How to promote a group on VK yourself: secrets and tips for promotion

Outline the project concept

The concept is the core of your plan. The first thing to do is to identify a guiding idea and understand what your goals are.

To make the concept strong and workable, I propose to take four questions as a basis.

What is your product? Maybe you are a musician. Or you make and sell sofas. Indicate the key features (if music, then what kind; if sofas, then what and for what).

Who needs your product? Tell us about the hypothetical audience and the problems that your product solves. For example, you sell slings with rings in Yaroslavl. Your audience is mothers from Yaroslavl, 20–30 years old, who want to lead an active life while carrying a smiling baby.

Why you and not a competitor? The market is oversaturated with offers. Think and decide how your product compares favorably with other products in your niche.

Why are you creating a public page on VKontakte? The central goal may be:

  • sales;
  • formation of a loyal community;
  • increasing awareness;
  • transferring traffic to the main site (for example, to a news site).

Now let's move on to examples. Let's assume that you are a talented ceramist from Irkutsk. You decided to promote your public page on VKontakte in order to sell your products there. And you got the following concept:

You can visualize it any way you want, the main thing is a clear and convenient diagram

Rely on the concept when working on a group: it ties all the goals and objectives together and sets the direction.

What is promotion

When we create a community, we must clearly understand its goals:

  • sale of goods and services;
  • selling advertising, affiliate programs and other types of income;
  • drawing attention to any problem, for example, ecology, health, helping homeless animals;
  • search for like-minded people, exchange of experience.

To implement any of these tasks, you need to go through several stages:

  1. To create a group.
  2. Determine the target audience (TA) who will be interested in your products, services or content in the public.
  3. Design the page and fill it with content.
  4. Attract people, tell them about the community, interest them, gain the first 1,000 subscribers.
  5. Continue to promote and retain existing followers.

We go through the first steps only once. You can work on the rest endlessly, improving the group and expanding its audience. Today our attention is focused on the 4th and 5th stages. We will learn to bring VKontakte users to the community page.

Promotion on a social network is a set of activities that allows you to attract the attention of people and turn them into your subscribers and customers.

The usual situation at the start: we created a group on VK, started filling it with information, added products, but among the participants so far there are only ourselves and, at most, our close relatives. Questions arise about what to do next, what steps to take so that people come to us and join the ranks of subscribers.

Select community type

Let's move on to creating a group.

VKontakte offers the following variety to choose from:

This is a standard recommendation panel. It is needed so that people don’t rack their brains every time, wondering what exactly to choose. But it’s not a fact that a standard solution will work: the functionality differs for different types of communities.

There are only three types of communities on VKontakte:

  • public page (public);
  • group;
  • event.

To create a community, you need to click one of four buttons - these are “Business”, “Thematic Community”, “Brand or Organization” and “Public Page”. The remaining two are a group and an event, everything is obvious here.

We exclude the event from the list, since it is pointless to talk about long-term promotion here. There are two options left.

If necessary, you can change the community type from group to public and vice versa, but no more than once a month.

Key features of the group on VKontakte

Inviting . The first significant difference between a group and other types of communities is the ability to invite friends. This is an important point for promotion: if we are talking about advertising a group on VKontakte without a budget, then first of all we usually call interested friends and acquaintances.

Privacy levels . Groups are divided into three types:

  • open;
  • closed;
  • private.

In an open group, we see the description, status and all entries, even if we are not subscribed to it. It can also be found through search.

The "Invite Friends" button is located in the area under the avatar

In a closed group we don’t see content, we can’t invite friends, and there’s a stub below the avatar notifying us that the page is closed. But you can also find it through a search.

We don’t see the content, but from the description we roughly understand what the group is about and can apply to join

Now let's create a private group and log in from a different account. All information is closed.

Nothing is visible here at all - not even the name

Ability to open sections and walls . If you go to group management (the button under the avatar) and then click on “Sections”, you can adjust the privacy levels of materials within the group.

If you leave a post on behalf of the community, it is reflected in the feeds of group members

An open wall is suitable if you have active group members who are ready to communicate a lot, and also if your focus is not on sales, but on receiving feedback from the audience.

A closed or limited wall allows you to write only on behalf of the community.

Key features of the public on VKontakte

Additional traffic from recommendations . You cannot invite friends to a public page. But publics that suit your interests appear in the recommendations bar next to the community search. And this is a chance that exactly those you need will come to your community.

