Greenhouse method of growing green onions, methods for winter

Most people who start their own business are afraid to invest the money they earn in large projects. This is why many newcomers to entrepreneurship choose low-cost projects that have minimal risks. People who own land can use the land they own to grow agricultural products. Equipment of a small greenhouse allows you to make a profit from the sale of mushrooms, vegetables and other crops. In this article, we propose to consider growing onions as a business and discuss several key issues related to this type of activity.

The business of growing green onions requires small start-up investments, is highly profitable and pays off quickly

Pros and cons of growing onions for sale

Growing green onions as a business has its positive and negative sides. The advantages include the following:

  • small cash investments;
  • expenses pay off fairly quickly;
  • experts note a fairly high percentage of profitability;
  • products are always in demand on the market, as more and more people prefer to switch to a healthy diet;
  • The purchase price of products is always high.

Despite the numerous advantages, growing greens has disadvantages, which include the following:

  1. Not everywhere conditions are suitable for favorable cultivation. If it is planned in the northern region, then you need to be prepared for additional costs associated with heating and lighting.
  2. Excellent growth requires fertilizer, which is an additional cost.
  3. For regular maintenance, it is better to hire labor, and this is also an expense.

In some cases, it is better to purchase a plot of land in a warmer region, go on business trips, but not maintain a greenhouse in the northern region. When planning a business, it is important to assess the demand for products in the region.

How to grow onions in a greenhouse in winter - a detailed business plan

A business plan is your insurance against unnecessary expenses. It is necessary to analyze each stage of business development, calculate business profitability, and calculate start-up costs. Planning will help you weigh all the pros and cons of the project, find where and how to sell the products.

The business plan includes choosing a growing technology, installing a greenhouse and equipment, and searching for buyers. Let's consider each of the planning stages in more detail.

Stage 1. Construction of the greenhouse

To start, all you need is a small polycarbonate greenhouse that will fit on your garden plot. Make a foundation in it for greater structural strength and better soil heating, install an irrigation, heating and lighting system.

The purchase of equipment and installation of a greenhouse complex is the largest share of costs at the start. But without creating conditions for plants, you will not get high yields.

Don't have substantial start-up capital? Assemble the greenhouse yourself without hiring specialists. Instead of a sprinkler system, use a regular watering hose. Assemble the racks from scrap materials.

Rational use of solar heat will help you save on heating costs. Use drawings and diagrams from the Internet. Adapt the finished frame drawing to your site.

Stage 2. Selecting and purchasing seeds

Buy material for sowing (onion sets, seeds) only in specialized stores or in greenhouse complexes. Use planting sets and seeds to obtain stable harvests throughout the year.

Carefully inspect the seed. The bulbs must be strong, without rot and characteristic odor. Seeds are the same size, without white or grayish coating.

Stage 3. Soil preparation

Onions are not picky about soil. It is desirable that it be moist, loose, and contain additional food. Add sand to the soil for growing it to loosen it, as well as pre-prepared or purchased compost and wood ash. Pour the prepared soil into boxes on racks, level and moisten.

Don't know what to choose: sawdust or soil? Watch a video comparing the yield on sawdust and on soil:

Stage 4. Growing greens

The soil should be moist, but not overwatered. Excessive moisture will cause the bulbs to rot. The dry period will slow down the growing season. Onions love light and warmth, but cannot tolerate heat. Monitor the optimal temperature level in the room.

Stage 5. Sales of finished products

Properly organized sales of products is the key to a successful business. Sell ​​your grown crops at local vegetable markets. Visit supermarkets, catering establishments, offer your goods to wholesale buyers.

To sell greens at the market "from hand" you will not need documents for trading. To rent a retail outlet at the market, sell in supermarkets and grocery stores, you need to register with the state tax service.

Open an individual entrepreneur or peasant farm. OKVED code 12.1 - entrepreneurship in agriculture (growing beets, cucumbers, seedlings for sale and other types of agricultural business) and 12.2. - growing greens. Taxation is 6% according to the Unified Agricultural Tax.

