How to open an open-air parking lot

We bring to your attention a standard business plan (feasibility study) for organizing a parking lot. This business plan can serve as an example for obtaining a bank loan, government support or attracting private investment.

A typical business plan for organizing a parking lot in a residential area of ​​the city. Can be used to attract funds from a private investor or receive government support.

How much money do you need to open a parking lot?

To implement the project, it is planned to attract own funds in the amount of 500,000 rubles and borrowed funds (bank loan) in the amount of 1,702,500 rubles. The total cost of the project, according to business plan calculations, is 2,202,500 rubles.

Economic indicators of the project implementation:

  • Net profit per year = 598,890 rubles;
  • Farm profitability = 73.4%;
  • Project payback = 48 months.

Social indicators of the project implementation:

  1. Registration of a new business entity in the territory of the city N;
  2. Creation of new jobs;
  3. Receipt of N additional tax payments into the city budget.

Market Review

Every year the number of vehicles in Moscow increases by 280-300 thousand units. According to research by local authorities, by the beginning of 2020, the capital's vehicle fleet will consist of about 6 million vehicles. At the same time, the number of parking lots of different types (open, indoor, multi-level, etc.) is more than 6,000, and still there are often not enough places. Therefore, the construction of parking lots and parking lots is not only a profitable business, but also a socially oriented activity.

Which taxation system to choose for a parking lot?

The organizational and legal form of the parking lot will be individual entrepreneurship. Project manager – Ivanov I.I.

The simplified taxation system will be used as a taxation system. Tax rate is 6% of profit.

Currently, practical activities have begun to implement the project:

  1. Registration of individual entrepreneurship with the Federal Tax Service has been completed;
  2. The procedure for concluding a lease agreement for a land plot with an area of ​​2500 m2, which is in municipal (state) ownership, is underway. The estimated lease term is 2 years with state registration of the agreement. In the future, it is possible to purchase this site as a property.

Description of products and services

The organization will offer clients (car owners) services for storing personal vehicles for a day or more.

Our company will guarantee the safety of the car, the safety of its appearance and the safety of fuel in the tank. The organization will be responsible if the vehicle is damaged and will pay for repairs at its own expense.

The parking lot will be designed to simultaneously accommodate up to 100 cars.

Discounts will be provided to regular customers. For example, a client can purchase a monthly subscription, which provides him with a permanent parking space, and the daily cost of parking is reduced by 15%.

The cost of parking a vehicle is 70 rubles per day.

The parking fee will be charged per day, regardless of the time the car is located. That is, if the car owner paid for parking only for 24 hours, but in fact the vehicle was parked for 25 hours, then it is necessary to pay for the services as for 2 (two) days.

Download a business plan for a parking lot from our partners, with a quality guarantee.

Organization of service for drivers and vehicles

The photo shows a list of parking services.

What is included in the recreation area is not difficult to understand. The larger this area is, the higher the daily profit and overall profitability of the enterprise will be. The construction of a mini-hotel, cafe, store is not just a whim of an entrepreneur, which he carries out, driven by an indomitable desire to become a millionaire. These are natural necessities in this type of activity!

A truck driver will stop at a parking lot only in those places where he can have a tasty snack, relax, check the technical serviceability of the car, and refuel. If all these services are not available, then your potential client will simply pass by.

Each of the above-mentioned social service facilities requires careful calculation of costs and payback. Let's try to briefly characterize the main aspects of their activities.


The area of ​​this object can be small - only about 50 m2, where you can place up to 10 tables. It’s good to take into account the summer option: another + 10m2 (that’s 3 more tables). Must have its own kitchen, mini-bakery, vegetable warehouse and refrigeration units.

The working staff of a small cafe consists of a cook and two sales assistants and waiters.

The external design of a cafe is the calling card of a catering outlet. If it’s homely, warm, beautiful, and especially delicious, then potential clients will be in a great mood and will be happy to try many of the cuisine’s dishes. And this will greatly replenish your finances!