You can expand the “Recommended Communities” section and look for something good on a topic that interests you

Ability to see topics in search . We are looking for our potential subscribers, and they are looking for us. Specifying a topic can attract the attention of the users you need.

It’s not always clear what the community is about without specifying the topic

Content from subscribers in the proposal . If a member writes something on the wall in a group, you will not be able to edit the post, and this content will not appear in the news feed of other group members. In public, this is much more convenient: you publish the proposal as a full-fledged post, which you can edit and design in the style of your brand.

Ability to export to Twitter . This is also configured through management.

Go to settings and log in to Twitter if necessary

Inability to hide subscriptions in a public profile .
A public page in a profile is not visible in two cases: a) if the profile is completely closed; b) if the public administrator hid the subscribers himself. And if it is still visible, this is also an additional influx of subscribers.

How to set up a group on VK

Step 4:


A VKontakte group avatar is an icon that is displayed next to the group’s posts in the news feed. To install it, click “Upload photo” in the upper right corner.

How to set an avatar for a VK group

The recommended avatar size is 200x200 pixels . Try to ensure that the picture chosen as your avatar is bright, concise and memorable. This will help followers differentiate your group's posts from others. After loading, VKontakte will first offer to crop the main image, and then adjust the thumbnail.

Setting up Ava's thumbnail

Click “Save changes” and move on.

Step 5:

Group information

To continue setting up the group, click on “Manage” directly under the newly installed avatar.

Go to group settingsNext, fill in the basic information about the group; this is what users who land on your page will see.
In the description of the community we write what the group is about, for companies we list a list of services or goods, and write a unique selling proposition (your advantages).

Group information

Here we can make the group closed or open (it’s better to make it open), put a nice page address and upload a community cover.

Step 6:

Cover of the group in VK

Recently, beautiful covers can be added to VKontakte groups, with basic information about the group and additional indicators. For example, like our group :

Cover of the group in VK

To add such a cover, you need to go to the community settings, click “Upload”, select a pre-prepared picture on your PC (1590 by 400 pixels in JPG, GIF or PNG format) and click “Save”.

To ensure that the cover displays correctly on tablets and mobile devices, it is better to place text and other important elements in the center.

Group cover on mobile

Step 7:

Sections of the VKontakte group

At this point in the settings of your new VKontakte group, you need to enable or disable certain sections. We recommend disabling sections that you do not intend to use.

Sections of the VKontakte group

You can also configure the access level for all sections: open or limited. This affects who can add content to these sections. Open - everyone can add, limited - only community administrators and editors.

Here you can turn on products, set the main and secondary blocks. This is what will be shown first when visiting a group; by default, the group description or pinned post .

These are the basic settings that need to be made after creating a group. At your discretion, you can set up a comment filter, add links, enable messages, connect additional applications, etc.

Come up with a clear and memorable name and username for the group

The title should be succinct, informative and interesting. It seems that this is a formal stage, but it is worth paying attention to.

Don't limit yourself to just a name like “such and such a store.” Write a topic (for example, “Fairytale shop | Spices and teas”). If geography is important, add a city or country to the public name.

For example, we want to come up with a name for our ceramics public. We can look for ideas:

  • in mythology;
  • on sites with association clouds;
  • in recognizable concepts from the world of art (cinema, music, painting);
  • from competitors in our niche.

We want an unusual name, which should somehow reflect that we can make anything from clay. We also need to indicate the topic and geography, since people search for communities using keywords (for example, city + required product). As a result, the full name looks like this: “I’ll make a Golem | Author's ceramics | Irkutsk".

Using keywords, the public can be easily found through search

If after two days it begins to seem to you that the chosen name is not fire, you can change it very quickly and easily. Just go to the controls again.

Don't forget to change the group login in the settings. You can write the name in Latin, or you can come up with something else. The main thing is not to leave a standard set of characters so that the link to the group is also remembered.

Write a catchy description

The description is indexed by search engines, but that is not the only reason why it is important. If you have a narrow product or an unusual creative team, a clear description is a must-have. If not, too.

This is the first text that a person sees when visiting your public page. And here is an important point: we are inattentive. The theme of the group must be re-defined and disclosed in the description. Even if it seems to you that everything is already in the title and that your activity is obvious.

The description can be added through management or through the main page of the public.

