Business idea: Production of canned corn

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Business with the Queen of the Fields

A corn growing business is a great idea. Often, newbie entrepreneurs are attracted to the idea of ​​creating a low-cost, non-resource-intensive business. The best way to implement it is to make your own personal plot work, that is, take up the cultivation of a certain crop. A classic example of zero waste is growing corn. Almost everything that it puts at your disposal can be turned into money, with an absolute minimum of costs for seeds and fertilizers. Building your own business growing corn is no more difficult than starting a business growing cucumbers.

Why is it profitable to grow corn?

Corn is a very ancient grain crop that has never lost popularity either among consumers or producers. Many different useful products are made from corn grain, in particular:

  • Dietary oil rich in microelements;
  • Flour, which in some countries is used instead of wheat;
  • Cereals, which are very popular in the cuisines of many countries around the world;
  • Popcorn (many people's favorite treat);
  • Corn syrup, alcohol, starch, etc.

In addition, boiled ears of young corn are in great demand among those who like to nibble something while relaxing. And this, by the way, is a good idea for those who are interested in the question of what can be traded profitably on the market.

But that's not all. Corn is in great demand among livestock breeders, who use both its grain and green tops along with cobs to prepare animal feed. This means that in any case (whether you grow corn for feed or for the food industry), problems with marketing the crop should not arise at all. And this, in turn, explains why growing corn is economically efficient. After all, in any business the main thing is to have a sales market and be able to sell successfully.

Features of growing corn

In general, it is believed that corn is an unpretentious crop.
But, given the fact that its country of origin is warm Mexico, growing corn for grain in some regions of Russia will be quite troublesome. After all, on open ground, corn seeds can sprout vigorously only when the average daily air temperature is not lower than 10°C and the threat of frost has passed. And since in different latitudes of our country such conditions occur at different times, the areas for growing corn in Russia, as well as the technology, are determined in accordance with these regimes. For example, if a stable temperature regime in the region begins somewhere in mid-May, it is unrealistic to grow technically mature ears of corn using the seedless method. Therefore, you should not count on the fact that you will be able to get a large harvest from the acreage. After all, you yourself understand what it means to grow seedlings and then plant them. In general, doing this on several hectares will be very problematic. It's a different matter if you plan to grow corn at home. By growing seedlings, you have a chance to get “milk” cobs almost a month earlier than if you sowed the seeds directly into the ground. Well, if at the same time, you gave preference to early hybrid varieties, which have a development period of “milk” cobs of up to 70 days, then, living in a region with harsh climatic conditions, there is a chance to earn good money by growing corn in seedlings. As for the temperature regime for normal corn growth, it should be somewhere in the range from 20 to 24 °C. Having such conditions, culture forms:

  1. Good strong stem;
  2. Well-developed root system;
  3. Big cobs.

Also in the growing process, the choice of crop type and variety plays an important role. This can be a sugar crop, which is eaten and used in the food industry (by the way, it is recommended to choose it for growing corn in a greenhouse), or a fodder crop – grown to feed domestic animals. The choice must be made based on consumer demand. But if you decide, for example, to grow two types of corn (sugar and fodder) and it is important for you to maintain its grade, then based on the fact that its pollination is carried out by wind and there is a high probability of obtaining hybrids, fields with crops should be planned so to prevent this from happening. That is, fields with different varieties should be at a great distance from each other.

In general, if we summarize all the points, then in order to obtain a high-quality corn harvest, it is worth paying attention to the following points:

  1. Correct choice of variety (it is best to focus on zoned varieties);
  2. Compliance with planting deadlines (for open ground and seedlings);
  3. Choosing the right sowing location (necessarily taking into account the preferences of the crop);
  4. Timely harvest (the terms are defined according to the purposes; for example, if you are going to sell cobs for food, then the term for harvesting is one, but if you are going to sell cobs, say, for seeds, then it is completely different).

Business selling boiled corn: choosing a place

It is best to sell such products in train stations, food markets, parks and large shopping centers. During the cold season, you can sell cobs or products in cups in food courts of shopping and entertainment centers. This product has a big advantage over other fast foods: unlike junk food, corn is rich in nutrients, filling and low in calories. It will be preferred not only by supporters of a healthy lifestyle, but also by visitors who are simply tired of eating junk food.

The outlet should be bright and noticeable among other stalls selling food. It is advisable to place a large bright logo on the outside, thanks to which buyers will be able to remember the pavilion.

