Golden rules of money. How to earn, save and increase money

Don't show off your eyes

Only young rappers, aspiring bloggers, graduating football players and sixteen-year-old American schoolgirls are supposed to show off their well-being. If you do not belong to one of these dubious groups (funny dressing up in a school uniform does not count), then it is better to be more restrained in your impulse to play out the pantomime “grandma is not a problem” as colorfully as possible. No one will appreciate the hussar's manners anyway. Additional respect by shouting “Sandwiches and champagne to everyone!” don't make money. What's the point of throwing away banknotes then? By the way, are paper ten-ruble bills still issued?

Pay off debts with the highest interest rates first

If you can't avoid consumer debt, pay it off properly. Pay off debts with the highest interest rates first, this allows you to lower your interest rate over time.

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Leave a tip

Especially the waiter who works the earliest or latest shift. This poor fellow will, of course, hate you just as much as if you had come to him during the day. But at least you will avoid the awkwardness of meeting his eyes on the way out. Taxi drivers can be underpaid, they will still mix something up. Hotel employees and couriers deserve a minimum tip. But be careful with barbers. In Russia, they have long outgrown the status of hairdressers and some have become stars - at least on a regional scale. These guys might be offended by a crumpled bill.

Pay your bills

Can you imagine a gentleman wearing socks with holes? What about a gentleman who hits women? This, of course, is impossible. Then why do some gentlemen ignore fines, do not pay alimony, do not repay loans, do not pay for water, gas and radio? Of course, you can think about beauty around the clock, but the smart person will be the one who closes all payments. The universe does not like debtors. They are even more displeased with bailiffs, who can simply deprive them of the opportunity to travel abroad. And sometimes it’s scary how good it is. Make sure that you are clean in front of all services, departments and ex-wives. And finally turn off this useless radio station.

Don't part with money under pressure

In the mischievous era of startups, Azino Three Axes, online schools for creating online schools, personal growth courses and the dominance of bookmakers, you want to get involved in some kind of financial adventure. Especially when your acquaintance with sparkling eyes proves that “it really works: you invest a hundred, in a month you get five hundred!” Even the most competent and calculating gentleman will think at least for a second: “What nonsense!” And for another half second: “Or maybe?..” Of course he can’t. Don't fall for ridiculous persuasion. And don’t trust anyone: if there is even the slightest doubt, this is a failed story. By the way, they say that Bitcoin will soon explode...

Don't tell anyone your salary

There is no right response to the question “How much do you earn?” No one will believe you even if you tell the truth. To some, the salary will seem unfairly high, while others will think that you are being poor. If you avoid answering, you risk being branded as a secretive, slippery and dull person. But in a hopeless situation, when your interlocutor puts a nail file to your throat and he is your wife, it is better to name a smaller number. From sin. And trying to find out the salaries of colleagues and friends is simply harassment.

Don't lose touch with reality

Expensive things, business class, beautiful cars and natural leather goods are wonderful attributes that, despite the meaninglessness and frailty, give added value to life. But you need to understand that at some point all this wonderful premium can turn into workers' and peasants' economy. If you start to panic when you find yourself in the burlap of a mass market, you need the help of a specialist. Best of all - in psychiatry. Keep it relevant. And the world will not be so miserable without champagne and precious metals.

Always pay for women in restaurants

What if it’s just a colleague you don’t like, and she’s actually married, you’re in a relationship, and you’re having a work lunch? Then write her a letter, why drag the lady to the catering unit? It’s another matter if it’s at least somewhat pleasant to you (or useful - then you’ll have to fork out more). Meal is an intimate process. And the man pays for sex. The answer to the question “What does a woman want?” simple: sooner or later she will want to eat. You can ask to leave a tip, but please pay for the crab salad, cheese plate, knuckle, goulash and apricot hookah.

Rules of money or How to attract money into your life

There are many secrets on how to attract luck and money into your life. I suggest starting with the simplest ones. These are the rules of money that will help you attract money into your wallet and your life. I don’t know how exactly these rules of money work (the mechanism itself), but there is more money in the wallet. Use these simple rules of money and see for yourself how fair they are.

These rules of money work flawlessly, regardless of whether you believe in them or not.

Rule 1 – will help attract luck and money


This secret of money

It sounds very simple - the parish should spend the night at home. What does it mean?

If you have received a salary, or an old debt has been returned to you, or money has been transferred to your company’s account, do not rush to put it into circulation. Let your money stay with you for at least one night. Even if you have a bunch of urgent payments and obligations, remember this rule. The secret of money

simple - plan your expenses so that your income can spend its first night with you.

Rule 2 - helps your money multiply


This rule of monetary luck was familiar to wealthy people many centuries ago. Now they have forgotten about him. But in vain!

Money loves light. What does it mean? Don't worry about your money after sunset. Even if you can’t wait to count what you have accumulated or earned during the day. Wait until the sun comes up and start sorting through your money.

Solar energy coincides with monetary energy and is beneficial for them. That is why it is best to count money in sunlight - it is filled with friendly energy and attracts new money.

Rule 3 - another money secret


The money in your wallet must be straightened and facing you.

What does face mean? Even for banknotes there is such a concept - obverse and reverse. The obverse is the face of the coin. Most often there are portraits painted there. So they should look you in the face when you open your wallet.

If you are in doubt which side of the bill is the front, take a look at Wikipedia. There is detailed information about which side of any country's currency is the obverse.

