Is personal income tax withheld from material assistance in 2019? Procedure for taxing personal income tax on material assistance
Business format There are two formats for doing business: a mobile van or a regular stall.
Simplified tax system and criteria for its use In order to be able to use it in your activities
What is “cession”? Assignment is the transfer (assignment) of rights to claim debt. Currently the most
What is the UTII-2 application in 2020? The UTII-2 application must be submitted to an individual entrepreneur,
What is the essence of a probationary period and why is it needed? A probationary period is
For the management of any company, the question of what the number of employees should be is always important.
Certificate-report of the cashier-operator and online cash register Primary unified forms for recording trade operations, including
Hello! In this article we will talk about such a concept as an employee’s personal file. Today you
General provisions As one of the grounds sufficient for the employer to complete