Small, clear text that can also be changed at any time

If you have a primarily commercial public page, it is better to make a simple functional text, carefully inserting a couple of key phrases there. Open Wordstat and write a query like you would write if you were looking for your product. For example, I searched for “handmade ceramics” and the service showed me 1,857 impressions per month. I can take this phrase and use it in my description to increase the chances of someone finding me through a search engine.

Complete the sections for additional information

Now there are small moments that also have an impact.

Come up with a status . A huge text simply won’t fit here; it needs to be short and succinct. For example, your slogan will do. If you don’t have a slogan, it’s time to come up with one.

Add a link to the site . This is especially important if you want to bring additional traffic to your blog through public, for example.

Write your contact details and work schedule . All important information should be in the most visible place.

Include a signature . This recommendation is for groups of authors: you are developing a personal brand, so it’s better to become familiar and memorable.

Select a primary and secondary section . If you are a store, select “Products”. If your main content is articles, put them first.

Enable an action button . An action could be going to a website, making a call, or opening a form to send an email. Depends on your goals.

Optimize the group and work through all sections

How much does VKontakte advertising cost?

The advertising budget depends on:

  • tasks;
  • duration of the campaign;
  • target audience;
  • seasonality and other factors.

The minimum budget for replenishing the VKontakte advertising account is 500 rubles. You cannot credit less than this amount to your account - and without this you will not be able to run advertising on VK.

The cost of the results depends on your setup, the complexity of the task, the season - for example, in December, competition seriously increases and the cost of advertising increases.

The cost of a click and 1000 impressions also depends on the settings, but is also technically limited for some formats - for example, in an advertising post, CPM cannot be lower than 30 rubles, and CPC - 1 ruble (for TGB - 6 rubles).

Connect products, as well as widgets or menus

You must have goods if you are developing a store. They are connected through control. You can also arrange payment there.

Widgets are also great: they can be personalized and, for example, greet subscribers by name. But now they are being replaced by menus. It's better to choose one thing. Leave space and do not include unnecessary things, this overloads attention and the person gets tired.

Three menu items are always visible; if there are more, you can scroll to the side

Design your buttons in a group style and include links to the most important sections.

Why do you need to promote the group?

Why is it necessary to create your own community? There are several possible reasons for 2020:

  1. You are a blogger who wants to maintain contact with your audience through this social network.
  2. The group will be used to promote the company.
  3. It is dedicated to your site.
  4. The community is seen solely as a means to earn money.
  5. Leading a group is your hobby. Some people like to create content, communicate with the audience, while receiving some income through monetization.

Of course, in practice there are many more reasons. But we have highlighted the most common options. Promotion of the community is necessary to attract attention to it and obtain the maximum possible number of subscribers.

Think over and design the group

I will not dwell on the technical details of the design. This was already described before me in an article about the design of a VKontakte public page. I'll say it in general.

Be sure to pay a lot of attention to the visual. This is even more important than the name and cool optimized text in the description.

If you're afraid to design on your own, but have come to terms with the fact that it's necessary, do the bare minimum:

  • choose a color scheme (for example, 2-3 primary colors) and stick to it;
  • look for ready-made templates in public pages for designers;
  • download Photoshop or sign up for Canva so you have something to work with.

Don't overload visual elements with details and text. Once they demanded that the cover of a VKontakte group include a phone number, a slogan, an address, and an enticing text. You can't do that.

Stages of promotion of a VKontakte group

We start from the fact that the group/public already exists, has the necessary VKontakte group design, name and description, where to start popularizing it?

Stages of promotion of a VKontakte group

We did a review with a step-by-step description of the starting selling content and optimization for search engines quite recently.

We list the main stages of group promotion:

  1. Determining the target audience. What is she like? The methods of promotion are standard, but focusing on the audience, you will look for partner publics where you can advertise effectively, create design and hold suitable competitions.
  2. Content creation. It is advisable to have a ready-made content plan for the month, adjust it as you go and prepare a new one. It is important to have high-quality material ready for at least 10 posts in order to interest and retain new people.
  3. Attracting subscribers. At this stage, the strategy you will follow is decided. Either these are free methods or paid ones, combined options are possible. As soon as a community becomes more or less popular, it expands, growing like an avalanche. If, of course, activity is maintained.
  4. Statistics analysis and adjustment. Analytics is your best friend if you are serious about promoting your brainchild. Record your actions from the very beginning and monitor the response to compare the effectiveness of different methods. For example, in the first month we used targeted advertising, in the second month we could resort to sending messages to potential target audiences and focus on free methods, and in the third month we could contact administrators of other public sites for advertising. You can compare which was more effective and brought the greatest growth.

