How to make a lot of money at Christmas? Current business idea on how to organize a Christmas market!

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If you take exhibitions as the basis for business, you can open up wide opportunities. The exhibition itself always brings an element of celebration, and if the set goal of its holding is still achieved and the buyer is satisfied, the celebration is felt doubly, especially since the money and effort will pay off.

But an exhibition is also a huge job, with many components that need to be completed to achieve its complete success. The main task that any exhibition solves is to educate the taste of consumers: be it an art exhibition, or an exhibition of industrial goods, or an exhibition of agricultural products.

Business registration and premises

An exhibition business must be registered as a “Limited Liability Company”. You need to register with the tax service and obtain permits for the provision of exhibition services.

To avoid problems with holding exhibitions, you need to choose the right premises with an area of ​​2500 m2 for rent, which can provide the opportunity to generate real income. Taking into account the specifics of the business, there is no need to rent space for an office, but you will also need a technical room - for a warehouse in which the necessary equipment for arranging exhibitions (stands, tripods, shelves) will be stored.

What will be required for implementation?

In order to organize a business at exhibitions, it is necessary to purchase equipment, that is, attributes that are constantly used during exhibitions: gathering places for participants, stands, tripods for banners, plates with the names of participants and badges - everything that requires a unified style.

One of the first resources required is space for the business. In our case, this is an exhibition hall. It should be selected depending on the dimensions of the exhibited products, the number of participants, and the planned number of visitors. Here it is better to be guided by the principle “more is better than less,” so that during the event the clients do not feel cramped and uncomfortable.

Typically, premises from 2,500 sq. m. are rented for exhibitions. m.

A small warehouse is also needed to store equipment between exhibitions - an area of ​​30 square meters will be required. m.

Depending on the size of the event, the number of staff supporting the event may vary. As a rule, 2 to 5 general workers and 1-2 administrators, as well as a cleaner, are hired. General workers carry and set up stands, equipment, and perform physical and technical tasks. Administrators support the correct progress of the event, help resolve any questions that participants may have, and supervise the activities of the handymen. The cleaning lady maintains cleanliness; with a large crowd of people, you simply cannot do without such an employee.

If the goods on display have a certain value, control over the workers is very important. Highly qualified administrators are also required, since they are essentially the face of the exhibition. Salary is calculated based on the number of working days (a day for preparation and 1-3 days of the exhibition itself).

First stage

Like any other business, the exhibition business also begins with market analysis: determining the level of popularity of certain types of goods and services that certain segments of the population need. Based on the selected information, databases of enterprises that are interested in certain goods or services are created, indicating all contact information, and then invitations are drawn up to organize an exhibition of these goods or services. Invitations are sent using:

  • SMS mailings;
  • e-mail;
  • Skype;
  • by mail;
  • or by phone.

Similar services, by the way, are provided by information and marketing companies.

Types of exhibitions

An exhibition is also a huge work, with many components that need to be completed to achieve its complete success.

To organize an exhibition-presentation, you can begin close and fruitful cooperation with mini-enterprises and mini-factories, as well as BTL agencies. There are several types of exhibitions:

  1. Product exhibition. Goal: familiarization with the range of products. When organizing such an exhibition, samples of all the plant’s products with brief technical characteristics are displayed on shelves and display cases.
  2. Exhibition of product groups. Purpose: research of consumer demand for certain product groups. The success of this event can be achieved by providing a choice of several groups or products from different suppliers, at the same price. The exhibition must have an original name and colorful design.
  3. Thematic exhibitions. Goal: increasing sales levels. The timing is usually calendar holidays. This may include an exhibition of art objects, designer items and hand-made items. Organizing master classes will also bring additional income.
  4. Marketing exhibitions. Their goal: to determine the sales volume at a certain point of sale (store, supermarket, market or boutique). Here you can provide the opportunity to promote for a specific store or supplier of goods.
  5. Exhibition of collections. Purpose: to study consumer demand for products from various manufacturers.

An exhibition is also a huge work, with many components that need to be completed to achieve its complete success.


It is simply impossible to organize an exhibition on your own; you will need staff. What the staffing plan should be depends on the scale and type of exhibition being held. But in general, you need to focus on what you will need:

  • administrators - two or three people who will solve organizational issues;
  • workers - at least five people who will install the stands.

They are offered piecework wages. You can save money if you hire students from specialized universities, who often take on such work for the sake of experience, and therefore charge little money for their services.

Preparation for the event

Without carrying out a number of preparatory activities, it is impossible to actually build an exhibition business. Whatever type of exhibition it concerns, the preparation stages are the same:

  • drawing up traffic for exhibitions (beginning of the year);
  • analysis of sales of a potential supplier with identification of its positive positions;
  • advertising a future event;
  • coordination of delivery times for products, goods, services and their prices;
  • payment schedule for goods sold;
  • drawing up an agreement with all parties participating in the exhibition event.

To make it easier, an entrepreneur can consult with the owners of other establishments.

Advertising campaign

Advertising plays a big role in developing a business and achieving its goals. In the exhibition business, a preliminary advertising campaign is very important - it will help to interest potential clients and exhibition visitors. An excellent move in this case is to send press releases to periodicals that will help interest the right reader.

