How to manage money correctly - budgeting

Saving expands our capabilities, increases our independence, and allows us to more confidently achieve our goals. This is why many of us wonder how to learn to save and save money. In theory, everything is simple; dozens of articles and books have been written on this topic.

However, in practice, saving money is often an overwhelming task. It is especially difficult for those who lack self-control. Often such people begin to have difficulty saving and saving money, but then they break down and spend the entire amount on some unnecessary purchase. At the same time, they feel guilty for their lack of willpower.

So are there effective, but not too complicated, ways to save and save money? Yes, I have.

Below are 13 simple rules that have helped tens of thousands of people save and save money effectively.

Rule #1: Saving means spending “consciously”

To begin with, it is important to look at the concept of “saving” from a different angle.

Some people think that saving is humiliating: if a person is forced to save money, then he is a loser.

If you look at saving not as a painful refusal to do everything, but as a competent distribution of funds, then saving will be much easier.

Saving means “spending consciously.” Conscious spending of funds usually leads to cost reduction. But thoughtless saving leads to the triggering of the rule “the stingy pays twice!”

Also remember that money NOT spent is money earned.

Rule #2: Identify the goals for which you are saving

If you start saving without a goal, you will get bored very quickly.

In order to accumulate the required amount as quickly as possible, you need to determine a goal for yourself, indicate its cost and time frame for achieving it.

For example, you want to go on a trip, the cost of which is 200,000 rubles. Initially, this amount may seem too much to you, and you may not even start saving for the trip.

However, if you set a deadline of a year and divide this amount by 12 months, it turns out that every month you need to save 16,600 rubles. Saving this amount every month is easier than thinking about where to get 200,000 rubles.

It is important that the goal lights you up.

There will be times when you will be tempted to spend everything you have saved up. At this moment the target must prevail.

It will be easier for you to save and save money if you have a big goal. For example, if a low-income person decides to save for a car, he may not notice, but the goal will wear him down on a subconscious level. Why? Because in his heart he will understand that having bought a car, he will need to give decent amounts of money for car maintenance, repairs, etc. But, for example, if a person’s goal is to open a business in order to realize his big goals (including buying a car), there will be a completely different motivation. Such a goal can mobilize human potential.

How to control your expenses and save more?

Often a lot of money is wasted on unnecessary or unnecessary expenses. A cup of coffee a day for 100 rubles. will cost you 3 thousand rubles. per month or 36 thousand rubles per year. Therefore, controlling your expenses will allow you to save a lot, which means you can save money faster for the necessary purchases.

In our system, all expenses are listed according to the following items:

  • Savings – minimum 10% of income . This money is immediately put aside and goes into a bank account.
  • Rent, telephone, Internet . Whether you want it or not, you have to pay. Therefore, this money needs to be put aside immediately.
  • Food expenses . You need to put this money aside immediately and control your spending on a weekly basis. For example, if you plan to spend 6,000 rubles on food. per month - per week you need to spend no more than 1,500 rubles. Otherwise, there is a risk that you will spend too much in the first weeks, and then you will live from hand to mouth or will not meet your budget.
  • Clothing expenses . You can make a list of things that should be in your wardrobe, determine the average price of one item and its service life - and based on these data, calculate approximately how much money you need to update your wardrobe within a year.
  • Transport costs . It is better to save in advance for car insurance and provide a separate line for repairs and services. All these expenses can be approximately calculated and estimated how much a car requires per month.
  • Leisure and entertainment expenses . Even if you need to save money quickly, do not completely give up the joys of life - this can cause depression.
  • Expenses for training and education , advanced training. You must always grow professionally so that your income also increases.
  • Contingency and reserves . You should always provide small amounts for unexpected expenses, approximately 3-5% of your earnings. You never know what you need to buy.

Since you do not buy clothes every month, the money intended for the purchase of a wardrobe can be deposited in a special bank account, part of which can be withdrawn without prejudice to interest. A number of banks offer similar products. This way, you can manage your money when needed and earn small interest—essentially additional income.

Rule #3: Find support in your environment

To prevent you from being tempted to stop in the middle of your journey, you can enlist the support of loved ones who will know about your goal and remind you of it during a difficult period. Therefore, you can tell your loved ones about your goals or share them on social media. networks - in this case you will have no escape route. You will try to finish what you started at any cost.

Either way, before you change your spending habits, you might want to tell those close to you about your goals and why achieving them is important to you.