Don't forget about advertising. A bright sign, promotion on social networks, on online trading platforms, stickers on cars - all this will make your production recognizable and your products popular.

What documents are needed to open a business?

Business can have different sizes. This business activity can be conditionally divided into the following types:

  • Small greenhouse business. The scale of onion production for greens is reduced to maintaining 1-2 greenhouses. If activities are planned on such small scales, then registration is not required. To conduct such a business, it is necessary to prepare a certificate confirming the existence of a plot on which greens are grown, and resolve the issues of connecting communications - here it is important to work out all the options, to provide for the possibility of preferential tariffs. A small business will bring in a small but stable income.
  • Medium greenhouse business. It is larger-scale and implies the presence of a large number of greenhouses, but it will not require a lot of labor resources. For activities of this scale, it is necessary to register the business with the relevant authorities and obtain special permits to conduct activities. You will have to monitor the maintenance of the accounting database, draw up and send the relevant documents to the regulatory authorities.
  • Large greenhouse business. Enterprises of this type have a large number of greenhouses and labor. Mandatory registration of an activity such as an LLC or CJSC is required, and a package of documents must be registered with all higher authorities. Such an enterprise must regularly transfer taxes and contributions to regulatory authorities. Income from the sale of onions for greens directly depends on production volumes. To receive a stable and high income, it is necessary to expand the scale of production and look for additional wholesale buyers.

Demand for greens

Today, agriculture offers more and more prospects for doing business. After all, fresh vegetables are in demand all year round, and the costs of growing them are easily recouped.

Green onions are considered an unpretentious plant that can produce rich harvests under different climatic conditions, so most beginning farmers give preference to this particular crop and develop a business idea for its cultivation. This plant can become not just an additional source of income, but also a profitable business .

In the summer, onions, like other types of greens, can be found in abundance at the market and grocery stores.

But during the rest of the year, when the street temperature does not allow for growing greens outdoors, producers increase their prices, although the demand for them remains just as high.

The increase in the cost of the product is associated with high costs of maintaining greenhouse complexes.
Important! The process of growing onions does not require high-tech equipment, and productivity in winter can be increased using hydroponics and aeroponics systems.

How to start an onion growing business?

Onion growing business can have different scales. You can do it in the following ways:

  • Growing green onions in an apartment. Such a business does not require large expenses, but it is better to have free space so that you can grow greens in the cold season. For these purposes, it is best to use boxes, bottles, boxes and other accessories that are convenient for plant growth.
  • Growing onions on a summer cottage is an excellent option for doing business in the summer. There is much more space on the site than in the apartment, but business is relevant only in the summer. If you plan to grow onions year-round, then in the off-season the plantings should be moved to a warm room. To grow greens in this way, you will need boxes; they can be arranged in several rows. Do not forget that green feathers are cheaper in summer than in winter, so you will have to increase production volumes.
  • Business of growing onions in a greenhouse. This type of activity is considered the most successful. It is more profitable to maintain greenhouses in the southern regions. If production is planned in the north, then do not forget that you will have to incur additional costs for electricity and heating. When maintaining a greenhouse, the entrepreneur will not depend on the season or weather; the products grow all year round.


The introduction of advanced cultivation methods makes it possible to increase profitability while maintaining the taste and quality characteristics of onions. For planting in the ground, choose planting material with a diameter of up to 4 cm, weighing 22-35 g.

When growing green onions, various planting schemes are used. The bridge method assumes high density; up to 15 kg of material can be planted per 1 m². This saves time on maintenance, but reduces the return rate of the product.

The use of a half-bridge scheme involves planting at a distance of 2-3 cm. Quick production can be obtained by using the belt method, where onions are planted in furrows located at a distance from each other. This method provides uniform access to light to each plant, which ensures high production output when grazing the crop.

Necessary equipment

To cultivate onions on leaves in closed ground conditions, you will need a greenhouse, which you can assemble yourself. When purchasing a greenhouse frame, the cost of production increases.

To effectively use the space, you will need to equip multi-tiered structures in the form of racks. Narrow shelves should be located at the optimal distance to ensure light penetration.

