Bank deposit, what it is and why it is needed: instructions for opening a deposit at high interest rates

Is it profitable to make deposits in banks?

Main features of bank deposits

To begin with, it is worth considering the advantages of deposits in financial institutions. These include:

  1. Insurance - in our country, deposits whose size is lower than 1.4 million rubles are reimbursed to people in full (in the event of an insurance situation). However, there is an important condition - the bank must be a member of the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA).
  2. Any size of contribution - you are allowed to put into the account the amount of money you want.
  3. Lack of special knowledge - a deposit is a way of preserving, investing, and sometimes increasing funds, the opening of which does not involve a person having any special knowledge in the field of economics. The main thing is to choose the right bank.

What should you pay attention to when a person is looking for where to open a deposit? It is best to base it on the following criteria:

  • reliability - as a rule, large and well-known banks are stable and can provide clients with guarantees of the safety of money;
  • accessibility - you need to pay attention to the number of branches and branches of a financial institution, you should also first make sure of the availability of Internet services, mobile applications and other services that simplify the management of deposits;
  • profitability - usually not very well-known banks are singled out on this basis, since they are the ones who are interested in liquidity and provide high interest rates.

However, you need to understand that choosing to open a deposit where you expect to receive large profits is associated with certain risks. It's often better to have a lower interest rate without risking your savings.

TOP 12 banks offering the opening of investment deposits

If you decide to open an investment deposit, then you need to do this in a reliable and experienced bank. We have selected for you 12 banks that have the longest period for opening investment deposits and a high percentage of profitable transactions.

We have collected the conditions for investment deposits of the TOP 12 banks in the table.

Bank's nameMinimum deposit amount in rublesMinimum placement period in daysMaximum interest rate (%)
Bank Rosgosstrah100 000918,5
Sberbank100 0003112
Gazprombank25 000919,1
Russian standard30 00018012
Rosselkhozbank50 0001808,75
VTB 24350 00018011,75
ATB Bank167 00018210,5
Promsvyazbank50 0001849
Renaissance100 0001819,25
Binbank50 00027012
Uralsib50 0001819
Rosbank100 000929,2

As you can see, the most acceptable deposit period for banks is six months. At the same time, the table shows the interest rates that you can receive based on the results of investing funds. They may vary slightly depending on the amount and term of the deposit.

The highest interest rate covers periods of 6 months. If you leave funds for a longer period of time, the interest goes down. The same thing happens with a period of up to 6 months.

What risks might there be?

Before deciding to open a deposit, you should assess the possible risks of deposits. There are not many of them, but it is still worth paying attention.

First of all, such a risk is inflation. The deposit is opened at a certain percentage, which implies a slight increase in the client’s money in the account. However, you need to understand that in parallel there is an increase in the price of the consumer basket, which is directly affected by inflation.

The situation sometimes develops in such a way that the initial funds on the deposit could be enough for a larger number of goods than at the moment when the deposit expired. Thus, it is worth putting money on deposit only if the expected inflation is lower than the interest rate.

Interest can be accrued both monthly on the balance of funds and at the end of the period for which the deposit is open. Therefore, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the scheme for calculating them in advance, so that if a person decides to close the account, he will not be left without any profit.

Of course, when a client contacts little-known or not very reliable banks, there is a risk of losing money altogether. It is better to trust your savings only to trusted companies.

What is a deposit

Is it profitable to put money on a deposit: advantages and disadvantages

So what is a deposit? This is a type of bank deposit on which the bank accrues interest. Deposits come in a wide variety of forms, and they are based on an agreement that you enter into with the bank. It contains basic information about your contribution.

You can open a deposit as an individual, but legal entities can also make such deposits. It is profitable for banks to attract new clients for deposits, because their money is used to sell other banking products: for example, loans are issued, credit cards are issued, and various monetary transactions are made. From this money turnover the bank receives profit, from which interest is calculated on deposits.

Is it profitable to put money on a deposit: advantages and disadvantages

Due to the large number of banks, competition between them is very high, and accordingly there are a huge number of deposit offers on the market. They differ in terms of validity, minimum investment amount, interest rate, the ability to replenish an existing deposit, withdraw part of the funds and other points.