Where to save money

To save money, you need to learn to control your expenses. The easiest way to save money is to do it immediately after receiving a salary or any other type of income. Determine what percentage you will save and deduct it systematically. You can do this using automatic payment: the bank itself, when accruing funds, will automatically transfer a certain percentage of them to a savings account.

The second way to save money is to find ways to earn more or get additional income to your main one. The main thing is to see how much you need monthly and focus on it.

Advice from : Be guided when spending only by your own common sense. Learn to respect yourself and your income: don’t waste your money down the drain. We live in a consumer world. Most of the things people spend money on are things they don't actually need. Try it and you will see for yourself.

Rule #4: Start saving gradually

Surely you know cases when people, having started saving, set themselves almost unrealistic goals. Often they begin to limit themselves in almost everything, their standard of living drops sharply.

Austerity measures rarely work.

After a month or two, these people break down, stop saving and don’t want to hear anything more about saving.

The ability to save and control your money is a skill (the same as, for example, the ability to drive a car). At first you feel insecure behind the wheel, sometimes you get lost, but gradually your driving becomes more and more confident. Therefore, to learn how to save and save money, you will need some time.

The best rules for saving are gradualism and regularity.

When you see what opportunities arise for you thanks to the accumulated capital, you will be inspired, and by this time, rational handling of money will already become a habit for you.

Rule #5: Always remember the “value” of money

Before you decide to start saving, it is important to calculate the cost of your hour. To do this, you need to take your salary and divide it by the number of hours you work per month.

Often people spend in a few hours the amount they earn over several days (for example, in the case of expensive entertainment). Or they take out a modern gadget on credit, the cost of which is equal to several salaries.

So before you buy something, think: how much do you need to work to earn this money?

Remember that time is the most valuable resource!

Rule #6: Remove temptations!

It is important to understand that as you save, you will likely encounter internal resistance as you step out of your comfort zone. Therefore, it is advisable for you to create conditions under which you will not have unnecessary temptations. For example, you can open a deposit without the ability to withdraw money and replenish it on payday without any excuses (more on this will be written below). You can also put away credit cards and shop less.

Connect your piggy bank to your bank account

Transferring money to a special account monthly is a good idea, but the human factor intervenes here. It's too easy to forget about it in a hurry (or pretend to forget). Automation in savings matters is a great helper.

Many banks provide this opportunity. For example, Sberbank has a “Kopilka” service, and Alfa Bank has a “Kopilka” account. Thanks to them you can:

  • Save a fixed percentage of your salary automatically. The service will respond to the receipt of money or transfer funds on the date you specify.
  • Transfer a percentage of each spend you determine. Let's say you bought a business lunch for 250 rubles, 25 rubles went to a special account. As a result, office lunches alone will bring you more than 500 rubles a month. Don't want money to leave your account? Spend less. This system is useful in both ways.

Rule #7: Keep records of income and expenses

It is important to record all your income and expenses.

This task is greatly simplified by various services for recording income and expenses, for example, CoinKeeper, Zen Money, Easy Finance.

Some people find it more convenient to immediately record their expenses in a mobile application. Some people find it more convenient to make calculations every day in the evening based on the results of the day. In any case, it is important to form the habit of monitoring your finances.

When you see all your expenses, you will understand where you spent more than expected and where you were able to save.

After receiving your salary, distribute the money, starting with mandatory payments.

For some people, envelopes help for these purposes (for example, “for utilities”, “for travel”, “for food”). Thanks to this method, extra money is unlikely to be spent.

How to save money as a teenager

A teenager can also raise money for a large purchase. For example, an expensive mobile phone or a class trip. He, however, will have to clearly separate those expenses on which he can save: not updating his wardrobe for a while, cutting down on lunch costs at school by cooking for himself at home. In addition, in the Russian Federation, teenagers from the age of 14, with the permission of their parents, can find a part-time job in their free time from school. If you calculate everything, you can understand how long it will take to collect money for the same iPhone. Parents, in turn, should encourage such aspirations of their child - in adulthood, he will also be careful with money.

Rule #8: Plan your budget in advance

Consciously planning your budget for the month and year ahead will help you better understand your financial situation.

If you see that you don’t have enough money for much of what you planned, you can adjust the budget or think about how to increase your income so that you have enough for everything.

Rule #9: Pay attention to detail!

Now that you have a clear picture of your costs, you can plan them consciously and understand which items you could cut. And since the whole picture of your expenses consists of small daily expenses, these are the ones you need to pay attention to.

Often, when people start saving, the first thing they do is cut down on food costs and buy cheap products of questionable quality. This approach will not lead to anything good.