What is needed to open a business?

To start your own agribusiness, no matter what you are going to grow, the farmer first of all simply needs to have at least a superficial knowledge of existing soil cultivation technologies and the basic methods of growing various vegetable crops. Regarding the corn business, before you start implementing it, you need to calculate everything and draw up a financial and production plan. Simply put, write a business plan for growing corn.

Further, following this plan, you need:

  1. Register your farm. You can, of course, submit documents to register a small enterprise, but farming is still better for such activities. Firstly, if you are interested in the question of how to receive a grant for the development of farming in 2021, then having the above registration, it will be easier to receive financial support from the state, and secondly, working as a farmer, you will pay a single agricultural tax, which is significant simplifies work;
  2. Decide on a suitable site. By the way, for a business to have good profitability, it must be at least 1 hectare. But the most important thing is that the soil must meet the requirements provided for by the corn growing technology;
  3. Purchase the necessary equipment (although at the first stage, when you need a lot of money, you can use hired equipment).

In particular, to grow corn, a farmer will need:

  • Seeder;
  • Cultivator;
  • Corn harvester;
  • Tractor;
  • Agricultural implements;
  • Purchase seed material. Its quantity depends on the scale of the enterprise;
  • Get the first harvest and sell it profitably.

It is clear that to successfully start a business you will need start-up capital. But since, according to experts, the profitability of this business is rarely below 400%, the farmer does not risk anything, even if he takes out a bank loan for this business.

Registration of agricultural business

You can register a corn growing business as a personal subsidiary plot.

In this case, the entrepreneur will be able to avoid tax deductions.

However, this form of business organization is possible only if the area of ​​the land plot does not exceed 2.5 hectares and it is owned by the entrepreneur.

When choosing this option, the entrepreneur will have to refuse to use hired labor.

In all other cases, it makes sense to register as an individual entrepreneur or open a peasant farm.

Business idea for growing corn

Growing technology

Above, we have already described the main features of growing corn, which you should pay attention to when planning a corn business. But the technology for growing corn in open ground provides for a number of other mandatory aspects. For example, when growing this crop, you need to remember that the whole process begins not in the spring, but in the fall, when the farmer must prepare the soil. The field needs to be plowed, compost fertilizer applied so that by spring it will already enrich the soil, and in the spring it is advisable to loosen it again. By the way, corn grows very well on black soil.

Variety selection

Next, you need to decide on the crop variety. Which, as already noted, directly depends on the purpose of cultivation. For example, if the harvest is intended for the sale of young boiled cobs, then the seeds must be selected from the so-called “dairy” varieties. Then you will get heads of cabbage that will be distinguished by their sweetness and juiciness. In addition, they ripen faster.

If you are going to grow corn for grain, then when choosing a variety you need to focus on ensuring that it has the ability to be stored for a long time. But, in all other respects, the technology of growing corn for grain is no different from the process of growing it to produce cobs.

As for the amount of seed, for 1 hectare of area you need to buy 20 kg of grain. With this calculation, the corn harvest will be about 80 thousand ears. If they are sold at a wholesale price (about 30 rubles per cob), the revenue could be approximately 1.2 million rubles. Accordingly, if the area under crops is increased, then profits will gradually increase.


The list of necessary equipment for organizing a retail outlet is small.

You will need a professional corn boiler. Their cost depends on power and performance. The cost ranges from 15,000-45,000 rubles.

To store frozen cobs you need a freezer. It can be bought for 18,000-20,000 rubles.

A mobile counter costs about 28,000-30,000 rubles. If you plan to work outside, you will need a protective umbrella. Cost – 5,000 rubles.

The display case is not included in the mandatory list of equipment, but is very desirable. Selling related products will increase the profitability of your business. The display case can be purchased for 5,000-10,000 rubles.

It is not necessary to collect equipment from different manufacturers and buy it separately. Some suppliers offer complete packages for setting up an outlet selling boiled corn. Their cost, depending on the configuration and size, can range from 35,000 to 60,000 rubles.

Additionally, you should consider arranging the room in which the stock of frozen corn will be stored. The fact is that the minimum wholesale quantity is 500-1000 kg. The freezer you will use at the point of sale cannot hold that amount of corn. You need to rent a small room with refrigeration equipment to store the stock.

