Accounting account 44 is... Analytical accounting for account 44
Each enterprise keeps records of its economic activities. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, all operations performed
What are the deadlines for submitting a declaration under the simplified tax system?
Composition of the official calendar of an accountant The official calendar can be used by accountants of all organizations, including
How much do drivers earn at Yandex Taxi?
How to open a taxi: earning money with a personal car, a dispatch service or your own taxi fleet?
How much do you earn in Yandex Taxi 3.1 (62.86%) 7 vote[s] Yandex Taxi gives you almost unlimited possibilities
Open a tire workshop
Business plan “Tire fitting from scratch”: ready-made example with calculations
Approximate data: Monthly income - 177,000 rubles in normal times, 729,600 rubles
Turkey breeding as a business: profitability, where to start
Turkey farming is an increasingly popular type of poultry farming. Birds are in great demand for dietary meat,
How to reduce income tax - legal ways
How to reduce income tax: effective ways to optimize tax
In attempts to optimize taxation, companies sometimes resort to dubious schemes that are well known to the Federal Tax Service.
Production of cellulose insulation as a business
Necessary equipment for the production of ecowool
Ecowool has firmly gained popularity and is a natural insulation material made from ordinary cellulose components.
Journal form KM-4
Rules for maintaining and filling out the cashier's journal - sample filling and form of the KM-4 form
Why is it necessary and who should have a cashier-operator’s book (form KM-4) The cashier-operator’s journal has been approved
How to record contributions for insurance against accidents and occupational diseases (OSNO)
Remunerations received by citizens for work under an employment contract are subject to insurance premiums for injuries. This
When and how to fill out a certificate of supporting documents?
Currency control It should be emphasized that this law does not provide for the submission of a certificate by business entities
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