USRPO - Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of the Russian Federation.
Official statistical databases “STATREGISTER”, “EGRIP”, “BALANCE SHEET” as part of the analytical complex “Business-Info” Department
Business idea for the production of colored crushed stone
Business idea for the production of colored crushed stone
One of the ideas for organizing a highly profitable business with a modest start-up capital is the production of colored
types of public organizations
Goals, objectives and activities of the Public Organization
Public organizations occupy a very important place both in the political system of the country and in
Sample application and hiring process for individual entrepreneurs
How to apply for employment as an individual entrepreneur? Registration of employment in an individual entrepreneur is not
Installation of metal structures according to OKVED: what a novice entrepreneur needs to know
OKVED codes for a hookah bar I'm going to open a hookah bar. Form of activity - individual entrepreneur. The man advised me
Business ideas with minimal investments that do not yet exist in Russia. Come on, the money is under your feet!
Medicine DRD Who advises: Skolkovo How are they connected: resident The company develops and implements rapid tests
6 main advantages of trading on the Internet
The e-commerce market in Russia is one of the main engines of trade. Residents of foreign countries
business plan for a mobile phone store
Business plan for a mobile phone store - real costs and investments
Modern people strive to be in touch 24 hours a day. If another fifteen years
Reduced tariffs for payment of insurance premiums - Article 427
General provisions Insurance premiums are a fee that organizations and individual entrepreneurs are required to pay
employee notification
Notification of changes in the terms of the employment contract: sample
The Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows for amendments to the employment contract concluded between the employer and the hired employee.