Business idea: trading boiled corn is a great business for a beginner

Sowing in open ground

When growing corn, it is best to use a wide-row sowing method, so that the distance between rows is at least 50-70 centimeters, and between plants - 20-30 centimeters, since excessive compaction of crops (hence the lack of sunlight, reduction in feeding area) can significantly affect decrease in yield.

If we are talking about growing corn in the country, or on a personal plot, then you need to remember that corn cannot be planted singly or in 3-4 bushes, as this will negatively affect the pollination process, which, in turn, will affect the quality of the cobs (will a lot of empty ones). When growing corn at home, it is best to plant 3-4 rows, but not less than two. Only under such conditions will the quality of the harvest really please, and then those who are looking for ideas on where and how to make money for a pensioner in Russia can really count on a good profit from the sale of delicious boiled cobs. But let's get back to more serious business.


The average cost of frozen corn is 70-95 rubles per 1 kg, but the price may vary. 1 kg makes 6 200 gram cups. Adding the cost of napkins, sauces and spices, plastic cups and spoons, we get the cost of around 28 rubles.

The minimum price in a small town is 50 rubles, in large cities the cost of a glass of boiled corn rises to 80-100 rubles. On average, 150 servings can be sold per day. Demand increases on weekends. Even at the minimum price per month, your revenue will be 225,000 rubles. We subtract the cost and get 99,000 rubles. After paying taxes, rent and wages, you reach a net profit of around 40,000-45,000 rubles. Nuances depending on the region are possible, but the profitability is quite high.

Business idea: trading boiled corn is a great business for a beginner

Growing corn in seedlings

Since the technology of seedless corn cultivation is more suitable for regions with a warm climate, domestic farmers, who were able to appreciate the high profitability of the corn business, learned to grow this crop in less favorable climatic conditions. That is, in order for corn to fully ripen, it is first sown as seedlings, and only then planted in open ground.

What does it take to make good seedlings?

First of all, in order for the seedlings to be healthy and strong, you need to prepare good soil. For this you will need:

  • Turf land;
  • Humus (as a leavening agent);
  • Sand - 10% of the total amount of prepared soil (the addition is required if the seedlings are to be transplanted to an area with heavy loamy soil).

You can add a little peat or coconut to these components. This additive will make the soil easily permeable to air and water and thereby make the conditions for growing corn seedlings even more favorable. By the way, when growing corn seedlings at home, you can buy a soil mixture. After all, for a small number of seedlings such a purchase will be quite inexpensive.

Having prepared the soil, the next step is to prepare to sow the grain. First, purchased or selected seeds are kept in settled water for up to 12 hours. This procedure will help determine whether they are suitable for planting, and will also speed up the process of germination.

After soaking, the grains are germinated in a damp burlap or fabric that allows oxygen and moisture to pass through well. Again, if there are few seedlings, some amateurs have adapted to using cotton swabs, which are usually used for facial care, to germinate seedlings.

Sprouted grains are carefully planted in pre-prepared small containers with soil with a volume of up to 40-45 cubic meters. see and drainage holes at the bottom, and water with warm water with the addition of an anti-fungal drug. This can be foundationazole, or any other analogue, or a weak (pale pink) solution of potassium permanganate.

After watering, the seedling containers are placed on stands or film to avoid contact with the ground. If this is not done, the roots of the seedlings, through the drainage holes, may grow together with the soil under the containers. And when the time comes for planting them, the young root system may be damaged when it is torn off the ground.

To get corn seedlings, growing and caring for them will be an easy process. Required:

  • Regular watering;
  • Liquid feeding;
  • Lots of light (growing sprouts are very sensitive to lack of light; due to its lack, plants stretch out and become brittle).

Any closed, well-lit room with a fairly high temperature is ideal for growing seedlings. A prerequisite is the possibility of ventilation.

Seedlings are planted in open ground no earlier than three weeks after sowing. By this time, the sprouts already have 3-5 main leaves, and the root system is well developed.

In open ground, corn seedlings are planted together with soil in pre-prepared rows to a depth of 8-10 cm. The main thing is that the plant is no deeper in the ground than it was in the container.

Caring for planted corn sprouts is simple. Required:

  • Timely weeding;
  • Loosening and hilling of plants;
  • Fertilizing (it is done twice - the first time a week after planting, the second time two weeks after the first fertilizing) with water-soluble fertilizers rich in nitrogen (less than 30%) by application to the soil;
  • In addition, to prevent corn from being exposed to various diseases, it is treated with herbicides. Also, to combat various diseases of corn, it is sprinkled with herbicides and this is a normal practice, because even when growing and caring for garlic in open ground (although garlic itself is an antiseptic), farmers have to use various special herbicides against diseases.

