9 types of motivation that will help you achieve your goal

Motivation in human life

In this article you will learn:

Motivation in life and achieving goals is what everyone strives for. But... I’ll start losing weight on Monday, I’ll start with the new year... and you can substitute anything here. The main thing is that you won’t start and there are reasons for that.

  1. I'll tell you what motivation is
  2. Why can't you start something?
  3. I will name the main reasons that hinder
  4. And I’ll show you step by step how to motivate yourself to do something.
  5. I will save you from mistakes, so that you don’t lose track and finally achieve your goal

I’ll start from afar, but there’s no way without this. Without understanding the basics and depths, you will not move forward. And even if the general recommendations work, it will only be for a short period of time. Then there will be a rollback, a decline and a feeling of guilt for not reaching the intended goal again.

Just so that you don’t step on a rake for the hundredth time, read the article carefully. Every word written here matters.

Motivation is a word literally loved by marketers, coaches, and personal growth trainers. Their and my task is often to develop, promote, motivate them to the desired action, and so on.

This word, due to its strong obsolescence, has already set some people on edge, but its meaning and influence on our everyday life is a rather interesting question, and we will consider it in this article. Motivation in life and achieving goals are the most important steps in life, without them you can’t go anywhere.

Motivation - what is it in simple words

Some people see motivation as a kind of carrot tied to a fishing rod, which tirelessly dangles in front of the hard-working donkey’s nose and encourages him to move his hooves more energetically.

I don’t want to feel like a good donkey, but with not particularly pronounced intelligence. Therefore, the very word “motivation” causes a fair amount of skepticism among many. Meanwhile, you can (and should) motivate yourself not only in business impulses, but also in everyday life in the simplest daily activities.

Motivation is the desire to do one thing or another. The desire is personal, not imposed, coming from within a person. The awareness of which makes you feel good and make you want to act.

Pay attention, personal and coming from within. This is extremely important to hear and understand now. After all, very often, people only supposedly want something. Because that's what they were told. Because that's the way it is. Or my mother said in childhood that this is necessary.

Motivation in life and achieving goals works only on your desires! And these are not all your desires! They don’t come from within, and this is where motivation doesn’t work, but is covered up by laziness. You need to learn to feel yourself, your true self. This is what I teach in the course on esotericism.

Ways to motivate

Motivating personnel to actively work in the organization - modern methods

Motivation is a psychological process of controlling the actions of any person. Not everything here depends on basic needs. Desire is also influenced by the society in which a person exists. Therefore, his life will be moved towards achieving the goal in various ways.


Being surrounded by other people, the individual adjusts his life to the existing principles. If physical needs are an unconscious initial motivation aimed at satisfying hunger, thirst, etc., then social motives in psychology are the definition of the basis of acquired needs.

Factors in their formation are upbringing and training, the influence of parents, friends and existing norms of behavior. Depending on the culture, each group has specific motives.

All individuals strive to take their place in the social hierarchy. Some prefer to dominate others, while others are more comfortable coexisting with them as equals.

Social motives are the most powerful in guiding human actions. They are the ones who force you to conform to the norms of a certain social group. Behavior in this case is aimed not only at achieving a certain status - society influences tastes and choice of clothing style.

Motivation for learning

In a modern developed society, learning is not just the norm, it is a necessity. All children attend school. Some do it because they have to, others are interested in the process itself.

Having received the long-awaited certificate of education, someone will stop there. But the majority, realizing that they cannot achieve a certain status in society without knowledge, move on to the next stage of education.

Student motivation

The desire to learn new things is not enough here. External factors must be present. Much depends on how interested teachers are in motivating learning. Some with their attitude can instill a craving for knowledge, while others can cause a negative reaction.


If a person has no aspirations, external incentives alone will not motivate him to achieve high results. It is self-motivation that guarantees one hundred percent success. To achieve it, it is important to follow the rules:

  • want to achieve a goal, and it is desired;
  • The process itself should be enjoyable;
  • movement is relaxed, according to a simple and understandable algorithm;
  • there must be excitement in the business, eliminating routine.

A powerful factor of self-motivation is ambition. If a person believes that he is no worse than others and is able to prove this with deeds, then he will achieve great heights.

How to motivate yourself to do something?

Let's first look at another question, which, in fact, is almost the opposite of the concept of motivation, but is inextricably linked with it.

Laziness - what is it and where does it come from?

Who is not familiar with laziness? Yes, everyone, except, perhaps, very young children, who seem to be programmed in such a way as to tirelessly develop vigorous activity of the most varied spectrum. This is where hourly motivation in life and goal achievement are!

Growing up, a person becomes acquainted with laziness in all its glory. Only the personal attitude towards it varies, due to character qualities, upbringing norms and learned beliefs.

Therefore, some people overcome themselves every day through clenched teeth, others wave the white flag, giving up and experiencing the bitterness of defeat.

There is also a special caste of people who possess knowledge. This knowledge about the world order, about energy, about the subtle plane. About techniques for fulfilling desires, about healing, about yourself. About working with energies and using them for good. They, like children, are constantly motivated in life, and achieving a goal is a simple conscious process for them.

By the way, all this is collected in my esoteric training course. And my students comprehend all of the above in the learning process. Moreover, the course is not theoretical, but practical. Each student masters the ability to create “miracles.” Read about the results at the link. ⇒

What is laziness? How does laziness hinder motivation in achieving a goal?

Caste can be divided into two halves and, it seems, should be opposed to each other, however, if you look closely, it represents a similar perception of the issue of laziness.

