Sergey Katyrin: Family business needs to be legalized in Russia

In this material:

  • Benefits of a family business
  • Family business: best ideas Online store
  • Private kindergarten
  • Livestock
  • Crop production
  • Consulting via Skype
  • Walking and training dogs
  • Mushroom farm
  • Rural tourism
  • Apiary
  • Handmade soap production
  • Production of semi-finished products
  • Order a business plan
  • Choose a similar franchise
  • Starting your own business comes with both rewards and potential risks. Firstly, start-up capital is required. Secondly, careful selection of personnel is required. Thirdly, choosing an optimal niche for work that would have a demand for goods or services, but would not involve serious competition. All these stages are eliminated if you go into business together with relatives. There are dozens of family business ideas, so only the most current options are given below.

    How to open a family business

    What is a family business?

    Of course, you can resort to official economic formulations, but let’s explain everything in simple words.
    So, a family business is a type of entrepreneurial activity in which only relatives are involved, and there are practically no outsiders. It should be noted that this type of entrepreneurial activity is most common in the United States - most farms have a “family origin” and often this type of self-employment is passed on from generation to generation.

    business in the USA

    Benefits of a family business

    Abroad, such a phenomenon is not only rare, but practically commonplace, when parents, children or close relatives are engaged in the same business. In Russia, family businesses are just gaining popularity, but there are quite a lot of ideas for implementation.

    Before moving on to organizational measures, you should find out all the pros and cons of a family business.

    Positive sides:

    1. Cohesion - people working together automatically become closer, acquire common interests and views. Considering that it is supposed to be a family business, relations between relatives are only improving.
    2. Savings – there is no need to hire staff and pay salaries to strangers. All profits remain within the family.
    3. Trust - you can discuss any work issues with relatives without fear that the information will fall into third hands.
    4. Determination - if hired employees work only for a salary, then a family business involves the desire for development and expansion, even with some financial sacrifices.
    5. Ease of organizing a business - this includes low investments due to the joint participation of several family members, no need to find premises (when growing agricultural products, livestock farming and similar ideas).

    Negative sides:

    1. The need to maintain subordination in business relationships - despite the fact that family members are involved in business, there is no place for feelings and emotions in the work process. Not everyone understands this and makes fatal mistakes. For example, appointing a wife or son who does not have the necessary knowledge to the post of financial director, instead of giving the position to a relative with special education.
    2. Different views on doing business, leading to family quarrels.
    3. Lack of other topics for conversation between husband and wife, because they are constantly in the center of the same business, and on top of that, they do not have time to rest each other. According to statistics, couples who work together are more likely to have conflicts over trivial matters than spouses who work in different places.

    The last point is a fairly common problem, because close people see each other constantly, talk about personal things at work, and about work at home, which leaves a negative imprint on both sides of life.

    Advice: to ensure that a family business does not harm personal relationships, you need to draw up a business plan for your future idea and assign positions (responsibilities) in advance that should not overlap. For example, the husband is responsible for searching for suppliers of raw materials or distribution channels, spending most of the time in negotiations, and the wife is responsible for accounting or receiving calls from clients by phone.


    Growing vegetables remains a highly liquid business to this day. This option fits perfectly into the family business.

    The modern vegetable market is overflowing with products imported from China, Turkey and other countries that are not famous for their quality and good taste. That is why people prefer to overpay, but get vegetables that retain all the vitamins and are not exposed to agricultural pesticides and other preservative technologies.

    Features of this family business:

    1. To start you will need (if we consider the option of a year-round business):
        Land plot (for the first time at least 2-3 acres)
    2. Heated greenhouse or greenhouse complex;
    3. Raw materials;
    4. Fertilizer;
    5. Water;
    6. Special equipment.
    7. Sales market:
        Food stores;
    8. Traditional stall markets;
    9. Revenue: from 100 thousand per month.
    10. Payback period : 1 season.
    11. The amount of costs can be 50-100 thousand rubles (provided that you own a plot of land).

    Video: how to become an eco-farmer

    Pros of the idea:

    • High demand;
    • Relatively low costs;
    • Environmentally friendly production;
    • No special knowledge required;
    • The process does not involve the use of equipment;


    • Hard physical labor;
    • Constant monitoring and creation of suitable conditions for crops.