Deposits are divided into:

  • short-term – those that are valid for less than 6 months;
  • long-term – their validity period is from 6 months to several years.

There are deposits into which you can deposit money, but there may be restrictions on the amount. These restrictions may apply for one day, for a month or for the entire period of the deposit. There are also restrictions on withdrawing money from the deposit (full or partial).

According to this parameter, deposits are divided into:

  • urgent;
  • poste restante;
  • with a minimum balance.

Is it profitable to put money on a deposit: advantages and disadvantages

If you want to periodically withdraw money from your deposit, you need to understand that this will affect its overall profitability.

If you want to open a deposit with a maximum interest rate and a clear expiration date (term), then most likely you will not be able to withdraw money from it even partially. If you need to withdraw the entire amount early, you will forfeit the interest already accrued. That is, of course, you will save money, but you will lose income.

If there is a need to periodically withdraw money from a deposit, then your option is a demand deposit. Its big disadvantage is the minimum interest rate, and sometimes interest is not accrued at all, that is, it is not particularly profitable.

But there are deposits that allow you to withdraw money and at the same time receive income. On deposits with a minimum balance, it is possible to deposit and withdraw funds; their essence is that a certain amount specified in the agreement must always be kept in the account.

What else do you need to know about bank deposits?

What to look for when choosing a deposit program?

In order not to encounter troubles related to deposits, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with useful tips from experts in this field.

  1. You should not focus solely on the deposit percentage. Typically, when advertising, banks focus exclusively on the rate and talk about profitability. However, they do not mention anything about the remaining conditions. As a result, many people believe that percentage is the most important thing, although this is not the case. The size of the bet is one of the parameters that should be assessed by a person along with others: the reliability of the bank, the ease of managing the deposit, the guarantees provided. In addition, you should know that interest is calculated in different ways - it has a certain scheme, which you also need to familiarize yourself with.
  2. It is recommended to pay attention to deadlines. The basic rule is this: the longer the deposit is open, the higher its profitability. Therefore, people usually agree to deposits from a year. However, you shouldn't always do this. You need to remember that savings may be needed at any time. Of course, it is allowed to withdraw money from the annual deposit, but then the client will not receive any income.
  3. It is worth reading the deposit agreement very carefully. If all the conditions are clear and clearly described, and the written agreement itself does not consist of dozens of pages, then you can safely sign it.

When selecting a bank, you should also take into account the following fact - when a person has been a client of a financial institution for a long time, he is offered special conditions for deposits. To find out more about possible preferences, you will need to contact the support service of a particular bank.

How to increase and save your money - 3 tips

In fact, the simplest, legal, accessible and reliable way to increase the funds you have is to open a bank deposit. Now we offer three small tips on how you can do this with greater benefit for you and your wallet.

Tip 1. Monitor regularly

Quite often, when crisis periods begin, banks, in order to attract more customers, try to increase interest rates on deposits. When the situation stabilizes, the conditions become the same, or even decrease altogether in order to compensate for past losses.

Therefore, if you constantly monitor the market and carefully study the terms of deposit agreements, you can earn quite a bit of money. In particular, it is worth paying attention to the constant interest rate for the entire period of the agreement, as well as the possibility of extending the agreement on the same terms for another term.

Tip 2. Divide your money into several deposits in different institutions

This condition must be met by those who have an amount exceeding the control threshold of 1.4 million rubles. Then you can also use the bonus program to return 1% of money transferred from the account of one bank to the account of another. This will make it possible to get a good income if you replenish deposits from funds credited to the account of another institution.

For this purpose, you can simply open deposits on different lines in different banks, and then begin to “distill” them. For example, you can open contracts in three institutions for 3, 6, 9 months, and then “pour” it all into one amount. This approach will make it possible to increase the deposit amount by 2 - 3% .

Tip 3. Keep it reliable

Very often, in pursuit of new clients, young banks are ready for various tricks. Of course, deposit solutions are also available here and on quite favorable terms. But the likelihood that such an institution will not be able to fulfill its obligations for a long time and will not become bankrupt is very high.