First of all, we advise you to reconsider your diet. If you pay attention to your menu, you will probably notice a lot of tasty but unhealthy foods. Usually this is ice cream, fast food, chips, etc. Often these products are where most of the budget goes. Eating right can help you take care of your health and save money.

There is no need to skimp on the quality of products, but it is also not necessary to choose popular brands. Often expensive products have high-quality analogues.

Also, many housewives know that creating a menu for a week in advance saves quite large sums of money, because in this case, food that is not prepared on time is not thrown away. Therefore, it makes sense to make a large purchase at the store once a week (buying products that have a fairly long shelf life), and during the week buy only those products that are important to eat fresh (for example, some fruits and vegetables, bread, milk).

Here are some more saving tips:

Make a shopping list in advance

Thanks to this technique, you can save a lot. Before you go to the store, make a list of what you need to buy. This way you can avoid impulse purchases.

Calculate in advance the approximate purchase amount

Before going to the store, calculate how much money you need to take. If you come in to buy something unplanned, you won't have the money for it.

It is advisable to pay in cash

When we pay for goods using cards, we don’t feel the money, so we often buy completely unnecessary things. It’s harder to say goodbye to real banknotes than to virtual money, so it’s better to pay for purchases in cash.

But there is one point: when making cashless payments in many stores, bonuses are awarded in cash equivalent. By paying with a card constantly, you can accumulate a decent amount of money in the form of bonuses. Therefore, you can pay with a card if you are confident in the strength of your will.

Don't go shopping on payday

When you have a lot of money with you, a sea of ​​temptations usually arises. At these moments, it is difficult to realistically assess your financial situation, so on payday you often spend much more than usual. Therefore, it is better to go shopping the next day. Once you have allocated your money, you will most likely lose the desire to spend it uselessly.

Go shopping when you're full

In a hungry state, a person buys much more than he planned. At these moments, control is lost. Also, stores often use special techniques that awaken our appetite (for example, spreading the smell of fresh baked goods or something tasty throughout the sales area).

Don't be fooled by marketers

Often in stores, more expensive goods are located on the shelves in the center, while on the lower shelves you can see high-quality, but less expensive goods. Therefore, you can view the entire range of products and compare prices.

Be careful with promotional items

For such products, it is imperative to check the expiration date. If the expiration date is approaching, it is better to refuse such purchases in order to avoid health problems in the future.

Don't buy processed foods

Such products, as a rule, no longer contain useful and nutritious substances. Therefore, it is better to buy fresh products, since temporary savings on your health can lead to big problems in the future.

Freeze seasonal fruits and vegetables

If you want to eat healthy, you need to include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet all year round. In summer, vegetables and fruits are inexpensive, unlike in winter. Frozen foods are sold at huge premiums in stores, so you can freeze a lot of plant-based foods in the summer.

Use discount cards

Most stores have bonus cards and loyalty programs. Using discount cards, you can save significant amounts of money.

Buy online

In some cases, it makes sense to search for products on the Internet. Often in online stores you can find goods 10–30% cheaper than in offline stores.

Buy quality cosmetics

As with food, you should not skimp on cosmetics and other personal care products. Low quality cosmetics can lead to health problems.

Saving on clothes

Look through your wardrobe and think about what items you'll need next season. You can find out the cost of these things in advance and spread this price over several months. It is also profitable to buy expensive items during the off-season with huge discounts.

Take lunches with you to work

Most of the money is spent on lunches in canteens or cafes. If you take lunches with you, you will save money and take care of your health (since the quality of food in public catering is often low).

Save on utility bills

Don't waste electrical appliances

Remember to unplug electrical appliances when you are not using them. Even charging a phone when it is plugged in takes a certain amount of electricity.

Be careful about lighting

When you leave the room, don't forget to turn off the lights.

It is also useful to use spotlights to save money; for example, when reading before bed, you can turn on a lamp instead of a chandelier.

Energy-saving light bulbs also allow you to save money.

Buy energy-saving appliances

Household appliances are divided into classes depending on energy consumption. When you choose a washing machine, refrigerator and other large household appliances, it is better to give preference to models with energy saving class “A”.

Use household appliances and electrical appliances rationally

For example, when you turn on the stove, most of the electricity is spent heating it. Therefore, you can cook all the dishes at once once a day.

After you turn off the stove, it retains heat for some time. Therefore, when you are preparing dumplings, noodles or dumplings, you can turn off the stove after boiling, and the dish will “come” on its own.

When boiling water for tea or coffee, you can boil the right amount of water. For example, not a liter, but 200 - 300 ml.