It is convenient to care for the crop when planting it in special containers. To heat the room, it is better to use radiators connected to a gas or solid fuel boiler.

On an industrial scale, a system with nozzles is used for drip irrigation. To ventilate the room, ventilation should be equipped, and sodium and LED lamps should be used for lighting. In open ground conditions, equipment for caring for plants and watering equipment will be required. Containers should be used for harvesting.

Popular Technologies

A business idea has a number of advantages and features that should be taken into account when organizing. In a relatively short production cycle, you can get a harvest. It will take 1 hour to treat an area of ​​10 m². Caring for the crop involves:

  • loosening the soil;
  • watering;
  • weed removal;
  • application of fertilizers.

The productivity of the site is increased by the use of a method in which boxes with seedlings are placed on racks in 3-4 tiers. To increase the yield of crops grown in greenhouses, sawdust and mineral wool are used as soil. At the same time, the roots of the plant are constantly fed with a fertilizer solution.

The best varieties

High productivity can be achieved by using multi-primed types of crops. For industrial cultivation, the Leek variety is used, which is characterized by wide leaves and rich taste. Onion yield is 20 kg per 9 m².

Ashkelon onion or shallot has small bulbs and thin rounded leaves, which are cut several times during the growing season. The crop yield reaches 5 kg per 1 m². The onion variety has a long dormant period, which reaches 2-3 months. Seeds and bulbs with several rudiments are planted on the greens. In 1 month, the height of the leaves reaches 30 cm.

The Batun variety is characterized by oblong leaves of light green color and rich taste. The top part can be cut 3 times during the growing season. The yield is 25-35 kg per 9 m². Egyptian onion is resistant to weather conditions and has long, well-preserved leaves. The yield is 35-40 kg per 9 m².

To cultivate onions for greens in a greenhouse, you can use the following varieties:

  • Emerald;
  • Bohemia;
  • Elvi;
  • Honey plant;
  • Totem;
  • Parade;
  • A storehouse of health;
  • Chelyabinsk;
  • Siberian early;
  • Knyazhich;
  • Likova;
  • Family;
  • Vesta;
  • Elephant;
  • Bessonovsky.

Crops are harvested based on the length of the feather. Products measuring 24-42 cm are considered marketable. To force onions on an industrial scale, you should choose a productive variety and master the technology for preparing planting material and soil.

Selecting a location

Growing onions for green leaves involves planting them in open ground and watering them daily. To obtain an early harvest, the bulbs are planted after frost. Seeds (preferably Dutch or Japanese selection) can be used as planting material. This cultivation method is simple, low cost, but depends on the season.

The quality of the product depends on the correct choice of location, growing technology, and care. To plant seedlings on greens, the principles of crop rotation should be taken into account. You can get a high yield from cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, cabbage, and potatoes.

It is better to place the beds in an open, sunny place. During the rainy season there should be no stagnation of moisture. Onions prefer loose soil with an acidity level of pH 6.5-7.5. If the indicator is increased, dolomite flour should be added.

In the greenhouse

When cultivating onions in closed ground conditions, it is better to choose polycarbonate greenhouses, which are characterized by good illumination and transparency. To harvest quickly, the temperature should be maintained at +10…+15ºC.

In greenhouses, it is better to plant onions next to nightshade crops (eggplant, tomatoes). To reduce the cost of purchasing bulbs for pasture for greens, you can grow planting material from seeds.

You can grow onions for greens in a greenhouse in winter. The use of closed ground areas increases the economic effect of the project. To stimulate growth and increase production yield, planting material is soaked in water at a temperature of +35...+38ºC for 12 hours. During the growing season, the temperature should be maintained at +20...25ºC, which allows you to reduce the harvest time. A decrease in air temperature slows down crop growth, and increased humidity and excessive heating negatively affect product quality.

How much money do you need to start a business growing onions?

Growing green onions as a business is an activity that requires certain investments. The amount of expenses depends on the region in which the business activity is conducted. As the personal experience of a large number of entrepreneurs shows, growing in the southern and middle zones is much more profitable than in the north.

