Notification of commencement of business activities (NPD)

In what cases is it necessary to submit a notice of commencement of business activity? Many areas of activity in which small businesses are engaged are under additional control of government agencies. This refers to non-tax supervisory services, such as Rospotrebnadzor, Roszdravnadzor, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Rostransnadzor and others...

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If you are planning to register an individual entrepreneur or have just done so, then you may need to submit a notice of commencement of activity. We'll tell you how to do this and what areas of business fall under such control.

Who submits the NAP notification?

Until 2008, authorities issued decisions on registering business activities. However, the adopted federal law No. 294, which protects the interests of business, abolished the mandatory obtaining of a permit. Instead of an agreement, it is now required to send a notification of the start of business activities to federal services. Rospotrebnadzor is considered one of the main ones, protecting consumer rights and promoting the well-being of the country's population.

A citizen sends an application to start an activity to Rospotrebnadzor before starting to provide services to the population and receive income from doing business.

The individual entrepreneur sends notification of the start of activities in the following areas:

  • catering;
  • production of milk and dairy products;
  • manufacturing of textile goods and footwear, tailoring;
  • retail;
  • production of bakery and/or confectionery products;
  • tourism;
  • production of materials for packaging goods;
  • consumer services for city residents;
  • services related to data processing;
  • printing.

All forms of activity can be found in Decree of the authorities of the Russian Federation No. 584 of July 16, 2009. Timely notification of the start of activity does not relieve responsibility for compliance with established laws and regulations. Therefore, if an entrepreneur is promoting several business ideas at once, then it is necessary to report this to all recommended regulatory services.

The individual entrepreneur sends a notification about the start of business activities if the services provided are included in the legal act. If the code is contained in the list of resolutions, but business is not conducted in this area, then registration with Rospotrebnadzor is not required.

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Samples of filling out notification forms for the commencement of certain types of business activities


___________________________________________________________________ (mark of registration of the notification with the authorized body) To the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the Moscow Region

dated January 20, 2011

_Individual entrepreneur Kucherenko Vasily Sergeevich, individual entrepreneur Kucherenko V.S. ,

TIN 772437351491 __

indicate the full and abbreviated name, including the corporate name (if any), the organizational and legal form of the legal entity, surname, first name, patronymic of an individual entrepreneur, taxpayer identification number (TIN)

___142504, Pavlovsky Posad, st. Chkalova, 17 ____________________

(postal addresses of the location of the legal entity, including its branches and representative offices, places of actual implementation of the declared type (types) of activity, places of actual implementation of the declared type (types) of activity of an individual entrepreneur are indicated)
in accordance with Article 8 of the Federal Law “On the Protection of Rights legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control" notifies of the start of the following type(s) of business activity :
OKVED 52.62 - retail trade in tents and markets

(the type(s) of activity and the work (services) performed as part of it are indicated according to the list of works and services ________________________________________________________________________________ as part of certain types of business activities, about the beginning of which ________________________________________________________________________________ a legal entity or individual entrepreneur submits a notification) from January 21, 2011.
and confirms the compliance of territories, buildings, premises, structures, equipment, other similar objects, vehicles intended for use in the process of carrying out the declared activities, personnel, and other conditions for carrying out business activities with mandatory requirements. Individual entrepreneur _______________________ _____V.S.
Kucherenko_ (name of position (signature of the head (initials, surname of the head of the head of a legal legal entity) of a legal entity, person, person representing a person, representing an individual entrepreneur interests of a legal entity interests of a legal entity, individual person, individual entrepreneur) entrepreneur) M.P. SAMPLE

___________________________________________________________________ (mark of registration of the notification with the authorized body) To the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the Moscow Region

dated February 15, 2011.

_Limited Liability Company "Rus", LLC "Rus", _TIN 5038011829____

(full and abbreviated names are indicated, including company names (if available),

name, organizational and legal form of the legal entity, taxpayer identification number (TIN)

_ 141255, Moscow region, Pushkinsky district, Eldigino village, 11

(postal addresses of the location of the legal entity, including its branches and representative offices are indicated)

__141255, Moscow region, Pushkinsky district, Pushkino, st. Mukhina, 68___________

(addresses of places of actual implementation of the declared type (types) of activity are indicated)
in accordance with Article 8 of the Federal Law “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control” notifies about the beginning of the implementation of the following type (types) of entrepreneurial activity activities :
__________OKUN 019300 – hairdressing services_________