Some enjoy laziness , and their life seems to organize itself in such a way that it provides them with a minimum of unnecessary rattling fussy actions, while maintaining the proper level of comfort.

But for others, on the contrary, laziness does not seem to exist. These super people sometimes drive some who are not yet at peace with themselves and do not have knowledge to the point of wanting to look for their “secret button”. Which provides them with hourly energy, joy of life and an irrepressible desire to enthusiastically do and do everything that happens to them in the current day.

At the same time, they are eagerly making plans with the intention of getting down to it as soon as possible and trying to do this and that, and this and that. Is it any wonder that those who wage an unequal battle with laziness every day, when communicating with such people as “energizers,” have a secret, ignoble idea of ​​not only finding the treasured “secret button,” but also hitting it with something heavier in order to The microcircuits melted.

And what is it, really, all people are like people, dragging their burden, and here, look, how much ease, motivation in life and achieving a goal always happens easily. It's a shame))). Although, it would be more correct to understand this issue, learn and build your harmonious life as you see fit and not turn anyone off or bully anyone. So that it’s not offensive, let’s first figure out what laziness is in principle.

Laziness is the absence of this very notorious motivation that we are talking about today. In other words, laziness is a categorical lack of understanding of why to do this or that. A subconscious conviction that what needs to be done is pointless. What kind of motivation is there in life and achieving goals...

There can be a lot behind this and one can sort it out, pulling out the unpleasant, reeling it in turn by turn. Getting upset doesn’t mean it won’t do anything, but it will destroy an already shaky emotional mood.

This should only be done under the strict guidance of a specialist. When I provide assistance, we always achieve positive results. There are other ways, more on them below.

How to motivate yourself to achieve your goal?

You need to identify and structure for yourself all the advantages and benefits of what needs to be done. Moreover, make it so savory and candy-like, so that, just like in food, you will work up an appetite for the upcoming task.

After all, they are often accustomed to not paying attention to almost anything, that they do things through force and throw food at themselves, as if in a trash can, without particularly paying attention to this process.

There are special practices that are included in the esoteric training course. Thanks to them you can get super results! A crazy, sincere desire to create, to do, and the most important thing. Strength and energy appear to realize what you want. And motivation in life and achieving goals.

Practices for motivation and goal achievement

What’s worse is that your whole life is built on this principle of not paying attention to yourself. And the name of the problem is ignorance. Lack of knowledge leads to self-dislike, non-acceptance of oneself as a value worthy of eating the best, doing the best, seeing the best, feeling the best, and so on.

As you can see, the roots of the problem of laziness are intricate and run very deep. In the esotericism training course, we fill in the gaps in knowledge and this very understanding of ourselves, self-love, and not only that comes.

But, if we return to our example of people of a “special caste”. (Although, of course, this term was taken simply as a catchphrase and they do not belong to any caste, you understand that). Both peaceful, joyful “loungers” and happy “energizers” have one thing in common - knowledge of how the world works and how you can create miracles with the help of thoughts. This is also all on the course.

These people love themselves and consider themselves to be an indisputable value, which is why they, with their blissful thought forms about themselves, create events that determine for them the existence of the life they would like to lead

“Slounger people” love themselves and that is why they do not feel guilty about their desire for idleness. They do not judge themselves and accept themselves as they are. As a result, they transmit the energy of goodness into the World, which, returning, nourishes matter. By surrounding the “loungers” with conditions suitable for their even greater level of comfort. Motivation appears in life and goal achievement.

Concept of employee motivation

In theory, one way to classify motives is to divide them into external or internal. External ones depend on the influence of other people and accompanying working conditions. Traditionally, external work includes work for money or material benefits, for status, recognition, for stability and “settlement.”

Intrinsic motivation depends on a person’s values ​​and interests. It's more permanent. It is considered more difficult to analyze. A person who is passionate about his work, realizes himself creatively, understands the meaning and importance of his work for other people, as a rule, works with greater dedication and is less dependent on salary fluctuations, relationships with superiors, and other factors.

There is another way to look at motivation. In its light, the term is explained as a process of influencing the employee’s desire, willingness to work, and encouraging him to perform tasks responsibly.

For this influence to be as effective as possible, it is important to identify truly significant motives for a person. Not everyone works for money, not everyone needs creativity. The opportunity to grow in one's career and take on more responsibility motivates one person to take action. For others, on the contrary, it frightens or demotivates.

Therefore, effective work with personnel is based on an understanding of human individuality, on a high-quality diagnosis of psychological characteristics, which we will talk about in the article a little later.

How to motivate yourself to work?

Such people necessarily have a leisurely job, an activity that does not involve any exhausting active actions. And if they do occur, it is rare and not for long, and then this is the acceptable cost that the “lounger” is willing to pay. And in which he finds benefits to keep himself in good shape.

Others don’t even need this, and their work, as they say, “don’t hit him when he’s down,” is, however, certainly pleasant, definitely brings income, a feeling of being in demand and moral satisfaction. They are always motivated in life and achieving goals.

Their life is arranged according to the principle of comfort, in which there is certainly time for their favorite pastime, pleasant meals, hobbies, and so on. Laziness in their lives is not present in the form in which we are accustomed to perceive it.

Slowness, bliss, the idle course of life, the preference for peace and the reluctance of vanity - this is a natural conscious choice, considered vitally important and therefore completely allowed to oneself at all levels of consciousness.

How to motivate yourself to succeed?