First of all, investments are needed in the land itself. Before purchasing, it is important to determine the scale of the planned activity.

If a person wants to put production on stream, then it is important to purchase a fairly large plot of land on which it will be convenient to locate everything necessary for the activity.

After purchasing a plot, it is best to formalize your business. In this case, all activities will be legal, and you will not have to worry about inspections or any other problems.

To grow greens, you need to purchase equipment. For this purpose, it is best to buy greenhouses. They allow the crop to grow in favorable conditions. Funds will be required to purchase specialized care equipment. There is no need to save on the cost of the material from which the greenhouse is made. The better and stronger it is, the better the conditions for growth.

After purchasing all the equipment, you need to think about buying planting material. In this case, the savings will not be beneficial, so it is wiser to turn to trusted suppliers who are popular in the market. When an entrepreneur is confident that his products are of high quality, the number of buyers will constantly grow. In the future, the seedlings for planting can be grown independently.

Advantages and disadvantages of onion business

There are several subtleties that are present in any business, and this one is no exception.

Large greenhouse for growing onions

Pros of growing:

  1. Fast . Onion cultivation has a short production cycle. This way, in just a month, you can get your products and start selling them.
  2. Easily . Caring for onions is not difficult. On average, for a site of 10*10 meters, a person only needs 1 hour of free time. That is, one person can cover large areas in a day.
  3. Unqualified specialists . Planting onions, processing them, watering them and harvesting them does not require any special knowledge, so anyone with any education can work with it.
  4. Great performance . Depending on what technology you use, you can regulate the amount of future harvest. This means that you can install onion beds in several tiers, which will save space and increase productivity.
  5. Unpretentious culture . To grow onions, it only requires watering, lighting (about 15 hours a day) and the right temperature (about 15 degrees).
  6. Cheap . Investments as such are not required, only for the construction of a greenhouse. Plus, they pay for themselves quickly.
  7. Demand . As already mentioned, everyone always needs onions.

Onions are sold in huge quantities during the season.


  1. Conditions . It is not possible to produce onions yourself everywhere, since not all conditions are suitable for growing this crop. If you live in the northern region, additional costs will be required to conduct light and heat.
  2. Plant nutrition . Such fertilizers will require additional costs.
  3. Staff . If you do not plan to do this business yourself, you will have to hire staff, which will also cost you money.

Onion seeds prices

onion seeds

How much can you earn from growing onions?

Growing onions for greens is a highly profitable business activity. With the right approach, you can have up to 1 million rubles. income per month from several acres of land. In addition to onions, you can grow dill, parsley, and basil. Many city dwellers love such plants; greens are added when cooking to add a piquant taste to dishes.

If significant funds have been spent on business activities, then there is no need to fear that they will take a long time to pay off. The first net profit can be obtained approximately 6 months after opening a business. Such products are always in demand, so the payback will be quick.

The onion business will be initially successful if you approach the matter wisely. It is important to think through everything down to the smallest detail: how the plants will be grown, what kind of care is required. Only in this case can you achieve success in this type of business activity.

How to cut an onion correctly

In order not to damage the feather and leave a presentation, you need to cut it correctly. To carry out this procedure, a special “fork” or a regular knife can be used. You need to pry the onion with a “fork” and carefully pull it out of the substrate. Next, cut off the green part with a sharp knife.

If the onion will no longer be used, then simply cut it crosswise and take out the greens

Attention! Green onions should not be harvested after watering.

Greenery cut

What equipment will help increase the onion yield?

In order to grow onions all year round, getting a good harvest, regardless of weather conditions, daylight hours and other factors, experts recommend using greenhouses. These structures can be built independently or purchased collapsible structures. The first option is much cheaper, but if you have never held a hammer and a hacksaw in your hands, then it is better to purchase a ready-made greenhouse.