Analytics is a great tool for promotion

Analyze your target audience

If you are interested in promoting a VKontakte group that already has an audience, then the easiest way is to look at the statistics. VKontakte shows the age of the audience, gender, and geography for free, and this is basic data from which you can already build. The most convenient way to view statistics from your phone is through the VK Admin application.

Here you can download statistics

If you are doing a project from scratch, the “Who is my client?” function will help you. in the Pepper.Ninja service. Using keywords or links to competitor groups, you can analyze audience segments and understand how to work with them. The service has a free trial mode.

Write down at least 3-4 typical portraits and take them into account when drawing up a content plan.

Article navigation

Comparison of VKontakte and Yandex audiences. Comparison table. Which is better, a VKontakte group or a website.

How to create VK groups so that it can be easily promoted further.

Ways to promote a VKontakte group.

How to quickly promote a group on VK to 1000 participants.

Free ways to promote a VKontakte group:

  1. Invitation to friends and group on VK;
  2. Competitions within the VKONTAKTE group;
  3. Reposts of posts from a group on VK.

Paid methods for promoting a VKontakte group:

  1. Advertising in VKontakte communities;
  2. Targeted advertising on VKontakte.

Training on how to attract clients from VKontakte.

Conclusion and step-by-step action plan on how to promote a VKontakte group from scratch.

If you entered the query “How to promote a VKontakte group” into the search engine, then you came DIRECTLY TO THE ADDRESS. In this article we will look at all the ways to promote a VKontakte group, both paid and free. You only need to understand one thing, free methods are, firstly, less effective than paid ones, and secondly, no one has canceled the investment of time and effort.

Let’s also deal with the VKONTAKTE audience. Is there any point in moving forward? After all, they say/have talked so much about the fact that VK has an insolvent audience, there are mainly schoolchildren, etc. Yes, perhaps it was like that, 5-6 years ago. Nowadays, a huge number of businesses create and promote their groups on VKontakte, since the audience has long ceased to consist only of schoolchildren. And even those who 5-6 years ago were schoolchildren or students have already become solvent, since they simply graduated from an educational institution and got a job. Moreover, such huge online stores as Rozetka, WILDBERRIES, Lamoda, etc.

Online store socket is promoted on VKontakte
Online store socket is promoted on VKontakte

If you go to the websites of business coaches and look at the cases of students, it turns out that a huge number of people promote their businesses on VKontakte, and some ONLY VK and have a turnover of 10, 20, 30 million rubles per month. In general, if in doubt, go to the VKontakte website and in the “communities” section, enter your field of business in which you work, and look at the number of participants, reposts, likes in these groups. Look at the activity in competitors’ groups to understand what results you can get when promoting a group in contact.

Promotion of the VKontakte group
Promotion of the VKontakte group


VKontakte website traffic
VKontakte website traffic

As an example, let's compare the audience size of VKontakte with the Yandex search engine. Every day the Yandex Search page is visited by up to 20 million unique visitors. Accordingly, the VKONTAKTE audience is 3 TIMES MORE. This is traffic specifically to the Yandex search page without all other services.

Yandex audience
Yandex audience

Another thing is that the Yandex audience is already “hot”. That is, people search for your products or services in a search engine in order to place an ORDER or find out more information about them. While the VKONTAKTE audience uses this site for entertainment, correspondence, listening to music, watching videos, etc. And in order to “convert” a VKONTAKTE person into a purchase, you need to make significantly more effort than for a person from a search engine.

Develop categories and make a media plan for the near future

The basis for successful free promotion of a VKontakte group is thoughtful work on content. And the first thing you should achieve is regular posting.

Come up with 7-8 main headings . The ratio of content will be approximately as follows: 10–15% - selling posts with a call to buy your product, the rest varies in proportions depending on the target audience. For example, for clients who are not yet very interested in your product, expert posts (case studies, useful collections, analysis of narrow professional issues) and social proof (a story about a successful partnership with someone, certificates, reviews) are suitable. If you need to retain your audience and dilute serious materials, add entertaining content to your plan.