It is better to load as much laundry into the washing machine as indicated in the instructions. If the machine is overloaded, 15–20% more electricity is consumed.

To ensure that the refrigerator does not consume a lot of electricity, you need to place it away from the stove, radiators and windows.

Install counters

Every year the cost of utilities increases. In order not to pay inflated average standards, you need to install meters. This investment will quickly pay off.

Insulate your home

Many apartments or houses are cold in winter and heaters are turned on, which consume huge amounts of electricity. Therefore, it often makes sense to change windows, the front door, and also insulate the foundation (if we are talking about a private house).

Save on transportation costs

If you often use public transport, you can buy monthly passes. You can also walk more often.

If you have your own car, sometimes it is more profitable to use public transport to save money.

Save on communication services and the Internet

A huge number of people spontaneously choose Internet operators and order services that they do not need. Therefore, you can compare the prices of providers and choose the most optimal option.

The same can be said about the cellular operator. Perhaps you have an expensive tariff that you don’t need, or you have paid services connected that you don’t use.

Save on entertainment

Those people who decide to save and save money should at least partially refuse to visit expensive restaurants, clubs, and cafes. You can relax in nature. Home gatherings are also often a pretty good way to entertain.

However, you don’t need to completely give up entertainment to avoid slipping into depression.

Do not make spontaneous large purchases!

Because you can save on little things and waste everything on buying a large item at an inadequate price.

How to save money faster using bank deposits?

Bank deposits are one of the most popular tools for saving money. There are several tricks that will help you save money faster through deposits:

  1. During the holidays, many banks offer special deposits with increased interest rates. Take advantage of these offers to get maximum income on your deposits.
  2. Today you can open a deposit not only in the branch, but also in the Internet bank. At the same time, interest rates on deposits opened in Internet banking are higher. Take advantage of this.
  3. A number of banks offer bank cards that charge interest on the balance. You can freely spend funds from the card, while earning a little from the account balance.
  4. A number of banks, in addition to deposits, offer the purchase of savings certificates or bonds. Please note that savings certificates and bonds are not insured, unlike deposits. Therefore, it is a riskier investment (you could lose money).
  5. A number of banks provide bonuses when paying for purchases with a bank card. Use these bonuses to save money.
  6. Pay attention to the terms of the deposit. It is important to find out whether or not you can replenish the deposit, by what amounts, and what percentage will be charged on the funds if the deposit is closed early. These conditions vary greatly depending on the type of deposit and the bank.

Rule #10: Get rid of things that suck money

Get rid of debt

Debt drains your energy. After they are repaid, you will have more energy that can be spent on accelerating the accumulation of money.

If you have a lot of debts and it is not yet possible to start paying them off, try refinancing with another organization with more favorable conditions.
Often, after refinancing, you save a significant amount every month due to reduced interest. However, even with loans, you can still save money.

Try to allocate 10% of your income every month, no matter what. Of these, you can save half of the amount, and leave the second part of the amount for early repayment of debts. With this method, despite having debts, you will be able to set goals.

Eliminate dependencies!

If you have bad habits, before buying alcohol or tobacco, calculate how much money you spend on them per year. Often, after calculating this amount, many are very surprised, since we are talking about tens of thousands of rubles.

The optimal solution for preserving your health and a decent amount of money is the decision to give up bad habits.

Learn to say "No"

Surely you have encountered a situation where your debts are not repaid. To avoid this, learn to say “no” to beggars (of course, we are not talking about close relatives and friends). We are talking about that category of people who like to live “for free”. When such a person asks you for money, consider whether you want to give him your savings.

Rule #12: Increase your income

After you start saving, you may find that you have a certain amount of time freed up (this is the time that you spent on going to shopping centers, on entertainment, and everything else that took up time and money).

When you have more time, you can devote it to increasing your income to accumulate money faster:

  • You can find a part-time job.
  • You can gain new knowledge and improve your skills, thereby increasing your income.
  • You can master a new area of ​​activity that will bring you additional income. People who create multiple sources of income typically do not have time for a lavish lifestyle.

How to save money for an apartment

Saving money is just a way to give up some purchases today in order to afford a fairly large expenditure up to the purchase of your own real estate. The ability to spend money wisely also allows a person to significantly improve their own financial situation. If you are used to spending all your earnings and cannot save money at home, then it makes sense to use banking services. You can also withdraw money from your account at any time, but this is fraught with loss of interest. Yes, and money on deposit is not the same as money in your wallet, which you can simply take out and spend.

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