Inside the structure it is necessary to create ideal conditions for growing onions:

  1. Heating the greenhouse. If technical capabilities allow, you can join the heating system of your home. Another option is a “potbelly stove”, electric heaters or gas convectors.
  2. Irrigation system. Be sure to install a water container that should always be full.
  3. Lighting. In the cold season, when daylight hours are very short, in order to ensure normal growth and development of plants, it is necessary to take care of lighting.
  4. Ventilation. Be sure to consider the possibility of ventilation in your greenhouse.

Growing onions in open ground is much easier. In this case, it is necessary to make a system for watering the plants and take care of their protection from sudden changes in air temperature.

Choosing varieties for growing green onions

To get a rich harvest and make money from your product, you should initially choose the right variety of onion. Experienced businessmen prefer multi-germ types:

  • Leek. It has excellent taste and thick feathers. From 1 m² you can collect about 2.7 kg.
  • Batun. Fine, bright green feathers with a distinct flavor. You can make 3 cuts. About 4 kg is collected from 1 m².
  • Shallot. Thin feathers that do not fade under negative influence for a long time. 1 m² yields 5 kg.
  • Egyptian. Productivity is up to 4.2 kg per 1 m². Resistant to low temperatures.
  • Slime bow. Withstands up to 5 cuts, while the aboveground part is quickly restored. Can be grown all year round.
  • Chinese. Has an excellent speed of feather recovery after cutting. Gives a good harvest with a spicy garlic flavor.

It is important to choose the right variety for breeding

In order for onions to grow normally in a greenhouse, you will have to provide the right conditions throughout the entire period. Otherwise, not a single one, even the hardiest variety, will bear fruit normally.

How to collect and store onions?

The feather grows to a marketable height of 25–30 cm in about 30 days. It is impossible to keep onions in the garden for too long - shoots that are too long become rough and fibrous, easily broken and crushed. To ensure that the harvest does not lose its marketable appearance, the entrepreneur must collect it on time and properly store it. How to do it:

  • If the feathers have not yet reached normal size, but have already begun to weaken and turn pale, fertilizers are added to the soil and the length of daylight is increased;
  • When harvesting, a bunch of feathers are grabbed at a height of 10–15 cm and cut 4–5 cm from the bulb. In this case, shoots that are too short fall out;
  • The onions are removed carefully so as not to stain the feathers with soil and not to erase the protective wax coating from them. Damaged and dried shoots are immediately removed;
  • White onion stems are immediately cleared of the thin transparent film covering them. If you skip this step, they will turn brown;
  • Fresh green onions should not be washed before storing. The wet shoots are laid out in a thin layer so that the water evaporates;
  • The collected feathers are placed in small bunches in bags and cooled to 13–15°C, which leads to the drying of the condensate. The bags are then sealed;
  • While awaiting shipment to customers, products are stored at 0–2°C for no more than 15–20 days. If you need to increase the shelf life, the onions must be frozen.

Business relevance

Thanks to continuous cultivation all year round in fields and greenhouses, the product can become the main source of income, bringing profit without interruption due to seasonality.

There are farms that grow green onions, but they also do not satisfy the demand, because every year it increases. Thanks to its ever-growing relevance, a business can recoup its initial investment in just a couple of months of production.

You can set up a business either at home or on rented land, but growing a product is not enough. Your customers must be 100% sure that onions do not contain harmful impurities and are an absolutely pure and high-quality product. This will require a lot of effort, developing a marketing strategy and providing a really good, fresh product.


If your plans include selling onions on a large scale, try to plan your budget in advance. Preference should be given to high technologies, since if they are followed, the product will pay for itself very quickly, and within a few months all costs will be compensated.

The table below shows the approximate financial costs of growing onions hydroponically on an area of ​​fifty square meters using shelving that will increase the area to eighty square meters.

Type of expensesAmount, dollars
1.Purchasing lamps150 dollars
2.Purchase of wires in the amount of 100 meters50
3.Lighting installation50
4.Installation of two floors of shelving200
5.Bathtubs for shelving500
6.Working surface for planting material150
7.Hydroponic technologies without the use of process automation400
8.Additional Installation Items300
Total:1800 (approx. 107 thousand rubles)

When using such technology, the initial cost of purchasing all the necessary equipment and installing it will not exceed two thousand dollars. The cost and exchange rate of the currency may change, this is also worth paying close attention to.