Make rubricators . The hashtag rubricator is made like #Category@login-group and helps to navigate the content. When you click on the VKontakte rubricator, it displays materials with this hashtag from your public page. A good option is to display the categories directly in the group description.

Think about specific topics for a couple of months in advance . You may think you're overflowing with content ideas, but then the day will come when you'll run out. And this is a stop to the project. The audience will cool down, get bored and simply run away. Ideally, content should also be written in advance, of course.

Use the SMMplanner service to set up cross-posting . When duplicating content on other social networks, use auto-posting. If the main channel is VKontakte, publish the post there first, and after a couple of hours somewhere else. VKontakte algorithms value unique materials. If you post something everywhere at once, this will noticeably lower the position of the post in the feed.

Repeat successful content . Republishing good useful posts or articles saves you when there is nothing to post (and there will definitely be such a moment). Non-unique content has lower search results, but this does not mean that it should be neglected.

Improve the quality of content and update categories

We can also talk for a long time about how to write posts for social networks. But here, too, there are key points that can be highlighted.

Be diverse . Try different formats (videos, articles, longreads, memes). There are a lot of free services for working with content. Experiment. And try new categories from time to time.

Maintain readability . Separate paragraphs with a blank line, don’t use a lot of emojis and hashtags, be literate.

Example of a bad post

Use high-quality illustrations . Posts with good pictures get more coverage and responses than just texts.

Don't duplicate hashtags . If you put hashtags in a post, choose mid-frequency ones and use about 5-6 of them (no more than 10). Don't repeat the same set each time. Otherwise, the post's reach will drop.

Use your personal page as an additional promotion tool

The first thing you need to do is add a link to the public page to your profile. I wouldn't recommend it as a status. But you can select a group as a place of work through your profile settings, and also enter a link in the “Site” column.

Promotion through your personal page will only work if it is lively, interesting and not clogged with reposts from your own group. That is, you should regularly write posts just about yourself and sometimes repost something else. Fill out your profile, respond to comments, act natural.

Pin a unique post about your project, design a normal picture and enter a link.

If there is an important event in the public (donation collection, competition, promotion), publish a Story from your personal profile with a link to the post in the group so that interested friends go there. But it is better to do this rarely.

In addition to your VKontakte profile, you can add a link to the public page:

  • to your website (make a social widget);
  • into an automatic signature on your email;
  • to any external resources.

Demographics of group subscribers

You need to understand exactly what people you are creating your group for. This will be needed when setting up targeted advertising, inviting people to a group, and when writing content.

The picture below shows the general demographics of the VKontakte audience.

How to promote VKontakte groups yourself

The second nuance is the age of subscribers. You can notice that mostly the younger generation is in contact, and the older generation, for example, is in classmates. I'm not talking about all, but about the majority of users.

Learn community management

It's not enough to just gain subscribers. They need activity and loyalty.

Try gamification and giveaways . Sometimes, in order to quickly advertise a public page on VKontakte, people immediately organize competitions - and a crowd of bots and scammers rush into the group. At the initial stage, there is no point in competitions. But if you already have a loyal audience, a giveaway or game is a good way to motivate your subscribers.

Broadcast . By default, notifications about video streams are sent to all subscribers (unless someone has manually disabled them). This is a great way to remind those who don’t visit you often.

Offer discounts for subscribers . Even if someone signs up to save a little money, you will have a buyer.

Encourage reviews and suggestions from subscribers . First of all, this is free content. Secondly, it is working on loyalty and increasing reputation.

Work off the negative . This doesn't mean smiling at everyone. Dealing with negativity is about politeness, openness, and maintaining dignity. If someone completely inadequate commented on you, and you responded to the point and correctly, the public will notice and appreciate it.

Be friends with active subscribers .
Usually this happens on its own. But you can choose an active position and independently add friends to the right people and maintain contact with them.

Promotion using target (targeted advertising)

Targeted advertising allows you to fully control your advertising budget. It will be especially useful for those who do not have the task of gaining a large number of subscribers in a short time.

Another advantage is that you can attract only those people you need into your group. For example, Men over the age of 25 who are interested in business topics.

Hundreds of articles have already been written about the target. I will not describe all its capabilities, but will consider only one format, “Universal Recording”.