    Disadvantages of a Family Business

    Disadvantages of a Family Business

    Disadvantages of a Family Business

    “If you need money, go to strangers; if you need advice, go to your friends; and if you don’t need anything, go to your relatives.” Mark Twain

    • Family relationships can be destroyed due to misunderstandings in financial terms; when the project begins to make a profit, everyone seems to have invested the most - this is why it is necessary to invite an experienced lawyer at the beginning of the business model and distribute the roles of the startup participants
    • The whole family may end up in debt if the business fails. You can avoid this by refusing to take out a bank loan and using alternative sources of finding financing for your future project
    • There are often cases when, due to the negligence of one representative of the company, the reputation and level of income of other members of the family business suffers. There is a mismatch between the employee and the position he occupies. In this case, the main owner of the block of shares must be firm - if the employee does not want to fully fulfill the duties assigned to him, then he is subject to either dismissal or retraining. It is worth clearly distinguishing between family and business relationships.
    • The founder of the business may lose the authority and respect of other family members.
    • Two or more people can apply for leadership positions in a business.

    As we can see, the main problems of running a family business lie precisely in the psychology of family relationships. Before starting a serious business that can bring income with your family, think about whether the team will be able to work as cohesively as in the future, whether the business will have the potential for development, or whether the business will have to be divided with the first income received in a court.

    Organizing a business from scratch: what is needed for this

    Today's opportunities for starting your own business are endless. A home business from scratch can be built in any direction of business activity, with the exception of some prohibited by law:

    • production of alcoholic beverages;
    • production of pyrotechnic products and weapons;
    • production of medicines and their sale;
    • stocks and bods market.

    Family business where to start? First of all, you should decide on the field of activity. Study the features of the market, find your niche where your knowledge and skills of relatives will be appropriate. There are many options for a family business, but which one to choose depends on the specific abilities of the organizers.

    Having decided on the direction of activity, it’s time to start drawing up an important document - a business plan. You will definitely need it if you need to take out a loan from a bank or seek help from investors. What should it include?

    1. A specific description of the project: what the company will do, what will be offered to clients, your goals and methods of achieving them.
    2. Listing of goods or services that will be provided to consumers, indicating their characteristics.
    3. Results of marketing research: description of competitors, potential clients, features of the market area where you plan to work.
    4. Production plan.
    5. A sales plan, where you need to indicate exactly how you will sell services or goods, as well as methods for attracting customers.
    6. A financial plan, which should outline expenses and income.
    7. Applications: enterprise sustainability analysis, graphs, calculations, etc.

    The business plan must indicate the legal documents that will regulate your business activities.

    business plan

    How to open a family business? If you are starting from scratch, you should pay attention to other important issues that you will have to face. What else needs to be foreseen and done?

    1. Register the enterprise using the appropriate form. Usually this is an individual entrepreneur or LLC.
    2. Find start-up capital if you don’t have your own funds.
    3. Rent premises for office or production workshops.
    4. Purchase or rent equipment.
    5. Distribute income correctly.
    6. Do advertising.

    Family Business Options

    You can create a small bakery and run a business there for several decades in a row, or you can develop and grow into a whole family corporation - whatever you like.

    There are the following types of family businesses:

    • Small business - no more than 10 people, often they are all relatives, there is no third-party personnel at all, or it is 1-2 people as assistants or even partners.
    • A family company – there is already a whole hierarchy visible here. In this case, we are no longer talking about a small type of entrepreneurial activity, and each relative often works in his own specific area.
    • A family corporation is precisely this type of business that is passed on from generation to generation; the shareholders of such a company are family members.

    Home kindergarten

    In Russia, it is allowed to open a private preschool institution in residential buildings and apartments. This provides great advantages for organizing a small family-type business. The most expensive item (rent) will be excluded from the business plan, which will allow you to start a business with minimal investment.

    Important! This type of business is convenient for mothers on maternity leave. In addition, it belongs to the social types of small business, so the organizers can count on a free subsidy from the state in 2020.

    Costs of organizing a private kindergarten in your apartment

    ExpenditureDisposable (RUB)Monthly (for 5 children), rub.
    Repair and equipment of the premisesfrom 100,000
    Children's furniture (tables, chairs, mats, folding beds, sports equipment)from 50 000
    Hygiene products5000

    * to enroll 5 children in a home kindergarten, large-scale advertising is not needed - just advertise on Avito, VKontakte, and declare yourself on a local forum.