Do you want this kind of life? In which there is always motivation in life and achieving goals? So that your thoughts can materialize? Then watch the video below. Today I give you a water video from my course, you can make your dream come true. Watch it now.

What do you want - motivation in life and goal achievement

A person with such a worldview concentrates on what he wants. And what he doesn’t want, he simply leaves out of his perception. But we remember to really want something for you personally. Your self needs to restore its energy and remove the impurities of other people’s programs and other people’s desires.

You can find out the state of your energy by conducting diagnostics using a photo. Having carried out your diagnosis using a photo, I will clearly tell you about the state of your chakras and the state of affairs for today. Where and why did your motivation in life and goal achievement disappear, what is best to work on. I will tell you what is the cause of the problems, if any, and suggest the best way out of the situation.

He perceives any need to force, to overcome himself in the same way as an ordinary person perceives the prospect of suddenly walking on fragments or nails in the middle of the day, with their points facing upward. Well, yes, there are those who need it, there are all sorts of yogis, for whom it’s normal, but I don’t need it, why should I, I won’t.

To tell the truth, seeing the fragments and nails, it wouldn’t even occur to us to climb on them barefoot. Just like a person with a similar attitude towards life, the need to force oneself turns out to be beyond the borders of perception.

How to force yourself to work?

Yes, such people are usually envied, but it is worth remembering that we ourselves create every single one of the circumstances of life, starting from the point “here and now” every second, and in general, everything is subject to everyone.

“Energizers” love themselves, reflecting this in their love for life itself in its brightest and most pleasant manifestations. They love themselves and life so much that they want to try the best pieces from its chic, limitless hospitable table. Enjoy the taste, realizing that inaction is exactly what can prevent them from doing this favorite activity. They have an ever-bubbling motivation in life and always achieve their goals.

They are interested in this and that, they have a lot of plans for life, they easily engage in one type of activity, find satisfaction in it and almost always a good income, and then without fear they change to another, simply because it does not inspire them anymore, almost without worrying at all about losses.

Moreover, it is surprising that often before the arrival of the “energizer” this workplace may not be profitable at all, but it is with his appearance that suddenly circumstances develop in such a way that everything changes.

Where can I get the strength to motivate myself in life and achieve my goals?

Yes, it is possible, when considering “loungers” and “energizers,” to assume that they are separated only by different amounts of vital resources. The former, they say, don’t have a lot of internal energy, but the latter have too much internal energy. But I wouldn't agree.

We all came to this planet from different worlds and from the most incredible incarnations. And past “star codes” leave an imprint on our characters and mental organization in this life.

One thing I can say is that in order to create the desired living conditions, the dreamed comfort, in order to “come true” of various dreams and “I want”, internal energy is needed. We need a resource, and someone who doesn’t have a lot of it is precisely those who find themselves in the first group of “laziness of those who resist” and “laziness of those who give up.”

The resource is rapidly leaking out of holes caused by the need to constantly go the wrong way of the Soul. Speaking of holes. After conducting diagnostics using photos, I will clearly describe the state of your energy cocoon. Often there are breakdowns and holes in it, and it is into them that the energy you need flows. Motivation in life also goes there, and achieving goals is always difficult.

How easy is it to motivate yourself?

The soul strongly chooses ways of life in which everything is good, convenient, comfortable, joyful and easy. But the mind is the force that piles a bunch of prejudices, difficulties, blockages, negative beliefs and fear on this path. Any of the words listed in the previous sentence is one or another form of fear.

What is fear, essentially? Fear, aka subpersonality, was written about subpersonalities in detail in the article at this link and the absence of love. These are two incompatible polarities and one is an indicator of the absence of the other.

If you are afraid of something, you are not loving at that moment. Dislike blocks the flow of life-giving energy that creates mood and positive circumstances and creates a boomerang effect. When neglected fears and negativity come back through circumstances that confirm these fears and negativity even more.

How to just start taking action?

So it turns out that those who struggle with laziness in relation to something, firstly, do not see the point in what they are doing. Secondly, the picture of something already accomplished is not so bright, tasty and tempting for them to spend their already meager energy reserves on its implementation.

As they say, everything has a price. And the less good there is, the more picky a person becomes about what to invest it in. And thirdly, those who are accustomed to forcing themselves to act “through not wanting”, without motivation , continue to indulge in the outflow of their already meager supply of resources.

It takes energy to live in the best conditions with the best circumstances, but it is wasted in surviving in the worst conditions and enduring undesirable circumstances. The circle seems closed. So what should we do? Where will motivation in life and goal achievement suddenly come from? Here's what.

All about motivation

Salute, Khabrovsk residents!

It’s another Monday, which means that all over the country, and all over the world, millions of people will “go to that job again,” in which they are only happy about Friday and payday. So I wanted to share my thoughts on the topic of motivation at work - motivating yourself and others. I will try to show that often the negative emotions experienced from work are associated not with the type of activity, but with improper organization, and that by performing the same actions in a different way, you can achieve amazing results in your own emotional state, which cannot but affect on the results. But first things first.

There is no such thing as uninteresting work

I'm a programmer by profession, and it's easy to love the job of a programmer. It is somewhere on the border between creativity and science. Everyone will love this one. Therefore, as an example, I will tell you about my working childhood, when I was not yet a programmer, and will show how I managed to find interest in work.