Universal VK recording
Universal recording is the most effective promotion format (native advertising)

This post will be shown in the feed. This advertising format will be seen by all users who access the social network from computers and mobile devices.

The screenshot in one of my groups shows that traffic from mobile devices reaches 84%, and visits from computers are only 16%. This only says one thing - there is a lot of mobile traffic and it cannot be ignored when promoting a group!

Share of mobile and web traffic in the group
Share of mobile and web traffic in the group

You may have a question. Most likely, this is a young audience that “lives” on their phones. In the screenshot below, you can see the age of the people who are subscribed to my group.

Age of subscribers in the group
Adult male audience

As you can see, this is a fairly mature audience interested in a specific topic. Subscribers to this group were recruited 90% from the target and approximately 10% from the exchange (market - platform). Let's start setting up.

Setting up targeting

Go to your advertising account and select “Universal entry”. Be sure to write a selling text! I called it selling because you will need to convince a person to go to your group and subscribe to it.

We all sell something to each other. And this is not necessarily goods and money. You can even sell a trip to the cinema with a friend. After all, you must first call your friend and persuade him to go with you, and he must drop everything he’s doing and agree.

If he agrees, then congratulations, you've made a sale. If not, then the deal did not take place. And on the Internet, in order to convince a stranger to take the action you need, it is very difficult. You have only one tool - selling text. It even has its own powerful formula.

Pay attention to text and pictures

If the text is weak, then the person will not subscribe. At the end, be sure to include a text link and write a “call to action.” Then choose a high-quality picture. If the visitor is attracted by the photo, he will read the text. Everything is very much interconnected. Click “create”.

Creating a VK advertising post
Text + call to action + image

Select: topic, country, gender male or female, age.

targeting settings
Basic settings for targeted advertising

Let's move on to the settings based on interests. These are the options you will use most often.

Find all competitors' groups

Make a list of competitor groups. Take only the most active and largest ones. You can find them in the search for VK itself by entering the desired keyword.

search for groups of competitors
Search for groups of competitors by keyword

For example, I took 3 links and pasted them into the “community” field. The system determined that the approximate audience that can see my advertisement is 315,000 people.

The more groups you add, the more people your ads will be shown to.

Setting up interests by competitor groups
We add the list of competitor groups to “Communities”

You need to exclude your group so that advertising is not shown to people who are already members of your group.

All that remains is to set the price. Never set a recommended price! Especially if you are a beginner. Start small.

Setting the price in the target
Always start with small amounts

If there are no impressions, then gradually begin to increase the price by 5 - 10 rubles. Limit impressions as you see fit. I set it to 1. If a person sees my post and does not click on it, then this advertisement will no longer be shown to him. You can create a “TV” effect by setting 20 impressions per person. Click “create ad.”

Set the status to “launched”. The ad has been sent for review and after a while impressions will begin and the first clicks will begin, and with them the first subscribers.

run an ad and submit for review
Carefully check all settings and run the ad

While the ad is being reviewed, you can check all the settings again. If everything is fine, then immediately go to your new campaign and set limits!

set limits
Set a limit for the entire campaign or for one ad.

This limiter is needed in order not to waste your entire budget “down the drain” in a matter of minutes! I bet 200 rubles.

If you replenish your balance by 10,000 rubles and do not set limits, and for example, go out to drink tea, then when you return to the computer, most likely you will find 0 rubles on your balance.

There is a known case when one webmaster forgot to set a limit and went about his business. When he returned, he discovered that 80,000 rubles had been written off from the budget.

Optimization and scaling

Now it's time to do some good work! Our task is to promote a group on VKontakte as cheaply as possible. And this is unlikely to happen from the first announcement.

You will need to decide on a budget. How much are you willing to pay for one subscriber? Each niche will have its own price. If you want to bring schoolchildren to your group, it will be one price. If you need adults, the price per subscriber will be much more expensive.

For example, you are willing to pay 2 rubles for 1 subscriber. 100,000 subscribers is 200,000 rubles. 1,000,000 subscribers is 2,000,000 rubles. I think everything is clear with this.

Once you have sorted out the money, you can start creating advertisements. You need to do them until you start receiving subscribers for 2 rubles.

Start with at least 10 and constantly add new ones. Test everything you come up with. Here are the most basic parameters for tests:

1. Headings 2. Texts 3. Pictures 4. Gender 5. Age 6. GEO 7. Different audiences 8. Call to action

Work to improve your CTR

Monitor the CTR in your advertising. The higher its value, the lower the cost per click (eCPC) will be.

