Business idea: rental of children's electric cars and velomobiles

During the baby boom period, business ideas related to the sale or rental of various goods for children become especially attractive.

If you have a small start-up capital and a desire to open your own business in a similar direction, you can start renting children's electric vehicles .

To succeed in this endeavor, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of such a business.

First, you should take the choice of electric vehicle models seriously.

They must be safe and easy to manage, otherwise parents who paid for the rental service may make claims to the business organizer.

When buying electric cars, you should not skimp on quality. You need to check each model you purchase. It is advisable to purchase several electric vehicles for boys and girls, which will expand the customer base.

The cost of the simplest electric car model is about 5-6 thousand rubles.

Cars with an expanded set of functions can cost much more (10-15 thousand rubles). To start a business you need to purchase at least 5 electric vehicles.

You should also purchase several replacement batteries so as not to waste time recharging your devices.

Advantages and disadvantages of business

Children's entertainment is always in demand. This is the most loyal audience that is easy to attract. It is enough to turn on the sound and flashing lights on the electric car. There will always be a high demand for cars for children: children enjoy riding, and parents rarely refuse them, since the rental cost is quite low.

Pros and cons of renting children's cars

Advantages Flaws
  • Does not require special serious knowledge
  • Minimum investment
  • Low running costs
  • No complex equipment required
  • Suitable for both large and small cities
  • Easy to do business
  • Does not require advertising costs
  • High competition in the field of children's entertainment
  • Seasonality, dependence of profit on weather conditions
  • The need for periodic change of location
  • High competition in places where the target audience is highly concentrated

The idea can be successfully implemented both in a large city and in a small settlement. The main thing is that for each individual location you need to determine your budget, price and range of rentals. For example, in a small town, renting an outlet will cost much less than in a large city. The number of visitors will also vary significantly - this means different profits and different volumes of vehicle fleets. For a rental point in a large city, you will need to purchase more cars, since few people will stand in line and wait for an electric car to become available.

All this must be taken into account at the planning and preparation stage. Therefore, first, study the consumer market and the level of competition. Assess your capabilities, select profitable locations. Develop a detailed financial plan, taking into account children's summer events, holidays, and favorite places to hang out. And be sure to pay attention to the seasonality of rental.

General concept and nuances

The action plan for opening a car rental is as follows:

  • registration of individual entrepreneurs and choice of taxation system;
  • renting a selected location or obtaining a business permit;
  • purchasing electric vehicles for children;
  • rental of cars with payment for a certain number of minutes.

First of all, you should understand that this business is seasonal. Naturally, in the more southern regions of the country you can earn more. Otherwise, the amount of profit depends on several factors:

  • location of the attraction, because it determines the level of passability. It is important to rent in an area where children are present;
  • population size. In towns of up to 100,000 people you should not count on any significant income. The fact is that, as a rule, parents take their child on rides no more than once a month. The best option is a city with more than 300,000 inhabitants;
  • weather conditions. On a cool or rainy day, few parents will take their children to the park;
  • professionalism of employees. Those operators who do not just stand and keep track of time, but talk to children and help them, are visited more often;
  • cost and duration of the ride. Naturally, if you offer a few minutes more for the same 100-150 rubles as other entrepreneurs, you will get a clear advantage;
  • presence of competition. If there are 2-3 car rental points nearby, the profit will be minimal.

Photo: zoosnow/pixabay
Photo: zoosnow/pixabay

Advantages of a business idea:

  • high demand in medium and large cities;
  • minimum investment amounts;
  • short payback period;
  • easy to do business – no special knowledge required;
  • low running costs.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  • dependence on weather and time of year;
  • the need to frequently change location to increase profits.

But all issues can be resolved, and disadvantages can be minimized with proper organization of the matter. It is necessary to study not only the best places in recreation areas and shopping centers, but also the program of summer events and holidays for children, in addition, you should know exactly where competitors are located.

Selecting a location

A children's electric car rental center will only pay for itself if it has a good location. Therefore, choosing a location is the most important issue when opening.

The most profitable children's rental sites are:

  • amusement park;
  • a city park, square or alley where parents and children walk;
  • place in a large courtyard;
  • embankment;
  • point in shopping and children's centers.

The main criterion for selecting a location is the concentration of parents with children. The profit of the business itself depends on the location. Therefore, evaluate in advance all potential rental points, taking into account various factors: a large flow of the target audience, the presence of competitors, the convenience of the location, the ability to rent a storage space nearby, an advantageous neighborhood.

Please note: to make the neighborhood profitable, choose points that sell related goods or services. For example, a cart with ice cream, cotton candy or balloons. Also, new attractions are often placed next to existing ones, with the expectation that such sites will be more visible and therefore attract more visitors.