And even the fact that your money is protected by the state and must be returned with interest 14 days after bankruptcy will not make anyone happy.

Therefore, in order not to be included in the list of depositors of an unreliable institution, carefully monitor the institution’s credit history, its ratings, reliability, the partners with which it cooperates, and look at its financial reports for past periods. It is better to agree to bets whose purpose is to preserve, rather than increase, your capital, than to worry that you are at risk of losing your savings, or part of them.

Are foreign currency deposits insured?

Banks allow clients to open deposits not only in rubles, but also in foreign currency. The big disadvantage in this situation is that the percentage is too small. However, this does not stop people, since most often they are more interested in saving money in the account. In addition, such a deposit allows you to make money on the fall in the exchange rate of the ruble against the foreign currency in which it is opened.

Who is usually advised to open deposits in foreign currency? First of all, for those who often travel abroad, where all payments are made either in dollars or euros. So, with the help of a deposit, people try to protect themselves from a sharp and sudden drop in the ruble exchange rate.

It should also be clarified that sometimes, for convenience, you can open a deposit that combines savings in the national currencies of several states. It is called multicurrency. For each currency, the yield is calculated at its own interest rate. In addition, the account holder can easily convert the monetary units within the deposit into each other.

Regarding the return of money in the event of bank bankruptcy or revocation of a license, you need to understand that foreign currency deposits are also considered insured if the bank is a member of the DIA. Therefore, they can also be reimbursed.

Why does a bank need deposits?

Banks or other financial organizations use the money attracted and brought by you in their current activities and receive corresponding income. Part of this profit will be paid on deposits. It's simple: the bank shares with you the profit it receives by issuing loans to those in need with your own money. Financial organizations are no less interested in our available funds than we are in receiving a stable income. That is why banks offer deposits on a variety of conditions, so that depositors are sure to find a suitable option for themselves or are completely confused.

How to secure your deposit - 5 simple recommendations

5 simple tips to protect your savings

So, a person plans to open a deposit in a bank. What recommendations should he follow to protect his savings? Below are 5 tips that experts usually point out.

  1. You should not keep all your money in one bank. It is best to divide them between several, since the likelihood that everyone will go bankrupt is significantly less.
  2. You should deposit no more than one million four hundred thousand rubles into the account so that when a financial institution closes, a person can compensate for the loss in full.
  3. It is recommended to first check whether the institution is a participant in the DIA program. If not, then in the event of an unexpected bankruptcy, the bank may not return the deposit to the client.
  4. When logging into any bank application (from a computer or phone), you should not save your login and password to avoid data leakage. It is also sometimes possible to set a restriction such as confirmation of all transactions through the contact center. This may not seem very convenient, but it will definitely help you save money in your account.
  5. It is not recommended to trust flashy advertising that promises to get rich quick. A rate that is too high should alert a person. It is always recommended to choose a reliable bank that has been operating for many years.

These recommendations should be followed in order not to lose any invested funds or to limit the possibility of fraudulent actions by third parties.

Investment contribution as a way to increase capital

Many of us are accustomed to keeping money in bank deposits. Over the many years of its existence, this savings tool has proven itself to be a reliable way to protect yourself from losing money. A deposit can be opened in any bank in a matter of minutes, which is very convenient for the population.

However, despite the advantages, a bank deposit has one important drawback. We are talking about low interest rates. For the most part, they do not cover inflation, but at best help preserve personal savings. This drawback makes investors think about more profitable banking instruments.

One of them is an investment deposit.

Its difference from a regular deposit is that it consists of two parts:

  • Basic (standard bank deposit);
  • Additional (investments in mutual funds).

In other words, if you have opened an investment deposit, then you can rightfully consider yourself an investor. Funds invested in mutual fund units are usually used by banking organizations on the stock market: shares of various companies are purchased.

As you know, shares are a fairly profitable asset, which, unlike a deposit, brings high returns.

