8 stories that will inspire you to do business

Over 100 Business Blog Ideas: How to Run a Business Blog Effectively

We share ideas on what to write in the company’s business blog. We've prepared over 100 business blog post ideas to help you create a content plan for the next few months of your business blog. Since running a business blog is a long and ongoing process, you will need a starting point with ideas to ensure that your blog will live and work for the business for a long time. Some of these company blog or entrepreneur blog ideas you can easily turn into multiple topics and posts to plan for the future.

Here, over 100 ideas for your business blog

Blog ideas related to you and your business

1. Start with yourself, as an entrepreneur and business founder, write an article that describes you, the business person, in detail.

2. Talk about your business over a cup of coffee. Tell your readers how your business operates (in a no-tie format) and how you envision the business going forward.

3. Why is your business important to potential clients? Explain what you and your business do for your customers. Show the importance and usefulness of your activities, products and services that your company produces.

4. Showcase your company's business team in a blog. Imagine your professionals doing successful work for clients.

5. Explain the problems that your business successfully solves, talk about it in simple language.

6. Post photos of your work environment, your office, or business. Show how work is done within your company.

7. Post photos of your business buildings. Show off your buildings, offices and other premises that your company uses for business activities.

8. Post photos of your employees. The idea is to show the real people behind your company. By using these ideas, you will begin to humanize your company.

9. Post photos of your employees with your clients. Show photos of how your employees interact with partners and clients.

How to effectively run a company business blog

100+ ideas for a business blog to improve a company's business

10. Post some of your public speaking engagements. If you and your key employees have previously given public speaking engagements, post them on your business blog.

11. Write about the most important achievements of your business in the past. Tell and demonstrate to business blog readers the most important achievements of your business.

12. Describe how your products and services have evolved over time. You can write a text description, make an infographic, or create a time-lapse video to show how your products and services evolve over time.

13. Show business prospects, possible ways for the future development of your products and services. Inform your readers and customers about what you are doing for the future development of your products and services.

14. Keep up with the environment. Explain how your business contributes to environmental protection. Ecology and environmental protection is an important topic today. If you want to increase your readership, you can write several articles about how you deal with this topic.

15. Write a clear and accessible guide about your products and services (possibly in guide format). You may already have instructions. But the idea is that you can post the guide as a series of articles with infographics on your business blog. This way, your readers can always find it and read it.

16. Write something selective about your past experience in creating and growing a business. Show your readers that you are a living person, tell us about the problems you have overcome and your business experience. About what experience you have in the construction and development of your company.

17. Friendly comparison with competitors. What makes your company's business different from your competitors? Show the difference between you and your competitors by blogging about it. But use facts, not assumptions.

18. Create and share with your readers various useful case studies related to your business. Everyone wants to use case studies to learn something. So this idea is important for your business blog.

19. Add more human touch to your blog by introducing the family behind your business (within reason, as long as it doesn't conflict with your personal life). You can periodically share family moments on your business blog, such as how your family helps you in your business. This way, you will add a human dimension to your company and your business blog.

20. Make a review, comparison between your products and your competitor's products. Just show the difference, without negative accents.

21. Create an enjoyable video demonstration of your products and services. You can record a series of videos of your employee professionally demonstrating the company's products and services. You can publish video materials in a special section of your business blog.

22. Publish reviews on your blog about events, exhibitions, conferences that you or your team have visited. Show how your business team participated in professional events and events that are important to the business community.

23. Post a “behind the scenes of your business” video on your business blog. This will be interesting to your readers and clients. You can “open the curtain”, record a video about some interesting technological processes, or something else that is usually hidden from the consumer and client.

24. A series of videos for a blog about the company’s business processes . Show how you produce your products and services. Record a video of your production or business process within a few minutes and publish the video on social media channels and on your business blog.

25. Write a post about your passions and how they impact your business. You are passionate about some kind of creativity, or you have an interesting hobby. Write an article about your hobbies and passion and how it relates to your company and your job.

26. Publish a post with a list of problems and reasons that concern you, and why it concerns you. Write a blog on this topic, show that you are an open person and you care about a lot of things, you also care about a lot of things in society.