Spatula and wall

Once I was charged with scraping off oil paint from a kitchen wall with a spatula (such a flat flexible spatula). At the stage of reconnaissance of a new tool, in which I became familiar with the most effective movements, there was still nothing. But when I discovered that you couldn’t just cut paint off, like peeling a potato, and assessed the results of my labors, expressed as a small speck, with the threatening amount of work ahead in the amount of one wall, I was completely depressed. What can you do? Work is work. I began to scratch the wall, having nothing better to do, looking closely at the front of the work. The line between the cleared and uncleaned territory was painfully curved (who else but me would know this), which reminded me of the state borders between countries that are often at war (these borders are straight in all deserts, and where there were wars, blood was shed for every kilometer, as I poured sweat with a spatula). This is what inspired the battle analogy. I imagined that the cleared territory was my army, which was fighting to the death with the surrounding enemy - oil paint. And I, the hero commander, threw my troops into battle. Surprisingly, this metaphor allowed me to discover a more efficient way to scrape off paint. If before I had been stupidly scraping in different directions, trying to evenly expand the front, now I was furiously knocking off islands of paint from the main front, and when surrounded I could easily cope with them. This is how I independently discovered gamification and the concept of a batch of works.

Sand for SEGA

Another time, I decided to earn money for a SEGA game console and got a job as a laborer. As part of the task, I had to lift half a cubic meter of sand to the fifth floor to screed the balcony. A bucket of sand weighs about twelve kilograms, and in half a cubic meter of sand there are fifty such buckets. Two buckets at a time - twenty-five passes. My flimsy hands started to hurt after the third time, which is 12% of the work. Then I mentally disassembled my ultimate goal - shogu - into parts and roughly estimated how each of the approaches affects achieving the goal. For example, pouring out the sand and going downstairs for the next batch, I thought: “Here, I’ve already earned the power button,” “Here’s our joystick, let’s go get the cord!” And I went down for the next batch with enthusiasm. This is how I independently discovered the influence of dopamine and norepinephrine on mood and physical well-being. Oh yes, I finally bought and defeated Shao Kahn even with Sonya.

Definition of Motivation

The word “motivation” has four meanings (as if there could be integers!), some of which it inherits from the word “motivation”. Here they are:

  1. The process of giving reasons to explain or justify an action.
  2. A set of arguments to justify something.
  3. A psychophysiological signal that causes excitation of parts of the brain and encourages animals and humans to satisfy their needs.
  4. Derivative connections between words

In the managerial everyday sense, all these (except perhaps the last) meanings are mixed into one heap, so that a kind of incomprehensible hybrid is obtained, the only possible statement about which is “employees have no motivation.” It is important to understand that managerial motivation (1), which consists of providing motivation (2), to obtain motivation (3), is a non-atomic process and can fall apart at any stage. For greater certainty, I will give my definition of motivation in a work context, which will solve the same problems as the set of ambiguous analogue.

Why do you need motivation?

In simple terms, employee motivation is necessary to ensure that the work process does not fade away.
If employees have no motivation, then the initiative of the project manager, expressed in the form of periodic kicks, is the only driving force that ensures the project moves forward. The movement is not progressive, but impetuous, diluted with periodic regressions. If an unmotivated employee does not fully understand something about the task at hand, he will think it through and do it as he understands. If an unmotivated employee has no tasks, he will mind his own business and wait for the manager to give him the job. An unmotivated employee completely gives the manager the initiative, and with it the responsibility for the final result. Lack of motivation from the manager's point of view is reminiscent of the Italian strike - everyone formally does what they are told, and therefore work efficiency tends to zero. The reason for the degradation of efficiency lies in the fact that a high degree of uncertainty is inherent in the IT field itself, which requires an employee - be it project or operational activities - to have a high degree of intellectual involvement. Don’t think that motivation is needed only in the IT field. Not at all. In any field, motivation increases work efficiency, and my examples with a spatula and sand prove this. It’s just that in the IT field, employee motivation changes work efficiency by orders of magnitude. The proof of this thesis is a topic for a separate article, so we will not focus on it here.

So, motivated employees are a means of saving project resources, such as the time and effort of the project manager. Unmotivated employees have to be driven like a shepherd to prevent them from scattering, but motivated employees can be led like the leader of a wolf pack.

What is motivation?

For the purposes of this article, we will call motivation the emotional and psychological state of an employee, which, when setting a task, allows us to receive from him more energy than was invested in bringing it to him.

This definition ensures the life of running processes, preventing them from dying out.
In a sense, this definition is equivalent to the definition of user engagement that ensures viral marketing of a product. And this is not surprising. User involvement is based on the same cognitive mechanisms as employee motivation, and a marketing campaign is similar to collective design creativity. This definition also shows why, in the absence of motivation (or low levels of it), the project needs a periodic injection of energy in the form of kicks and the so-favorite questions of all employees, “how’s the task?” If you ride a bicycle, you need to pedal all the time. In a car, you can press the pedal once, and it will take you along. Motivation, by the way, etymologically goes back to the Latin verb moveo, meaning “to move” (compare with the English move).

Anatomy of Motivation

Since we have defined motivation as an emotional and psychological state, let’s look at how motivation is provided by the brain. By the way, due to the incorrect interpretation of the word “motivation” (namely, as the meaning of (1)), it seems to many that motivation is a conscious process based on correctly chosen words. Many managers like to hold motivational meetings and speak at them in a rather monotonous manner, which at the second meeting is declared by employees as “bullshitting” (nonsense), and begins to demotivate more than if it had not taken place. A fairly common pattern - we are the best, but we need to work even harder to be even better. Even if such words motivate someone, this is not the motivation we are talking about. The very mechanisms of brain functioning cannot, on the basis of the quarterly repeated mantra, that we are the best, but we must be even better, to ensure an influx of cognitive energy. The brain works differently.