    On average, parents pay from 12,000 rubles for a private kindergarten. up to 20,000 rub. per month. Thus, the income for 5 kids will be 60,000 - 100,000 rubles. This is the number of children that 1 person can keep track of. If you open a private kindergarten as a family business, you can take twice as many children. At the same time, net profit will increase.

    Moreover, if you like the idea of ​​opening a “full-fledged” kindergarten in a separate room in 2020, you should add rent (from 40,000 rubles), additional equipment and staff salaries (from 20,000 rubles per person). If a kindergarten is organized without the involvement of additional workers, the cost of hiring labor will remain in the family budget.

    Home kindergarten

    What is the best way to start a home business from scratch?

    The choice of a specific idea will depend solely on your preferences, as well as financial capabilities. For example, you can organize food delivery, which, by the way, you can also cook right at home.

    Categories of business ideas

    • Auto business
    • Agribusiness
    • In the garage
    • For children
    • Home business
    • Internet business
    • Medical business
    • Catering
    • Production
    • Entertainment and relaxation
    • Retail
    • Sport and health
    • Construction and repair
    • Services sector

    Subordination and order

    Business is psychology, and often its sustainability depends on the level of trust in the team. However, it is very important to draw a clear line between personal relationships and business ones.

    A good place to start is to develop the internal rules of the organization - even if it employs two people.

    Unlike the organization’s charter, such an agreement must stipulate the staffing schedule of employees, the code of their communication and establish a “vertical of power”, that is, a structure of official subordination of employees. In addition, despite the apparent formalism, a job description, which clearly states the rights and responsibilities of each employee, their areas of responsibility, as well as penalties in case of non-compliance with the rules, can play a good role in building a family company.

    This document will help you avoid conflicts and manipulation from loved ones when problems arise in your personal life or at work. Moreover, it will be useful to write down KPIs (key performance indicators) for each position and an incentive system: under what conditions can an employee count on a bonus. Fair remuneration is the key to long-term development of a family business and comfortable relationships in the team.

    Despite the popular belief that the main thing in a family business is family ties, each employee must still have a certain set of competencies. To objectively assess the professional level of a relative-colleague, you should offer him a professionalism test before hiring, which will allow you to assess his real market value.

    Psychology and talent discovery

    Even if a relative does not yet reach the level of a highly qualified specialist, the professional aptitude test will serve as motivation for him to develop, and will help the manager in his professional growth. As a rule, each family member knows the character of the other very well and understands the motivation of a loved one, moreover, he is sincerely interested in his development as a person. Such a business makes it possible to find use for the talents of almost every family member. At the same time, it is important what kind of climate was established in the family before this. If respect for each other reigns in a family, then most likely, these same values ​​will prevail in the conduct of business.

    The main thing you need to understand when starting a business is that a person’s personal life is sacred, therefore work tasks and problems unresolved in the office should not affect personal relationships, business conflicts should in no case be transferred to the family and vice versa. This will lead to a clear distinction between business and family relationships, which will only benefit the business. If each family member is sincerely interested in the business and is maximally concentrated on what he himself is doing, and is not inclined to shift blame and responsibility to others, then such an enterprise has every chance of success.

    Synergy effect

    “When Aromaco was created, I could not afford to hire the most expensive specialists on the market, since the budget was limited,” says Aromaco CEO Ruslan Yuldashev. “But over time, I realized that managers sell poorly, and accountants do not count well. Then I decided to part with ineffective employees and attract people not with money, but with an idea. I invited friends and relatives - my wife and mother - to my company. I see many more advantages in such a model than disadvantages. After all, you can rely on your loved ones for those tasks that you cannot always entrust to a stranger.”

    It is extremely stupid to kick your relatives for shortcomings that you already know about, or to be upset about the way they behave, because you initially understand perfectly well what to expect from them. It is much more correct to create situations in which they can behave differently, more effectively for the company, the businessman believes.

    In addition, at first, small businesses are really forced to save. And relatives can work for free or for symbolic remuneration - in anticipation of future dividends. At the same time, everyone knows that capital and profit will go to the family’s general budget and make up family capital, which will go to their common heirs. True, as the family firm grows, family problems begin to grow, which are aggravated when the company is passed on by inheritance. According to statistics, only five percent of family firms manage not only to preserve their family business, but also to continue to develop it during the third change of generations of owners.