The costs for one cycle of product reproduction will look like this:

Type of expensesAmount, dollars
1.Purchasing material for planting150
Total:220 (approx. 13 thousand rubles)

All amounts are indicated for one month within one cycle. As a result, the amount of monthly expenses will be $220 at constant prices.

A novice entrepreneur does not necessarily need to invest large sums of money in a business of this scale. If your goal is not to cover an entire population center, or you are not yet ready to run a large business, there is the possibility of growing it at home. In this case, sales methods can be found in the nearest store or market, but to sell you will also need official registration of the organization.

Every entrepreneur has the right to choose a direction, and only an active, responsible approach will allow you to make a good profit from any office work in a short time.

Video: a super simple and reliable way to grow onions for greens - business idea.

How to care for onions?

Planting onions correctly is half the battle; it is important to provide them with proper care. It is not enough just to water regularly; for active growth you need to do the following:

  • After planting onions, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 20°C for two weeks;
  • To prevent mold, water the onions with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • Periodically, dried and rotten bulbs should be removed from the beds;
  • In the third week, the room temperature must be increased to 23°C;
  • The greenhouse with growing onions should be ventilated daily without drafts;
  • Any type of onion must be watered with lukewarm water, not cool;
  • After feeding from a sprayer, all seedlings also need to be watered;
  • The last fertilizing should be carried out ten days before harvest.

Harvesting occurs after the feathers reach a height of at least 35 cm.

Green business registration

But to conclude contracts and make wholesale sales, official registration of an entrepreneur is required. Without this, cooperation with any serious wholesale buyer is impossible. In order to choose the form of the enterprise and the type of activity according to which the future enterprise will operate, you can contact the local tax office or a private law firm. You should not immediately open an LLC; the usual form of individual entrepreneur will do for a start, although each of these forms has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of doing business by registering an individual entrepreneur:

  • Simple state registration procedure;
  • Lack of statutory capital;
  • Under certain conditions, an individual entrepreneur has the right to receive cash from clients without a limit and a cash order;
  • A simplified or preferential taxation system may be used if certain conditions are met;
  • Opportunity to engage in entrepreneurial activity without printing and opening a bank account.

After the official registration of entrepreneurial activity, expanded opportunities open up for the owner in the marketing policy of the enterprise and the sale of final products.

Important business details

It’s worth starting a business by growing a small batch - this will help you get comfortable in the field, further train your staff, find your first customers and understand how this business works in general.

Important nuances include:

  • Growing green or onions occurs very quickly - you can harvest a crop in just a month.
  • Cultivation of the land also happens quickly; even on a large plot you can only do it yourself.
  • No special skills or knowledge are required - the growing methods are very simple, suitable for any beginner.
  • With the help of modernization of growing technology, it is possible to plant not only in the ground, but also on hanging shelves with boxes in which onions will germinate.
  • Constant lighting will be required, it is important to take care of it in advance. Onions are very light-loving; they must receive light for at least 12 hours a day, otherwise the crop will die.

These nuances indicate the ease of cultivation; no special knowledge and skills are required, or large investments in the business.

Which form of business should you choose?

Let's analyze the different forms of doing business in the table below.

Form of business organizationBenefits of use
Private household plot (private household plot)This form is used only by individuals to sell products to large distributors. Possibility of organization if you have a plot of up to 2 hectares, simple requirements: you only need to obtain a certificate from the local administration that this plot belongs to you and is used for growing onions.
IP (individual entrepreneur)This form is used for self-selling products. Individual entrepreneur status gives the manufacturer legal force and allows him to organize the implementation himself. Possibility to create a sales network. The process of product certification is becoming more complicated.
LLC (limited liability company)This form is used for additional business financing through agricultural loans and when hiring employees. Suitable for working with shops and wholesale centers.
Peasant farm (peasant farm)This form is used to attract partners to your business. Peasant farms simplified by the form of LLP (limited liability partnership), as well as individual entrepreneurs and LLCs, are endowed with legal force. It is possible to work with stores and wholesale suppliers.