Motivation in the brain

The need-information theory states that before taking any action, the brain first predicts the expected result exactly as the probability of its achievement and, after taking the action, compares the actual result with the predicted one. We are talking about any
action - absolutely any. Even when sending a signal to the eyes to “blink,” the brain predicts the neural signal from the eyelids “we are closed” and “we are open.” When observing a moving object, the brain predicts its next position and expects the retina to confirm its hypothesis. In a sense, the brain lives in eternal TDD - they announced the expected result, took an action and checked the coincidence of expectations with reality.

When expectations coincide with reality, the brain rewards itself with the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter responsible for consolidating positive experiences from a person’s point of view. For example, dopamine is actively released during sex and eating tasty food. In a sense, dopamine is the chemical responsible for happiness. In the same sense, the brain is happy when it doesn’t make mistakes.

The more data the brain has about the results of an upcoming action, the more accurately it makes a forecast. The lower the probability of achieving the prediction as a result of the action taken, the more dopamine is released by the brain to “mark a successful release.” Thus, accumulated experience increases the accuracy of forecasts, reducing the improbability of success, giving the action taken a shade of despondency. It is on this formula that the routine is based - repeated actions do not offer any challenges to the brain, so it goes on a dopamine diet.

Conclusions from the anatomy of motivation

If the brain has a lot of data about the upcoming task, then the probability of achieving the forecast is high, so the brain gets little pleasure. However, if there is too little data or no data at all, then the brain will not be able to build an achievable forecast and the action itself will be ineffective from its point of view. This is the state called “I’m doing something I don’t know what to do.” In this state, no dopamine is produced at all, and the brain operates in /dev/NULL. Such activity is even more dull than a good routine in which the brain periodically checks that the world is still as it should be. Insufficient information when setting a task is the best way to turn an employee away from it.

However, this is only the first part. After an action is completed, it is vital for the brain to know where the resources it invested were spent. If this information is hidden from the brain, it experiences the same disappointment as if it did not know what to expect. Feedback is a vital mechanism in increasing motivation. Not just the connection itself, but also its timeliness. The brain even has mechanisms that override the perception of time to provide motor causation. This is why working with a sluggish application that asynchronously responds to actions infuriates users so much - the feedback that closes the motivational cycle is disrupted.

Motivation as a process

So, we have defined motivation as a mental state, but by itself it will start in the brains of employees either by accident or if they instill it themselves. As a rule, self-motivated employees stay on a project for a short time and motivate themselves to more ambitious tasks, so both phenomena are quite rare in a project. Thus, if a manager needs motivation in a project, he must develop it himself. The word “if” in the previous sentence is not a rhetorical device. Before starting to develop motivation, a manager must honestly answer the question of whether he really needs it. It so happens that “motivation” is one of the buzzwords that managers rush to attach to their project, although they understand the benefits and costs of this phenomenon rather vaguely. Motivation is a subtle and clearly balanced matter, the maintenance of which can turn the process upside down, depriving the manager of his usual rights and methods. Product development is possible without motivating employees - if motivation is not a priority, you need to honestly admit this and not torture yourself or your employees, saving your energy for life-giving kicks.

Motivation formula

Motivation in a project is provided by the following formula: Any action performed by employees within the framework of the project must have the following three components:

  1. Context of the problem statement
  2. Formulation of the problem
  3. The fastest possible feedback on the integration of results with the project

When we talk about a project, we mean not just a development project, but a project in a broader sense - as the result of a focused collective creativity, be it a collection of signatures in support of penguin rights in South Africa, an employee satisfaction survey, or a bug fix project for a legacy system. In my experience, project managers focus only on point 2., more sophisticated ones care a little about point 1., but point 3. is the most ignored and misunderstood aspect, which painfully affects motivation and develops a division between “we” and “we” in employees. "managers". Let's consider each aspect separately.

Task context

Context is the very information that gives the brain the opportunity to make a forecast about the expected result. Without context, the brain considers the proposed action meaningless and does not provide motivational support for it. By describing the context, you yourself lead the employee’s brain to determine the need for the upcoming task. And if the context is determined correctly, and the brain has made exactly the forecast about the expected result that corresponds to the task, this is no longer your
task - this is the task of the employee’s brain.
You have engaged your brain and given it ownership of the task. By owning a task that the brain came up with on its own
, it becomes responsible for it. The brain achieves only its own goals. Achieving someone else's goal is considered by the brain as exploitation. That is why it is important that the brain creates this goal itself.

It is important to understand that communicating the context of the task is not a formal process, and it is not necessary to have a confidential conversation with the employee before each task. If the context is clear based on past experience, the brain will construct a goal without suggestion or persuasion. Therefore, in order to save effort on introducing the context of a task, it is important to structure the process so that the completion of one task is the context for the next one - then you can save on introductory conversations. However, if there is no confidence in the presence of context, you cannot skimp on the conversation under any circumstances - otherwise you can forget about the employee’s personal responsibility for the work.