    How to save and increase

    “A family business has both its pros and cons,” admits Yulia Kogan, founder of the online confectionery store Konditoriya. – Pros: you won’t be deceived or let down, such a business is a common hobby, everything earned goes to the family, if you’re tired, you can honestly say about it – they will always come to your aid. Disadvantages: discussion of matters around the clock and non-stop, inevitable quarrels, the degree of responsibility towards the partner is higher, since he is a family member; when closing a family project, there will certainly not be any resentment.”

    The two most important problems in a family business are the procedure for transferring the company by inheritance, the proper preparation of the heir, and the fragility and instability of the marital option for running the business, according to family relations experts. “I can definitely say that family business is not for all couples. In some cases, this is impossible due to differences in views, says Maria Potudina, who founded the Khokhlovka Original showroom with her husband. – Often failures, as well as successes, are transferred from business to the mood at the family table. However, we all make mistakes, we are sensitive to criticism and failures, but if you accept this in yourself and your partner, life becomes much easier. But at the same time, we travel for several months a year, discover new countries, raise a child and at the same time come up with new projects and develop the current project.”

    Maria Potudina, co-founder of the Khokhlovka Original showroom: “Believe me, this is not at all the same as working even in the coolest office!”

    As for the transfer of family business by inheritance, this largely depends on the ideology within the family and the correct “school of heirs”. The lack of business education leads to the fact that the business often closes when the creator leaves it, since children who have not gone through the proper “school” are unable to continue the endeavors of their parents.

    Family Medical Center

    The idea is especially relevant for families who have been developing in the field of medicine for several generations.

    Opening a multidisciplinary medical center is an expensive business, but you can start accumulating funds and then investing them in business expansion from the following areas:

    • Family and child psychologist (you can visit your home or rent a small office);
    • Private analysis laboratory, treatment room;
    • Manual therapy (a couch and supplies will be required);
    • Strengthening, healing massage for children and adults (massage table and special creams, oils).
    • Income : from 100-200 thousand rubles per month (in a narrow focus), income from the center - from 1-2 million rubles;
    • Payback period : from 6 months.
    • The cost of offering a narrow profile is from 20 thousand rubles (for the subsequent organization of a private multidisciplinary medical clinic, 1-6 million rubles will be required).

    Features of the idea:

    1. A large flow of clients (today people prefer private medicine because they receive quality and service, in contrast to the constant queues and dissatisfaction of doctors in public institutions);
    2. The market in this area is at the stage of development;

    Video: how to open your own clinic

    Details and specifics of the lesson

    In general, such activities are very common today. It has been practiced for quite a long time, because, as a rule, such a thing is inherited and does not extend beyond even the largest family. Although, of course, hired labor in large family corporations becomes a necessary necessity. It is even customary to divide this type of employment into several types.

    Today, organizing your own business with the involvement of relatives who may be competent in certain matters is a great idea for a budding entrepreneur

    The first and most popular type is considered to be small enterprises that employ up to ten people. Any family members or immediate relatives here interact in a coordinated and harmonious manner, replacing each other if necessary. The second type includes well-structured companies, where each employee-relative is employed in a certain area and works hard, benefiting the entire company. Such teams look much more professional than the first option. Of course, the results of such activities will be much higher.

    The third type are family corporations - these are large and stable enterprises or companies where relatives are the founders. Such a business, as a rule, will be inherited by the younger generation - children, and then grandchildren.

    As a rule, if we talk about a family business, we always mean wealth, success and a stable income. But it's not that simple. Where to start a family business is a question that requires a separate discussion. Remember, this is a very complex and responsible task, where the interests and actions of not one person, but a group of certain individuals will be affected. Success here largely depends on coordination of actions, trust in each other and the understanding that everyone is working for a single desired goal .

    Veterinary clinic, dog handler services

    Almost every second family has a pet and treats it as a full member. Therefore, this business promises success.

    Case Features:

    1. Opening a veterinary clinic will require 50-100 thousand rubles:
        Dog examination couches;
    2. Medicines;
    3. To offer dog handler services, special education is required (the offer is most relevant in a large city);
    4. Income: from 200 thousand rubles per month.
    5. Payback period: from 5-6 months.

    Video: veterinary clinic as a business

    Pros of the idea:

    • Communication with animals brings pleasure and acts as an alternative therapy;
    • To rent premises, it is better to choose residential areas of the city (prices are cheaper, demand is greater).


    • High responsibility;
    • Special education and experience are required.