27. Explain your current process for delivering your products to customers and what you are doing today to improve the process. If you deliver your products, explain what technologies and delivery services you use. Solicit comments from readers and customers for possible delivery improvements.

28. Post your presence on social media and invite your readers to follow and connect with you. Social marketing is an important part for your business. You must build strong relationships with your readers across multiple channels, including social media.

29. Show that your company keeps up with the times . Create a list of all the improvements you've made to your business and ask readers for their opinions. You can also make time-lapse videos or infographics that take your readers from the beginning of your company to today.

30. Show different cases and business processes that you use in your business. Explain how the processes work. If you are an entrepreneur who is constantly working on improvements, no one can copy your cases and processes.

31. Explain how you keep your employees and team happy so that they feel part and family of your business. This blog idea is great if you want to attract competent staff for your company.

32. Why did you start your business in this direction? Share your business experience, how you started your business, how you learned from mistakes.

33. How did you manage to be an entrepreneur and a good family man, and even have children? This is a frequently asked question that interests the audience. Share your life experiences on how you manage your professional and personal life.

34. What are your biggest fears and how do you plan to overcome them? We all have certain fears and doubts. You can write about yours and show what you are doing to overcome them.

35. What is one of your average days in business like? Show how you spend your day in company and at home. Your readers will want to identify with you. They will learn more from you, become closer to you and believe in you.

More than 100 ideas for a company business blog

Business Blog Ideas Related to Your Customers, Industry and Market

36. Describe what your ideal client is like. It's a good idea to describe your ideal customer from the customer's point of view, from the perspective of him getting the product or service he needs from your company.

37. Describe the needs of your ideal clients . Because from experience you know all the needs of your clients. Why not describe them in your business blog, in the format of pros and cons, pros and cons.

38. Brainstorm and share great ideas for businesses (that you are not using). Be generous, it will be useful for the blog and maybe your clients can use these ideas. Help your clients find great business ideas.

39. The transformations and changes you make to improve the business and overall customer experience. Tell us in your blog what you are doing to improve your business and make it more friendly.

40. Publish different success stories of your partners and clients (with their consent). Everyone loves success stories, use this in your business blog.

41. Describe the industry in which your business operates. The idea behind a blog is to describe and provide expert opinions and some thoughts related to the industry in which your business operates.

42. Describe the market in which your business operates. Just describe the market, its pros and cons, and share your thoughts.

43. Let's talk about trends and tendencies in the industry. As an entrepreneur, you know a lot about trends within the industry. Share your ideas and thoughts with your readers.

44. Let's talk about market trends. As a business owner, you are aware of several changes and trends in the market. Share your thoughts with your blog audience.

45. Post photos of your products. Image articles with colorful photographs are like an interesting photo report in which you can show your products and services in action. Use this idea to bring your readers closer to your products and services.

46. ​​​​Write and blog a text interview with some of your most satisfied customers with photos. If you have positive, friendly clients, you can use an interview format to show how the client's relationship with your company helped them solve some of their important problems.

47. Video interview format on a blog. Post video interviews with some of your most satisfied customers. Video interviews are a great way to present your company in a positive way to your audience and potential clients.

48. Write a detailed business blog article on how your products and services solve customer problems.

49. Post a list of problems your customers face. Because you know your clients’ problems well, because your business is based on them. But some potential clients who may be blog readers sometimes don't know that they actually have some of these problems. These blog ideas are great for growing your audience and your company's business.

50. Post a list of solutions that solve your prospect's problems. Now that you have an article about customer problems, you can write a new article that offers solutions. These problem solutions will include some of your products and services.

51. Create several types of educational articles and guides related to your industry and industry. This is a great blogging strategy to show yourself as an expert in your industry.

52. Answer questions your clients ask you. Perhaps your marketing and sales team has a ton of questions and answers related to your products, services, or business in general. Why don't you answer these questions in the form of dedicated blog articles? This idea will increase your productivity as you develop a FAQ section for your customers. You can always send them to find the information they want instead of answering all the questions individually.

53. In a blog post, explain how your customers will benefit if they build a strong relationship with you and your business? Showcase in a friendly and open way what your customers can expect as they build a strong relationship with you and your small business.