Formulation of the problem

If the context of the task is communicated correctly, this stage is a formality.
But it is a formality. After all, the brain that made the forecast has solved the subtask of predicting the expected result, and it needs confirmation. By formulating the task, you confirm the brain’s hypothesis, forcing it to produce dopamine - the employee is happy that he received exactly the task he wanted. And he wanted it himself - after all, it was his brain that discovered the need to do what was missing. Statement of the task is not necessarily expressed by your formulation to the employee. It’s best when the employee himself formulates the task that he understands, and you agree with it. I had a manager (the best in the world!) who never told me what to do. He would just start talking about the project until you yourself said that you should do this, that, and that. Then he said - oh, great, will you do it? How not to do something after this? Note that this approach also ensures that the problem is understood correctly. The answer “aha,” expressed as a result of familiarization with the formulation of the problem, does not mean that the person understood exactly what is written there.


Having received the task correctly, the employee becomes motivated and rushes to do it.
As a rule, a motivated employee copes with it well, so that it is successfully integrated with the project. This is where the time comes for the main mistake that most managers make - success is not conveyed to the employee. What for? The task is done, it’s time to move on to the next one. Let us recall the cycle of brain motivation and note that, having completed a task, the brain waits for confirmation of its hypothesis. Yes, he understood the problem correctly, and you confirmed this hypothesis at the formulation stage, but he also coped with this task! How can he understand that what he did actually corresponds to his ideas about realistic expectations? The argument that “if there were problems, they would have turned to him” does not work. It is in UNIX that the commands are silent if everything is fine, and swear when an error occurs. The brain needs explicit confirmation. Even when he decides to blink, he expects a clear signal that the blink has taken place. Thus, logical calculations and conventions do not work. If, after completing a task, the brain does not receive clear confirmation of success, it considers the effort wasted, which is especially offensive considering how inspired it was to struggle with it. This is why feedback is an ongoing process. This is not an annual (or at least quarterly) appraisal conversation in the style of “You’re great! Keep it up!". How to hold it? Again, feedback does not have to be verbal. After each successful assembly, you don’t need to run up to your employees, shake their hands and kiss them on the cheek. It is enough for a person to see where his work went and how it merged with the overall project. See clearly, without additional effort. Determining that a task was completed successfully should not be a source for another task, so excuses like “let him open the bug tracker and look for it” don’t work. The work process must be visualized, easily accessible and understandable. The completed task should itself return to the employee as feedback, showing that he is in tune with the project, and that his ideas about beauty correspond to the ideas of the project as a whole.

Motivation levels

Motivation is a multi-level concept.
Even to blink the brain needs motivation, not to mention the motivation to get involved in six-month projects. Just as actions are nested within each other, so are motivations. The motivation to talk to a colleague is embedded in the motivation to better understand the task, which is embedded in the motivation to efficiently cope with the functionality for which you are responsible, which in turn is part of the motivation to release the product on time and in proper quality. The lower levels of motivation are necessary for the existence of the upper ones, but the upper levels also support the lower ones. For example, if you love the product, it gives you another reason to care about the quality of the task, even if you don't like it. After all, it is needed for a purpose dear to the heart (brain). And the brain knows how to tolerate inconvenience if it knows why it is necessary. From all this variety of motivations, we will isolate two levels that are most important for building a process of motivated development.

Motivation for the task

Motivation at the task level is the motivation to do this task with all your heart, to mobilize all emotional and intellectual efforts for it, since it seems absolutely necessary at the moment. To achieve task motivation, a competent introduction to the context
formulation of the task
. Without them, the task is unnatural, it is done carelessly, and “this manager” bears responsibility for it. If an employee works on a task without fire in his eyes, most likely he does not have task motivation.

Motivation for the project

This level of motivation allows you to work on even tedious (i.e., tasks with a high probability of success) tasks with enthusiasm in order to move towards the higher-order goal of successfully completing the project. This level is strongly influenced by feedback
, showing the degree of approach to the final desired goal, turning the completed uninteresting task into a positive experience, which is also washed by the brain with dopamine. If you don't show how the completed task affected the project as a whole, no matter how interesting it may be, the employee will feel exploited, because the best impulses of his soul merge into a black hole of the unknown. Even if an employee enjoys his own productivity, impersonal tasks without a global sense of forward movement create the sense of routine that is inherent in most large organizations. Feedback is the secret that closes the cycle of project motivation, turning employees into fighters.

Motivation with bucket and spatula

Now that we know how motivation works, let's try to understand why I became motivated when I was scrubbing the wall and carrying buckets of sand.
In the case of the wall, I lacked task motivation, since the actions of my brain had no effect on achieving the goal. By learning how to scrape paint, my brain increased its experience to the point where its predictions of success with the spatula were 100% accurate, so it began to feel overwhelmed by the routine. When I came up with the “encircle and destroy” game, each new environment offered the brain a new problem that it had not yet solved, so it was interesting for it to decide each time the most optimal strategy for encirclement and destruction, depending on the topography of the front. As a result, the brain received a bunch of interesting tasks, which it was interested in solving even in isolation from the context for which it was doing it. I could scrape paint off the Great Wall of China with this method, and my brain would still play like the brain of an avid gamer.

In the case of buckets of sand, the task was uninteresting and uncomfortable by definition - dragging 24 kg of sand to the fifth floor has a minimum level of uncertainty and a maximum level of discomfort. However, by imagining a goal, a shogoo, I assigned each of the uninteresting tasks a fictitious reward that showed my progress toward the ultimate goal. Even though it was self-hypnosis, the brain endowed each of the actions with a hypothesis, which it had no reason to refute. That's why he was filled with dopamine happiness after every rise. And not only this. He also anticipated happiness on the rise, and what is happiness if not the anticipation of happiness?