(indicate the type(s) of activity and the work performed within it


(services) according to the list of works and services as part of individual types


entrepreneurial activity, the commencement of which


a legal entity submits a notification)

from February 21, 2011
and confirms the compliance of territories, buildings, premises, structures, equipment, other similar objects, vehicles intended for use in the implementation of the declared activities, personnel, and other conditions for carrying out business activities with mandatory requirements. General Director of Rus LLC _______________________ _____A.S.
Yarovoy_ (name of position (signature of the head (initials, surname of the head of the head of the legal entity) legal entity) person, person representing the person representing the interests of the legal entity) person) M.P. Notification can be submitted:

1. electronically through the public services portal (pre-registration on the portal is required)

2. personally to the Rospotrebnadzor department from the head of a legal entity, individual entrepreneur or an authorized representative by power of attorney

3. by registered mail with a list of the contents and receipt of receipt (in this case, the date of submission of the notification is the date of its dispatch)

Please note: the notice must be submitted in two copies

The most common mistakes made are:

— the date of commencement of activity precedes the date of submission of the notification, which is a violation of paragraph 5 of Art. 8 of the Federal Law of December 26, 2008 No. 294-FZ “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control”;

— the corresponding OKUN/OKVED codes of the declared types of activities (services) are not indicated in accordance with the “List of works and services as part of certain types of business activities, the beginning of which notification is provided,” approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 16, 2009 No. 584;

— all postal addresses of places of actual activity for specialized and non-specialized trade objects are not indicated;

— the applicant’s signature is missing;

— corrections made to the notification form are not properly certified.

Be careful when filling out the notification.

Please note that Clause 8 of the “Rules for the submission of notifications about the commencement of certain types of business activities and the recording of these notifications”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2009 N 584, has lost its force. In this regard, the need to submit :

a) copies of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;

b) copies of the certificate of registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur with the tax authorities.

Also, checking the correctness of filling out the notification template for the commencement of certain types of business activities in electronic form can be done at Upon receipt of a letter from the territorial body of Rospotrebnadzor about the absence of comments on the design of the template, the notification can be printed and sent to Rospotrebnadzor to obtain a registration number and enter it into the register of notifications. If the template is filled out incorrectly, the applicant will be informed of the need to make appropriate amendments.

Failure to provide notice of the commencement of business activities provides for bringing legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to administrative liability under Article 19.7.5-1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (punishment in the form of an administrative fine for officials and individual entrepreneurs in the amount of 3 to 5 thousand rubles ; for legal entities - from 10 to 20 thousand rubles), providing a notification containing false information also provides for bringing legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to administrative liability under Article 19.7.5-1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (for officials and individual entrepreneurs in the amount of 5 to 10 thousand rubles; for legal entities - from 20 to 30 thousand rubles).

Postal addresses for sending notifications by registered mail with a list of attachments and return receipt requested:

Department of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare for the Moscow Region

141014, Moscow region, Mytishchi, st. Semashko, 2

Department of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare for the City of Moscow

129626, Moscow, Grafsky lane, 4/9

After submitting the notification, you can find your company in the register:

Moscow region


All regions

To which services are documents submitted?

It is necessary to send a notice of the start of business activity to the following executive bodies:

  1. If services are provided for the transportation of goods, passengers, luggage - Rospotrebnadzor.
  2. When a businessman provides hotel, tourism, personal services, or public catering, he is required to send a notification to Rospotrebnadzor about the start of activities.
  3. The individual entrepreneur produces technical products for firefighters, then the application is submitted to the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  4. Entrepreneurs engaged in the production of measuring instruments and low-voltage devices send a notification of the start of their activities to Rosstandart.
  5. If services are provided for the development and use of fire-explosive and chemically hazardous objects, then Rostechnadzor should be informed.
  6. If a citizen provides social services to the population, then it is necessary to send a notification about the start of business activity to Rostrud.
  7. When a businessman is engaged in the production of animal feed, it is necessary to report his work to Rosselkhoznadzor.


A citizen is obliged to comply with the requirements of the law, otherwise there will be administrative liability:

from 3 to 5 thousand rublesfor entrepreneurs
from 10 to 20 thousand rublesfor legal entities

Citizens are obliged not only to provide documents on time, but also to check the specified data. Administrative liability is also provided for providing false information. The fine increases several times depending on the region and starts from 10 thousand rubles.