    Variety of choice of activities

    The search for a suitable idea and concept for a project, of course, largely depends on the abilities and skills of all household members whom you plan to unite with a common goal. It’s easier to start any business if you have at least the slightest idea about it. Having also considerable experience, an entrepreneur can be confident in the guaranteed success of the undertaking.

    Working in the service sector, for example, creating a law firm together with relatives, will be a good solution for starting your own business

    If you have a legal education or experience as a notary, try starting your own legal services firm. You can also consider the option of organizing your own cafe or restaurant when you or your relatives have extensive culinary experience and like to receive guests. Opening your own online store will also be useful - after all, this service is now gaining a large audience and is extremely popular. The main thing is to competently approach the organization of your business and do work that would be interesting to all your loved ones .

    Ideas for a family business from scratch can be very diverse, taking into account the preferences of all potential clients. You can, say, start selling computer equipment, open a shoe or clothing store, provide people with all kinds of services: from working as a translator to organizing special events. Your imagination and the capabilities of your entire circle will certainly help you organize an enterprise that will differ from competitors and be in demand in the market.

    Many people, when starting their own business, are accustomed to relying only on themselves, but in future work they may always need a like-minded person who will advise or help in difficult times. Thanks to the fact that there is a close and reliable person nearby, many stores expand, and small businesses become large corporations with an excellent reputation.

    Purchasing a mini-factory or industrial line will help you create a successful project together with people close to you.

    Before you start implementing your plan, think about what you can offer to clients in future work and how to expand the range of existing products or services. In general, many businessmen have built a good career on the following types of activities:

    • private kindergarten;
    • farming;
    • furniture company;
    • own hotel;
    • fitness club.

    All of these options can be a good start for founding a profitable and successful company. It is not necessary to start your actions with something new and unknown to people; try organizing the same store or cafe, but with a big difference from competitors. You must enter the service market not as a beginner, but as an experienced entrepreneur, ready to offer your clients the best and different from other establishments.

    Popular Entrepreneurship Ideas

    If the choice fell on a family business, then it is better to rely on the experience of other entrepreneurs and, on this basis, decide on the future direction. Retail trade remains one of the most popular niches.

    Selling various goods to the population has always been of interest to entrepreneurs. The range of activities is truly huge: sale of food, clothing and shoes, cosmetics and perfumes, various household goods. There are also highly specialized areas - trade in furniture, plumbing, and electronic equipment. Depending on the choice of activity, the requirements for opening your own store differ. The state especially carefully controls the sale of food products, because the life and health of consumers depends on it. Since food products require special storage conditions, compliance with all sanitary standards relating to both the premises and employees is strictly regulated.

    Despite the fact that other areas of trade do not require as many permits, they also have their own nuances that are best taken into account in advance. For example, furniture stores are demanding on the size of the premises, and the sale of clothing and shoes requires the presence of fitting rooms, which also occupy a significant part of the space. Entrepreneurs involved in retail trade are familiar with the situation when not all of the goods on display can be sold to customers, which adversely affects profits.

    In addition to trade, catering remains a fairly popular area. To open such a family business you will need a large premises. From the point of view of registering an establishment with government agencies, the situation is even more complicated than when opening a store. In cases where an entrepreneur does not pay significant attention to this issue, he risks receiving high fines or orders requiring him to close his establishment until the regulatory authorities confirm that the errors have been eliminated.

    The hotel business remains one of the most expensive in terms of budget and number of organizational events. Due to the fact that it involves not only providing accommodation services for guests, but also providing them with food, you will also need to have a cafe or restaurant on the premises of your establishment. Therefore, such a family business as a hotel also implies those nuances that would be required in order to open a business in the catering industry.

    If you plan to start with a small hostel that will only provide visitors with accommodation, then it is worth considering the low return on investment for this type of business. Such services are in demand due to their low prices, while the cost of repairs and furniture remains quite high.

    So what kind of family business can you open if the listed areas of activity are not suitable for beginning entrepreneurs?

    What family business to open from scratch

    What should you be wary of in a family business?

    1. As you know, relatives can also betray. As the wise Mark Twain wrote: “If you need money, go to strangers; if you need advice, go to your friends; and if you don’t need anything, go to your relatives.”

    2. Money disputes too often destroy family relationships.

    3. If a family business goes bankrupt, the whole family risks falling into debt.

    4. Conflicts often occur in family businesses due to the fact that, as they say, “every family has its black sheep”—one of the family members begins to neglect his duties, counting on the favor of the others.

    5. Lack of ability and interest in the business, incompatibility with the position of one of the relatives, whom you have to hire only because he is a family member.