Rule 4 - will help you attract money

to your wallet.

Do you know what a lucky bill

? A lucky bill can attract money into your wallet. I'm not joking - everything is very serious. Each of us has our own lucky bill! You can't confuse her with any other. This is another secret of money.

What is a lucky bill and how to find it? Your personal lucky bill will be the one whose last two digits coincide with the year of your birth. But a bill with three digits that matches your year of birth will be more able to attract money into your wallet. A banknote that contains your year of birth in full, i.e. all 4 digits will be just a money magnet in your wallet


How to find a lucky bill

. You must definitely find this bill yourself - this is the only way it can attract money into your wallet. A banknote given as a gift, specially placed on you, or found for you by someone will not work. Take this into account! Only a self-discovered banknote will attract its fellows into your wallet.

As experience shows, most often 2 or 3 digits are found in a series of banknotes that coincide with your year of birth. I don’t know why - but this happens more often. They will also attract money into your wallet. When you find a banknote that exactly matches your year of birth, you can rejoice in great luck. If the banknote series still begins or ends with the letter of your first or last name, you have a personal money magnet


I found my lucky bill, my money magnet, quite quickly - in about 5 days. I was lucky - the year and my initials in the banknote series completely coincide. My family has so far found bills with 2 and 3 matching numbers. A friend found 3 numbers in a couple of weeks. I can’t say for sure how long it will take you to find your money magnet. But it’s definitely worth looking for your lucky bill!

Where to wear a lucky note

. It is best to carry your money magnet in your wallet in a separate secret pocket, facing you. This way your lucky bill will attract money into your wallet. If you find another lucky bill, you can also put it in a place to store cash (only yours).

You will be very surprised when you notice that the rules of money work. The rules of money do not require a lot of effort - you just need to introduce them into your life once and they will start working for you. It is quite easy to attract money and luck into your life by following these rules.

What money rules do you follow?

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Don't borrow

If you take someone else’s, you give away your whole hand. And you also risk ruining your relationship. It turns out somehow too expensive. Let's be honest, you still won't take money for something good. Usually they end not because everyone went to create something good and eternal. But because you stupidly let them down. They didn't calculate it. We got into history. A gentleman must get out of ridiculous situations himself with honor - and being left without money is perhaps the most absurd thing that can happen to him. Let this be a lesson to you. If the situation is completely stalemate, then never take money from women. And even more so for banks.

SECOND LAW. Money is not a goal, it is a means to achieve your goals

For most people, money is their ultimate financial goal, and when they achieve it, for some reason they do not feel the desired satisfaction and happiness. Why is this happening?

This is because happiness is not in money and not in its quantity; in itself, it has no value for a person. Money is simply a means to achieve your goals, dreams and desires. This is the only way they can bring moral and material satisfaction.

There are things more important than money, but without money you cannot buy these things.

Before you start “collecting” banknotes, decide why you need them. Having them will not bring you happiness. They will simply begin to control you, and you will spend the rest of your life chasing money, forgetting about your own needs and desires.

REMEMBER: Money will not make you happy; what you can afford with it brings happiness.

Before you start chasing money, you will need to decide:

  • why do you need money;
  • what exactly do you need in life and who do you want to become;
  • how much it will cost - this will become your financial goal;
  • draw up a clear and consistent action plan;
  • you must move forward persistently, consistently and constantly, do not slow down and do not expect quick results.

In the process of moving towards your financial goal, never forget why and why you need it.

Money cannot make a person happy, but it solves 95% of the problems that make him unhappy.

Forget about doing business with friends

Perhaps this rule should be given as a bonus to the ten basic commandments. Which, by the way, few people remember by heart anyway. Or you can replace one of the points. For example, the fourth commandment calls for honoring the Sabbath day. Many of us already do it - especially after Friday. But, unfortunately, they still cannot understand and remember that they should never, under any circumstances, work with friends or relatives. And you shouldn’t even try, the outcome will be the same: you will have neither a job nor a friend.

Needs need to be separated

You should not confuse your desires with your needs; this keeps people in constant fear of losing money. It is necessary to understand that human needs are quite simple: food, clothing, housing, healthcare, transportation, etc. In general, everything else is a desire. But you shouldn’t think that desires need to be completely erased from the expense line; this will turn life into hard labor. People must consciously choose their desires and not allow them to jeopardize their financial well-being.

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Be smarter

Cheap is always bad. For a ruble you will get results worth a ruble. Nothing is free at all. Everything has a price. But the beauty is that you can’t buy everything. Instead of a mountain of consumer goods, buy one thing, but of high quality. Decent. Something that can age gracefully. If a thing you bought now does not have the potential to become a thing with history, part with it without regrets. A cheap thing has a unique property: it shows that it is cheap. An expensive thing just exists. And you should have as many of them as possible.

TWELFTH LAW. Money to money

What does it mean? Money, like a magnet, attracts its own kind. The more you accumulate, the more income they will bring you. If you save a penny today, it will bring you a certain income until you spend it. And the more pennies you have, the more money they will bring you. In addition, the greater the invested capital, the greater the profitability.

So it turns out that the more you save and save, the more you can earn with this money. This is the formula for financial success: Money makes money .

To make your money work, you must:

  1. Keep strict records of income and expenses.
  2. Constantly acquire new knowledge and skills, learn self-discipline.
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