The procedure for conducting introductory training on labor protection

Instruction program

Water safety briefing is an integral part of the employment procedure. In addition, not only employees hired on a permanent basis, but also persons who entered the company on a temporary basis, for example, business travelers or undergoing internship, undergo induction training. The training program should include the following points:

  • Basic information about the organization itself;
  • Main specific production features;
  • Basic provisions of legislation regarding labor protection;
  • Information about compensation and benefits;
  • Familiarization with the internal regulations of the enterprise and the provided measures of responsibility for deviations from the rules;
  • Organizational aspects of compliance with safety regulations at the enterprise;
  • General information about the rules of conduct for employees on the employer’s premises, in individual premises, production workshops, warehouses and other premises;
  • Location of the main premises on the territory;
  • Familiarization with a detailed list of harmful production factors available in a particular institution;
  • Available resources for the prevention of accidents, diseases associated with production activities, detailed information on the availability of personal protective equipment, the location of fences, warning posters;
  • Basic information regarding personal and industrial sanitation;
  • Familiarization with ways to prevent emergency situations such as accidents, explosions, fires;
  • Instructions for the actions of employees in the event of an emergency;
  • Methods of providing first aid to victims before the doctor arrives.

Contents of the initial training program

To conduct training on occupational safety and health, mock-ups of premises, models of equipment, videos, images, posters, stands and any types of printed information can be used.

Note! Typically, introductory training is carried out individually with each individual employee, but there is no prohibition in legislative acts on organizing a group lesson on occupational safety and health.

For example, introductory training can be given to a group of students arriving for internship at an enterprise. Upon completion of familiarization of workers with the mandatory instructions as part of the introductory briefing, a corresponding entry is made in a special journal.

How is occupational safety training organized?

Registration of induction training is not a complicated procedure, but it includes the required steps:

Step 1. First, the employer must authorize a specific employee to conduct introductory training in the field of labor protection. This may be a labor protection specialist or another person with the necessary knowledge. The employer also has the right to involve a special accredited company in this matter. In order to authorize a specific person to conduct training, the employer issues a special order for the enterprise -.

After the appointment of an authorized person at the enterprise, an order is issued requiring a specific person to conduct induction training with all persons accepted, as well as:

  • temporary workers;
  • employees of third-party organizations performing a labor function on the employer’s premises;
  • student interns;
  • part-timers.

Step 2. The next step is for the employer to develop and approve a special training program, as well as instructions for its implementation.
The development of the program is carried out by a specialist from the labor protection department. Then an order is issued approving the compiled program. Step 3. When a person is hired, he is given a lecture according to a pre-approved and current program. After this, a conversation is held with him in the form of testing. This is instruction.

Step 4. Upon successful completion of the introductory training, the authorized employee makes appropriate entries in the registration log indicating the signatures and date of completion.

In practice, the employer often forgets to keep a log. It is not recommended to do this after the fact when checking.

It is better to draw up a report on the loss of a document due to force majeure, keep a log and conduct an introductory briefing with all employees at the current date.

This procedure can be carried out individually or with a group of people at the same time, if the specifics of their activities are the same.

If the employer does not provide instructions, he risks being punished:

  • Individual entrepreneur without legal education. persons – 12 – 25 thousand rubles,
  • legal entity 100 – 130 thousand rubles.

What documents are needed?

The main documents that are drawn up for the possibility of conducting induction training are:

  • an order to conduct introductory briefings with all accepted employees, including part-time employees;
  • order to appoint an authorized person;
  • order approving the developed program and the program itself;
  • instructions;
  • order approving the form of the registration log for conducting introductory briefings on labor protection of newly hired persons;
  • the registration log itself, in which notes are made about the completion of the briefing, the signatures of the parties and the date are placed.

It is possible not to issue several orders for the enterprise, but to issue one general one.
It includes in separate paragraphs instructions on the approval of the program, the registration log and the appointment of an authorized person to conduct briefings.

All documents must be prepared in accordance with the basic rules of document flow.

Errors and corrections in such documentation are not permitted.

If, for example, an error was made in the registration log when it was completed, it must be corrected correctly.

To do this, the incorrect information is crossed out with one line, and the correct data is written next to it, the signature of the authorized person and the phrase “believe the corrected person” are placed.

Induction log

The introductory briefing log is a tabular form. You can purchase the magazine at any office supply store. Inside the sheet is lined into a table consisting of eight columns:

dateFull name of the person being instructedYear of
Profession, position of the person being instructedName of the production unit to which the instructee is sentLast name, initials, position of the instructorSignature

Note! The relevant information is entered into each column, and the entry is certified by both the inspected employee and the employee who conducted the induction training. In addition, information about the receipt of occupational health and safety instructions is included in the employment order and in the employee’s personal file.

What is the procedure for completing unscheduled training?

Unscheduled briefing is carried out when:

  1. changes in labor protection rules;
  2. changes in technological processes, replacement or modernization of equipment, devices and tools, raw materials, materials and other factors affecting labor safety;
  3. violation by employees of labor safety requirements, which can lead or have led to injury, accident, explosion or fire;
  4. breaks in work - for work associated with increased danger for more than 30 calendar days, and for others - 60 days.