Entrepreneurs are required to notify Rospotrebnadzor on time about the start of activities. The procedure is simple and quick if you follow the letter of the law and fulfill all obligations.

The tax authority can check an entrepreneur at any time, so it will not be possible to avoid administrative punishment.

What are the deadlines for filing a notice?

Rospotrebnadzor does not indicate a strict deadline as such. In accordance with the law, the notice period for the start of business activities is the period between the state registration of the enterprise and the immediate start of the provision of services and work.

The procedure for submitting documents is regulated in detail by Law No. 294-FZ, according to paragraph 2 of which almost all types of commercial activities are required to comply with these requirements (hotel and restaurant business, wholesale and retail trade, household and transport services, and much more).

For failure to comply with the requirements of the law, administrative liability is provided: a fine for individual entrepreneurs - from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles, for legal entities - from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. It is important not only to maintain order and provide information before starting business, but also to provide reliable, documented information. The amount of the fine increases significantly if the document contains unreliable or untrue information.

Notification form and filling details

At its core, a notification is an information document through which a business entity notifies control authorities about the start of work in a registered type of activity, and also clarifies, indicating the OKVED code, for which specific type of work or service the activity has begun.

The notification is submitted on a standardized form. The standard form of notification of the start of business activity was approved by Resolution No. 584 of July 16, 2009 (Appendix No. 2).

Completing the Notification has some features. For example: if, when registering an enterprise or a future business entity, indicated the codes of wholesale and retail trade, but in one of these areas of activity, for some reason , will not carry out economic activities for some time, then the OKVED code must be indicated in the Notification only for the type of activity for which the subject is actually ready to begin real work. For other types of work, the Notification is submitted additionally.

Failure to provide a Notice of Commencement of Operations, entering false data and errors in filling out the document are fraught with liability for a business entity within the limits of Article 19.7.5-1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, therefore state control authorities recommend using when filling out samples published on official websites, for example, ]]>Rospotrebnadzor ]]> or use the forms posted on the portal ]]>State Services]]>.

NAP notification structure

The NPD notification is drawn up in the approved form and includes:

  • Information about the founder (full name, postal and actual addresses), name of the organization, type of its activity;
  • Information about TIN and OGRN, supported by copies of documents;
  • Information about all types of activities of the organization.

In fact, the notification is a written confirmation that the production and work process at the enterprise fully complies with the mandatory requirements, duly established by law.

Order notification

Which authority must be notified of the commencement of activities?

Depending on the type of activity, the notification must be submitted to different departments. For clarification, go to the article “Licenses and notifications: when this cannot be avoided” - in the List (will open in a separate window) we indicated the supervisory authority for each type of activity.

Rospotrebnadzor is the main body on this topic. It should be noted that for some territories its functions can be performed by the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA). The list of such territories was approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 21, 2006 N 1156-r. Most of these territories belong to closed administrative-territorial entities.

How to fill out the NAP form?

The application for starting a business activity has a single form for all businessmen. Only reliable and up-to-date information is included in the notice of commencement of activity:

  1. The full name of the control service to which the businessman sends a notification about the start of activities.
  2. Full date and year of application.
  3. Full name, tax identification number, and state registration number of the entrepreneur.
  4. The address where goods and services are provided.
  5. All types of work and services that will be provided by a businessman.
  6. Classifier code for services to the population and type of activity.
  7. The date, month and year from which services and goods will be provided to the population.

The notification form about the start of business activity is signed personally by the citizen opening the business, or by a representative who has a power of attorney certified by a notary. At the end, the applicant’s full name is written, a signature is placed and, if available, a seal.

Procedure for submitting an NAP notification to Rospotrebnadzor

Individual entrepreneurs or legal entities must follow a certain procedure when submitting an NAP notification:

  • Prepare two completed copies of the NAP notification
  • Attach a copy of the OGRN to the written application.
  • Attach a copy of the TIN of a legal entity LLC or individual entrepreneur individual entrepreneur.

Hand over the prepared documents personally or send by mail to the relevant authorities.

Notification of starting a business activity: regulatory rules of law

The obligation to notify state control bodies about the start of certain types of activities is enshrined at the legislative level in paragraph 1 of Art. 8 of Law No. 294-FZ of December 26, 2008 (as amended on August 3, 2018). However, the need to provide this information to state control authorities does not apply to all business entities. Clause 2 art. 8 of the same law, the legislator establishes types of activities for which notification of the start of business activity is a mandatory norm.