CTR affects the cost per click

In my case, the average CTR is around 3.2%, and the cost per click is 1.44 rubles. A subscriber costs me no more than 2.5 rubles. Let me remind you that my settings include men over 23 years old.

At the same time, I can achieve even better results, but I’m just too lazy to do it. 2 – 2.5 rubles per subscriber completely suits me. To achieve this result, I needed to test 10 ads. But I have experience.

If you are a beginner, then do as much as possible. Do it until you achieve the desired results. If you are lazy, then you will make no more than 10-20 creatives and you will get bored. If you are determined, you will do 100. Just do not forget to set limits for each ad, otherwise all tests will end before they even begin.

VK even has a useful hint that will tell you how well you set up your advertising. It’s called “Advertising Post Evaluation”. For me it looks like this:

ad post score is 9
Find your target audience on VK

Almost a dozen!

Here are some more statistics where you can see the number of people who profited from advertising and who joined the group.

advertising post statistics
Analyze statistics and improve advertising

Work with thematic public pages and potential audiences

Don't lose sight of your cold audience. But you will have to look for it and track it.

Suggest articles and posts to thematic groups . If a ceramist from Irkutsk goes viral on a popular public page, the influx of subscribers is almost guaranteed. Large communities need content regularly, so they often post good stuff for free.

Comment on other people's posts from an expert point of view . Commenting on behalf of the community is often not welcome. But you can always thoughtfully analyze, explain and tell on your own behalf, mentioning the type of your activity.

Use mutual PR . It is advisable to take groups of approximately the same level as you. A million-dollar public company won’t give you PR for free, but it’s really possible to negotiate with a specialist from a related field who also needs promotion. Usually this is a post-by-post format: you make a post with a link to your partner, and he makes a post with a link to you.

Consider manual inviting . This is a gray method, but if we are talking about free advertising of a group on VKontakte, it must be mentioned. Select people interested in your product and send personal invitations. Many people have a negative attitude towards invitations to personal messages, but I don’t see them as a crime: if they communicate with me in a matter-of-fact and normal manner, I will either politely refuse or sign up. The exception is that they are completely intrusive and incomprehensible. It is important to do this rarely, to the point and humanely: to start with a simple polite dialogue, not impersonal, like the information business or networkers, but to the point. For example, you can PM those who are interested in your publication in a thematic public and thank them for their comment and/or high rating. If you conduct a dialogue not like a robot, you will most likely. won't be banned. But there is still a chance of running into a complaint, so it’s up to you to decide.

Setting up payment for advertising

The last setting for advertising on VKontakte is the rate and choice of payment model.

On VKontakte, in most formats there are two payment models: CPC and CPM

CPC (Cost Per Click): Pay per click You will pay every time you receive a click on your ad. This option is great for beginners because it won’t allow you to waste your budget.

The bid is affected by the CTR of the ad - the higher it is, the lower the recommended bid for this ad will be.

CTR shows what percentage of users who saw the ad clicked on it.

CPM (Cost Per Mile): payment per 1000 impressions You will pay for every 1000 impressions of your ad, but you will still receive conversions.

CTR here does NOT affect the bid , but does affect the cost of conversions.

Look: you pay for advertising according to the CPM model, CPM = 80 rubles. The budget for the campaign is 1000 rubles.

  • With a CTR of 0.15% you will receive 18 clicks for 53 rubles.

*Impressions: 1000 (budget)/80 (CPM)*1000 (CPM is calculated in thousands, and we are looking for the exact number of impressions)=12500 Clicks: 12500 (impressions)*0.15% (CTR)=18 CPC: 1000 (budget )/18(number of clicks)=53 rubles.

  • With a CTR of 0.2%, you will receive 25 clicks for 40 rubles.

VKontakte will indicate the recommended rate for your settings. These values ​​are usually higher than the actual ones: try specifying half of the recommended rate. If your ad doesn't work, gradually increase your bid.

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“VKontakte with Authors” regularly notifies about updates, makes useful articles and talks about the features of working with the algorithms of this social network. This will already help you begin to understand and track something on time.

For example, VKontakte talks about functionality updates in Stories

In addition, there is also “VKontakte for business”, where they talk about grants, discounts on advertising and useful updates.

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