What is not work motivation?

In conclusion, I would like to debunk some statements about motivation that I have encountered. Namely, that the main and only means of motivation is money. Money can be a motivation, but only if it is an indicator of the success of the efforts made - the brain does not care how to determine that its efforts have achieved the goal. The entrepreneur is motivated by the money that is returned as a result of his marketing campaign. A worker paid on a piece-rate basis can be motivated by viewing the money as an act of confirmation of a completed contract. But money transferred to an account twice a month and text messages ringing around the office cannot be motivation, because the brain does not see the correlation between its efforts and the autonomous process of money transfer. If one wants to motivate workers with money, he must provide payments for each task, which converts money into some kind of feedback, fitting into the process described above. Exactly for the same reason, all sorts of causeless buns, cookies, candies and corporate parties cannot be motivation. The only thing these awards motivate is the desire for the same awards.

A fiery speech at a meeting is often considered motivation, especially if the speaker is gifted as a speaker. Who, listening to William Wallace's speech before the Battle of Stirling in Braveheart, does not feel the strength to rush into battle? Who, listening to the speech of King Theoden before attacking the army of Mordor, is not ready to shout “To death!” and rush to kill the reptiles? What is this if not motivation? Yes, this is motivation, but if you look closely, all this happens before the battle. You can get out of the battle with this motivation, but you cannot win the war with this motivation. In our terminology, this is task motivation, but it will quickly fade if it is not supported by feedback after the heated wars are out of the battle.

The only thing that gives motivation to work is properly organized work.

Motivation method No. 1 - love yourself

I understand that the layer is huge, so let's break it down into more digestible pieces. First, understand your indisputable value on a universal scale. Just think about it. You and God are elements of a single sensation, the understanding of “I am.”

You may feel more worthless because you have a lot of questions and are looking for answers. But realize that if there are no questions, then no one will need answers either. You are the essence of the Divine, playing at different levels of Being. And then it’s like, uh...there’s no one else.

In order to embody you here, from nothingness, essentially, from the absence of matter and only from one life-giving energy of Love, your Body was painstakingly created, atom by cell.

Awareness, motivation in life and goal achievement

Your body is a proven, complex mechanism, an amazing synergy of many elements unsurpassed in wisdom. You, as a part of the Universe, are so complex and extraordinary that you are at the same time a particle of the huge World and at the same time you yourself are a full-fledged World, containing in your rational body an infinite number of particles for which the World is you.

Just imagine the complexity and scale, although, I assure you, all scales, at least at these levels of internal vibrations, are still difficult for you to imagine.

Well, how, in your opinion, even a superficial approximate awareness is not enough to feel your value and significance, to understand that it’s a shame to actually think that such a treasure is wasted here in vain and that it ended up here due to a misunderstanding?

Pamper yourself or force yourself?

Love yourself as a great creation of the Creator, who receives his experience in you, loving you unconditionally. See God in yourself. Feed yourself like God. Enjoying the taste of dishes, their appearance, allowing yourself the abundance of the World you created.

Pamper yourself, take care of yourself as if you were paying attention to the most beloved and important creature on the Planet for you. Strive to show yourself beauty and give yourself positive impressions. Fill your every day with joy.

Yes, undoubtedly, if you are already bogged down in the “wrong life”, the needle of your vital fuel tends to the “empty tank” indicator, then you may simply not have the time to rush into happiness as if “from the bridge to the quarry”. strength and knowledge.

Both can be obtained in the esoteric training course. Under still the same living conditions, but with a new awareness of oneself as a value. In a state of self-love, first just accept that what you are living in now is yours.

Praise, motivation in life and goal achievement

It didn’t hurt and unexpectedly fall on your head, and now you are going around, but it was you who created this for yourself with your worldview in the past. And you should definitely praise yourself for this.

Be sure to praise, I repeat! Because at birth no one provided you with valuable instructions on how to do it and how to do it correctly. Because many different difficult things have befallen you. And you actually didn’t sit, didn’t wait, but like a real pathfinder, you paved the way for your Path.

Who is to blame and how to motivate yourself to succeed?

Whose fault is it that you sometimes struggled through thorns? Despite the fact that there was a clean, well-trodden path nearby, you couldn’t see it. But they went and looked for themselves. Therefore, praise and accept with gratitude what you have now.

Motives of human desire for change

How to motivate people and yourself? Some people want to climb the career ladder and achieve high results in their professional activities, while others want to find a soul mate and create a cozy nest. The classification of motivation methods by general theme, attribute and type made it possible to identify key points that influence the formation of goals. The main motives that motivate a person to perform certain actions:

  • self-affirmation;
  • identification;
  • power;
  • procedural and content motives;
  • self-development;
  • achievements;
  • affiliation.

Each motive plays an important role and influences the entire cognitive process. Sooner or later, a person receives a real picture, which until that time he could only store in his own imagination. But what are the theories and concepts of motivation? What do famous psychologists and philosophers think about this?

There are 3 main theories that determine what level a person is at. These are substantive, procedural, specific theories.

The content base is based on human needs. They allow you to assess the state of an individual, consider the principle of his work, and follow the train of thought. In such a theory, a special emphasis is placed directly on studying the structure of human desire, its possibilities and future prospects. The task is to understand what exactly caused motivation in a person and how this process functions. Excellent works on this topic have been published by the greatest minds of all centuries. This is the famous theory of Maslow's hierarchy of needs and McClelland's theory of acquired needs, Alderfer's reasoning and forms of motivation, Herzberg's thoughts on two factors.