And finally, about watering. Of course, when growing corn in large fields, ensuring regular watering is quite problematic. But if we are talking about small volumes, then during the ripening period, watering will be very useful, especially if the weather is hot outside. Then there is a guarantee that the cobs will be large, even and juicy.

Growing Sweet Corn

It was already mentioned above that sweet corn is tastier and healthier in its qualities than feed corn. It is rich in minerals and light sugars, has a low level of starch, which allows it to be consumed even by people who follow a strict diet. That is why growing sweet corn is especially popular not only in home gardens, but also on farms.

In general, the technology for growing sweet corn is no different from growing other varieties of crops. Although there are still some secrets, the main one is that you need to be very careful about the watering regime. After all, it will depend on its quality:

  • Ear size;
  • The sweetness of the grains.

The second secret is correctly selected varieties. After all, for example, the fact that early varieties can ripen well in harsh climates provides additional business opportunities. Here are some varieties that are considered the best.

Gourmet 121

A very early variety (it produces a milky ripe harvest 70 days after sowing), which is characterized by high yield, rich taste, and special resistance to disease. In addition, despite its heat-loving nature, it is capable of rapid adaptation.


An ideal variety for growing in seedlings. The plant can reach a height of up to two meters, and the cobs with very juicy and surprisingly sweet grains, which have a very soft structure, reach up to 20 centimeters. It’s no wonder that gardeners simply adore this variety. Indeed, in terms of taste, it is ideal both for consumption in cooked form and for preservation.


The variety is famous for its taste and ease of care. The ripening period, as in the “Gourmand” variety, is 70 days. Seedlings can be planted in open ground as soon as the air temperature rises above 10 degrees.

Ice Nectar

Although this variety is late-ripening and rather capricious (it loves warmth, is picky about the quality of the soil and watering, and cannot tolerate sudden temperature fluctuations), the super-sugar qualities of this variety are worth the trouble of cultivating.

By the way, some farmers practice growing both early and later varieties of corn. This allows you to obtain a harvest continuously and gradually.

Sugar corn varieties are harvested when the grains reach “milk” ripeness.

Canned corn: benefits and usefulness

For preservation, fresh corn of dessert (sugar) varieties with large and elastic grains of bright yellow color, a pleasant aroma and a sweetish taste is used. The grains are placed in tin cans with brine based on water, salt and sugar (the ratio of corn and brine is 60/40%), sealed under high temperature and can be stored for 2 years at room temperature (in glass - up to 3 years ).

It does not lose its taste properties during preservation and remains fresh, elastic and delicately sweet, which is an undoubted advantage of this product. The chemical composition changes slightly: the content of magnesium, phosphorus and potassium is halved, but the amount of sodium increases 10 times. The “loss” of beneficial and medicinal properties is an order of magnitude less than, for example, that of peas or beans.

Canned corn also contains a lot of protein and carbohydrates, fiber and vitamins. She:

  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system and metabolism;
  • reduces the threat of cancer and atherosclerosis;
  • has anti-stress and antioxidant properties;
  • strengthens the immune system and gives a rejuvenating effect;
  • calms the nervous system and increases mental activity;
  • reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol and blood sugar;
  • removes toxins from the body.

Finally, canned sweet corn is simply delicious! It goes well with many vegetables, can be used as a side dish, and added to salads, soups, appetizers, casseroles, and pancake fillings. The brine that is poured into corn grains is completely safe, you can drink it, but it does not provide any benefit.

How to sell the grown corn crop?

To make a profit, you need to be able to not only grow corn, but also sell it profitably. There are several options for marketing corn. You can offer your products:

  • To agricultural exchanges;
  • To the cannery;
  • To a feed production plant;
  • Retail at farmers' markets as pet food;
  • Offer to buyers.

In general, as follows from the proposed list, the corn market is huge. The main thing is to find good buyers in time (even before the harvest ripens), so that later you don’t rush in different directions and don’t give it away for next to nothing to the first reseller you come across just because you didn’t have time for something or simply forgot that in business you can’t get profit is impossible.

Yes, by growing corn, you can make money not only from grain. Corn stalks (dry, green) can be used as cattle feed. By offering them, for example, to a local farm, you can get additional income.

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