this happens too), and the lines literally “flowed from the pen,” then you can format it after the text is finished.

Or another option is to specify specific design requirements in the technical specifications.

spelling errors

Most of the mistakes I see in SEO texts are due to the fact that some copywriters and webmasters literally refuse to evolve.

Second point: there are tons of articles on SEO copywriting in RuNet, and most of them were written, at best, 3-5 years ago.

Therefore, let’s look at a few “classic” mistakes made by SEO copywriters, which are more common for beginners than for professionals.

  • Keys in direct occurrence. Don't overuse direct entry keys. Especially if it is “buy a metal trolley Moscow”. Use the direct entry appropriately;
  • High key density. A large number of key queries in the text is a negative signal for the search engine. Add here more spam keys in the alt, fill in the promoted queries title and description and catch the filter from the search engine;
  • Short text on the information page. Texts of a “standard” volume of 2000 characters have not been quoted for a long time. If you want to get to the TOP with your article, aim for at least 5000 characters. Better by 10,000 or more;
  • Long text on a commercial page. If you are just going to promote your online store, then a couple of paragraphs of text will be enough in the catalog; it is better to pay attention to expanding the assortment.

Briefly about the main thing

Surely you just exhaled: “Finally! Conclusions!". I share your joy. So I'll be brief.

  • Characteristics of SEO text : keywords, nausea, spam, etc. They check them using special services;
  • When writing SEO text : do not spam keywords, do not get carried away with bold font, monitor the quality of the text, use headings;
  • Additional material on SEO copywriting : When reading an article on SEO copywriting, pay attention to the date of its publication. Perhaps the information there is already outdated.

And good luck to you in this difficult matter. Hug.

On the subject: How to write articles: 40 features of the TOP-70 SEO tools (by category) + rating Monitoring site positions: 10 services + functions Checking the site for SEO: 15 services + instructions


The ending of the text should confirm the reader's purchase. There should be a link to the order or contact page, phone number and address of your company.

Subtleties of writing SEO texts

  • write text for one product or service. Don’t try to sell your products based on just one text on the website; you need to specify each product.
  • Before writing the text, create a portrait of your buyer, this will help you guess his needs as best as possible.
  • Motivate the reader to buy with an enticement. These could be bonuses and other goodies.
  • check the text with the help of your buyer, test options.

How to format texts on a website

  • Comfort for reading the font and its size is important;
  • length of paragraphs;
  • does the text and headings blend into the background?
  • is the text getting lost on the page, or is the reader distracted by something other than the text?
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