Process theories are primarily concerned with the analysis of the efforts that were made by a person. The feelings that a person feels in a specific situation or when performing a task are considered. Today, there are more than 50 interesting theories, including the reasoning and conclusions of Vroom, Adams, Porter-Walter, Locke.

Specific concepts are associated with a person’s perception of the outside world, the ability to feel and sympathize. The basis is the model of an employee who has a unique set of motives, needs, and emotions.

Developing motivation in life and achieving goals

To achieve motivation in life and achieve goals constantly, strongly train yourself to notice pleasant and joyful little things. No matter how inconspicuous they may seem at first glance.

A useful practice is to remember and write down every evening for a month what made you happy during the day. Even if it’s an unusually colored autumn leaf on the pavement. Or the aroma of a coffee shop you ran past while rushing to work in the morning.

Joy and motivation

Concentrate on joys. Leaving painful emotions out of attention is the skill that this practice helps to develop. As a result, positivity is generated, negativity does not multiply, the resource is replenished, which is what we need.

Well, to our starting point, to motivation. Something that will motivate you to do this or that action joyfully or, for starters, at least without negativity. As we now know, any coercion is an energy drain. This means an end to the embodiment of the new desired reality.

Don't set big goals

Therefore, do not set volumetric goals. Be sure to break them down into smaller ones, the smaller the better. Then motivation in life and achieving goals will happen more often and more interestingly. Look for benefits for yourself in any business. You must be selfish and do absolutely everything just for your own good, to achieve your goals. And maintaining motivation for them.

The lie that has taken root in society is that doing something for society is good, but doing it for yourself is bad. And, they say, those who are great for others! And those who do it to themselves - shame on them and universal condemnation. In fact, a person is programmed in such a way that he simply will not do anything without benefit to himself.

And it is precisely those same “social activists” who receive a bunch of bonuses in the form of increased self-esteem. Covering up some of your internal dissatisfaction with yourself. Closing the need for service and usefulness again. Yes and much more.

Types of motivation

girl lying on the grassA person goes towards something or leaves something.
In the first case, it is a positive motivation – movement “towards a goal”, in the second – a negative one – “from dissatisfaction (fear/poverty/poor self-esteem). But usually positive and negative motives are combined: if I quit smoking, I will become healthier, I will be able to play sports and earn more. “I’ll quit” in the context of a smoker is a negative attitude, but the ultimate goal is positive. Motivation makes you become better! External motivation is a call to action that can bring money, approval, or promotion.
Doing something interesting for satisfaction and self-realization is internal motivation. External - can be determined by a motive from the inside - a view of the situation, the internal state of a person. As a result, external and internal motivation have blurred boundaries. Motive is what affects a person’s consciousness and depends on his picture of the world. Therefore, the need for movement necessarily includes characteristics of internal and external motives: by taking action, a person changes the world around him and his attitude towards it.

Examples of motivating yourself

How to motivate yourself to clean?

Motivation in life and achieving goals is simple and pleasant! So in any business you should proceed from the dividends you intend to receive. If this is a hateful dishwashing, then realize that your dividends will be the status of a responsible person who cares about the welfare of the family. Plus you eliminate chaos.

And as you know, chaos, which is constantly in sight, creates an imbalance and a feeling of discomfort in the Soul and thoughts, do you need it? Well, in general, you’re not stupidly washing dishes now, but doing magical magic! You mentally clear the field of your family from negative, overwhelmingly accumulated emotions. From misunderstanding, tension, everything that interferes with the flow of good.

Like this with a sponge with foam - rrrrraz! – and washed it away, and now we are waiting for joyful events. And let everyone be in the dark, thanks to whom all this will come. The main thing is who is great? You are well done! So much for motivation in life and achieving your goals!

Miracle technique of motivation

Motivation in life and achieving goals is actually very simple. If you just can’t find positivity and decent motivation in your work, then treat yourself like a five-year-old child. In general, note that this is a very correct interaction with oneself in difficult situations.

First you need to meticulously try to understand whether it is really so important to do this. And if there is an opportunity not to do it without significant harm, it is better not to do it at all. If there are no loopholes, then, just like the child, you need to promise yourself a reward.

I’ll now make this meaningless, incomprehensible and unnecessary report. Simply because it is impossible not to do it. But then I take myself for a massage with a massage therapist, whom I’ve been wanting to see for a long time, but still can’t. Or another example.

I’m now cleaning up the kitchen from several liters of sticky juice spilled by the children. After all, despite the fact that I’m tired and exhausted from the day, it’s impossible not to wipe it off. Otherwise, the whole apartment will stick. But then I will definitely take a bath with foam and even put a mask on my face. So bad on all fronts.

Why do you need motivation?

man rejoices
Who needs it? Motivation is an instruction for behavior. When a person wants something, the brain independently finds clues to achieve success. A guy seeks a girl's attention, a child finds gifts from Santa Claus, a woman loses weight after giving birth. They are motivated because they know exactly what they want. The search for motivation is carried out by those who are not sure of the goal. A person who gets paid to work for survival will crawl to work. His ego will scream that it is better to sleep, but to sleep he will want to eat, and food is bought with money. And again we need to work!

Motivation is a struggle against one’s own habits and foundations. Therefore, trainers and motivators warn - get ready to change your life completely. Trying on someone else’s experience is being motivated by someone else’s success. This reveals the line between how external and internal motivation works - the difference between an imposed goal and determination.

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