    6. Not all family members understand that family and business relationships are different things.

    7. The founder of a family business may cease to enjoy authority and the rest of the family members will not want to obey him.

    8. A new family member, more successful and authoritative, may appear in the family team, but a conflict with the former leader is possible.

    9. Every family “keeps its own skeletons in its closets,” which, in the event of conflicts, threaten to spill out to the detriment of the cause. Moreover, envy and ambition are often present in any team, and family is no exception.

    10. Practice shows that few family businesses manage to “survive” at least until the third generation. As a rule, at the second stage - the heirs of the founders - they stop.

    Pros and cons of family business

    In Russia, as throughout the world, most small businesses are family businesses. Not all of them manage to become not only successful, but also maintain and increase their capital. Many such companies do not survive beyond three generations. What prevents family businesses from thriving?

    The main wealth in the world is family wealth, accumulated over centuries. These are the fortunes that are not usually featured on the Forbes and Bloomberg lists; they are many times greater than the millions of Gates and Buffett, says historian Andrei Fursov.

    The most obvious example of the financial success of family businesses is the business empires of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. Thus, the total wealth of the Rothschild bankers, according to the most conservative estimates of experts, is off the scale at $3.2 trillion, although no one can give an exact figure - the roots are buried too deeply. The fortune of another world-famous dynasty, the Rockefellers, is about a trillion less, historians say. Moreover, representatives of both families do not top the popular lists of the richest people in the world - money loves silence, they are convinced.

    However, in small business we are talking, as a rule, about amounts millions of times less, however, the principles of conducting joint business do not change from this. The main idea, regardless of the scale of the enterprise, is the same - reliance on your own family, because only close people can provide what no amount of money can buy - loyalty. But the problem is that a company built on family principles cannot always be effective and viable.

    Special treatment

    According to the latest Chamber of Commerce and Industry survey of more than 2 thousand family businesses from 78 regions of Russia, 82% of respondents report extremely complex rules for regulating labor relations, which force them not to officially register their relatives to work for the company. “That is, officially in many cases there is no family business, but in practice it exists,” Katyrin emphasized. “It should be recognized that family business participants are simply not motivated to officially find employment in their company due to extremely high legislative regulation.”

    The head of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry believes that creating optimal working conditions for family businesses will contribute to its legalization and bringing it out of the shadows, which, in turn, will allow for an increase in entrepreneurial activity and replenish regional budgets. At the same time, participants in family enterprises will be provided with social guarantees, Katyrin emphasized.

    He proposes to provide special conditions for preferential lending for family businesses, as well as preferential rental and leasing of property, space for non-stationary retail facilities, the opportunity to participate in specialized fairs and other support measures. One of such solutions, according to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, could be a family patent, which would reduce document flow and reduce the costs of enterprises. “The introduction of a family patent will make it possible to legalize participants in family businesses. You pay once a year and work, no one else will demand any papers from you,” explained Katyrin. Only family members could work under a patent. Now there is a discussion about who should be understood as family members within the framework of the family business law, he noted.

    First vice-president of the business association “Opora Rossii” Vladislav Korochkin agrees that “support for family enterprises should first of all consist in simplifying all kinds of reporting, so that such an enterprise, if not equated to self-employed, then has a status approximately like an individual entrepreneur.” He emphasized that the availability of low-cost financing could be further increased for family businesses. “Since a family enterprise is not even an LLC, and all its employees depend on each other, then any abuse with loans or anything else is simply impossible,” Korochkin is sure.

    Therefore, he sees it advisable to soften the requirements for bank collateral to obtain a loan. In addition, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation could reduce the reserve requirements for banks for loans to family businesses, Korochkin believes. This would make loans cheaper for family businesses. “Agricultural enterprises are provided with preferential loans at 5%; family enterprises, probably, could also be given loans at the same rate,” says the first vice-president of Opora Russia.

    Boris Titov, the Commissioner under the President of Russia for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, believes that the decision on specific benefits for family businesses should be transferred to the regional level, as is the case with the law on social entrepreneurship, which today allows regions to further define criteria for classifying a business as social. “For example, in Moscow, in our opinion, there would be a great demand for preferential rent of space for family businesses. Many areas are idle, and the owners would be willing to rent them out for free, subject to a small compensation from the state,” Titov noted.