54. Make a list of several great books in your industry, including business books and business publications. Show what you read and what you like from books, talk about it in the article.

55. Make a forecast for the future for your customers . What are your expectations and predictions for the future of the industry and business? If you know these things, you can write an article and share it on your business blog.

56. Write about all the possible ways to interact and collaborate, how potential clients can contact you and build a business relationship with you. Show your openness to collaboration on different topics.

57. Interview experts from your industry on a blog. Today it is easy to do an audio or video interview. You can use Skype, or mobile phone and make an interesting interview as a new expert interview article for your business blog.

58. Publish a list of the best websites, apps and services in your industry. What other useful things do you read on the Internet and recommend to your audience? Make a list of resources and services and publish them on your business blog.

59. Conduct research on something in your industry (that you are a pro at) and publish the results. Research-based articles are a winning strategy for every business blog. So, use this type of articles in your business blog.

60. Write a case study related to your customer service. Show your readers how your customer service team works and how they add value to your business in the eyes of your customers.

61. How can it be more convenient for your customers to find your company? While your company's website will likely have an address and a map, create a clear, visual route in your blog that makes it easy for your potential customers to find you.

Ideas for useful blog posts that are not directly related to your business

62. Ask questions on different social networks and write a blog post with the answers received. Today, the fastest way to communicate with readers is through social networks. Each month you can ask questions, and at the end of the month, collect the answers, analyze them and publish a new article for your business blog.

63. Write a review of a product or service that is not related to your business, but that you believe is worthwhile and useful to your customers. Blog occasionally about various useful products that you think are really worth introducing to your audience on your business blog.

64. Comment on some interesting business news or industry news. Show your thinking about some important news in the media. This is an important strategy that can increase your readership because many people are interested in news.

65. Ask questions and encourage readers to respond to comments on your blog. Question-based post ideas are important for getting feedback from your readers. But this article will also bring you some possible future articles based on the answers.

66. Make a post with different responses to the idea described earlier. When you get answers to the previous idea, you can simply package them into a new useful article that you can publish on your business blog.

67. Find interesting video materials on YouTube on the topic of the blog article and insert them into your post. Select interesting video materials that are relevant to the topic of the blog, create short opinions, posts or reviews based on them, this will complement and enrich the blog.

68. Pick a topic, take a poll, and embed it on your blog . Today you can easily create an online survey. You can share the survey on social media and your email list. This way you will conduct a survey among readers and learn something useful about your audience.

69. Publish a blog analysis of your survey results. Now, once you collect enough survey responses, you can easily analyze them and publish them as a new article on your business blog.

How to Effectively Blog a Company
70. Think about the mistakes other people make when starting a business for the first time, publish an article explaining the main mistakes and how you can avoid them. Help your readers avoid entrepreneurial mistakes based on your experience.

71. Find various interesting stories of business and entrepreneurship (from the past and present) and create an article or series of articles on this topic on a blog. Stories of successful people who have achieved extraordinary heights in business will always attract a lot of attention from your readers, so include them in your blogging strategy.

72. Find inspirational quotes and make a post with a list of quotes. Quotes help and inspire, they are always interesting to readers. You can post a list of individual quotes that you like best, inviting your blog audience to write their own quotes in the comments.

73. Developing the theme of quotes. Using inspirational quotes, write an article about lessons people can learn. This article will use one or more selected quotes, you will write your own thoughts related to the quotes.

74. Posts on the topic - how can you increase productivity? (what works and what doesn't). This is always of interest to many people. Doing more in less time will always be an important desire for all people. So, if you have any formula for increasing productivity, share it with your readers. How do you organize your day personally or in a company? What productivity tools do you use?

75. Make a list of useful tips that you can give to your readers and clients. These could be business tips or life hacks. Everyone loves advice, give some really useful tips that you have personally tested.

76. How can we improve our lives? A philosophical topic, it is always interesting to people. Talk about it on a blog (not always discuss one business), create, for example, a “Conversations” section. Every person wants to discuss life's difficulties and how to improve their life.

77. Make a post with a list of programs and applications, widgets, resources that you use for business and for yourself personally. Talk about the pros and cons of programs and applications.

