Checking an organization by TIN online
Why check the counterparty? Checking a counterparty means protecting your own company from possible risks and
Rules for accounting in budgetary organizations
I was faced with the need to conduct these operations for individual entrepreneurs in 1C. On one of the forums
The concept and types of gross domestic product in economics in simple words
What is GDP Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the value of all goods produced in a country
What is a franchise in simple words | Franchise example
How to choose and open a franchise business - tips and recommendations from a successful franchisee + reviews of popular franchises
What is a franchise in simple words Today, leaving the office, I noticed that above the neighboring
What is leasing: 10 and 1 answer about it
What is subleasing and how to draw up its agreement correctly
Theory Let's start with the very first question. What is leasing? Leasing is a form of lending
Calculation of enterprise profitability
Return on sales (ROS): formulas and calculation examples
Hello, Vasily Zhdanov is here, in this article we will look at the profitability of an enterprise. An objective indicator of economic efficiency
What is management: a detailed analysis of the concept with comments and videos from management experts
Management is a set of measures and actions aimed at coordinating the activities of employees in order to increase
Beneficial owner of a legal entity - who is it?
Beneficiary: definition of the term Beneficial owner - this is enshrined in the legislation of the Russian Federation - is recognized as an individual
How to write a resume for a job - 100 ready-made resumes - Simple examples of resumes for a job
What is a resume? A resume is usually called a document that briefly summarizes facts about yourself that are important.
OKPO Classifier 2020: definition, search and decoding
Instructions on how to find out data on statistics codes online through the FSGS website Go to the special