Once you have assessed all the factors, you can enter into a lease agreement. Solve the storage issue right away. It is much more profitable to place a warehouse on the premises of the lessor. The cost of renting a plot of land or a point in a shopping center depends on the region, but on average starts from 10 thousand rubles.

Financial benefits from an electric vehicle rental service

The profitability of the project becomes obvious after calculating the business plan. When opening a point, the costs will be:

  • purchase of an electric car 4-8 thousand rubles per unit;
  • daily rent 500 rubles;
  • salary of an employee is 1000 rubles.

Result: the purchase of machines and chargers for them will cost 30 thousand rubles, the monthly rental payment will be 15 thousand rubles, the employee’s salary will be 15 thousand rubles. The total cost will be 60 thousand rubles.

The expected daily income from renting one children's mobile will be from 3000-6000 rubles, with a ten-hour working day and a rental price of 100-200 rubles per 10 minutes.

If there are 4 electric vehicles in a children's fleet, the daily profit from using the cars will be 12-24 thousand rubles. From the amount received, the daily rent of 500 rubles, the employee’s salary per shift of 1000 rubles, and the cost of electricity for recharging the batteries of 500 rubles are deducted. After deductions, the net profit is from 10 to 22 thousand rubles.

This shows that in a few days, even when opening a business in Moscow, investments in this project will pay off, and it will be possible to expand the children’s car fleet by buying new models of cars and increasing the range.

What equipment to choose for a rental point

To open a rental, you need to purchase 5-8 children's electric vehicles, which run on 6-12 volt batteries. The battery charge lasts for 30-40 minutes of continuous driving. Therefore, it is important to resolve the issue of recharging batteries. For each machine you need to purchase a replacement battery so that you can use it while the other is charging.

Collect a fleet of cars for different ages. For the little ones - funny, with cartoon characters; for older children – toy copies of adult cars. Children also love automatic horses.

Depending on the age category, the operating principle of electric machines differs. Children 4-6 years old independently drive a car, regulate speed, turn and brake. And cars for ages 1.5-3 years are controlled using a remote control. This is fun not only for kids, who are confident that they control the car themselves, but also for their parents, who are given the remote control. To generate additional income, you can add rental scooters and hoverboards.

Selection of children's cars

When purchasing equipment, carefully read the supplier’s website, make sure there are certificates and warranties for the product, and read reviews. Be sure to check the delivery terms. It is recommended to purchase spare parts immediately to save on shipping costs. Most often, problems arise with gearboxes, wheels and steering axles.

My electric car business

My name is Alexander Chava, I live in Odessa. At 34 years old, I discovered a source of additional income that brings me a monthly income of several thousand dollars. For the third year now I have been renting out electric vehicles for children in city parks and squares.

Children's toys: not only expenses, but also a source of profit

When I turned 31, my wife gave me a gift - she gave birth to a son, and I became a father. Like all parents, we did not deprive our child of toys, but we also spent wisely: we bought what he really needed. I never needed money, because I had been running a small construction company for several years. I had several teams under my command that carried out internal repair work. There were no problems with clients either: they didn’t sit without orders for a long time, and if there were a lot of them, he could go to work himself.

When my son turned two years old, we bought him an electric car as a gift. At that time, they had just begun to go on sale in Ukraine, and cost from $150 to $300, depending on the configuration. We bought our black jeep with a built-in battery and remote control for $200.

My son drove it every weekend, because my wife couldn’t take the car to the park herself - it was heavy. Therefore, when I had a day off, we took the car and went to the park with it. Naturally, the car did not go unnoticed by its peers.

My son drove it every weekend, because my wife couldn’t take the car to the park herself - it was heavy.

But the older the child became, the less interest he had in the car. When my son was four years old, he stopped riding it altogether. So the car sat idle for almost three months, until one day in the park we ran into a neighbor’s boy. He kept wondering where our black jeep was, and why, if Ilya doesn’t ride in it, we don’t take it out so that others can ride. His questions and inquiries seemed childish to me then.

How much money do you need to start?

Starting a business for renting children's electric vehicles will require about 200 thousand rubles. Let's look at the main expense items.

Initial Investment

Expense item Cost, rub.
Paperwork 5 000
Equipment (8 cars) + spare parts + delivery 150 000
First month's rent 15 000
20 000
Other and unforeseen expenses 10 000
Total: 200 000

In addition, it is worth considering monthly expenses. To save money, take on the sales responsibilities. The business technology is very simple, so you can easily handle the work yourself. And when you promote your outlet, you can attract additional staff to work.