Do not confuse IIS (individual investment account) and investment deposit. In the first case, you independently manage funds directly on the stock market: you buy and sell assets in the most profitable way for yourself.

And an individual investment deposit means that you are not involved in the process of making transactions: you simply transfer money to the bank and forget about it for the time specified in the agreement.

You can choose investment instruments yourself, but with some restrictions. The bank will provide a list of shares that you can purchase. You will not have the opportunity to buy other assets, which is stated in the agreement between the bank and you.

Also, the banking organization independently distributes the percentage of the deposit and investments in mutual funds, taking into account the fact that you can open a deposit for an amount not exceeding the cost of the purchased shares.

The minimum amount for investments is specified by the bank and, most often, this mark is equal to 100,000 rubles.

The income you can receive is not guaranteed by the bank, because the latter simply does not know what the result will be. In some cases, the profit is 100% of the initial capital, and sometimes you can suffer losses.

The essence of such deposits is that the bank forms an investment fund from the funds of a large number of capital owners and places them on the stock market. Then the profit received is distributed among all investors minus interest as a remuneration to the management company.

"Simplicity and accessibility." Financier - about the criteria for choosing the most profitable bank deposit

Keeping money “under the mattress” is an effective, but completely ineffective method of saving your money. It's certainly nice to count your money every day, but most experts agree on one thing - finances need to work. Therefore, it is necessary to use your reserves with maximum efficiency. How not only to spend, but also to earn money from your savings, read on FederalPress in an interview with Viktor Efimov, an expert at the National Center for Financial Literacy, financial literacy consultant for the “yourfinance.rf” project.


Victor Efimov

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Victor, what is the most profitable way to store (save) money in the modern world?

– First you need to understand for what purpose you are doing this. Then it will be quite easy to understand all the variety of bank deposits presented on the Russian market. Let me remind you that your income must be distributed into at least three parts: current capital, reserve and investment capital. Each capital has its own special purpose, or, one might say, mission. Investment capital is money set aside for future retirement. A person accumulates money during his working life, using financial instruments with high profitability and reliability. Money will work for several decades - 20, 30 years, it all depends on the moment at which a person began to form his personal pension fund. Deposits are not suitable for this purpose, but some people use them, although they do not bring profitability. Many people ignore this capital.

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What about money for a rainy day? The older generation still saves this way.

– Yes, this is the most popular reserve capital, that is, a financial “safety cushion”, or, as our grandparents really said, “for a rainy day.” The purpose of creating this capital is an unforeseen event: illness, job loss, urgent repairs, and so on. Such capital requires the property of liquidity (the ability to quickly receive), but this money can generally lie forever if a person is not sick, if he has an excellent constant income. One of the most important qualities for this type of capital is reliability, so that it does not depreciate or disappear. For example, if we are talking about a bank deposit, then we need to choose it in a stable bank.

It happens that a person understands that he will need money in six months or a year. In this case, which savings option would be most appropriate?

– This is the so-called current capital, which ensures current human consumption. This capital may contain various items of expenditure, for example, on education, on children, on vacation, on household appliances, and so on. As a rule, the budget is drawn up for one year. Therefore, if money from current capital is invested in some financial instruments, then, firstly, this financial instrument must be absolutely liquid. Well, let’s say, if a person is saving some money for a summer vacation, then when the time comes to purchase a trip, this money must be received quickly and preferably without losing interest. Secondly, the financial instrument must be reliable so that a person can, according to his plan, on a certain day receive the money back with accrued interest.

Does virtually any type of capital accumulation or preservation qualify as a bank deposit?

– The main advantage of a deposit is, of course, its simplicity and accessibility for any person. Probably every person has a deposit account, and some have more than one. The first financial instrument that a person begins to use on his own is a deposit in a bank. Of course, banks pursue a fairly active marketing policy, offering the public the opportunity to place money on all kinds of deposits. Banks, as a rule, are within walking distance, we receive our salaries through a bank account, and ease, accessibility and simplicity captivate people. This is the main advantage, but the deposit has its main enemy - inflation, which simply mercilessly eats up our savings, and this must be understood and realized.

Then why use a deposit account at all?