    He emphasized the importance of helping family businesses to improve the well-being of the population. “This bill will, of course, help the economy, but it will have an even greater impact on the fight against poverty. Today, with the birth of a third child, the financial situation of most families deteriorates significantly; the status of a family enterprise with corresponding benefits, including preferential financing, will be a support for them,” he believes.

    Family business: best ideas

    The choice of direction for a family business directly depends on the practical knowledge and experience in any field of all family members. It is not advisable to choose a computer or Internet topic if the entire practical basis boils down to starting a PC and accessing the Internet.

    Situations are widespread when one of the family members is well versed in something or has the appropriate education, and at the same time involves other relatives in the matter. In this case, an important role is given to training people in their responsibilities, as well as a clear explanation of the principle of operation of the business scheme.

    Translation services


    If everyone in your family is a polyglot, then providing translation services will be the right choice.

    Personal purchases of goods


    Not everyone has the time or opportunity to go shopping. You can make purchases according to the client's list for a fee.

    Internet Security Consultant


    Computer security is a very pressing issue nowadays. You can help individuals or companies keep their information assets safe.

    Animal care


    In 2012, 62% of Russian families had pets. It's no surprise that the demand for pet care services is only growing.

    Execution of orders


    Go to a store or studio, pay bills, buy medicine at a pharmacy, cook soup - together with other family members you can quickly cope with such small tasks. The reward will be good commissions.

    Sweet pastries


    Home bakeries always make a decent profit.

    Delivery service


    Agree, the courier will always find a job, especially if you have personal transport.

    Online store

    Opening an online store requires skills in the following areas:

    • website development;
    • SEO promotion of the project;
    • Internet Marketing.

    For one person to do all the things at the same time is quite problematic, because an online store requires not only working at a computer, processing information, but also ordering products, placing them in a warehouse and sending them to customers.

    Advantages of an online store as a family business:

    • minimal investment – ​​the main expenses involve the creation and promotion of a website. If one of your relatives understands the topic, then start-up capital is only needed to purchase the first batch of goods and rent a warehouse;
    • no need for an office - you can conduct administrative activities directly from home;
    • minimal risks - things are sold via the Internet that can be successfully sold within any time. If for some reason the business starts unsuccessfully, then the product will be sold in any case.

    Private kindergarten

    Russian legislation does not prohibit the organization of private preschool education, which can clearly be seen in a large number of paid kindergartens. The principle of the business is based on the formation of a group of children of 5-10 people, which depends on the area of ​​the premises and the capabilities of the entrepreneur.

    You can often find on the Internet business plans for private kindergartens, organized on the basis of your own apartment. In practice, achieving this is not so easy. Firstly, a large area of ​​25-30 square meters is required. m. for a playroom and the same for a bedroom. Secondly, it is problematic to live in one apartment and at the same time place a preschool institution there, since the rest of the family members will feel uncomfortable. Thirdly, serious repairs are required in accordance with current sanitary standards for the organization of preschool education places.

    The best option for a private kindergarten is to rent real estate. The same apartment will do, but it is rented out as offices on the first floors of an apartment building. You will need 2-3 people as employees - a teacher, a cook and a nanny.

    Important: if the business is organized by a woman who will personally work as a teacher, then she must have a pedagogical education.

    Preliminary calculations show that a private kindergarten is an excellent family business. You will only have to spend money on renting and renovating the premises, as well as purchasing the necessary furniture, which in total will cost 100-150 thousand rubles.

    Profit depends on the number of children in the group. Parental fees per month vary between 10-12 thousand rubles. Even if 10 people attend the kindergarten, the profit will be 120 thousand rubles. Net income – 50-60 thousand.

    Walking and training dogs

    The business idea can be implemented as one whole or as 2 separate types, because almost anyone can walk with a pet, but only a professional can do training.

    Dog walking as a business is not complicated:

    • an advertisement is placed in a newspaper or on the Internet about the provision of services;
    • a work schedule is drawn up depending on the number of clients and preferred time;
    • meeting with the client and handing over the dog for 1-2 hours for the specified fee.

    The activity excludes any costs, but with proper organization it can generate serious income. For example, a husband and wife started walking dogs. Each person collaborates with 4 clients per day. The cost of the service is 300 rubles per hour.

    Result: 2,400 rubles for two per day. Monthly family income is 72,000 rubles with a time investment of 5-6 hours a day.

    Dog training requires a more serious approach to business, since it requires both knowledge and a place to work. The organization of the process follows a similar plan as with walking - an advertisement is submitted, an agreement is concluded with the client, and the dog is trained in commands.