Monthly expenses

Expense item Cost, ₽
Equipment repair 10 000
Rent 15 000
Tax 10 000
Wage 25 000
Total: 60 000

The main thing is buying cars

There are several types of cars that children enjoy riding:

  • jeeps;
  • cars;
  • ATVs;
  • motorcycles;
  • racing sports cars.

You can buy cheaper, but less reliable Chinese or Taiwanese cars.
If you want high quality and rare breakdowns, take Italian ones. Additionally, you need to buy replacement batteries and chargers. Table 1. Average prices of electric vehicles of different brands, rubles.

Type Weikesi, China Toyland, China Polesie, Belarus Peg-Perego, Italy
Passenger car 9 890 11 490 20 240
Jeep 18 000 14 250 32 490
Motorbike 3 490 6 350 6 400 24 200
ATV 9 990 17 990 7 855 22 110
Jeep for two 26 000 21 500 37 500

Source: Peg-Perego website, Daughters and Sons online store, Yandex Market

How much can you earn by renting children's electric cars?

The average price for a 15-minute ride in Russia is 150 rubles. During a day in the park, it is possible to ride electric cars with more than 50 children (under normal weather conditions, of course). Based on this, the daily revenue from the rental point will be 5,000-7,000 rubles. At the end of 22 working days, you will be able to earn about 130,000 rubles. From this amount we subtract expenses and get a net profit of 70 thousand rubles.

These are averages. You need to understand that on ordinary days the flow will be lower, on weekends the level of attendance will increase, and during public holiday celebrations it can increase several times. Return on sales will be 54%. And the initial investment at this level of profit will pay off in 3 months.

Financial calculations

Investments at the start

Business investments:

  • registration of entrepreneurial activity – 800 rubles;
  • purchase of equipment – ​​90,000 rubles (6 cars, 15,000 rubles each);
  • rent (advance payment) – 10,000 rubles.

Result: 100,800 rubles.

Current expenses

Monthly expenses:

  • repair of electric vehicles – 10,000 rubles;
  • operator’s salary – 18,000 rubles;
  • rent – ​​10,000 rubles.

Result: 28,000 rubles.

Income and profit calculation

The cost of a 15-minute ride is 150 rubles. The number of children per day riding on the car is 25 people. Profit – 3,750 rubles per day.

The number of warm and clear days in the summer month is 20, hence the monthly profit will be 75,000 rubles.

Taking away mandatory expenses and taxes, the net profit will be 44,000 rubles.

Estimation of profitability and payback period of the project


Payback period 2 months.

An entrepreneur buys electric cars at a price of 90,000 rubles. In May-June he returns the invested funds, and for the remaining 2.5 months he works with a profit of 44,000 rubles per month and more, depending on the demand for the attraction. As a result, the businessman earns 110,000 rubles per season, plus he still has equipment for the next year.

Seasonal business is good because it involves minimal investments with maximum earnings. Renting children's electric vehicles will pay for itself in record time, and in the future for the next year - work without investments with the possibility of expanding the fleet and increasing profits.


To run such a business, two people are enough to work in shifts. In the first stages, you can cope alone, but then it is advisable to hire an assistant. Personal participation in the work will not only save money, but will also allow you to track your average revenue.

The main requirement for a seller is friendliness and activity. No special knowledge or skills are needed. The seller’s functionality is very simple: issue a car, monitor the order and serviceability of the equipment, charge a fee for the service. A big plus will be the initiative of the seller, who will attract the attention of children and adults.

Selecting equipment, hiring personnel

The main equipment used is children's electric cars. The cost of one high-quality model that will last more than one season is about 30,000 rubles. For uninterrupted rental operation, you should purchase at least 5 cars and about 5 replacement batteries for each of them. A secondary criterion for choosing cars is their model range. It is worth purchasing those cars that copy well-known brands in their appearance.

It is also necessary to purchase personal protective equipment for children: helmets, protective gloves. This carries not only a protective function, but also a greater sense of the reality of what is happening for the child, which allows him to apply for the service repeatedly.

To mark the track and build special tracks, you need to purchase cones, marking elements, and obstacles. This will get customers interested in competing rather than aimlessly driving around the track. In addition, when servicing several clients simultaneously, you can hold races with special winnings.

Two sales staff should be hired to staff electric vehicles, working in shifts. There are no special requirements for employees, except for certain personal qualities and the ability to work with children. The salary of each employee is 15,000 rubles.

How to advertise children's rentals

Children's attractions are their own advertisement. It works something like this: a child sees a flashing car or another child riding such an electric car - and shows interest. Therefore, there is no need to come up with a complex marketing strategy for rental. The main factor here is the favorable location, which ensures a flow of visitors.