Mini Hotel

If, according to preliminary forecasts, the number of clients will be insignificant and only from time to time, it is quite possible to get by with a small house with 4-5 rooms as a mini-hotel, i.e. places where tired drivers can rest before the road.

When the parking lot is located on an international highway, and the number of parking spaces reaches 50. – it is advisable to build a hotel with several floors and at least 30 beds.

There should be an administrator who will register visitors and check them in, as well as a technical worker (the number of this service staff is determined depending on the size of the hotel), whose responsibilities include putting things in order, replacing and washing bed linen and other tasks.

The initial costs of opening a hotel will be as follows:

  • Purchasing furniture;
  • Purchase of bed linen, towels and other accessories;
  • Purchase of necessary hygiene, detergents and other disinfectants;
  • Interior design of the hotel, lobby, rooms.

It will be very convenient both from the point of view of clients and for an entrepreneur to build a hotel near a cafe (you can even combine these two objects under one roof). Construction costs will be less, and the effect will be greater, since the unwritten axiom always applies to the human body: “If you have eaten tasty and satisfying, now you want to sleep!”


The presence of a manufactured goods shopping center in the parking lot will be very useful. The range of products here is designed to suit various consumer needs: from clothing, household goods to small souvenirs and gifts. The advantage of such a retail outlet is that it is still a long way to travel to a city with multi-storey supermarkets.

2 sellers can do the job quite well here. Their tasks may include the formation of a product range, i.e. order for planned purchases and settlements with suppliers. At the end of the reporting period, they are required to prepare a financial report to the parking lot accountant. Although, if desired, an accountant can independently control trade turnover and work with suppliers.

Car wash + car maintenance

For example, as in the photo - a garage-type room with a sufficient set of repair and adjustment equipment used.

To implement this task, a garage-type structure consisting of two blocks is quite suitable: a car service station with an inspection pit and the necessary special equipment + car washes.

The following people work here: auto technician - 2 people, car wash - 1 person.

An excellent solution to combine a service station with a car shop: on the road, situations often arise when you need to buy something for your car - and this can easily be done at a car service station in your parking lot + get a comprehensive consultation from a car mechanic.

Additional parking staff

Among those workers, without whom normal, high-quality work at your parking lot simply will not take place, it is worth mentioning:

  • Security service – 2 people;
  • Medical worker on duty – 1 person;
  • Parking lot accountant – 1 person.

Security work should be supplemented with video surveillance equipment and a personal computer - such a move will strengthen customer confidence.

A medical worker can additionally open a small point of sale in his office for the most necessary medications: for headaches, stomach disorders, heart pain, etc.

The accountant’s responsibilities include drawing up and submitting tax reports within the specified time frame for all types of business activities carried out in the parking lot. The accountant calculates the final profit of the enterprise, calculates the wages of employees and other debt obligations.

Actually, the position of an accountant and a parking lot director can be combined (provided, of course, that the director has a special economic education and the desire + time to run around government agencies in order to submit reports). If not, then you need to remember that the financial success of the entire enterprise depends on the quality of the accountant’s work by more than 50%.

Since the importance of professionalism and responsibility, as well as the integrity of this employee, is so great, the question of who to entrust with the accounting of the parking lot is worth thinking carefully about. It is advisable to entrust the finances of your business to a person whom you completely trust.

Step-by-step plan for opening a parking lot

The parking lot will be located in a residential area of ​​the city with a population of about 20 thousand people. The estimated number of car owners in this area is more than 1.5 thousand people.

The closest competitor, that is, another parking lot, is located 800m from our parking lot. The location of this competitor is not very good, since it is located on the border of the region. Our parking lot will be located in the center of the residential area.

An indirect competitor can be called a garage society, in which more than 350 car owners (30%) have their own garages. Also, some car owners (35%) prefer to leave their cars overnight in front of their house windows.

According to preliminary calculations, about 35% of car owners in the region, which is more than 500 people, are ready to use the services of our organization.

Let's calculate the potential revenue of the parking lot.