Initially, you can register as a private household plot and start selling in small quantities to set up all production processes and sales channels. Private household plots do not pay taxes on any volume of production. To scale production and increase sales, you must register as an individual entrepreneur.

For an individual entrepreneur, the optimal choice of taxation system for producers of agricultural products is the Unified Agricultural Tax (USAT).

Tax rate – 6%

The Unified Agricultural Tax is abolished when the share of agricultural production is less than 70% and the OSNO (general taxation system) is applied to the manufacturer.

Video lesson “Unified Agricultural Tax”

Why grow onions?

Onions are a perennial herbaceous crop, reaching a height of 50–70 cm. Not only its thickened roots, called bulbs, but also succulent tubular leaves containing a huge amount of useful substances are important for humans. For farmers, growing onions for greens as a business is relevant for a number of reasons:

  • Fresh feathers are an important component of soups, meat dishes and side dishes, sauces, and cold appetizers. They give food a spicy kick and freshness;
  • Due to the increased concentration of phytoncides and ascorbic acid, onions are widely used for the prevention of respiratory diseases;
  • Green feathers have a normalizing effect on blood pressure, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and help fight atherosclerosis;
  • The microelements contained in green onions improve the condition of bones, teeth and hair, and have a beneficial effect on human reproductive functions;
  • The amino acids and natural antibiotics contained in onions inhibit the development of Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that causes gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • Onion juice contains essential oils that rejuvenate, strengthen and refresh the skin, and stimulate hair growth.

Planting and growing

When planting onions, you should consider its variety. In some cases, it is more preferable to cultivate by seed. But other varieties are planted by selecting seedlings. It is necessary to check that the soil is moist. But under no circumstances should overflow be allowed. In this case, the bulbs will begin to rot.

It is advisable to plant the bulbs in rows, this will make it easier to care for them. You can sit next to each other. It is better not to use pure black soil for growing this crop. It is much better if the soil is sandy. But it is advisable to fertilize it, if not with peat, then at least with ready-made humus. It is important to remember that this plant loves light and warmth, but elevated temperatures are dangerous for it.

Look what crops gardeners from northern Asia managed to grow in a greenhouse in winter.

Care, technology for forcing green onions onto feathers

After planting and disinfection, onions require watering, ventilation and fertilizing. How to feed onions is described in this material.

After planting, it is recommended to cover the onions with film or agrofibre so that the soil does not lose moisture and stabilizes the temperature. Straw can be used for the same purposes.

  • Watering – before planting, the soil should be moistened abundantly, after which there is no need to water. The first irrigation is carried out when the feather reaches 5–8 cm in length. At the same time, the daytime temperature also rises - from 15–18 C to 22 C.
  • The first 2-3 weeks - until the feather reaches 15-18 cm, water the onion twice a week. It can be done more often if the soil dries out faster. Adult plants are watered once a week.
  • As a rule, watering is combined with fertilizing. During the growing season, plants are fed 2-3 times. For this purpose, a complete mineral fertilizer is used - a mixture of 10 g of potassium chloride, 15 g of superphosphate, 20 g of ammonium nitrate per 10 liters of water, a solution of ammonium nitrate - 30-40 g per 10 liters or nitrophoska, urea. Mullein is also useful - in proportion to water 1:20.
  • Ventilation is a procedure unique to greenhouse cultivation. Its purpose is to enrich the greenhouse air with oxygen and provide some air movement. Real drafts are not beneficial for culture. Gentle ventilation improves air circulation, which is very important immediately after planting.

How much capital will be required to open?

Even if an entrepreneur starts out by growing a small batch, you need to learn to draw up a financial plan in which to record all the expenses and the profit received.

To open a business, provided you own a plot of land, you will need:

  • Registration of documents – 5,000.
  • Obtaining certificates for products – 10,000.
  • Purchase of onions for planting – 20,000.
  • Purchase of equipment for a greenhouse – 40,000.
  • Purchase of fertilizers – 20,000.

To open an onion growing business you will need an amount of 100,000 rubles.

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