Another regulatory normative act is “List of works and services as part of types of business activities...”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 584 of July 16, 2009 (Appendix No. 1). Its provisions are more specific, indicating OKVED codes, and define the work and services that are included in the types of activities listed in paragraph 2 of Art. 8 of the above law, as well as to which authorized bodies the notification should be sent.

Can they refuse to accept documents?

The citizen sent a notification about the start of business activities, but the documents were returned to him. Why is this happening? The following situations are distinguished:

  1. If the applicant has provided a notice of commencement of activity that does not meet the established requirements. Submitted documents are carefully checked by service specialists, and if there are inconsistencies with current standards, the entrepreneur receives a letter of refusal. Errors and correction methods are indicated here. You can submit an application an unlimited number of times.
  2. If a citizen sends a notification about the start of business activities to a branch of Rospotrebnadzor, which is located in another subject of the country. If the applicant moves the main branch to another region or city of the country, then he is obliged to inform the regulatory services about this. For inaccurate data, the entrepreneur faces a fine.

What data changes must be reported?

The individual entrepreneur must send a notification to Rospotrebnadzor about changes in the following information:

  • change of location of the company and/or actual conduct of business;
  • change of place of residence of a businessman;
  • on the reorganization of a legal entity.

Updated data is provided to the controlling organization within 10 days after the changes. The application is filled out in any form and supplemented with copies of documents that confirm the amendments to the notice of commencement of activity.

Procedure for notifying Rospotrebnadzor

To notify the supervisory authority about the start of business operation, it is necessary to draw up an application form in 2 copies for the supervisory authority and submit it in one of the following ways:

  • during a personal visit;
  • via mail - draw up a registered letter, attaching an inventory of the contents and a notification of receipt;
  • with the help of Multifunctional Centers (MFC);
  • by sending an application certified with an electronic digital signature (EDS) on the State Services Portal. It is important to note that not all Portal users have the opportunity to confirm the authenticity of digital signature documents. It is possible to create a simple signature form through your personal account, but with its help you can only view documents. Applications must be certified with a qualified digital signature, which is issued by authorized organizations on removable media.

In addition to the application form, you must provide the following documents to Rospotrebnadzor: copies of TIN certificates, on state registration as an individual entrepreneur. The received application is registered by department employees (with the date and serial number). On the date of acceptance, the second copy is returned to the entrepreneur. If an electronic appeal was sent, the individual entrepreneur will receive a message confirming receipt on the same day. In addition to the initial notification of the commencement of activities, the individual entrepreneur is obliged to report changes in the notification of the commencement of activities to the supervisory authority, for example, when changing the address (actual or legal). Information is provided no later than 10 days from the date of changes (with supporting documents attached).

If the information is not available to the authorized body by the time the business starts operating, this is a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation, and the entrepreneur will bear administrative liability. The punishment will be sanctions: a fine from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles. Beginning entrepreneurs need to remember the importance of registration with other government bodies: the Pension Fund of Russia, the Social Insurance Fund, and statistical authorities.

The entrepreneur is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided. If it is proven that the information is unreliable, a fine of 5,000 - 10,000 rubles is imposed on the individual entrepreneur. If, after sanctions, correct information is also submitted in violation of the established deadlines, the fine will be 500 rubles.

Why apply?

What awaits an organization that does not submit or does not send a notification from Rospotrebnadzor about the start of business activities within the specified time frame? If a citizen runs his own business, but has not sent a notification about the start of activity to the regulatory services, then he will face legal liability for this. The penalty is a fine of 3-5 thousand rubles. Citizens should not forget about registering a business with other federal services.

A citizen running his own business is also responsible for the accuracy and relevance of information when sending an application. If it turns out that the information in the notification about the start of business activity does not correspond to reality, then the entrepreneur will be fined in the amount of 5-10 thousand rubles.

If violations are detected again, the company will face a more significant fine.

Professional execution of notification of starting a business activity

Our company’s specialists have many years of experience in legally competent execution of various documentation submitted to the Rospotrebnadzor Office and other control bodies of the Russian Federation.

We also offer assistance in promptly completing and submitting notifications. Our qualified employees will professionally draw up a notice and monitor the procedure for registering client documentation.

Find out the cost of issuing a notification in our company by phone

If you have any questions, our experienced specialists will always answer them by phone

Notification of the start of business activities


You can find out the exact cost by calling: 8(495)181-42-48

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