    As a location, you can choose a green area for walking animals, or countryside surroundings. No investment is required, and income depends on the desired cost of services and the number of clients. In the future, you can organize your own dog training school.

    Mushroom farm

    Growing mushrooms at home requires a minimum investment with a high percentage of profit. Initially, the farm can be organized in the basement of a private house or in a specially equipped room. In urban conditions - renting a basement. The monthly fee is minimal, and the profit from selling mushrooms in the first month will cover all costs.

    Organization of a mushroom farm:

    • acquisition of components - soil, containers, fertilizers, spores. It is best to buy champignons or oyster mushrooms;
    • care and cultivation of mushrooms - it is enough to pay attention to the farm 1-2 times a day for 20-30 minutes;
    • search for distribution channels - shops, cafes, restaurants, pizzerias;
    • harvesting and sales.

    Income depends on the scale of the mushroom farm, but in the first month you can reach a result of 30-40 thousand rubles.

    Handmade soap production

    Soap making does not require special education, but you will have to learn the technique of creating a product. Organization of the process is possible at home in a private home, or in a rented room with an area of ​​10-15 square meters. m. Initial expenses only include the purchase of inexpensive equipment and components for making soap.

    The most difficult thing is finding distribution channels. Today there are a huge number of hygiene products on the market, so it will be difficult to surprise with handmade soap. It will require the development of a unique shape, color and smell. You can sell products through your own retail outlet or through intermediary services.

    Earnings directly depend on the volume of products produced and the speed of turnover.

    Small business on environmentally friendly products

    Russians have become more interested in a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, 74% of Russian citizens live in cities - access to environmentally friendly products is limited for them. Business in natural milk, meat, vegetables and fruits is one of the most promising in 2020.

    Read also:

    Own quail farm: earnings and losses of the poultry business

    The choice of a specific direction depends on where you live. It is easier for city dwellers living in a village or urban-type settlement to organize a growing/delivery enterprise, and for an urban family to open an eco-products store.

    Organizing an eco-farm

    Investment in a farm depends on the scale of the project. If you have a plot of land and seed material, you can grow vegetables (cereals) at a minimum cost. But the revenue will be small. To reach industrial scale, the idea will require significant financial investments. Experts estimate the minimum cost of creating an eco-farm in 2020 at 1,000,000 rubles. How to cut costs? Focus on one direction first.

    Greenhouse - part of an ecological farm

    Launch of a small poultry complex (production of environmentally friendly chicken eggs)

    ExpensesCosts (RUB)Notes
    TOTAL (calculation for 5 months)55000
    Chicken coop for 200 chickens5000Chickens need free space to roam, so the “houses” are made portable.
    Chickens (200 individuals)25000Laying hens are fed fresh grass, larvae, and worms.
    Water, organic feed (the average cost of organic grain is 10-20 rubles per 1 kg; 200 chickens will eat 15 kg in 1 day)5,000 per month; 25,000 for 5 months. Each chicken is provided with an individual comfortable place in the chicken coop.

    Given that a chick takes 150 days to grow into an adult hen, the farm will not generate income for six months. From the 6th month you can count on a “harvest” - 200 chickens will bring 6,000 eggs (the average price for 1 egg is 10 rubles) and 60,000 rubles. When calculating net profit, it is necessary to take into account the cost of packaging, advertising, and delivery. In general, an eco-farm is a promising type of small business, but you shouldn’t count on a quick payback. The business becomes profitable after 2-3 years.

    Important! In order to supply products to large retail chains, it is necessary to obtain an environmental certificate of conformity - this will give the company the right to label its products according to international standards.

    Eco-products store

    Perhaps in the future, a small business will grow into a network that will cover the entire country, but an individual family is more likely to start with a small pavilion or rent space in a hypermarket.

    Expenses for opening an eco-products store (in rubles)

    • rent (5-10 sq. m.) – 20,000;
    • refrigeration and commercial equipment (purchased once) – 100,000;
    • delivery (preferably having your own transport) – 5,000;
    • laboratory services - 2,000;
    • advertising – 10,000;
    • packaging – 5,000;

    TOTAL – 142,000.

    Important information! Eco-products are expensive and are purchased by people with above-average incomes. It is necessary to carefully consider the location of the trade kiosk, its design, and advertising campaign.

    Counter selling eco-products

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