78. Make a video demonstrating new products and services on screen. Screencasts are great for explaining and presenting your products, services, or demonstrating some of the features of your products and services. So create as many of these videos as possible to help your clients.

79. Make a presentation and publish it in video, transcript and presentation format. You may already have a lot of standard presentations. Record a more colorful presentation on video, explaining each slide, and publish it as a video. This way, you will have some useful content for your business blog.

80. What tools or software do you use for productivity and efficiency that makes your life and work easier? Create a post and invite readers to discuss productivity tools, services, and software.

81. Write a light post with a dose of humor on industry topics. There are always problematic topics in the industry that can be discussed with humor. It is useful to publish such posts on your blog periodically; this will stimulate the laughter of your readers. Don't always be serious, incorporate humor into one of your articles on business topics.

82. Write a post with beautiful photos of the places you have traveled to. Traveling makes our lives brighter; many businessmen are avid travelers. Share some of your greatest travel moments on the blog. Perhaps someone has also been to these countries and cities; discussions of tourism and travel will create a positive reaction on the blog.

83. Write about all the apps you use on your mobile phone and ask readers to share their apps. You don't have to always blog only about your business, products, services and industry. It’s worth diluting your lifestyle blog a little with themes, so you let readers know that you are just like them.

84. List and review the most useful mobile phone applications from the reader's perspective based on their responses from the previous idea. Discuss some interesting and useful little known applications that many people may not know about.

85. As an option for a post about social networks, write a detailed overview of the social networks that you use in life and business. Discuss the most useful social networks for business, as well as their pros and cons.

Ideas directly related to your business blog

86. Take your most visited (popular) blog posts and list them in a new article - a variation of the title "Most Read Blog Content of the Month." Simply look at your analytics and select the top 5 or top 10 blog posts published within your chosen time frame and publish that list as a new article.

87. Write about the business and industry topics your business blog covers. Let your readers know what are the most important industry topics you write about on your business blog, what expert business topics you cover and publish. You can link this article to your About Us page.

88. Write about future blog topics you plan to create in the next couple of days, or week. Your readers are interested in learning about announcements of new blog materials and what new things to expect from you. Your readers will expect new post topics and will visit your blog more often.

89. Write and publish a series of posts about various industry and business issues. Business challenges and how to solve them as a blog idea is a great strategy to add value to your readers.

90. Reasons why you write a business blog and why you value your readers. Write about the reasons that motivated you to start a business blog. Share tips on how to start and where to start running a business blog. Why is a blog important for a company in today's time?

91. Find some old posts on interesting topics and write a different take on the key points in it. You can take an old article and add extra value and a new perspective for your readers. Since past information becomes outdated, it is possible that a lot has changed in business activities and the industry, tell us about it in a new post.

92. Find interesting content on the blogs of other companies or bloggers and promote them on your blog, adding additional value. Blogging is all about building relationships with readers as well as other bloggers. This is one blog post idea that will create relationships and opportunities to develop new business relationships and horizons for your business.

93. Ask your readers what they think they would like to improve in your products, services in general. Remember that your business blog is a two-way communication channel. Use your readers as a resource for possible business improvements. This will show that your customers' opinions and views are truly valuable to your business.

94. Write a list of products or ideas for improvement based on an earlier blog post on how you will improve it in the future. Create a list of planned and necessary improvements in your business, tell us how you will improve products or services to make them more advanced and useful. Ask readers to comment on this and get more ideas to improve your business.

95. Development of the topic of business improvements. Write a post about each improvement you've already made based on the previous two ideas. Next, you can write about each improvement that is part of these processes and show current and potential customers that you are listening to them, responding and taking action based on their reactions.

96. Find the most valuable and interesting comments on your old blog posts and publish them as a new article as an open discussion on several topics. This blog post idea allows you to collect all the valuable comments in the form of questions and develop an article with frequently asked questions and answers from your side.

97. Publish a post about the most active commentator of the month , praise him and give him a certain gift (as a reward for being active on the blog). Each month you can choose one or more active commentators, reward them and even interview them briefly. The intention here is to expand the conversation with your customers through your blog.