It is also good to use promotional products and branded souvenirs during the exhibition as an opportunity to “remind yourself” after the end of the exhibition event. The appearance of publications in publications after the exhibition, the signing of business agreements is confirmation that the advertising campaign was carried out successfully. It is profitable to use the services:

  • local media;
  • television;
  • Internet advertisements (posting information on social networks);
  • email, skype.

You can place information about exhibitions on pillars in shopping centers, in the subway and on advertising multimedia modules.

Step-by-step launch instructions

The most time-consuming process when starting a business is preparation. The main thing is to choose the right industry for the exhibition. To avoid mistakes, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Conducting an analysis of market demand to determine what, by whom, to whom and how is best sold and, accordingly, will be of interest to both sellers and buyers in the exhibition format. If the event is of regional importance, then the selected industry should be developed in the region.
  2. Registration of individual entrepreneurs on the simplified taxation system (STS) from profits. OKVED for this direction is 82.30.
  3. Choosing an exhibition theme. A popular group of goods/services for the exhibition, producers and consumers, that is, potential participants and visitors, are determined. Depending on the selected group of products, the theme of the exposition is formulated, for example: “Fashion Week” or “Energy. Resource saving. Ecology". The belonging of the target audience to a certain segment of the population determines ticket prices, attendance forecast, exhibition time and advertising strategy. For the first experience of holding an event where you want to make money, you need to use the most popular groups of goods: food products from different manufacturers that are unusual for your region, seasonal clothing, hand-made goods.

  4. Development of an event plan. Preliminary agreements. In the process of developing a plan for the exhibition itself, the event program with a time frame is thought out in detail, the tasks of employees are distributed - especially if the exhibition includes a greeting, presentations, master classes and other things that imply greater participation of the organizers. It is advisable to use something massive and dynamic to prevent visitors from getting bored.
  5. Informing participants. A list of organizations producing products related to the exhibition theme is compiled. The implication is that they are quite interested in participating as additional advertising for their products. Next, invitations are sent out: by email, SMS and, to top it all off, a follow-up call. Similar work can be carried out by a third-party organization, but for a fee.
  6. Event organisation . This step includes organizing the premises, purchasing equipment (if necessary), approving a schedule for the delivery of goods, signing all necessary documents, tracking payments, including from the participants, if certain fees were specified in the invitation. If the issue of food for a large number of people in the building is not sufficiently organized, you can agree with the relevant companies to install additional temporary catering points and drink machines, especially if the exhibition is multi-day.
  7. Advertising campaign. Depending on the characteristics of the target audience, advertising methods are also selected. For example, for goods from India, clothing, cosmetics and perfumes, advertising on posters, TV, radio, and outdoor multimedia devices will be selected; and for topics such as energy, automotive, construction and the like – sending emails to potential buyers and advertising on specialized websites. When there are specialized newspapers and magazines, press releases are often used to attract audiences. Coverage of such events is one of the responsibilities of the print media.
  8. Holding an exhibition. With proper preparation, everything should go smoothly; it is important to keep track of only a few points. You must stick to the plan and control the elements included in the program from the organizers; promptly respond to all kinds of questions from participants and visitors; if a product is clearly not in demand, invite participants to replace it with another; Already during the exhibition, it makes sense to collect reviews and recommendations from participants and visitors, which will provide information about the positive and negative aspects of the work you have carried out, and also, quite possibly, “throw in” good ideas for the future.
  9. Summarizing. There are two results of the exhibition: the impression of participants and visitors, which can be tracked during the process, as well as the financial effect.

It is also important to highlight successful and not so successful solutions in order to continue to practice the former and avoid the latter in the future.


The wrong choice of manufacturers, services, goods and dates can lead to the collapse of the event. Contents of the business plan:

  • confidentiality;
  • summary;
  • stages of project implementation;
  • characteristics of the object;
  • marketing plan;
  • technical and economic data of equipment;
  • financial plan;
  • risk assessment;
  • financial and economic justification for investments;
  • conclusions.

It is important to study the market needs of the population for certain products and potential consumers.

On video: Organization of exhibition business

How to write a business plan for an exhibition center

A business plan is where any entrepreneurial activity begins. In the current conditions we cannot do without it. To succeed in business, an entrepreneur needs to act according to a pre-planned scheme, having initially calculated each step. In addition, a well-drafted business plan will help attract investors, which will be very appropriate when opening an exhibition business due to the large initial costs. How to draw up a business plan for an exhibition center and what should it include? These are the main sections of the business plan with a brief description of what needs to be reflected in them:

  • Introduction - here you should briefly summarize general information about the project, indicate its cost, the need for additional sources of financing and economic efficiency - drawn up upon completion of work on the business plan and summarizes the conclusions for other sections
  • Market overview - in this part you need to provide information on the main competitors and the economic feasibility and relevance of your own project
  • Investment plan - describe in detail all possible one-time and ongoing expenses for opening an exhibition center and display the total amount
  • Production plan - reflect the main business operations and business processes, the implementation of which is necessary for the implementation of the project
  • Marketing part - should contain pricing principles, promotion schemes for exhibition center services, advertising, etc.
  • Financial plan - present a calculation of the projected profit, reflect all the financial data of the project and, as a result, an indicator of the expected profitability of the business
  • Risks and guarantees - in this section you need to analyze existing risks and propose a scheme for minimizing them

This is a sample structure of a business plan for opening an exhibition center. You can use it when drawing up your own project or entrust writing a business plan to professionals.

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