The estimated number of clients of the organization after a year of operation is 80 car owners per day. This figure will be achieved through an extensive advertising campaign and the development of regular customers for the organization.

Planned average number of clients from the start date of the parking lot, by quarter:

  • 1st quarter – 40 cars/day;
  • 2nd quarter – 55 cars/day;
  • 3rd quarter – 70 car days;
  • 4th quarter – 80 cars/day.

The total revenue from the provision of parking services per year will be 1,543,500 steering wheels.

Parking lot advertising

It is advisable to think through advertising campaigns in advance and start informing the population even before the parking lot opens. Leaflets or business cards indicating the address, phone number, prices can be placed in mailboxes in entrances, behind windshield wipers on cars.

The parking lot itself should be equipped with a large sign so that people understand what exactly is located here.

A few kilometers around the parking lot, you can also place posters indicating the location of the structure.

Opening your own parking lot requires certain costs, the approximate value of which can be calculated by adding up the main expenses.

Production plan

The parking lot will be equipped with the following elements:

  • Automatic gates;
  • Perimeter lighting;
  • Change house for security;
  • Video surveillance system;
  • Fencing the territory (chain-link mesh).

The parking area for one car will be at least 20 m2. The total parking area will be 2500 m2. This area will allow you to place up to 100 cars at the same time. The distance between rows will be at least 7 meters.

The guardhouse will be installed so that the view of the parking lot is as convenient as possible. For additional security, a video surveillance system and lighting will be installed around the perimeter of the parking lot. The monitors will be connected to the security building.

The parking lot will be completely asphalted (2500 m2), and parking spaces will be marked with markings. The parking lot surface will be treated with a special substance that prevents the absorption of petroleum products emitted by the car. The parking area will be fenced with a special metal mesh. It is planned to install automatic gates at the entrance.

The planned staffing will include 3 people.

The total wage fund per year will be 360,000 rubles.

The guards will have a work schedule of “every two days.” Candidates for the position will undergo a strict selection process.

It is planned to engage the services of an accountant under a fee-based services agreement. The cost of an accountant's services will be 6,000 rubles per month.

Requirements for open parking lots

Open parking is the most economical option that does not require large investments. In order to open a parking lot for 100 spaces, you will need a large area of ​​about 2500 sq.m.

Parking lots of this type benefit from the number of spaces

How to open a parking lot from scratch? First of all, you need to find a suitable plot of land and obtain permission to rent it from the city municipality, Rospotrebnadzor and utility services if there are pipes, heating mains under the parking lot or power lines running above it.

If you are planning to seriously engage in this business, it is better to sign a long-term lease agreement - this way you do not risk losing your place in a few years.

After receiving the territory, it needs to be equipped with:

  • Build communications and install wall fences.
  • At the entrance it is necessary to install a barrier (automatic gate) and a checkpoint with a guard. The security guard's post should have a good view of the entire territory. It is necessary to insulate it, install furniture and a telephone there.
  • A video surveillance system organized on the territory of your parking lot will always help resolve disputes regarding the safety of cars and their damage.
  • If the parking lot is open 24 hours a day, it is necessary to install lighting for the entire area.
  • Asphalt, according to standards, must be coated with a special solution that prevents the absorption of petroleum products. Ignoring this requirement is a big fine.

Financial plan

Let's move on to calculating the main indicators of the economic efficiency of a parking lot.

The organization's fixed costs are presented in the following table:

Total fixed expenses of the enterprise per month will amount to 68,000 rubles.

The main annual costs of the organization will be wages - 44% of total expenses. Next come the costs of insurance contributions for employees - 13% and other expenses - 15% of the total costs.

The calculation of gross and net profit is presented in the table - forecast of income and expenses:

How much can you earn by opening a parking lot?

The net profit of the parking lot based on the results of annual work will be 598,890 rubles. The profitability of the parking lot, according to the calculations of the business plan, is 73.4%. With such indicators, the project will pay for itself in 4 years, which is a good indicator for such a business.

We recommend downloading a business plan for a parking lot from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

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