Legal possibility An individual entrepreneur is not a legal entity. IP, in essence, is simple
Development of a bonus system for personnel in the organization By virtue of Art. 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer has
When a duplicate is issued The initiator of the registration is: the employer; employee. We show in the table in what cases
What is a tax amnesty Tax amnesty is the write-off of arrears for unpaid in previous
Author: Ivan Ivanov If for a certain group of employees or for the entire staff it is necessary to change
How much money do you need to open an Internet cafe? According to preliminary calculations, you will need to invest in opening an Internet cafe
* The calculations use average data for Russia. Dacha is an excellent start for your
The word “balance” has its roots in the Latin phrase “bis lanz,” which literally means “two scales,”
We have collected even more smart saving tips from Biglion here. Active entertainment can
Modern concrete production as a business is very promising, but is based on the need to use serious equipment,