How to attract attention to children's rentals:

  • Hand out flyers at the entrance to the park or at the nearest metro station;
  • Hire a “barker” who will walk around the park with a loudspeaker and invite you to the attraction;
  • If sales aren't going well, let kids ride for free. After all, a child skating is already an advertisement;
  • Increase the attractiveness of your rental point by selling additional products: balloons, ice cream, cotton candy, lollipops, etc. The costs for this will be minimal, but the profit can increase significantly.
  • Announce a promotion: for example, a second race as a gift.
  • On weekdays, when the flow of people is less, give your children pleasant little things (candies, balloons, etc.);
  • Team up with a local attraction with a similar target audience and run a promotion together. For example, invite your neighborhood ice cream stand to give out coupons for 5 minutes of free electric car rental. And those who come with a free coupon are unlikely to be limited to a 5-minute ride. There is a good chance that parents will pay for the extra time.

It is better to carry out such promotions at the start or during low sales. All these methods are quite inexpensive, but effective.

We buy electric cars

Let's assume that you managed to find the premises. The next step is purchasing electric vehicles. Here you should take into account the preferences of your potential clients – children. Of course, boys will prefer “severe” SUVs (just like dad’s!), army jeeps, or racing models. And for girls, convertibles and sports coupes are suitable - bright and colorful cars.

Therefore, it is better to purchase both electric cars. Today's price for such equipment ranges from 6 to 20 thousand rubles. Based on the experience of familiar owners of such an attraction, we can say that the best option is the average price, in the amount of 12-14 thousand rubles. Be sure to purchase electric cars from famous brands such as Bentley, Mercedes, Ferrari, etc. Conditionally, of course. After all, real auto giants, unfortunately, do not produce children's models of their cars.

In addition, you will have to buy several spare batteries for each model so as not to waste time on recharging. And be sure to remember about protection. After all, children are children, and there will definitely be falls and collisions. This means you can’t do without bruises, abrasions, and contusions. From which, however, helmets, elbow pads, and knee pads can protect.

Another expense column will be the attraction of a cashier to the business who will sell electric vehicle rental services. In addition, from time to time you will have to call in an “outside” technician who services the entire “electric fleet”.

How to make money from a seasonal business all year round

Children's electric car rental is a prominent representative of the seasonal business. Firstly, profit depends on weather conditions. Secondly, the operating period of the open area is limited and is possible only in the warm months. Typically, children's attractions appear in the parks at the end of April and wind down their activities at the end of September. And in some regions, climatic conditions do not allow even this. What to do?

There are two options for earning money during the season:

  • At the end of the season, change the assortment and start renting sleds and ice skates. Thanks to business mobility, you can change your location to a more profitable one. A suitable option is a popular park, where parents and children walk even in winter.
  • Open a rental in a large shopping and entertainment complex, children's center, etc. This way you will solve two problems at once: with seasonality and storage of cars. For an outdoor location, you will need to find storage space. A garage with an area of ​​15-18 sq.m., located near the rental point, is suitable. The rental cost will be 5 thousand rubles per month.

Let's calculate finances

Since car rental does not require large sums, it is better not to take out a loan, but rely on your own funds.

Initial Investment

Start-up costs consist of three parts:

  • registration of individual entrepreneurs;
  • renting a room or place or obtaining permission from the mayor's office;
  • purchase of electric vehicles;
  • advertising.

To begin with, it is enough to purchase 6-8 cars made in China or Belarus.
Table 2. Equipment costs, rub.

Type Price Quantity, pcs. Sum
Jeep for one 14 250 2 28 500
for two 21 500 1 21 500
Sedan 9 890 2 19 780
Motorbike 6 350 1 6 350
ATV 7 855 1 7 855
Additional batteries 1 000 7 7 000
Charging device 1 000 7 7 000
Operator table and chairs 2 000 1 2 000
Total: 99 985

The rental price depends on the number of residents.
In Moscow it will cost an average of 20,000-25,000 rubles/month. In small cities it will not exceed 10,000 rubles. Table 3. Initial investments, rub.

Cost item Sum
Individual entrepreneur registration 800
Purchase of machines and equipment 99 985
Rent 15 000
12 100
Total: 127 885

Current expenses

Monthly expenses include wages for operators (you will need two of them). According to job search sites such as Jobfilter and HeadHunter, the most common offer is 500 rubles. per day + 15% of revenue. In addition, they must pay contributions to social funds.

The standard percentage allocated for equipment repairs is 2% of revenue, but given that these are children, let’s take 5%.

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