– Any financial instrument has a purpose and its own advantages; a deposit is reliable. And if we place funds with you in a reliable bank, which is one of the top 10 reliable banks in Russia, we are paid the interest on the deposit that was in the agreement. This is a guaranteed obligation of the bank to the client: you cannot have a return less than the interest specified in the agreement, even if during the period of the agreement the interest rate has become lower. The disadvantage of guaranteed reliability is low profitability. A low return on a bank deposit causes it to be lower than the inflation rate, and the real return may be negative.

In recent years, we often hear that one or another bank has gone bankrupt and depositors have been left without money. Maybe it’s still better to keep money “under the mattress”?

– Bank deposits are covered by the deposit insurance system. When you place money on a bank deposit, you should ask a bank representative whether it is included in the deposit insurance system. The deposit insurance system guarantees the depositor a return of the invested funds, and no matter whether the bank goes bankrupt or sanctions are imposed on it, the state, through the deposit insurance agency, will return the due amount to you. Currently, the standard is set by the state in the amount of 1.4 million rubles.

What should you do if you have the opportunity to open a deposit in excess of 1.4 million rubles?

– To protect yourself, you need to open deposits in several banks, each for no more than 1.4 million rubles. If something happens to the banks, the Deposit Insurance Agency will pay 1.4 million for each deposit. Due to this action, it is really possible to ensure the safety of these deposits.

And how to choose the best investment?

– One of the advantages of the deposit system is its wide range. Banks provide deposits of a wide variety of types: for a variety of terms, with replenishment of deposits, with partial withdrawal, and so on. And this, of course, is convenient for the investor. The disadvantage is that the deposit has limited liquidity. When a person places money on a time deposit for a period of one year, if he needs the money, say, in six months, he can withdraw this money, but he will not receive the interest promised under the agreement, which means the person suffers financial losses.

What to look for when choosing a deposit account?

– There are different types of deposits. I will reveal the main points. Well, for example, the bank offers deposits for various periods. You can deposit money for a month, you can for two, you can for six months, you can for a year, you can for three years. And each person chooses for himself the period that is most acceptable to him and that suits his financial goal. For example, with a financial safety net formed, bank deposits are opened in a “cascade”: for 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 8 months, 10 months and 1 year. Some banks even offer a deposit that you can close and pick up on a specific date, for example, for a birthday or some other event. That is, banks always meet depositors halfway.

Another important component here is the interest rate. What criteria are important when choosing?

– Rates vary depending on the duration of the deposit. As a rule, interest rates are lower on short-term deposits. Therefore, a person makes a decision: if he wants to have a high return, then he must place it on a long-term deposit account. In this case, you need to understand that, in general, the person will have money in this bank, and if he tries to withdraw it earlier, it will be possible, but then he will have to lose some interest.

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There are deposits where the bank’s agreement with the depositor stipulates whether interest will be capitalized or not. That is, when it comes to capitalization of interest, this means that accrued interest is not withdrawn, but the following interest is accrued on this accrued interest. That is, capitalization of interest increases the profitability of the deposit.

Now, if a person placed funds on a bank deposit at a rate of 12% per annum, while the deposit agreement stipulates that interest is accrued monthly, that is, 1% every month, then we can easily calculate the effective interest rate taking into account capitalization using the formula that can be found on the portal yourfinance.rf. Over the course of a year, a person will receive not 12% per annum, but 12.68%. This means that if a depositor put a million rubles on deposit at 12% per annum with monthly capitalization, in a year he would receive 1 million 126 thousand 800 rubles. Therefore, it is preferable, of course, to open deposits with interest capitalization.

Deposits are also very attractive, where it is possible to replenish and partially withdraw funds without losing accrued interest. This is an absolute convenience for investors.

Is it worth opening multi-currency deposits?

– Multicurrency deposits are very convenient if a person has traveled abroad or plans to travel. But we must take into account that the conversion is carried out at the bank’s internal rate, which differs from the rate of the Central Bank. Therefore, if you transfer your funds from one currency to another too often, you may incur significant losses due to the difference in exchange rates.


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