Unscheduled briefing is carried out individually or with a group of workers of the same profession in the scope of initial briefing at the workplace.

A note is made in the briefing log about the conduct of an unscheduled briefing, indicating the reasons that caused it to be carried out and the obligatory signature of the person being instructed and the person instructing.

From the site:

Magazine shelf life and sample

Magazine cover

Storage of the log is assigned to the safety engineer or other employee performing this function on the basis of an order. The magazine's shelf life is 10 years. For the absence of such a statement or for violating storage periods, large monetary fines may be imposed on the organization.

Sample log of introductory briefing on labor protection


Let us draw several conclusions on this topic:

  • Registration of induction training involves several main stages: issuance of an order, approval of the program, appointment of an authorized person, direct training and registration of the fact of its completion.
  • The main documents required by the employer: an order to appoint an authorized person, an obligation to conduct induction training with all hired people, approval of the program and the program itself, a registration log.
  • It is allowed to maintain individual training records for each employee. They are not required during inspections.
  • Registration of occupational safety instructions is carried out in a special journal, and can additionally be displayed on cards.
  • The storage periods for documents vary depending on the type of document.

When is it carried out?

Instructing new employees

Introductory training on labor protection is carried out once with each employee - directly upon employment in the organization. When an employee has been absent for some time, for example, due to illness, childcare, or on vacation, there is no need to undergo repeated induction training on labor protection.

In the event that an employee has been transferred to another position through dismissal from his current position, after approval in the new position, the employee must be re-familiarized with the introductory instructions on labor protection.

Who conducts on-the-job training?

If you have a large company with a staff of more than 50 people, then, in accordance with Article 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to introduce the position of a labor protection specialist. If there are fewer than 50 employees, then this responsibility can be assigned to:

  • head of the organization;
  • immediate supervisor, another employee;
  • a third-party specialist working under a civil contract.

The employee conducting the training must have a document confirming that he himself has completed the appropriate training. The person responsible for security should be appointed by appropriate order, and the corresponding powers must be indicated in his job description.

Who is it with?

Introductory training on labor protection is carried out with all employees who join the organization, including managers and temporary employees:

  • For citizens applying for a job, regardless of position, future responsibilities, qualifications, presence or absence of experience;
  • For persons who have been transferred from one position to another within the same organization;
  • For temporary seconded employees;
  • For trainees and students undergoing practical training.

Types of safety training

Before starting to perform their duties, each employee is required to receive several types of instructions on labor protection: introductory, primary, repeated, targeted and unscheduled.

Type of instructionReason for holding
IntroductoryWhen hiring
PrimaryAt work
RepeatedAt work. Frequency: once a year; 2 times per year
TargetWhen carrying out certain types of work
UnscheduledChanges in instructions and operating instructions; change in technological process; after a fire occurs; poor knowledge; violation of PPB.


The timing varies depending on the specifics of the organization. In some cases, several hours are allotted for introductory training, and for enterprises with a high risk of occupational injuries, several days may be spent on familiarization with basic safety regulations. The time allotted for familiarization with the instructions must be paid to the employee.

Sample introductory briefing on labor protection for applicants

Instructions for conducting introductory training on labor protection

An example of a specific induction program on labor protection

Induction program for the organization

APPROVED: Director of LLC “Success” Krasavin R.O. (signature)



introductory training on labor protection

for employees of LLC "Success"

By order No. 13/1 dated August 10, 2016, occupational safety engineer L.D. Stepovenko is appointed as an instructor for conducting introductory training on labor protection for employees of LLC “Success”.

SubjectNumber of hours allocated
1Information about the LLC, general information, characteristic features, specifics of production0,5
2Legislative provisions related to labor protection:3
2.1clauses of the employment contract;0,25
2.2the work of women in our enterprise;0,25
2.3work of persons under 18 years of age;0,25
2.4required payments: compensation and benefits;0,25
2.5work and rest schedule0,25
2.6internal rules of labor discipline and routine, liability of violators.0,25
3.Location of premises of LLC "Success". Rules of movement and behavior on the territory. 0,5
4.Hazardous factors in our production.0,25
5.Means for collective protection.0,25
6.Electrical safety rules.0,25
7.Causes of emergency situations that occurred during the operation of Success LLC and similar companies.1
8.How accidents and occupational diseases are investigated in our organization0,5
9.Requirements for employee safety during production.0,5
10.Fire danger prevention. Actions to take when an outbreak is detected. Evacuation rules. 0,5
11.Actions of personnel in case of emergency. Ways to provide assistance. 0,5
TOTAL9 o'clock

Head of the labor protection service of LLC “Uspekh” (signature, seal) D.G. Ermolaenko APPENDIX to the introductory briefing program on labor protection

  1. Text of each lecture.
  2. Listing of technical training aids used during instruction.
  3. Sample log of introductory briefing.

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