Blog ideas related to promoting your business

98. Publication of expert posts from industry people. You can contact partners and competitors and offer to create an expert discussion of hot topics in the industry together. Create a post in the form of discussions at a round table, or in your office. This will be useful for everyone and will create an impetus for promotion, since all participants in the discussion will refer to this discussion.

99. Conduct regular competitions on your blog on various topics and scenarios, and distribute products for free to participants who win the competitions. Create announcement posts about future competitions on your blog and attract an active audience.

100. Create a competition on your blog with the condition that participants of the competition publish a link on social networks. Describe prizes and gifts, create several prize places for the winners. This idea of ​​distributing the competition post by participants will help promote the blog on social networks.

101. Create a mini social project - a blog competition on the topic - our happy clients, readers (or buyers). Announce a competition among customers so that they send photos of themselves with your products against the backdrop of a house, apartment, or cottage and nature. Be creative - let the participants come up with slogans, names, or even poems on the topic of positive life, etc., show your imagination for such a competition. Select winners for the most interesting ideas and photographs and reward them with prizes and gifts.

102. Tell them what your readers will get if they sign up for your mailing list and encourage them to sign up. You may already be using email marketing as part of your overall communications strategy. A great strategy is to post this on your blog's home page in a prominent place and include subscription boxes.

Do you think these ideas are enough for running a successful business blog? If you have any other interesting ideas for a business blog, share your ideas in the comments.

You don't have to drop out of school to become the next Steve Jobs

Some people believe that if they throw off the stifling shackles of higher education, they can start a company that will become the next Apple. But in reality, if you drop out of school, you will not automatically become a millionaire.

The truth is that Steve Jobs and Bill Gates didn't leave university to sit back and play games around the clock. After Jobs dropped out, he took extra classes for a year (he later said that calligraphy classes inspired him to create fonts for the Mac). And Gates was thinking about the idea for his company even before he left Harvard.

Photo: Getty Images

The stories of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are rare exceptions. Still, it is better for you to complete your studies before embarking on your journey into the world of entrepreneurship.

Finding your dream team isn't easy

Starting your first startup is an exciting endeavor that you're passionate about, but sometimes it can be difficult to find people who can share your passion. Don't be surprised if your friends and colleagues don't want to join you on your journey into the wonderful world of startups.

Personally, I was very upset when none of my friends and colleagues agreed to take a job in my project. Don’t they see his magnificent capabilities, I thought. Then I didn’t understand why no one wanted to drop everything and join me.

Photo: ShutterStock

Over time, I realized that I was asking people to take a big step for me. Many of them have families and bills to pay—not everyone is willing to take a huge risk. I realized that I first needed to show the importance of my company so that people would believe in the reliability of my business.

I set and achieved goals, improved my business skills, and made investments to produce results that I could show to potential team members. Once I had all the necessary numbers in hand, I was able to recruit the right people.

Procrastination will kill your business

When studying, procrastination is perceived as just a bad habit. Yes, because of her you had to pump yourself up with coffee to work at night, but overall everything was fine.

When you become your own boss, you no longer have a professor or manager to weigh in on you. You choose your own working hours. Instead of a suit, you wear lounge pants or jeans. Your office is either in a nearby coffee shop or at your home. And this lack of clear structure poses a huge danger to procrastinators. Because of her, they decide to watch one more episode of Game of Thrones before returning to work. And then it’s already lunchtime, you order Chinese food at home and still haven’t brushed your teeth.

Photo: ShutterStock

It took me a lot of effort to start treating my business like a real business - that is, creating a work schedule, developing daily activities and doing them consistently. Thanks to this, I was able to expand the team and hit the ground running. No one wants to join your team just to sit back and watch TV series. No, of course, some people may want to, but you are unlikely to pay them for it.

You won't get rich - at least not right away.

When your business starts to grow and become successful, it will seem like some kind of miracle. When you see the money, you may be tempted to spend it—to buy yourself some kind of reward for your hard work. But in fact, these funds should be invested in further business development. You should not take your business as a personal piggy bank.

A good start without outside investment can generate a business with long-term profit, so suppress your selfishness and pay yourself a low salary. Your boots are not shabby, but “vintage” ones, and the instant noodles contain all the necessary nutritional components (in fact, they don’t).

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